The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)

91. Darren's visit

91. Darren's visit

I collapse on the bed completely tired.

“You okay?” Sebastian asks, bending to kiss my cheek.

We arrived an hour ago. We had to leave really early because Sebastian had a meeting with some of

the Alphas at nine in the morning. So we left the East coast side pack before dawn.

The kids were sleepy so I had to tuck them in and make sure they were settled before I could also


“Just a bit worn out” I tell him. “Maybe a little sleep will fix it”

He looks at me worried. It’s no secret that I haven’t been sleeping well. The nightmares have gotten


Thrice now I have woken with wounds that manifested from my dreams. It’s getting hard to fall asleep

because I am always afraid that I will wake up from a nightmare.

Sebastian has tried everything. The sex is good and it tires me out but I only get an hour or two of

peaceful sleep before I am up again from another nightmare.

“Maybe we should look into getting you help” Bash begins. His brows furrowed. “I don’t like the fucking

fact that my mate keeps waking up drenched in her own sweat and completely fucking terrified. I hate it

more that you’re not getting enough sleep and you’re always tired every fucking time”

I feel his frustrations and his fear for me. It touches that small part of my heart that I thought I had

closed off.

Every day I feel the walls I build around my heart breaking. I feel something potent for him. Something I

am afraid of naming or even acknowledging.

I stand up from the bed and stand in front of him. Wrapping my hands around his shoulders. I draw his

head down for a kiss.

“I’ll be okay, don’t worry…Maybe this has something to do with what Sylvia told me” I mumble against

his lips.

He sighs. He also doesn’t look convinced.

“I’m in need of a shower… Do you mind joining me?” I ask him. Changing the topic.

He looks at me skeptically but joins me nonetheless.

Almost an hour later, I am clean, completely satisfied and sleepy. I watch with half closed eyes as

Sebastian gets ready. He doesn’t take long and soon he is done. He gives me one of his scorching

kisses before leaving, after which I fall asleep immediately.


“Lauren, wake up…you have a visitor” I hear a distant voice call me.

I decide to ignore it and go back to sleep. I was getting comfortable when someone shakes me. I groan

in irritation. I just wanted to fucking sleep. Was that too hard to understand?

“Luna, wake up” the voice insists.

“Please just go away…Let me sleep”

I hear a sigh. “But you have a visitor Lauren, he refuse to go until he talks to you”

That captures my attention. I wondered who he was.

Waking up, I find Monica seated on the bed next to me. I push the hair out of my hair before speaking.

“Who is he and what does he want?” I ask getting out of bed.

I change from my night dress and into a tank and sweats as Monica fills me in.

“It’s Darren…I don’t know what he wants because he refused to tell me. He just said he wasn’t leaving

until he speaks to you. He’s down stairs with Krystal and Jax.”

Hmm. Why would Darren be here? And why did the guards allow him in. I swear if I was woken up just

for him to cause me trouble I was going to end him.

“The kids are already up? Why didn’t you wake me up” I check my phone and realize it’s almost one


“Alpha Sebastian left instructions that no one should disturb you and that we should let you sleep” she


I smile at that because it was just so sweet of him. His care sometimes still blows my mind.

“Okay then…I’ll go see what he wants”

Leaving the room, I get downstairs in seconds.

Darren was on the floor playing with Krystal and Jax like they were little kids. They all had smiles on

their faces and I just had to pause to take in the picture.

He looked better than he did last time I saw him. He seemed healthy and sober. There were no more

dark shadows under his eyes. He also looked well-kept instead of the shabbily dressed person I was

used to.

He stands up and our eyes connect. He gives me a small smile. It’s at that time. Looking at him. At the

man I remembered, I realize I no longer love him.

I try looking for the love I had buried. The one that had been drowned in pain betrayal, but it isn’t there.

The shocking revelation makes me stumble back as if I have been hit.

“Lauren” his voice brings me back from my thoughts.

“Krystal, Jax…could you excuse us please” I request.

They nod their heads before getting up and heading to the back door. Darren gets up and motions for

me to sit.

“So what brings you here?” I ask, getting straight to the point.

“Are you okay? I was told you found your biological parents” he asks instead of answering.

I am not surprised that he knows. After all Brent is his Beta.

“I’m good. I can’t honestly complain…I have an awesome family” I replied.

And I did have a good family. We bonded with Luke within a day of spending time with just me, him and

Lilly. He was truly an amazing brother.

My parents will be visiting soon and I am dying to know them even more. I have great grandparents

and an even greater uncle. Like I said, I couldn’t complain.

The DNA results came a day after the execution of Valery. Our suspicions were right. Claire was John’s

and Olivia’s parents. They had been ecstatic and so was Layla. We met Layla’s mate who was Luke's

beta and he was nice. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Claire did bonding of her own with her family. Despite the taint that was Valery. Everything had been

great and we were welcomed warmly by the pack. Everyone was happy that the former Alpha and Beta

had finally found their long lost daughters.

“I’m glad Ren…You, more than anyone deserve everything good” he gives me a small smile.

Things were a bit awkward between us but that was to be expected.

“So what did you want to talk to me about?” I ask again.

“This” he picks a file I hadn’t noticed from the chair and hands it to me.

I take a look at it before my eyes snap back to him in shock and surprise.

“When you left you gave me full custody of Krys. Things right now are different so I thought it would be

good if we had shared custody instead. I’ve cleaned up my act and I’m getting the help I need so you

don’t have to worry. We can discuss later how we will go about sharing the custody but for now this had

to be done first”

Wow. Just wow. I didn’t expect this of him. Of all the things that I thought would happen this wasn’t

among them.

“Thank you Darren” it’s the only thing I can say.

He nods his head and stands up. About to leave but then he stops in his tracks and turns to look at me.

“I’m really sorry for everything I have done and put you through. Could you ever forgive me?” he asks

almost timidly.

“I already forgave you. I don’t have any grudge against you” I reply with honesty.

“Could you ever love me again?”

The question takes me by surprise. I smile at him with kindness.

“No, that love is dead and gone…But we could always stay friends”

He releases a breath. His mind seeming to be far away.

“I had you and I lost you all because of my stupidity. Apart from Krystal, you’re the best thing that has

ever happened to me and I screwed that up. I have no one to blame except for me. Should have seen

and appreciated what I had instead I decided to chase a fantasy. You’re a great woman and I did love

you, still love you…I only realized that when it was already too late” he says before continuing.

“I’ll respect your decision…if friendship is all that you can offer then that’s what I’ll take” he finishes.

There wasn’t any of the familiar pain I was used to. Or anger or bitterness. I was truly happy not just for

me but for him because he’s finally pulling his head out of his ass.

“You’re a great man too Darren. You lost yourself for a moment there, but I am glad that you’re finally

getting back on track. I’m proud of you for taking the steps to getting better. You will find love again but

promise me you’ll cherish it and hold on to it”

“I promise” he vows. “See you around Ren” he says with a smile.


He leaves after saying goodbye to the kids. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulder. I feel

lighter and free. I know deep down everything is going to be okay.


It was much later after we had taken our lunch and I was in the bedroom reading. When I felt a sharp

pain cut through my head.

My vision became unfocused and everything around me faded.

“It’s almost time, my child. Be ready. Be prepared. What you’ll face isn’t going to be easy but I will be

with you as I have always been” A magical voice said.

I didn’t have to be told who the voice belonged to. Somehow I just knew it. Recognized it.

The moon goddess had just reached out and what she said brought fear because I have a feeling

whatever is going to happen will ruin the progress I have managed to make.

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