The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)

52. Go change.

52. Go change.

“Mommy, can I talk to you?” Krystal asks just as I was getting ready for my supposed date with


I decided to go not because I wanted him. Or wanted to spend time with him. It was just so I could

frustrate the hell out of him. He wanted me to fall at his feet. That will be a cold day in hell if it were to

ever happen.

“Sure, what is it?”

My relationship with Krystal has been strained since I came back. I don’t have a problem with Jax and

I’ve hung out with him a couple of times, but I had to put a stop to that. I saw how it was hurting Krystal

and ruining her relationship with her step brother.

“I’m sorry mama” she says in a small voice. Tears filling her eyes.

My heart breaks each time I see her cry. Each tear stabbing at my soul. I am not even angry at her

anymore. Mainly I am just hurt and in pain. She has caused me so much heartache. That she would

even believe her own mother is a killer broke my heart.

“Come here” I tell her, opening my arms to her.

She comes quickly, crashing into me. Sobbing her heart out. I could hate and be bitter at Sebastian, but This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I couldn’t remain angry at Krystal. She was my daughter.

“I’m so sorry mama. I didn’t mean to get you into trouble”

I sigh. Rubbing her back in comfort. “I know, baby. What you did wasn’t right and it hurt me a lot Krys. It

caused a lot of damage. It broke my heart that you would think of me that way. But it’s okay. Everything

will be fine. It may take some time but everything will work out”

I had forgiven her but I also felt the need to tell her that her actions pained me. That what she did

wasn’t right.

“Next time something like this happens I want you to think well before taking any actions, okay?

Remember that what you say or do can either help someone or hurt them, and you don’t want to hurt

someone innocent, do you?” I ask her softly.

Being a parent isn’t easy, especially when you have to discipline and give your child life lessons. It

doesn’t come with a damn manual and most of the time you don’t even know what you’re doing. But

either way I want her to turn into a decent werewolf and most importantly I want her to be a great

Oracle. One who helps people and not the one who messes up shit.

“No, mommy” she nods her head vigorously. “Does that mean you have forgiven me?” she adds.

“Yeah. I guess it does”

She screams in happiness. Jumping up and down in my arms.

“Okay, cool down the excitement. I have to get ready…will you be okay?”

I look at her and she looks so innocent. Full of life now. Not the zombie she has been these last couple

of days.

“Yes. I’ll go and tell Jax about it. He told me to tell you sorry because I was so sad and I didn’t know

what to do. I was afraid you didn’t love me anymore”

Once again, Jax surprised me with his maturity. It’s hard to believe that he is only ten years old. I make

a mental note to take them out for ice cream or something on the weekend.

“I will always love you sweetie, no matter what and don’t you ever forget that” I tell her, giving her one

more hug.

“I love you too mommy. Always and forever”

We hug for a minute before letting each other go. After she kisses me on the cheek, she leaves saying

she was going to tell Jax the good news.

I get back to getting ready. I don’t do much with myself. Mainly because I didn’t feel like putting myself

together. After I am done I walk down stairs with a few minutes to spare and find Sebastian already

waiting for me.

He turns his head and that’s when his face hardens.

“What the hell are you wearing?” he booms.

I smirk satisfied with his reaction. See I know Sebastian is the wine and dine type of person. The type

of man that takes women to fancy ass restaurants that either need you to book two weeks in advance

or have a VIP black card.

So of course he expected me to go all out with my look. A sexy dress, heels and diamond accessories.

This is proved true when he himself has worn a black fitting suit.

“I’m wearing clothes” I reply sassily.

I wasn’t in anything sexy. Just a pair of jeans, a long sleeved button down shirt and a pair of flat shoes.

I had minimum make up and my red mane was in a ponytail. In other words I was dressed for comfort,

not for a date.

“Seriously Red?”

“Yes. You told me to get ready, and I am ready”

“I told you I was taking you out” he grits through his clenched jaw. “I expected you to wear something


“This is something nice, and it’s also something I can go out with” I reply back with the same amount of


“Go change” he commands.

“Not gonna happen Alpha mate”

“I’m fucking serious. Go change or I won’t be taking you anywhere tonight”

If he honestly thought that, that threat would work, then he had another thing coming.

I snicker and shrug my shoulders. “Fine by me. I didn’t even want to go out with you in the first place.

Now I can go back to my room and watch movies while stuffing my belly with unhealthy foods”

I start to turn around when his voice stops me.

“Don’t you fucking move from there” he snaps.

I don’t know why I listened to him, but for some reason I stop. I watch him as he stomps up the stairs

muttering obscenities under his breath. Saying how I was a pain in the ass.

I collapse laughing after he disappears, happy that my plan to annoy him worked. I don’t know why he

told me not to move but I am sure that he was going to cancel the whole thing.

Bearing that in mind I walk to the kitchen and start making popcorn for my movie night. They were just

about ready when I smelt him behind me.

“I told you not to move” he says in annoyance.

“You honestly didn’t expect me to…” I turn around and I am shocked. “Why are you wearing that?” I ask

in panic.

He had changed into jeans and a black v-neck shirt that molded into his skin. You could see every

ridge through the shirt and trust me when I say there was a lot to see.

“You didn’t expect me to cancel our date did you?” he asks, playing innocent with a smirk on his lips.

I start to hyperventilate because I actually did expect him to cancel the stupid date. I thought my plan

was going to work very well. It would annoy him and at the same time cause him to cancel the plans he

had for the night.

It was even working when he got angry that I wasn’t dolled up. But now he has just pulled the rug right

from under me. What the hell was I supposed to do now? I try to think of something. Something to get

me out of what I knew was going to be a natural disaster.

“Of course I didn’t” I lie through my teeth. His smirk turns into a grin and I know that he knows that I am

lying my ass off.

“But if we are going out then you’re going to have to take me to a fast food restaurant. Not one of those

fancy one” I add folding my arms across my chest.

There it is. I am sure there is no way he would agree to that. Like I said Sebastian is one of those fine

dining types of men. No way would he agree to a greasy full to the brim, noisy restaurant.

“Done. In fact I know a place. You’ll fucking love their burger”

His grin gets bigger just as my mouth falls open in shock. I thought I had him this time. Fuck, does it

always seem like he is one step ahead?

“Do close your mouth darling. You wouldn’t want a fly flying in” he teases.

I glare at him but otherwise shut my mouth. This is a side of him I didn’t know he had. A side I honestly

didn’t think I wanted to know. I was hell bent on staying mad at him and hating him. I didn’t want to

soften towards him.

“Now that your excuses and scheming have run dry, it’s time for us to leave” he says getting serious.


“No buts Red. I know what you’re trying to do and it won’t work. You wanted to eat at a greasy

restaurant and that’s where we are going.”

Shit. What now? He was right though. I have run out of excuses.

I was thinking to hell with it and I was about to just turn around and run away, but he anticipated my

move. He grasped my hand and started to head to the door.

When did my life get so complicated? And how the hell was I supposed to deal with his overbearing

dominant ass? I may be going to this damn date with him but I was going to make it unbearable. I’ll

give him a headache to end all headaches.

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