Teasing Phoenix

Chapter 6

Chapter 6


My blood boiled when I heard she took him back. Why she has to take him back? That asshole doesn’t deserve someone like her—she’s too good for him.

He hurt her once—cheated on her, and he’ll do it again. Cheaters don’t change—that’s their nature. Was that the reason why she denied my friendship? Did he threaten her that day?

I had to excuse myself from them, otherwise, they’ll see the dark side of me, and I, myself don’t like this part of me.

I get outside of the apartment to release my anger, and I want to punch every surface here. But before I can do that, I hear the door opens, then footsteps follow.

Can this be her? I’m not ready to face her after ignoring her earlier.

“Phoenix, are you okay?”

Thank, God it’s Maya.

“I just need some air. I’ll be there in a minute.” I can’t even face Maya. I’m so ashamed about how I reacted. I’m sure everybody noticed that what Samantha said affected me so much.

“I can’t feel there is any air in here, Phoenix. Is it because of what Sam has said? You provoked her, but I don’t think it’s true though because I never saw Tyler talked to her again even at school. And I was with Sam all the time.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I close my eyes and breathe deeply.

“Why would she lie? And I never provoked her,” I almost snort because I might have. “She doesn’t want me to be her friend.”

I feel a little relieved if what she says is true.

“Can you two just stay friends? For how long?”

I actually don’t know how to answer. I open my mouth, but my brain doesn’t seem to work. So, I close my mouth again.

“That’s what I thought. If you’ll just play with her feelings, it’s better this way.”

I really want to strangle Maya right now. “Better? What’s better when he’s going to hurt her? I don’t want her back with that asshole! She can date anyone, but not him again.” I feel like an asshole more than her ex because I am so frustrated and hopeless.

“Then, go and tell her that. Are you sure she can date anyone? You don’t mind it at all?” She raises her brows in a challenge.

I glare at her.

“You must really like her, but you ignored her for a week,” Maya retorts.

“Do you think it’s easy for me? She doesn’t like me, even as friends. It’s also better this way because if she’ll stay closer to me—” I stop. “Never mind. Anyway, it’s too late. Whether she’s telling the truth or not, it’s I’m sure doesn’t matter anymore. I am sure she knows what she’s doing. Let’s get inside.” I motion my hand to give her a way to get back inside.

Everyone eats in silence. I steal glances at her few times, but she never looks at my direction. But God, she doesn’t look beautiful in red dress—it makes her eyes stand out, and those sinful lips—I don’t think she has any idea how gorgeous she is. I can see more cleavage every time she moves her arms. Shit! I have such a shitty mind.

I’m glad her boyfriend cheated on her, otherwise, she’s not sitting in front of me right now.

My cock is begging too much attention lately, and it doesn’t get the needs it wants anymore.

I glance at her once again, she must have felt my gaze on her because she looks at me—she looks surprised to see me. I feel like a fool—like a boy in front of his crush.

Jesus, I feel desperate. I drop my gaze because I really want to hit my head on the wall for ignoring her, and I want to take back those words I said earlier—it doesn’t make me like a sane person—it makes me look like a moron.

But the way she looked at me when they arrived, I think she also likes me, but she’s just trying to fight her feelings. I can’t blame her though because she’s just broken as I am—we’re both aware of how painful it is to be cheated.

We move to the living room after the uneventful dinner.

Garrett talks about our old days. We laughed at how we pranked girls in high school that resulted in a one-week suspension. My dad was so mad at me when the school head informed him about our behavior.

“I can’t believe you both did that,” Amy responds.

“It was Hawk’s idea actually. He was angry when that girl turned him down,” Garrett defends himself.

“Whatever. It’s not funny. You all were bullies.” Maya pursed her lips.

Garrett gives her a kiss on her cheek. Samantha remains silent while playing her wine glass.

“How about you, Sam? Did you ever prank anyone?”

Her eyes find mine, then she looks at Garrett who asks her.

“No, why would I do that? Only people who seek attention will do that.”

Garrett laughs, feeling guilty. “You’re right, Sam. Hawk wanted attention from that girl named Vicky. I think that was her name,” Garrett says in agreement.

“Excuse me, guys. Can I use your bathroom, Maya?” Amy asks and stands up with Maya, then they walk out of the living room.

“Can I get you another beer, Phoen?” Garrett asks next and stands up before I can answer.

“Nah. Thanks, but, I’m driving.” That remains just the two of us. This is my only chance to talk to her. This has been a torture to me of not talking to her. Suddenly, she shifts in her chair. The tension between us suddenly thickens.

“Did you really take him back, Samantha?”

She looks at me instantly. “And how is it your business?”

I flinch. It fucking hurts. My heart stops momentarily to her answer.

“Not my business, but if he values his life, he’s not going to do another mistake by getting near to you again. So, I don’t think it’s true. Why did you have to lie?”

She narrows her eyes at me. “What makes you think he’ll listen to you?”

“And what makes you think he’ll not listen to me?

“Then why does it bother you?”

My mouth gapes because I’m not ready to give her my answer.

“Why don’t you want me to be your friend, Samantha?” I lower my voice.

“Why would you want to be my friend, Phoenix?” Jesus! she’s so stubborn and smart-ass.

“Why not? What’s wrong with being your friend?”

“Why are you insisting to be my friend? I’m sure you have lots of friends; men and women from your social circle.”

My eyebrows creased. “What do you mean by from my social circle?”

“Well, you’re rich, You have this club for rich people, and I don’t belong there.”

I shake my head. “Seriously, Samantha, just tell me a little bit more convincing on why you don’t wanna be my friend. Is it because Daniel told you that I’m a playboy, and I will end up hurt you? I’ve been hurt once, I know the feeling until now. I will never hurt you intentionally. We’ll just be friends, nothing more unless you want something more.” I raise my eyebrow and smirk.

“What? You’re overconfident!” She laughs at the end.

I extend my hand for a handshake. “So, friends?”

Her face breaks into a beautiful smile. Suddenly, the room lits up. The tension vanishes into the thin air.

Then shakes my hand. “Friends.”

Baby steps, Samantha. Baby steps.

“Well, that was easy,” Garrett says with a beer bottle on his hand.

“You, asshole, you’re eavesdropping.” I glare at him.

He just chuckles and looks amused. “Nothing to eavesdrop, idiot. Both of you need to get hurt first before you realize that it actually does.”

“You’re unbelievable.” I shake my head.

After an hour, Samantha and Amy say their goodbyes to Garrett and Maya, and that’s my cue to go home as well. After their hugs and kisses with Maya, we leave together in one elevator.

“Are the two of you always this speechless all the time?” Amy breaks the silence.

“Are you drunk to drive, Amy?”

“Nope.” Amy’s eyes are gleaming with mischief.

“Good. I’ll drive her home.”

“Thank you for the offer, Phoenix, but I’ll go with Amy,” Samantha protests.

“Oh, no, Sam. You go with Phoenix. I’ll drive home directly,” Amy says, and I can see the shock looked on Samantha’s face.

“You have no choice but to come with me, Samantha,” I chuckle.

“I really hate you right now. Why are you doing this?” she asks Amy in a whisper, but I can still hear her.

“I want you to get laid. Now, don’t argue with me because it won’t change my mind.”

I smile when I see a flush creeps across her cheeks.

“I’m not getting laid. Are you crazy? I will never come with you again, and I make sure to drive next time,” she hisses against Amy.

“I can hear both of you, you know.”

“It’s intentional for you to hear.” She glares at me.

I laugh. “Really? So, you’re not sleeping with me, huh?” I arch my brow. “Ever?”

Her ears turn red, and she punches me on my arm.

“You’ll break your bone, baby. Don’t do that again.”

She laughs and punches me again. “Did you just insult my punch? I’ll enroll with Garrett, and let him teach me how to punch.” She forms her hand into a fist.

“I can teach you for free. Now, come with me and let Amy go.” I grab her hand, and I’m glad she doesn’t hesitate. The moment our hands intertwined, I sigh deeply in relief.

“Bye, guys. Good luck!” Amy waves and gets inside her car.

“What was that for?” Samantha asks.


“You sighed.”

I smile. “That we’re okay.” I let her sit in my passenger seat and close the door after her. As soon as I get into my seat, I fasten my seat belt and she does the same.

“Did you really take him back?”

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “I’m not that stupid.”

Thank, God!

“Good to know. You look gorgeous by the way.”

“Thank you! You’re not bad yourself. Are we really friends now?” She smiles.

“Changing your mind already?”

“Nope, but I actually missed you.”

I look at her in dazed. Did she just say that? A fluttery feeling settles in my stomach.

“Please, concentrate on the road. I don’t want another accident,” she says.

A lump forms in my throat that I have to grip the steering wheel stronger than necessary.

“You okay?”

I steal a glance at her. “Yeah, I’m fine. Where’s your address?”

“How’s college, Samantha?” I give her a tight smile. I press the screen of the GPS that will lead me to her house.

“Still college,” she answers dryly.

I chuckle, “Am I this boring?”

She chuckles too and stares at me this time. “You’re far from boring, Alexander Phoenix.”

“Are you twenty-one? Come to my club tomorrow night. Bring some friends with you. I also invited Garrett and Maya.”

“You really don’t know Maya before dinner?” she asks me.

“Nope. She’s not from here. So, I never met her before. Are you coming or not?”

She wrinkles her nose with a little smile on her face—she really has to distract me from driving.

“Do you really have to be bossy when inviting someone?” she asks while raising a brow.

“Because you’re trying to ignore my invitation.”

“I’m not trying to ignore it. I’m just thinking if I wanna come or not.” She looks outside the window. At least she’s honest.

“Let me know then. Take my number and text me or call me or email me, or whatever your way to give to reach out to me.” I pick my phone from my pocket then hand it to her.

“God, you’re so bossy. Oh, your phone has no password.” She’s tapping on the screen.

“Why would I put a password when I don’t have my nude photos in there?”

“Maybe women’s nude photos then?” She grins.

I laugh. “Why would I keep photos of nude women on my phone, Samantha?”

“And why not? Aren’t most men like to keep nude photos of women on your phone?” She’s something.

I shake my head with amusement. “Well, I’m not most men, Samantha, and I don’t need their pictures. I can get laid whenever I want, so I don’t want nude photos to jerk off.” Fuck! I sound like shit.

“I don’t mean it like that. I’m not judging you. I’m just teasing you. I’m sorry.” She hands me back my phone.

When my finger grazes hers, my body tingles. I actually need to get laid to get rid of these sexual frustrations inside me.

“Don’t apologize. I’m just teasing you too. So, you never had a boyfriend after that douche?”

She crosses her arms over her chest. “Nope, and not interested in having one.”

“Not offering, beautiful.”

She narrows her eyes and scowls at me. “And who said that I’m proposing?”

I bark into a loud laugh. “I like teasing you, Samantha. You’re so funny.”

Jesus, she’s even beautiful when she’s scowling.

So bad we arrive at her home. I still want to tease her more. I feel alive when I’m with her, and I even forget everything about my problems every time I see her smile.

“Thanks for the ride, Phoenix! I’ll let you know if I can come to your club.”

I want to beg her to come, but hopefully, she will say yes.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” I tease her again.

She rolls her eyes. “You can come in.”

“Just kidding, sweetheart. Good night, Samantha,” I say and lean closer to her face simultaneously. She stiffens in her seat.

Then I realize what I just did. I have to pull back before I can do something stupid and throw what I have just started with her. I can’t afford to let her run away from me again.

“I’m sorry, I’m not supposed to do that.”

She swallows hard, then she opens the door without uttering a word.

Shit! I didn’t even open the door for her.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

“Wait, Samantha, let—”

She cuts in, “No need. Jeez! We didn’t go out on a date. You’re just driving me home. Night, Phoenix!”

She gets out of my car, then closes the door after her, leaving me just to watch her as she walks to her front porch. She then unlocks her door and waves at me.

I manage to wave back and sigh as I am so disappointed with myself. How did I become so stupid? Just a simple thing I can’t even do it right.

She closes the door, leaving me all alone.

Way to go, dude.

You almost kissed her, asshole. Almost.

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