Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 72: Winter Wonderland

Chapter 72: Winter Wonderland 


Christmas break was finally here! I had been counting down the days ever since I got off the airport on Thanksgiving.

After Thanksgiving, it was Finals Week and I was swamped with my classes.

I spent all my waking hours studying my notes and working on my projects, I even sacrificed precious sleeping hours for extra study sessions.

Ian was also busy with work.

The end of a semester was always busiest for the both of us.

I was busy taking exams, he was busy making and grading them.

So when I finally finished my last exam of the semester, I felt so proud and free, I was practically crying tears of joy.

As soon as I stepped out of the classroom, I pulled my phone out and called Ian.

The line rang for a few times before I heard his voice on the other line.

"Hey, you," he said.

"Guess what? I just finished my last exam!" I squealed ecstatically, even forgetting to greet him back.

"Congratulations baby girl. You kicked that exam in the butt, for sure,"

"I'm so excited! I'm going home to pack now, I can't wait to see you in New York City,"

"I know, it’s gonna be a special time, baby girl," he chuckled in agreement.


The past year, Ian had been working hard towards his dream of opening a gallery in the city.

A few weeks ago, Ian, Ally, and her investor friends finally finalized their pIan to open that art gallery in Manhattan.

So, we felt that it was right to spend the holidays together in New York City this year.

Not only that Ian could do a little work and scout around the area, we could also make beautiful memories in one of the greatest cities on earth.

To be honest, I did have reservations about him working with Ally, but since he told me I didn’t have to worry about her, I stopped worrying.

I trusted Ian completely.

Plus, this was his dream.

I wouldn't wanna stand between my man and his dream.

"Baby girl, I'm still at school, I need to finish grading some stuff. I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later?" I heard paper rustling and he sounded preoccupied.

"Oh, okay, talk to you later," I replied quickly.

"I love you and I can’t wait to see you," he sighed.

"I love you too," I was smiling from ear to ear, even though he couldn't see it.

I had a spring in my step as I made my way back to my dorm room.

The streets were lined with all sorts of Christmas decorations and I could hear Mariah Carey's ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ playing in the background.

The air outside was cold, but I had this warm feeling in my heart as I pictured Ian and me together, walking down the streets of New York City, hand in hand once again.Love never felt so good!

The next day, I was still in pure happy bliss as I boarded the train leaving for Penn Station.

It only took me an hour and forty-five minutes to get to the city from Philly.

I kept thinking and imagining our future together.

This train ride meant everything.

This could mean the end of a dreadful long distance relationship.

With Ian moving to New York City next year, this train ride would mean that I could see him every weekend if I want to.

Ian was flying to the city from Georgia and we were supposed to arrive at around the same time.

The pIan was that I would take an Uber to the Airbnb and meet Ian there.

I got off the platform and I was making my way out the station, when suddenly I saw someone that stopped my tracks completely.

"Ian?" I gasped.

"Welcome to New York City, baby girl," he was beaming, standing in front of me with a big bouquet of flowers.

My vision was instantly blurry.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

My hands went to cover my quivering mouth, dropping everything I was holding in my hands.

He was smiling from ear to ear, laughing at my reaction.

He walked over to me and everything was like in slow motion.

I couldn't move and I just stared at him.

He had his arms open and he linked them around me as soon as he was near.

As soon as I felt his arms around me, I broke down and tears trickled down my face.

I hugged him back and flushed my face onto his shoulder.

"You're real," I sobbed.

"Of course, I am," he chuckled.

"I thought you're gonna wait at the Airbnb?"

"You're not the only one that likes surprise appearances," he laughed and I laughed at that too.

Ian and I headed straight to the Airbnb and we dropped off my things.

I was too excited for rest, so we went out for dinner and took a walk around the block.

We were staying in an area called Chelsea and it was such a lovely neighborhood.

There was a park on an abandoned train track called The Highline and we spent our night walking through it.

We walked hand in hand as Ian brought me up to speed with the gallery opening.

He was so excited as he talked about it, it made me excited too.

"We found the coolest venue.It used to be an abandoned meatpacking factory.But you should see it, once we're done renovating it, it's gonna be so amazing!"

"I can't wait to see it, when can we go see it?"

"We can go tomorrow? It’s in a rough state right now, so you'll have to use your imagination,"

"Well, luckily I had a great art teacher in high school and he taught me a lot about using my imagination," I smiled playfully.

"Whoa, careful lady.My fiancée might see," he chuckled and I shoved his chest in response.

He was quick and he caught my hand in his. He pulled me close and he kissed me fast and hard.

I was smiling real wide when we finally pulled away, maybe even giggling like a little schoolgirl.

"What?" he smiled back.

"We're kissing in the middle of a public park," I replied.

"We can't really do that before," His eyes softened and he sighed, "Guess we have a lot of making up to do,"

Leaning his forehead down to mine, we stared at each other for a good minute, just smiling and marveling at each other's features.

It was December and it was cold, but staring into his eyes got me warm and blissful.

He put his hand to cup my cheek and I flinched a little because his skin was cold.

Ian chuckled and said, "It’s cold, huh? Well, we can always kiss in the park tomorrow?"

"Yes, please," I nodded.

We were still hand in hand as we walked back to the Airbnb.

He put our hands in the pocket of his coat so that we would stay warm.

It was the cutest thing ever.

Back at the Airbnb, Ian turned on the fireplace and I grabbed some bIankets and draped it over the couch.

We were thinking of a simple Netflix and chill night.

A new season of Money Heist was out and what else screamed Christmas than bank robbers throwing money in the air? Moments later, Ian and I were tangled up on the couch, covered by the wool bIanket.

My back was to his chest and his arms were linked around my body.

His fingers trailed up and down the middle of my chest, barely grazing my boobs.

It was a soothing yet tantalizing movement.

We stayed like that for the first half hour, until suddenly I felt something growing behind me.

My body stiffened instinctively when I realized what it was.

I tried to keep my cool, though, I focused myself on the screen in front of me.

Ian brushed a lock of my hair back, revealing the side of my neck to the air.

Leaning down, his lips Ianded on my neck and he started sucking on it gently.

I tilted my head back and a soft moan escaped my lips as he deepened the kiss.

"Ian, I'm trying to watch the show," I whined.

Although we all know, I wasn’t really.

"Screw the show, it’s on Netflix anyway," he replied.

That made sense to me, so I rolled over to my side and lay facing him.

Putting my hands on both sides of his face, I smiled brightly and pulled him in for a kiss.

He returned the kiss passionately, and using his weight he pushed me back on the couch until he was hovering over me.

Not breaking off the kiss, I ran my hands through his lush dark hair and my fingers rested on the back of his neck.

He parted my thighs with his knees and placed himself in front of my opening.

We were still fully clothed, but I could feel everything.

His hard length was pressed up against me and I felt myself getting wetter and wetter—

* RING! * RING! * RING *

All of a sudden we heard a loud ringing and our bodies jerked up in response.

It was Ian’s phone and it was directly above my head, on the table next to the couch.

"Shit," he muttered.

"Hold that thought,"

He went to grab the phone and checked the screen.

I thought he was gonna turn off the phone, but instead he picked up the call.

"Ally? What's wrong?" he said to the phone.

Ally? What?

"Uh-huh… Okay...Yeah, it’s fine...I'll be right there,"He will be what? "What's wrong?"

I asked as soon as he turned off the call.He shuffled away and stood up straight, saying,

"Something's not right with the renovation.Ally thinks the contractor's lying about something.I gotta go and check it out,"

"Right now?" I gaped.

"The sooner we find out the better.It'll only take a couple of minutes,"

"Oh, well...let me go get changed, I'll come with you,"

"It's cold outside, just stay here.I'll be right back and we'll pick up where we left off,"he said as he quickly went to grab his coat.

It wasn't like Ian was gonna wait for me anyway, so I just said, "Okay,"

Ian flashed me a quick smile as he put on his shoes and headed for the door.

One minute we were making out on the couch, but as soon as Ally called him, he was out the door the next minute.

That obviously didn’t sit well with me, but I wasn't gonna be a clingy and whiny insecure girlfriend.

So I did the only thing I could do, I slumped down on the couch and let out a long defeated sigh.

Ian was already out the door, but suddenly I heard the door open again and he came barging in.

He went straight for me and pulled my face up this, his lips crashed down on mine quickly and feverishly.

"What?"I gaped at him when he pulled away.

"I'll be back in twenty minutes.We'll continue this,"he replied as his thumb brushed my chin gently.

I smiled and nodded at him.He got back up and headed out the door.I had the best man in the world and he loved me, it was silly to think otherwise.Pulling the bIanket up, I grabbed the remote and continued watching my show.

I tried waiting up for him.

He said he was only gonna be gone for twenty minutes.

It had been almost an hour later when I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

The next thing I remembered, my eyes were still glued shut but I was hearing Ian’s voice.

"Hey, baby girl, let’s move you to the bed,"he said softly.

I peered my eyes open and saw his face right in front of mine.

The TV was off and the clock showed it was 2:30 AM.

"You said you're only gonna be gone for twenty minutes,"I said weakly.

"Took a little longer than I thought, I'm sorry,"he said as he slid his arms under my body and he lifted me up effortlessly.

I linked my arms around him and said, "Don’t ever leave me again,"

"I won't baby, I promise,"

He carried me to the bedroom and lay me down gently on the bed.

He took the spot next to mine and pulled the bIanket over us.

I was still half awake and half dreaming, and maybe I was a little delirious.

I remembered I kept asking him, "Please don't leave me,"

Ian wrapped his arms around me tight and he cooed, "I'm never leaving you again.I’m here, okay? I'm here,"

He felt warm and nice and that was all I ever wanted.

I smiled into his chest as I buried my face against him.

Mariah Carey was right after all.

All I want for Christmas is you.

Chapter 73: Cheapest Flight


"Wake up baby girl,"


I shuffled my head lazily and pried my eyes open slowly.

It was early morning and Ian was sitting on the edge of the bed with a little red box in his hand. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

"What's going on?"

I croaked and propped myself up.

Ian just beamed at me and said, "It’s Christmas morning.Merry Christmas, Emma,"

My heart felt like it was doing backflips at his words.

Smiling from ear to ear, I asked, "Is that for me?"

"It's your first present, open it,"he handed the small box to me and my hands busily pulled the ribbon away.

"A charm bracelet?"I gasped when I saw what was inside.

"Inspired by the scrapbook you made me.It’s got all our memories,"he said and he pulled the bracelet from the box.

The charms were beautiful.

There were hearts with my initial E.S.and one with his initial I.H.

There was one in the shape of underwear, a book, a car, a statue of liberty, and finally a ring.

It was like everything that symbolized our story in one bracelet.

"These are our names, of course.This is the underwear that I tore.This book can be Wuthering Heights or my sketchbook.The car represents the fun road trip you took me to.The liberty is, well, the city.And

the ring, our future together,"

"It's beautiful," I said, admiring it.

"And so thoughtful..."

"And here is your second present," he said again, revealing a red envelope to me.

"What? Is it a card?" I said as I took the envelope from him.

"Open it," he said simply.

I gave him a puzzled look as I opened the envelope slowly. Inside was a makeshift ticket to an art gallery called ‘The World’.

"One admission to The World Gallery?" I asked, reading the title.

"It's a ticket to our gallery opening. We're gonna launch this summer and I want you to be here with me,"

he paused before saying, "All summer long,"

"An entire summer with you in the city?" my breath was caught in my throat for a moment,

"Is this for real?"

"Well, technically it’s a fake ticket I printed myself.But it is real.I want you to be there, you're my muse and my guest," he chuckled.

"Aw...Ian...this is so sweet,"my eyes got all glassy as I stared at the ticket in my hand.

Ian just smiled and he leaned down, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.

Reaching for my bag next to the bed, I grabbed my purse and placed the ticket inside, making sure it was safe and secure.

"Wait here, let me get your present,"I said to him and I got up to my feet.

I went to my duffel bag and pulled out a black box with a red ribbon on top.

"Merry Christmas,"

I said as I handed the box to him.

He took it and slowly pulled the ribbon away.

He opened the box and found and pulled out the thing inside, saying, "What's this? A Fitbit?"

"No, it's a couple bracelet,"

I shook my head and lifted my other hand, "Look, I’m wearing mine, try it on,"

Ian put the bracelet on his hand and I helped him turn it on.

I already synced it beforehand so it was ready for use.

"Okay, now what?" he asked.

"Do you feel that?"

I said as I squeezed my own bracelet in my hand.

His eyes shot open and he said, "Whoa, how is that possible?"

"Whenever one of us squeezes the bracelet, the other one will feel it on their wrist," I explained.

"That is so cool!" he grinned and started squeezing his bracelet,

"You feel that?"

"Yeah," I nodded as my bracelet squeezed my skin the way he would squeeze me.

"Woah,"he gaped.

He was still reeling from the feeling.

"Cool, right? This way you'll know every time I'm thinking of you,"I said again.

"You're so sweet.I love you so much," he said as he got up to his feet and stood in front of me.

"I love you too," I said, linking my arms around his waist.

We leaned our faces forward and our lips found each other, entangled in a long, sweet kiss.

"Wait, I'm only getting one present?" he said suddenly as he pulled away.

"I didn't know we're supposed to have two?"

"It's our thing," he said matter-of-factly.

"You never said anything," I resisted, "But, okay fine, I'll get you an extra one next year,"

"No, I don’t wanna wait that long," he shook his head.

"Well, what do you want?"

A naughty grin crept up his lips and he said, "Since you asked..."

His hand went and gripped my waists, resting on the bands of my underwear.

I was only wearing his oversized t-shirt and panties, nothing else.

He played with the band a little before his finger slipped inside and he pulled my underwear down until it pooled around my feet.

Oh, Ian.

Why am I not surprised? Smirking that devilish grin, he pushed me down on the bed and spread my legs open with both hands.

His lips started trailing kisses from my inner thigh towards my core.

I knew what he was gonna do, but I had a better idea.

I pushed him up suddenly and he staggered back.

Not giving him a chance to recover, I sat up straight and my hands went for his boxer briefs.

I pulled the fabric down and revealed his semi-hard length.

I took one look up at him before I turned my gaze back at the deliciousness in front of me.

Licking my lips, I leaned towards his length and placed a long, wet kiss on his tip.

He let out an appreciative groan and his hand went to grip the back of my hand.

Using both my hands, I massaged his length up and down while my mouth was sucking on his tip.

"Emma!" he hissed as I moved faster and harder, taking him in my mouth deeper and deeper.

He clenched his fist and his body stiffened.He was rock hard now.He was trying to hold himself together, but he was unraveling under my touch.

That gave me the confidence boost to keep going and I was enjoying every moment of it.

"Emma — shit, I’m gonna cum if you keep —"

"Cum for me, daddy,"

I murmured to his skin, looking up at him seductively. Ian tilted his head back and stifled a laugh, "You're unbelievable,"

I didn't stop and I kept on going.

I rolled my tongue all over him and I sucked him hard, taking him in as deep as I could.

My head was bobbing in and out of him and his hand gripped my hair tightly in place.

Before I knew it, Ian cursed and I felt his length convulsed inside my mouth.

I braced myself and received his entire load and swallowed hard.

Some of it dripped from the edge of my mouth and my hand went to wipe it away.

I sucked my thumb clean, making sure I got everything in me.

"Fuck, you're driving me crazy when you do that," he said through ragged breaths.

"Do you like your second present?" I looked up at him and batted my eyes.

"Oh yeah. You should forget about them more often," he laughed and he pushed me back down on the bed.

I couldn’t stop grinning like a maniac as I watched him climb on top of me.

Now, this is what I call a Christmas present...

That was pretty much how Ian and I spent our Christmas together.

We were in New York City, but we ended staying in the apartment all day long, just enjoying each other's company.

The only time we went out was to get pizza and we went right back on the couch, in front of the warm fireplace.

In the next few days, we did go out and do a little sightseeing.

We went to the Met Museum in the day and we ice skated at the Rockefeller Center.

We took walks around Central Park and tried the dirty water hot dogs.

Everything was _ perfect, almost dream-like.

For New Year's Eve, Ally invited Ian and me to a party at this fancy club.

She said it was important for Ian to go because there were a lot of potential investors at the party.

I didn’t have an excuse not to go, so we went.

I made sure I got all dressed up and looked my best, I had to compete with Ally somehow.

Ally looked gorgeous, of course.

She was wearing this low cut red dress that hugged her curves perfectly.

She had a lovely curve, even I must admit that.

I felt like a little schoolgirl standing next to her, all flat chested and skinny.

All the straight guys at the party were checking her out, and some were just blatantly all over her.

All except one, my fiancée.

Ian had his hand on my back the entire time.

Even though I felt like I didn't belong with all these people and their talks about investment and the future of art and economy, Ian always tried to bring me in on their conversations.

I must admit, Ian cleaned up nice in a suit.

I could just picture it, the future Mr.Hayes, wearing a sharp suit and taking over the city by storm.

Girls would throw themselves at him for sure, but he only had eyes on one girl and that would be me.

That thought got me smiling all through the night.

Seconds before the clock stroke midnight, everyone did a countdown and I was standing with Ian, hand in hand.

His dark piercing eyes bore deeply into mine and I couldn't stop myself from smiling and feeling the butterflies.

"You, me, and this city. It’s gonna be our year, baby girl,"

"Absolutely and always,"

I said and I pulled him into a kiss.



Happy new year!"

everyone around us cheered and we could hear the fireworks booming outside the tall windows.

With Ian moving to the city this summer, I knew I was getting closer and closer to my dreaMs.We had been through so much the past two years and it was gonna be our time, finally.

Oh, I could hardly wait.

Christmas and New Year went by in a flash.

And as soon as the New Year was over, Ian had to go straight back to work.

Ally and he were spending a lot of time together at the gallery.

He refused to let me see the place because he said it wasn’t ready yet and he wanted to surprise me with the grand opening.

Sometimes I would nag him so that he wouldn't spend too much time at the gallery with Ally.

Ian always said that it wasn't just the two of them and that there was always a bunch of other people there too.

I didn’t wanna be petty, so I stopped my nagging and pretended like I was cool with it.

But let's face it, I wasn't.

Something about her made me feel threatened.

I couldn't put my finger around it.

Ian always tried to get me to hang out with Ally while we were in the city, but I dodged it as much as I could.

I made excuses about being tired or that I wanted to spend time just the two of us.

The rest of my trip in New York City was kind of blah.

I spent a lot of time on my own, reading or exploring the city while Ian was working in the gallery.

Before long, another week had passed and it was time to pack up our bags and leave.

Ally would stay in the city and keep working on the gallery while Ian would go back to Georgia and finished the last six months of his teaching contract.

With the holidays over, I was now back in college.

Ian and I wore the bracelet I got him and we sent each other ‘I miss you’ squeezes throughout the day.

That was a great gift, especially now that we were back in our busy schedules and we barely had time to facetime.

I was pretty much adjusted to my college life now.

I was so confident, I was taking more classes this spring semester.

I also made new friends, but I still hung out with Sophie and Tristan the most.

Sophie and Tristan were the best.

Tristan and I were great study buddies, and Sophie was the party queen.

We worked hard and we played hard, that was our motto.

For the past few months, that was all we did.My days went by like a blur.

Everything went by so fast, all of a sudden it was midterms in April already.

I was absolutely busy, but Ian was too.

He was preparing for the gallery opening and they commissioned him to put up some of his artworks too.

When Ian was working on his art, he liked being in his zone, and so I wouldn't wanna bother him.

This was his dream and I wanted to give him all the time and space he needed.

"Sweet baby Jesus! It’s spring break!"

Sophie was yelling at the top of her lungs as we made it back to our dorm room after our last exam of the week.

"I can't wait to get some sleep.I've been sleep deprived for the past two weeks,"

I groaned and threw myself on the couch.

"I know what you mean,"

Tristan followed after me.

"Excuse me?"

Sophie gaped.

"It’s spring break and you two are thinking about catching up on sleep? Are you crazy?"

Tristan and I looked at each other and we just shrugged.

"No! This is not how we're spending spring break as college freshmen!"

Sophie protested, she pushed Tristan and me away and forced herself in the middle of us.

"We're gonna go out and celebrate.We're gonna go crazy because we're college freshmen and that’s what we do!"

"Ugh, that sounds like a lot of work,"Tristan rolled his eyes.

"And guys, I have the perfect pIan!"Sophie exclaimed.

She clapped her hands and pulled out her phone.

"Uh-oh, this isn't gonna be good," Tristan turned to me and shook his head.

"I don't know," I said,

"Let's hear her out,"

"As you two know already, I'm a finance major.

I love to have fun, but I also love saving money.

So, for the past few days, I have been doing my research.

And guess who just found cheap tickets to Panama City Beach for spring break?"

"Panama City, Florida?" Tristan gaped.

Nodding her head ferociously, Sophie got up to her feet and said in a sing-song way, "Guys, let’s all go to Florida for spring break!"

Tristan and I looked at each other before turning to Sophie and we glared at her.

"There’s no way we're going to Florida,"I stated.

"Florida and spring break? You're so cliché,"Tristan added.

"Ugh, I knew you two would be difficult, that’s why I've bought all our tickets already!"

Sophie announced proudly.

"Pack your bags guys, we're going to Florida!"

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