Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 68: Double Date

Chapter 68: Double Date 

EMMA’s POV : Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

My days went by like a blur.

College classes were not as simple as high school classes.

The professors were teaching classes of hundreds of people and they didn’t stop for nobody.

You had to be the one racing to catch up with him and with everybody else.

Everyone was so smart and they made it look so easy.

Sometimes I couldn't believe that I got into this school on a scholarship.

I wanted to do well and prove myself, so every day I spent my time studying and catching up on classwork.

People always said that in college, you had to pick two out of these three: a social life, a good academic life, and a good night’s sleep.

I picked my academic life and a good night's sleep.

If I didn’t have my sleep, I wouldn't be able to function.

Plus, I enjoyed my time alone.

That meant I could Facetime lan.

Sophie was like my opposite.

She chose her social and academic life, which meant she barely had time for herself and for sleep.

Tristan was somewhere in between us.

Tristan preferred staying in his room and reading, but Sophie would always drag him out.

Before I knew it, months had passed and it was midterms week.

Sophie, Tristan, and I would spend every night in our dorm room, ordering take-out and making flashcards.

Sophie was the best food picker and Tristan had great flashcard skills.

It was great having them as my study buddies.

Midterms week was stressful as hell.

I wanted to do well, so I was so nervous.

All I could think about every day were my tests.

Even when I was facetiming lan, you would think we were doing something kinky, but no.

lan would be eating cereal while watching me study with my flashcards.

I loved that lan was such a supportive fiancée.

He always encouraged me to do my best and never made me feel bad for blowing him off when I wanted to study.

Sophie said that it was because he was older and mature.

Guys our age would be clingy and whiny and dramatic.

I didn’t know anything about that, I just knew that lan loves me and wants the best for me.

Point blank period."Finally! We're free!"

Sophie squealed as she pushed our dorm door open.

She threw herself dramatically on the couch as Tristan and I sat next to her.

"It's only midterms week, Soph.We still have finals,"I said to her.

"And some of us still have projects due,"Tristan added.

"Ugh! Way to ruin the moment you two,"Sophie sat straighter and kicked her feet up on the coffee table.

"I’m just sayin’,"I shrugged.

"It's only the first midterm in our college career, we'll have about seven more,"Tristan stifled a laugh.

"Stop, you two need to stop being a Debby Downer.Can't you see I'm trying to hype y'all up to celebrate with me? I need your help your guys,"she whined.

"No,"Tristan responded quickly.

"You haven't even heard me and you're already saying no?"she said to him.

"I don’t need to hear it, no,"he insisted.

"You see what I have to deal with?"Sophie said to me.

"What do you need help with, Soph?"I asked her.

"Okay, so there’s this guy I met at Calculus.His name is Micah and lord, he is so gorgeous.He looks like a cross between Robert Pattinson and Liam Hemsworth —"her eyes lit up like wildfire as she spoke.

"And what does that have to do with us?"Tristan cut in.

"Il wanna go on a date with him, but I don’t wanna make things awkward, so..."

"So?"Tristan and I asked in unison.

"I told him that we were going to the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Crown’s Bar,"

"We are?"we said it at the same time again.

"And I asked him to double date and he said yes!"Sophie raised her hands victoriously.

"You what?"I yelped.

"Double what?"Tristan followed.

"Double date, you know? Two couples out together?"Sophie looked at him like he was dumb.

"Who are these other couple you're talking about? I don't see them anywhere,"Tristan retorted back.

Sophie looked at the both of us like it was obvious and she said, "You two can do it.You guys can just pretend,"

Tristan and I exchanged a look before breaking into wild laughter."That's hilarious, Soph,"

I said in between laughs.

"I'm serious, Emmie please help your roomie out,"she begged.

"And what makes you think we'll do that?"Tristan interjected.

"Come on guys, do this for me.I'll owe you two big time,"she pleaded with him too.

"No,"Tristan said simply, holding back a chuckle.

"I wish I could help you, but I can’t go to the Rocky Horror show tonight, Soph.I promised lan we'll facetime,"I gave her a sorry smile.

"You facetime your boyfriend every night.You deserve a night out,"

Sophie said to me before turning to face Tristan, "And you, you owe me for when I told mom you weren't smoking pot and the joint she found in your room was your friend’s.I covered for your ass and you owe me,"

"But..."I was about to protest some more, but Tristan let out a long sigh and groaned.

"You're impossible, you know that?"Tristan rolled his eyes.

"It's not gonna be that bad, you guys just have to sit there and talk for a bit.When things with Micah and I aren't awkward anymore, you guys can leave,"Sophie said quickly.

Tristan and I exchanged another look.

This time I noticed that Tristan had given up fighting Sophie.

He raised an eyebrow at me, as if to say, "what do you think?"

"I guess I can go for like an hour..."I trailed.

The show would start at 8 and as long as I get back before 10, I could still facetime lan no problem.

"Oh my gosh, yes! We're gonna have so much fun!"Sophie linked her arms around the both of us and Tristan was fighting her away.

"Tell that to yourself, you blackmailing fox,"he rolled his eyes as she smiled victoriously.

"Come on, Emmie, let's get ready for our double date"Sophie squealed happily, pulling me off the couch and to the closet.

I had never seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show like this before.

I had seen the movie, or parts of it in ‘Perks of Being a Wallflower’, but the live action version was on a whole other level.

The Crown's Bar had a huge stage and they put up a projection of the movie in the background.

In front of the projection, a bunch of actors and dancers acted out the entire movie.

Their acting was super extra though.

There was this big guy in drag costume but he had a really deep voice and it was hilarious.

I didn’t think I was gonna enjoy tonight, but watching the show with Sophie, Micah, and Tristan was actually fun.

The two rounds of beer might have helped.

Micah got us all our first round.

Sophie was right, he did look like young Robert Pattinson and he had an Australian accent like Liam Hemsworth.

Micah was from Brisbane, Australia, and he was a freshman like us, studying Economics.

Micah and Sophie looked shy, they barely talked to each other.

Tristan and I had to carry most of the conversations on our backs.

"So, when did you two start dating?"Micah asked Tristan and me.

"Not long,"I laughed sheepishly, giving Tristan a look.

"Probably like an hour ago,"Tristan added and Sophie glared at him.

Micah looked at Tristan and me in disbelief for a few seconds, before finally he broke into laughter, saying, "Ha -ha, you two are funny,"

"Let's get another round of beer!"

Sophie exclaimed, waving the waitress to come over.

"Miss, can we get a refill here, please!"

"None for me, I’m good — "I didn’t get a chance to finish as Sophie talked over me.

"Let's take a sip every time people break out into dance!"Sophie raised her glass.

"Oh, they're doing it!"Micah motioned for the stage, where guys in drag costume starting tap dancing.

"Here goes nothing,"Tristan shrugged at me.

"Here goes nothing,"I clinked my glass with him and took a sip.

This game turned out to be more than I could handle.

By the end of the show, I was drinking so much, Sophie and I joined in on the last dance on the stage.

There were top hats and feather boas, I didn’t even know where that came from.

"Oh my gosh, that was so fun!"

Sophie laughed as she pulled me back to our table.

Micah was clapping his hands and Tristan had his phone out.

"Did you guys see us?"I slurred.

"See y'all? I recorded everything.Everyone on Tik Tok will see y'all by this morning,"

Tristan laughed. "I'm having so much fun, thanks for coming with us,"

Sophie said to Micah.

He smiled and pulled a small pink feather out of her hair, saying, "Thanks for inviting me.We don’t have anything like this back in Aussie,"

"Are you having fun?"she asked him.

She could barely stand on her own, so Micah was holding her up.

"lam.Watching you is a lot of fun,"he said.

"You know what else is fun?"she asked.

"What?"She smiled naughtily before leaning her face closer to him.

He was caught off guard, so he just stood there.

Sophie linked her hands around his head and pulled him down.

It was probably the alcohol speaking, but she was being so brave.

She kissed him, and Tristan and I started cheering for her.

Before long, Micah kissed her back and they ended up fully making out.

"Smile for the camera you two,"Tristan pulled his phone out to record it, and Sophie responded by sticking her middle finger up in front of the camera.

I was in the middle of cheering and laughing my ass off, when suddenly I felt something was off.

My stomach was grumbling and I felt nauseous.

"Uh-oh,"I put my hand over my mouth.

"Emma? You okay?"

Tristan said to me.

I didn't answer him and I just put one hand up in the air, as if I could pause everything.

That feeling in my throat was getting stronger and I knew I had to get out of there as soon as humanly possible.

My eyes darted around the room and I noticed the bathroom was kinda far away, and there was also a long line coming out of it.

I wouldn't make it there, so I turned to my heels and headed for the front door.


I heard Tristan calling out for me, but I couldn't stop.

As soon as I hit the pavement outside the bar, I found a trash can by the sidewalk and went straight for it.

Right into the can, I was puking my guts out like there was no tomorrow.

There was so much coming out of me, I might as well puked my whole organs out.

"Whoa, girl,"

I heard Tristan’s voice and I felt a hand holding my hair from behind.

"Ugh..."I groaned weakly as there was nothing else coming out of me.

My hands were gripping the sides of the trash can shakily, as Tristan, bless his soul, was holding my hair back.

"You got it all out?"he asked.

"l...think so..."


Tristan said as he handed out a piece of fabric to me and I took it gladly.

I was wiping my dirty mouth and staggered back when I realized it was a handkerchief.

"You carry around a handkerchief?"



"Just in case these things happen,"he shrugged.

"Does this happen a lot in your life?"He stifled a laugh and said,

"Have you met my sister?"

"That's true,"I nodded and laughed.

"You're such a good brother"mimicking the way Sophie would speak to him.Tristan chuckled and said,

"Sure, thing, Emmie,"

That made me laugh harder.

I was having difficulty standing up straight, so Tristan held my hand and supported my weight.

"Thank you,"I said to him.

"No worries.Are you feeling better?"he asked.

"Yeah..."I breathed.

"Let's go inside, we'll get you some water,"

We were walking back slowly and my hand reached for my purse.

I remembered having some breath mints in there that would help my case.

My hand grazed the cold metal of my phone and it dawned on me that I haven't checked my phone in a while.

Oh, shoot! My eyes widened in shock and I let out a gasp as I saw the screen of my phone.

The time read that it was 12:08 AM.

"What's wrong?"Tristan asked.

"lam so, so dead,"I lifted my phone higher and showed Tristan the screen.

Under the time, the notification read

lan <3 <3 (9 Missed Calls).

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