Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 58: Strictly Speaking

Chapter 58: Strictly Speaking 


"What do you think?"he said.

"I don’t know.Are you?"

He looked at me as if I should know the answer already, but I just stared at him with a puzzled look on my face.

"Every day I woke up and I wished that I'd just die,"he paused for a beat before continuing, "To live a life without you is like not living a life at all.But if that’s what happiness is, then yeah, I guess I’m fucking elated,"

Not even this level of sarcasm could hide the pain and bitterness in his words.I didn’t realize he was feeling all these things.He never seemed to show it.Guess the joke was on me.

For the past month, I pretend like I was happy and fine.If anything, I should have known never to judge a book by its cover.

"Why didn't you say anything?"I croaked.

"We're over and that's it.It doesn’t matter what I feel,"

"But it does matter,"I found the words escaped my lips before I could stop it.

Maybe it was the alcohol in me that was being brave, but I took a step closer to him.

I wanted so much to pull him into my arms and bury my face into his chest.

"Emma,"he warned, but he didn't move away.

"It doesn’t have to be over, does it?"I looked up at him when I was an arm’s length away.

"Emma —"

"Does it?"I pressed on.

We were standing so close to each other.

I leaned my face upwards and he leaned his head down.I could feel his warm breaths on my face and it was like oxygen to my dry lungs.For the first time in months, my heart was beating so fast and strong, like it was beating again after an absence of life.

When I saw that his lips were only a mere inch away from mine, I closed my eyes and waited in anticipation...

"Hayes?! Is that you?"suddenly a loud voice called out and we pulled away instantly.

"John?"lan squinted his eyes at the two figures standing at the distance behind us.

I looked at the two figures and noticed it was Coach Pullman and Ms.Diaz.I heard rumors that the two were going steady, and by the way they were holding hands with each other, it seemed like the rumors were true.

"Who's that?" Ms.Diaz put her hand over her eyes to see clearer.

Shoot! It’s not good that they saw us together! "Ah, I was just telling Ms.Sinclair that she has to go back to her room.She's breaking curfew,"

lan was quick to react.

"Oh, it’s senior week.Take it easy, Hayes,"Coach Pullman sounded a little drunk.

The two of them then walked away and I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding.

lan looked relieved too.Thankfully it was dark out here and they didn't seem to notice anything off about us.

"You should go," he said finally.

"But..."I started to speak, but he cut me off quickly.

"And to answer your question, yes, it does,"he paused for a moment before continuing,

"Just because two people love each other, doesn't mean they have to be together,"

lan’s tone was cold and flat.

He didn’t wait for me to say anything else and he turned away.I wanted to call out after him, but I knew it was useless. This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

Even though it was clear as day that he still cared about me, he had made his choice.He chose not to be with me and I had to accept that.

"Just because two people love each other, doesn’t mean they have to be together,"

As sad as that may sound, at least it meant that he still loved me...And with that thought in mind, I pulled out the locket from my back pocket.I stroked the heart locket for a few times before I put it over my neck and clasped it tight.

The next morning, Tiff and I got ready and headed downstairs for breakfast.Tiff was filling me in on all the drama between Madison and Brad.

Apparently, just a couple days before the trip, Madison found out that Brad was talking to a bunch of girls online.He had been doing it behind her back for months.Maddie was heartbroken, of course.

Though Brad admitted that he never cheated on her and that he was only talking to the girls, Maddie didn't believe him.

Maddie was desperate for the company because she knew if she was on her own in this trip, Brad could easily sweep her off her feet again.

Unfortunately, all the other girls in the cheer squad had their boyfriends with them on this trip.

Thankfully Tiff was around and she was boy-less, so she could focus her energy on being Maddie's shield against Brad.

We scoured the breakfast buffet as I listened to Tiff going on and on about Brad and Maddie.

I didn't feel like eating too much, so I just grabbed a slice of toast and butter, and a cup of coffee, and we went to find our seats.

We found that Carrie, Mark, and Tyler were already sitting on a table.

We quickly joined them and Tyler's eyes lit up as soon as he saw me.

"Hey, how’s your head?"I said to him.

"Horrible, but the Advil helps,"he smiled.

Tiff then went to fill Carrie in on the latest dish on Madison and Brad.

Tyler and I tuned out of that conversation and he slid his chair closer to mine.

"Hey, um, I didn’t say anything too weird to you last night, did I? It’s kind of a blur.Hope I didn’t say too many self incriminating things,"he whispered so that I was the only person that could hear him.

"No, you were fine,"

"Oh, thank god,"he stifled a laugh, "No more drinking for me for the rest of the trip,"

"None at all? Then how are we supposed to have fun?"I pouted and laughed.

"Well, I heard that there’s a Burger King nearby.It’s no chick-fill-A, but it's a start?"I found his obsession with chick-fill-A very amusing.And it sounded way better than this slice of toast I had on my plate."Sounds good to me,"I nodded at him.

"Cool, and maybe later we can hit the lighthouse?"

"Yeah, totally,"

"Guys, Emma and I are gonna go take a walk around,"Tyler stood up to his feet instantly and announced,"

“l see yall later,"

He said it in a way as if he didn't want any of them to come with us.

My friends just sat and stared as Tyler lent his hand out to me.

I took his hand and he led me away from the table.

I turned back to look at Carrie and Tiff who gave me a puzzled look and I just shrugged at them.

Tyler and I ended up spending the entire day together.

It was honestly a lot of fun.

After grabbing breakfast at Burger King, we found a place that rented bicycles and we rented these two bikes.

We explored the island and rode our bikes down the pier.We made it to the lighthouse and it also had a museum.We decided to hit the museum first and Tyler was so cute, he was being a geek admiring the colonial architecture.

"It's one of seven surviving colonial era lighthouse towers, that’s so cool!"

He was like a kid in a candy store, I couldn't help but smile.

"You're such a dork,"I shoved him playfully and he shoved me back.

"The last one to the top is a rotten egg!"he said as he was mid-running up the stairs.

"Hey! Not fair!"

I tried to push past him but he covered my way with his back.We were laughing as we pushed past each other and climbed up the stairs haphazardly.

It was a long way up to the top of the lighthouse, but it didn’t feel like it because I was too busy being competitive.

When we finally reached the top, I was all out of breath.

The open air felt absolutely refreshing and there was nothing but miles and miles of beautiful blue sea in front of us.

"I win!"Tyler panted and he put his hands in the air.

"You cheated, your big ass was on my way,"I was also panting.

"Ha-ha, you're a sore loser,"he shoved me playfully.

"Shut up, dork,"I shoved him back.

What I didn’t realize was how weak my footing was.

So when I shoved him, I ended up almost falling on top of him.

Tyler was quick to catch me and he held onto my arms so I didn't fall.

I looked up to see him, and at the same time he was looking down to see me.

Our faces were a mere inch away from each other and my eyes shot open in shock.

And before I could do anything else, he leaned his face closer to me.

"Tyler —"

I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead his lips landed on the top of my head.

It was such a sweet forehead kiss and it lasted for a good few seconds.

He then pulled away and smiled brightly at me.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kiss you on the lips without your permission ever again,"

A smile curved up my face and I couldn't hide it.Somehow I was blushing and I felt embarrassed, so I just shoved my face to his chest.

He let out a soft laugh and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight.

I didn’t know what was happening here, but he felt warm and nice.I decided not to overthink things and I put my arms around him, holding him right back.

After visiting the lighthouse, Tyler and I walked around the pier and we talked about the future as we sipped on Slurpee’s.

We walked around and rode our bikes all day until it was sunset, and we decided to hit the beach.We didn’t have a sip of beer the entire day, but we had the most fun.

Everyone else was busy hooking up or running away from their hook ups, but Tyler and I just enjoyed each other’s company as we watched the sunset.

We stood close to the waves so when water came up, it will hit up to our knees.We stayed out on the beach until it was completely dark outside.It was getting cold and Tyler was nice enough to give me his jacket.We thought about going back to the hotel, but unfortunately for Tyler, Mark and Carrie had hijacked his room.I didn't feel good about leaving Tyler to roam around on his own, so I decided to keep him company.

We talked all night and listened to more music together.In the end, we ended up sleeping next to each other as we sat on one of the lounge chairs out at the beach.

It was cold sleeping outside, so we were cuddling and enjoying each other's warmth. Nothing else happened between us.

There was no kissing or any other conversation leading to that direction.

It was just an honest, pure good time.

And for the first time in a long while, I found myself being happy and not thinking about someone else.

"Can't believe it's been three days already.Time flies so fast,"

Tiff groaned as we waited in line to get on the bus.

"I know.I wish we could stay here forever,"

Carrie replied and she pulled Mark tighter in her arms.

These two were inseparable throughout the trip and I had never seen Carrie with this much glee.

"Someone's very happy about senior week," I teased and Carrie glared at me.

"Shut up,"

"I know right? Someone didn't come home last night,"Tiff winked at me and I glared at her.

"Where were you?"Carrie asked.

"Where do you think?"

Tiff answered for me and she nudged me to the direction of Tyler who was jogging towards us.

"Hey," Tyler was out of breath when he reached us.

"Tyler, what's up?"

I tried to be as cool as possible, though my two friends were giggling at me uncontrollably.

"Can I talk to you for a moment before we go?"

"Sure, what's going on?"

"Come here," he pulled me by the hand and led me away from the crowd.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see,"he said simply as he led me towards the beach.

On the corner of my eye, I noticed lan and the other teachers standing by.

He caught my eyes, but when he saw that Tyler was holding my hand, he quickly looked away.

"We're here,"

Tyler announced as we arrived at the beach, back at the same spot we first sat and played Never Have I Ever.

On the sand were all these beautiful little shells and they were arranged to make the word ‘prom’ and a question mark.

He let go of my hand and stood beside the question mark, smiling brightly from ear to ear.

"Oh my god, Tyler! You did these?"

"Yeah.It took me all morning,"he grinned.

"So that’s where you disappeared to..."

"You like it?"

"It's amazing,"

"So then, will you go to the prom with me?"he asked with hopeful eyes.


"We can go as friends, that’s fine by me.And I promise I won't go crazy and kiss you on the dance floor.Not unless you want me to,"

He was being the absolute sweetest.

It was impossible for me to say no to this.

"What do you say? Give me a chance to redeem myself at a second dance,"he said again.

He was standing before me in front of this beautiful ocean, laying his heart out.And he spent all morning looking for seashells to write this question on the sand.This guy deserved the world...

Taking a step closer to him, I took his hand in mine and said, "Yes, Tyler, I'd love to go to the prom with you,"

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