Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 42: Secret Keeper

Chapter 42: Secret Keeper 


Hailey was basically hyperventilating.

I put my hands on her arms and kept shushing her, hoping she would calm down.

AJ, lan, and his mom were still in the kitchen.

"lan and I are just waiting for the right time to tell everyone.So, please, can you not say anything, especially to Kristen?"

I whispered to her with pleading eyes. "Wow...like...wow,"

"Hailey, please, promise me.This stays between us," Hailey was quiet for a while.

Her eyes darted to the direction of the kitchen, and when she saw that no one was coming out, she finally nodded her head and said, "I promise I won't tell anyone. Only if you'll do one thing for me,"

"What is it?"

"Don't say anything to lan about what you saw earlier,"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you saw us.AJ and I," she stated simply.

She was referring to that moment when I entered the dining room and saw him kissing her hand.

"So you and AJ are..."

"AJ and I started hanging out at the end of summer break and we're just trying to see how things go," she paused and let out a sigh

"We haven't told lan or anyone else yet.lan can be a bit overprotective at times, I don’t know how he'll handle his little sister dating his friend.So, we're just waiting for the right time.Kinda like what you guys are doing,"

"Wow..." was all that I could say in response.

"Yeah, so please don't tell lan anything, and I promise I'm not gonna tell a soul about you two being...you know,"


I was about to say something else, but then we heard footsteps.

"Turkey's ready!"

AJ announced as he brought over the big tray of turkey and placed it in the middle of the long table.

"What are you girls chatting here about?" lan followed with plates of side dishes.

"Oh, I was just telling Emma all your dirty little secret.Did you know he used to be in the school’s Christmas production back in the sixth grade?" Hailey was quick to answer.

"lan was in a school play?" I gaped at him and he just shrugged.

"Don't listen to anything she says," he warned me and Hailey stuck her tongue out at him.

"Grab a seat everyone. I know you all must be starving,"

Kristen came in with the bow of mash and gravy.

We all took a seat around the table and AJ started pouring drinks for everyone. People had wine in their glasses, but not me.

"She's not drinking," lan said simply and that was that.

"Before we start, why don’t we go around the room and say what we're grateful for this Thanksgiving?"

Kristen said to everyone, "I'll start. I'm grateful that we're all healthy and happy, and all my children are here.Plus Emma and AJ.You two are always welcome,"

"Hear, hear," Hailey raised her wine glass and cheered.

"I'm grateful for the Giants, they're doing really well in the playoffs," AJ followed as he sat next to Kristen.

"That's right," lan nodded at him.

"Also grateful that business was good this year. And that I can spend Thanksgiving with all you guys," AJ continued.

AJ was smiling to everyone on the table as he spoke, but his smile for Hailey lasted a second longer than everyone else.

"Ok, my turn," Hailey chirped.

"I’m grateful for my family.I'm grateful for all this delicious food, shout out to my _ beautiful momma _ for preparing everything.And also...I'm grateful for AJ and Emma that are joining us tonight,"

Everyone smiled and nodded along.

But I noticed the way Hailey said AJ’s name, it was as if there was some weight in that.

"I'm definitely grateful for the food and for my mom and for all you guys, but I’m especially grateful for this girl right here,"

lan continued, pausing to turn to me and said, "Thank you for being with me,"

"Aw, of course," I said as I took his hand.

"I'm grateful for Kristen and the delicious food.Grateful to be a part of this wonderful night with these wonderful people.And of course, I’m absolutely head over heels grateful for you,"

I kept my gaze on lan and I gripped his hand tighter.

"Uh, get a room you two," AJ joked.

lan and I were staring deeply into each other's eyes.

We might have forgotten that there were other people in that room.

"Let's eat!" Hailey exclaimed before things could escalate further.

Dinner was amazing.

After stuffing our faces with turkey and stuffing, Kristen brought out pies for dessert and they were fabulous.

By 11 PM, Kristen decided to head to bed, while the four of us were still chilling in the living room.

We decided to watch a horror movie, The Shining by Stanley Kubrick, because why not? The four of us sat on the long couch, Hailey and I were in the middle and next to me was lan and next to her was AJ.

Everyone had a beer bottle in their hands, everyone except me.

AJ offered to get me one earlier and lan insisted no.

Gosh, I feel like such a child.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Hailey noticed it too, but she remained quiet.

She was kind of helpful, actually.

Whenever the topic of my age or college came up, she would distract AJ with another topic entirely.

She and I would exchange a knowing look and smiled meaningfully.

So, we were on the couch watching this movie.The movie was a lot terrifying than I thought it’d be.

There was this one scene where the kid was riding his tricycle around the hotel and he came across two very creepy twin girls in Victorian dresses talking in unison.

Hailey and I jumped in our seats and yelped, I buried my face into lan’s chest and she turned for AJ.

Hailey quickly corrected herself though, not wanting lan to notice she was being so cozy with AJ.

I decided to help Hailey and return the favor.

I snuggled closer to lan that I was basically half sitting on his lap.

This caused lan’s attention to be focused on me.

"Are you okay there?" he chuckled

"This is not even the worst scene,"

"Why are we watching this on thanksgiving, it’s not even Halloween,"

"I never knew you were such a scaredy-cat,"


I sighed into his chest and turn my face towards the TV again.

For a while there, I was enjoying myself.

My head was lying on his chest and his arm was around my shoulder.

I was mindlessly watching the movie when suddenly lan jerked my body with his two hands and yelled, "Boo!"


I screamed like a baby and it caused Hailey to scream as well.

"What the hell?"

Hailey and I snapped at lan who was laughing uncontrollably.

AJ joined in on the laughter as they high fived each other.

"You suck!"

I shoved him away and sat straighten my own.

"Hey, come on," he cooed and tried to get me to lay my head on his chest again, but I refused.

"Go away," I shoved him again and I kept my gaze on the TV in front of me.

lan’s body went away for a bit and I focused my attention back on the movie.But suddenly I felt his hand snaked around my waist and it pulled me back to him.I sighed and I didn't fight back.

He held me tight in his arms and placed a sweet kiss on my cheek.

"I'm sorry, you were just too cute," he whispered to my ears.

I blushed and flushed my head deeper into his neck.

On the corner of my eye, I noticed AJ was holding onto Hailey’s hand under the blanket.

The blanket was slightly pushed away, so their hands were somewhat visible.

It wouldn't be good if lan sees this.

I thought quickly on my feet and I decided to do the only thing I knew how to do.Lifting my face up to his, I found his lips with mine and I kissed him slow and gentle.He tasted like cherry pie and alcohol, and somehow they worked together.

"Baby girl, you're missing the best part," he murmured lowly, referring to the movie.

"No," I smirked playfully and said,

"You're the best part," Damn, I was smooth.

"What's gotten into you?" a smile escaped his lips.

I don't know, I just want to cover for your sister.But also, you look delicious.I couldn't say those words out loud, obviously.So I stayed quiet and bit my lip.

His hand reached up and he pulled my bottom lip down with his thumb.Then he leaned in and he kissed me, deep and hard.

"Seriously, get a room," My eyes were closed but I could hear AJ's remark.

"Maybe we will," lan let out an annoyed growl.

"What about the movie?" I looked up at his darkening eyes.

"It's on Netflix. Watch it whenever," he said simply and quickly stood up.

He lent his hand out to me and I took it almost immediately.

As I was making my way up the stairs, Hailey and I locked eyes for a moment.She gave me a wink and I smiled at her.lan was too focused on getting up the stairs that he didn’t see AJ putting his arm around Hailey as we went. K

On Saturday, we decided to go on a little outing with lan and his friends.

His friend, Tommy, had a cabin by the lake and the guys wanted to go fishing.

Tommy's wife, Lisa, Hailey, and I would just chill and hang out in the cabin.

Lisa had three kids, two twin boys and a girl.

They were all under the age of six and they could be a handful, but they were also very adorable. At around 2 PM, the guys were out fishing by the lake and the toddlers were asleep.

Lisa, Hailey, and I were just chatting by the fireplace when we heard the front door open.

There was this beautiful brunette girl that looked like Nina Dobrev and a guy walking behind her.

"Hey, sorry we're late!" the girl exclaimed.


Hailey jumped from the couch and went to hug her.

"Richard had a last minute surgery to attend to. Please forgive us,"

Ally said as she touched the guy's arm.

"It's definitely okay. We're glad you two can come,"

Lisa followed and hugged the two people.

Ally’s eyes scanned the room and they landed on me.

I just smiled and stood awkwardly on my spot, not knowing what to do.

"Who's this?" Ally asked.

"This is Emma. My brother's girlfriend,"

Hailey said as she gestured for me to come closer.

"Hi, I'm Emma," I said and I lent my hand out to her.

"Nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you,"

She didn't bother taking my hand, she pulled me in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.


"I'm Ally, this is my fiancée, Richard,"

"Hey, nice to meet you," Richard lent out his hand and I shook it politely.

"So this is Emma," Ally turned to Hailey and Lisa, before turning back to study me from head to toe ,

"Honestly, I didn’t think you'd be lan’s type,"

What was that supposed to mean?

"Does he even have one?" Hailey rolled her eyes.

"But she’s pretty, right?" Lisa added.

"Definitely," Ally nodded,

"lan likes pretty girls,"

Ally spoke as if he knew lan best and maybe it was my jealousy talking, but I didn’t like it.

The way she stared me up and down, it was like she was sizing me up.

"So, where’s everyone?"

Richard asked as he looked around the empty house.

"The guys are out fishing and the kids are taking a nap,"

Lisa answered him.

" I'll go out and join them then,"

Richard gave Ally a quick kiss on the cheek before turning for the door.

Ally didn’t even bother looking back at him, she had her eyes stuck on me, which was sort of intimidating.

"So, Emma, tell me about yourself," she said as she linked her arm around mine and pulled us towards the couch,

"The girl that finally got lan Hayes to buckle down.Tell me how you two met.I wanna know everything,"

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