Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 33: Birthday Girl

Chapter 33: Birthday Girl 



Summertime went by so fast.It really was true what they say, time flies when you're having fun.

Suddenly it was August and my birthday was right around the corner.

Thinking back, my birthday last year was what started this whole adventure in the first place.

I guess it was only fitting that I decided to spend my birthday this year with lan.

"So, where is he taking you for your birthday?"Carrie asked.

Tiff, Carrie, and I were hanging out in my room as I told them about my plans tomorrow.

"I have no idea.He wouldn't tell me.He just said to pack an overnight bag and tell my parents I'll be back the next day,"

I said as I folded my clothes neatly and put them inside a duffel bag.

"He's getting totally you back for when you surprised him on his birthday,"

Tiff replied as she picked up a few more outfits from my closet for me to choose.

"Not complaining though,"

I said as I picked the red sweater.

"What did you tell your parents?"Carrie asked.

"That I’m sleeping over at your place.Birthday sleepover thing.The usual,"

"Got it,"they both nodded.

"Are you excited?"

"I'm more than excited.I'm thrilled.Exhilarated.Exuberant.Enraptured—"

"Okay, okay, enough with the SAT words,"Tiff rolled her eyes.

"Someone’s been doing a lot of studying over the summer,"Carrie teased.

"If only I have a handsome young teacher at my beck and call,"Tiff smiled slyly.

"Shut up you two, my parents are right downstairs,"I hissed, but of course I was smiling.

"Promise that you'll call us as soon as you get back,"Carrie said.

"We want details.Which is a small price considering we're covering your ass,"Tiff added.

"Of course,"I laughed.

"You guys will always be the first to know,"

"We've been driving for over six hours.You're really not gonna tell me where we're going?"I said as I kicked my feet up on the dashboard.

"Nope,"he said coolly.

"You're cruel,"I pouted.

lan had picked me up from my house at six in the morning.The sun was barely rising.

He got some iced coffees and a red apple for good measure.It was cute.

"Now you how I felt," he laughed,

"But hey, the payoff will be worth it,"

"How much longer though? I have to pee again,"

The last time I peed was three hours ago when we stopped by a diner for some pancakes and more coffee.

"I'll find us a rest stop," he said simply.

"So it’s still a long while away, huh?"I sighed.

"Six more hours to go,"

"Twelve hours drive in total...wait a minute, are you taking me to New Jersey?!"

I jumped on my seat when I made the connection.

He didn't say a word but that smile on his face gave it away.

"You are, aren't you?!"

"Would that be okay?"he turned to look at me through his Ray-Bans.

"That would be..more than okay!"

I was getting so excited at the thought of seeing Kirsten again, and to be back at lan’s childhood home.We had such great memories back there.

"Great.Cause my mom's making dinner and everything,"

"Oh, that’s so sweet of her,"

"And tomorrow before we leave, we're gonna stop by someplace,"


"Just wait and see, baby girl," he smirked, Còntens bel0ngs to Nô(v)elDr/a/ma.Org

"You'll love it for sure,"

When he said like that, how could I not?

After dozens of carpool karaoke songs, a few more breaks at the rest stop, and another six hours of driving, we finally arrived in New Jersey.

We got there just before 7 PM and as soon as we walked into the house, my nose was filled with this amazing smell that was Kirsten’s cooking.

"We're here,"lan announced ourselves as we entered the kitchen.

On the dining table, I saw everything from salad appetizers to meatloaves, at least two types of side dishes, a huge red velvet cake, and a freshly baked pie.

"You guys are right on time.You must be so tired from all the driving, come on, have a seat,"

Kirsten beamed when she saw us.

"Oh, and happy birthday, Emma dear," she turned to me and gave me a hug and a Kiss.

"Thank you so much for preparing dinner for us.I hope it's not too much trouble—"

"Of course not!" she said quickly.

"I'm so glad when lan called and told me he’s bringing you home for your birthday,"

Home...that sounded nice.

"I'm starving,"

lan said as he cracked his neck and sat on the table.

"You want anything to drink?"he asked me.

He must be so tired from twelve hours of driving, but he was still catering to me and my needs.He kept saying he was fine, but no one should be fine driving for that long.Not even truck drivers.

"Thank you, I’m good with water,"

I said as I sat down next to him and reached for his hand.

He smiled at me as we held hands and Kirsten joined us on the table.

She led a little prayer before dinner and I still couldn't get over how sweet she was and how great of a boyfriend lan was.

"Where’s Hailey?"

I asked when I noticed the table was set for us three.

"She's in college, taking summer classes,"

lan answered.

"Emma, I don’t know if you like cake or pie, so I made both,"

Kristen said.

"I like both.Thank you so much,"

Dinner was fantastic.

I loved hearing stories about lan and his family.

Kirsten was such a sweetheart.

She was fun and loving, and she even told us the story of how she met lan’s dad.

"James and I met in college,"she said.

"We were both in Northwestern.I was a psychology major and he was in business administration.We met at a party, like all you college kids would,"

"Right," I shot lan a worried smile, but he was unfazed.

"I heard you two met at a party—oh wait, no, a bar,"she said again.

"You were celebrating your birthday and lan was celebrating getting a teaching job,"

"That's true..." I said and gulped my food down.

"Was it love at first sight?"she asked with hopeful eyes.



lan said finally, somewhat scolding.

"It was like that for James and I.We saw each other from across the room and we just knew,"

"I guess it's more of a...gradual thing for us,"I smiled nervously at lan and back to Kirsten.

"Well, I'm so glad you two found each other,"

"Yeah,"I nodded at her.

"Me too," lan and I shared a knowing look and he tightened his grip on my hand.

After dinner with Kirsten, lan insisted on taking me to a drive-thru cinema nearby.

I told him that he should rest, but he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I have a strict itinerary to follow," he joked, mocking the fact that I made one for his birthday.

"Fine," I sighed.

So we packed some snacks, got into his car, and went to the drive-thru cinema.

They were playing old movies that night, and we caught the showing of the 1965 The Sound of Music.

"You are sixteen going on seventeen, baby it’s time to think,"

the actor on the screen sang.

And how funny was it that they were singing this song as I was having my birthday today.

"I swear, this I didn’t plan," lan laughed as if he knew what I was thinking.

"Better beware, be canny and careful, baby you're on the brink,"

"You're the best boyfriend ever,"

I was half sitting on his lap and he had his arm around my shoulders as I lay my head on his chest.

His one hand was caressing the side of my face gently and the other hand was laced with mine.He smelled so good and his body was warm.I wouldn't mind if we were to stay like this forever.

"This is the best day ever," I said as I looked up at him, "

“Thank you,"He cocked his head to the side and said,

"But the day's not over yet,"I gave him a puzzled look as a naughty grin crept up his lips.

Not wasting any more time, he leaned in and started trailing kisses from my lips, to my chin, and to my neck.

I let out a soft moan as he sucked and nibbled on my sweet spot.

My free hand went and gripped his hair, and I let my fingers ran through his hair.

Using both hands, he pushed me back gently until my body hit the car’s window.

Then he untangled my legs, placing himself right in the middle.

"lan, what are you doing?" I said as he hovered on top of me.

"What do you think?" he licked his lips seductively and his eyes turned dark.

"Lan… we're in a public place!"

"So?" he couldn't any care less.

He leaned down and continued kissing my neck again.His hands went to roam my body and when he sucked hard on that spot on my neck, I lost all my inhibitions.

Another moan escaped my lips and I tilted my head back to give him more access.

"Ian..." I tried to protest, but he put a finger over my mouth to shut me up.

"Baby, it’s your day.Let me take care of you,"

His hands went to undo my jeans and he managed to slip them off effortlessly, along with my underwear.Smiling that wild smile, he nuzzled his nose to my opening and inhaled my scent.

He let out a sharp groan and the next thing I knew, his mouth was on me.His thumb was stroking my clit and his tongue danced into my heat.He moved slow and gentle at first, but over time he moved faster and with precision.He was hitting my g-spot over and over again, sending me straight to paradise.I couldn't for the love of me keep it together anymore.I let go, screaming his name as I found my release.

He lifted his face and smiled victoriously as he said, " Happy birthday, baby girl,"

We got home after the movie and the house was quiet.Kirsten was already in bed so we had to tiptoe into lan’s bedroom.It reminded me of the first time I came here.We stayed out until 3 AM that day.

Tonight, however, we were in bed by 12 AM.

lan insisted that we get some rest because we had an early day tomorrow.

One last surprise before we had to drive back to Georgia.

That night, I slept like a baby, cuddled snugly in his arms.

He held me into his chest and I linked my arms around his waist, holding him tightly right back.

He rested his chin on my head as his fingers gently caressed my face.

Neither of said anything as we lay there, and we just rested in comfortable and wonderful silence.

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and lan’s gorgeous face watching over me.

"Good morning, birthday girl," he said in that deep, sexy voice.

"My birthday was yesterday," I smiled lazily and propped myself up.

But of course, with lan, every day is like my birthday.

"Are you ready for your next surprise?" he said and gave the mug of coffee over to me.

"You're like a gift that keeps on giving," I said as I sipped the delicious brew.

"Anything for my girl," he held the side of my face with his hand planted a long, soft kiss on my lips.He then licked my lips with his tongue and said, "Good coffee, huh?"

I blushed bright red and squirmed away, "I'll go get ready, give me twenty minutes,"

He laughed away and took a step back.

"I'll be in the kitchen,"he raised an eyebrow playfully and said, "Unless you need some help getting ready,"

"Go wait in the kitchen,"I rolled my eyes and turned for the en-suite as fast as I could.

My heart was beating too fast for its own good.

What a way to start a day.

After a quick breakfast, we said goodbye to Kirsten and she made us promise to come back soon.

lan and I piled our things into the car and we were back on the road by 8 AM.

My eyes were heavy so I dozed off for a bit.

I didn’t know how long I was asleep for, but the next thing I knew, the car was parked and Ian's thumb was brushing my cheeks gently.

"Wake up, baby girl,"he said sweetly.

"Where are we?"I pried my eyes open and looked from side to side.

We were parked on a street lined with trees and old buildings.This definitely did look like the New Jersey boardwalk.There were so many greeneries around and this big castle looking building that could pass as Hogwarts.There were also many young people walking all around, and there was a guy wearing a sweatshirt with the word ‘Princeton’ on it.

"We're in Princeton...?"I eyed him suspiciously.

"The one and only,"he smiled, "They're ranked as the best school in the country this year,"

"Why are we in Princeton?"I was gaping at all the sights.

"Don’t get me wrong, this is cool.But why?"

"We're here to join a campus tour,"he said simply.

"For Princeton? But, I can’t— I’m not even —"I was at loss for words.

He didn't answer me right away.Instead he got out of the car and walked over to my side of the door before pulling it open.He helped me out of the car and I immediately loved the smell of fresh air and tall green trees all around us.

"I'm bringing you here to show you that there’s nothing out of your league.Emma, you're a smart girl and you're driven.You can do whatever you put your heart to.Including this, if it's what you want," he

said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I...I don’t know what to say,"I really don’t.

No one ever believed in me this much.I was so touched.

"But hey, if this isn’t what you want, that’s fine too,"he paused for a moment before continuing,

"We can just walk around and make out under the tree,"I felt like I just won the lottery.

The most amazing person in the world believed in me.The most amazing person in the world loved me.And he was standing right here, in front of me.I couldn't help myself.

I was hit with so much joy and happiness, but also fear.

Remembering what my parents told me about our financial condition, I was afraid things might not work out.

That all this was too good to be true.

Tears started falling from my eyes and I had no control over it.

lan’s smile faded as he watched me cry.

"Emma? What's wrong? Did I say something?"he quickly reached for my face and studied me intently.

"No, it’s not you..." I shook my head in between sobs,

"lan, this is so...great,"

"But,"he continued.

"But what if I don’t end up here next year? What if you're here on the east coast and I’m not?"

"Hey, wherever you end up, that's where I'll be,"he smiled reassuringly.

His hand gripped my face tightly, as if he was saying he won't ever let me go.

"This is just an option, remember?"he said again.

I couldn't say a word, so I just nodded meekly.

"I'll follow you until the ends of the earth, Emma.Because anywhere is heaven when I’m with you,"

He pulled me into a hug.I felt safe and warm wrapped in his arms.

He always knew just what to say to make everything better.Though my future was still laced with so many uncertainties, at least I knew one thing was for sure.It was this.

"I love you, lan,"

"I love you, Emma,"

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