Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 27: Birthday Boy

Chapter 27: Birthday Boy


One Month Later -

"Hey Em, what are you doing? What is that?"

I didn't sit at our usual spot today for lunch because I was avoiding my friends.

Yet, Tiff and Carrie always seemed to know how to find me.

I was sitting in the empty gym bleachers, writing away in my notebook.

"Dear lan—oh my gosh, you're writing a love letter?"

Carrie peeked at my notebook and gasped.

"Guys! Keep it down!"

I hissed quickly and threw my gaze around, making sure no one was listening.

"And no, for your information, that’s not a love letter.

That's a birthday card,"

I said when I knew for sure we were the only people there. "Mr.Hayes’ birthday is coming up?"

Tiff asked and I quickly put my hand over her mouth.

"Ssh, we agreed we're not using real names here,"

"Oh right, I meant is Bar Guy’s birthday coming up?"she corrected herself. "Yup, March 14th,"I nodded.

"Oh, that's this Saturday.

What are you guys plan on doing?"

Carrie asked.

"Weplanned nothing because hedidn't like celebrating his birthdays.

But lam planning something.

After that amazing Valentine’s day dinner he planned for me, I have to do something spectacular in return,"

"So what are you thinking?"

"At first I wanted to throw him a surprise party, but seeing as the three of us are the only people allowed to know about the relationship, a party with just us doesn’t seem right.

So, I thought about making dinner.

But he already did that for Valentine’s Day, so I wanna do something else,"

"Yeah, tell us what you're actually thinking,"

they laughed teasingly but I just rolled my eyes.

"So I’m thinking I’m gonna take him out for a little road trip,"

"Oh, fun! Where to?"

With him? Anywhere.

That was an inside joke that my friends wouldn't get.

So I just smiled at them and said, "There's a place,"

I "Uh-huh.

And you're not gonna tell us where,"


"What, you think we'll spy on you guys?"

Tiff asked defensively.

"We're totally gonna spy on you guys," This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

Carrie shrugged.

"Knew it,"

I pursed my lips, "Which is why it'll be a secret.

But just in case my mom called you guys, tell her we're going doing a movie marathon at the IMAX theater,"

"Covering for you is our full-time job now,"

Carrie joked.

"Don't worry, you two will be generously rewarded,"

"A road trip, huh? You and Bar Guy are gonna have so much fun,"

Tiff stopped for a moment and she rolled eyes as the realization hit her, "Man, I’m single AF,"

Friday night rolled along and I couldn't be more excited.

I had planned and planned everything in detail for lan’s birthday surprise tomorrow.

Everything would be perfect and we'd love each other more and more.

I Eep! I texted lan again to make sure that he would be ready for tomorrow.

It was a simple text, I wrote "Sleep early tonight.Get ready for tomorrow. Love you." and I thought that was that, I was getting ready to go to sleep.

But suddenly, he called me up.


I answered the call.

"What do you mean get ready for tomorrow?"

"I mean get ready.We're doing something fun,"

"What thing?"

"It's a surprise.

If I tell you it won't be a surprise,"

"I hate not knowing what's gonna happen.

Just give me like a hint,"

"The only hint I can give you is this clear your schedule tomorrow, that’s all I’m saying,"

"Emma, I told you, I’m not into celebrating birthdays,"he sighed.

"We're not celebrating anything.

We're just gonna hang out.

You know, do boyfriend and girlfriend things,"

I said reassuringly.

"All right, all right,"

he said finally, pausing for a beat before saying, "When did you get so bossy?"

"I'll see you tomorrow morning,"

I rolled my eyes, though I knew he couldn't see it.

"Yes ma‘am,"

Saturday morning couldn't come fast enough.

As soon as my alarm clock hit 5 AM, I jolted from the bed and ran for the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, did my hair, and donned some light make up.

This is the only time I would be excited to wake up at 5 AM.

After leaving a note on the fridge for my parents, I grabbed my things and piled them into my car.

Before anything else, I went to the gas station and made sure the tank was full.

I also got two iced coffees and a red apple at the convenience store before driving off to lan’s apartment.

I knocked and waited for a while before lan finally opened the door.

It looked like he just woke up.

He was shirtless and only wearing his sleep joggers.

His dark brown hair was messy but he still looked drop-dead gorgeous.

"Happy birthday,"

I beamed at him, and I held the red apple in front of his face.

"That's cute,"

he chuckled and took the apple, "But it’s...seven in the morning,"

"I told you I'm coming early in the morning,"

I said as I leaned against the doorframe.

"Ok...Why are you standing there? You're not gonna come in?"

"No, you're coming with me,"

I stated firmly.


"I told you I'm taking you out.

Grab your things and whatever else you need and let's skedaddle,"

"It's Saturday morning.

Can't we just sit down and have breakfast or something? I’m feeling kind of hungry..."

He put one hand on the doorframe and he stood tall, hovering over me.

He licked his lips and eyed me from head to toe, sending shivers up and down my spine.

"You can eat the apple,"

I muttered quickly, pulling my composure, "And in the meantime, let’s get us on the road.

Trust me on this,"


he sighed, "And we have to go right now?"

"Serious is my middle name.

Grab your things and let’s go.

I got two large ice coffees waiting in the car,"

"You're actually serious, wow,"

he chuckled lowly.

"Come on, don't just stand there, we don’t have all day,"

I pushed him back into the apartment with both my hands.

He held onto my hands and pushed himself forward, causing our lips to crash into each other.

He kissed me hard and hungrily.

I kissed him back passionately, but I pulled away abruptly, causing him to jerked his eyes open.

"Happy birthday to me,"

he smirked.

"Grab a shirt, or don’t.

And come with me,"

I ordered firmly.

He cocked his head to the side and studied my attitude.

Finally, he let out a chuckle and said, "Yes ma‘am,"

kak kaka KKK KKK KKK KR KKK KKK KK RK KRKKAKEK To my disappointment, lan decided to wear a shirt.

He sat coolly on the passenger seat with a pair of Ray-bans on.

When he sipped his iced coffee, you could see his Adam’s apple moving, and wow that was hot.

"You're gonna hit something if you don’t keep your eyes on the road,"

he commented and I quickly looked away.

"I was just checking the side mirror,"

I mumbled out.

"So, where are we going?"

"With you? Anywhere,""Right,"

he chuckled, remembering our famous catchphrase.

"I know you're fun, but I don’t know you're this spontaneous,"

he said again.

"Remember the first time we met? Spontaneous is my other middle name,"

I replied. "Touché,"

he said, pausing for a moment as he studied the road and said, "We just passed the city limits.

Are you really not gonna tell me where you're taking me?"


You'll just have to wait and see,"

"When I said you'll be the death of me, you literally could be,"

Ignoring him, I linked my phone to my earphone and set the GPS course.

I didn’t want him to hear or see where we were going, so I purposefully put the phone on my lap.

"You can tie me up and put blindfolds on me if that's easier,"

he commented.

I guiped.

The image of lan blindfolded and tied up...

hmm ..

I didn’t have a good comeback for that.

"Or maybe we can put you in one?"

he smirked and put his one hand on my knee, causing me to squirm.

"Don't distract me, lan!"

I hissed quickly, slapping his hand away.

"I'm on a mission here,"

"Bossy Emma,"

he snickered, "I like this side of you too,"

"You can sleep if you want.

I'll wake you up when we get there,"

I said as I turned some chill music up.

He leaned back against his seat.

He crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side.

It looked like he was sleeping, and I actually thought he did.

But a part of me couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn’t actually asleep.

He was watching me behind those black sunglasses.

And he just watched me, the whole entire ride.


I announced as we drove past the sign saying ‘welcome to Savannah’, and lan pulled his sunglasses down.

"And what are we doing now that we're here?"

He narrowed his eyebrows at me.

"First thing on the itinerary, we’re getting brunch at this café by the park and then we can take a stroll around,"

I said as I nabbed a good parking spot near the park.

"You have an itinerary?"

"Told you, I’m both serious and spontaneous,"

- He looked at me in amusement and I just shrugged.

After I parked the car, we got out and I led him to the cute café nearby.

We got pancakes and a cherry pie and I made sure to tell everyone around us that it was lan’s birthday and random strangers would come up to him and wish him a happy birthday.

lan glared at me and I just beamed at him.

The day lan Hayes came into this world should not be taken lightly.

I just wanted to make him feel special, because that was what he made feel. After brunch, we needed to walk off the carbs, so we headed for the park.

It was early spring and the park was huge, green, and beautiful.

There was a gorgeous fountain in the middle and we made a wish together, throwing a penny into it.

He thought it was silly and touristy, but I was happy I got my wish.

I wished that we could spend more birthdays like this.

When we got tired of walking around the park, we picked a cozy bench and sat there for a bit.

I was rambling about Savannah being the birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low, creator of the Girl Scouts, when suddenly lan leaned into me and kissed me mid sentence.

It was a sweet and perfect kiss.

I was nervous he wouldn't like his surprise, but he seemed to be enjoying everything so far.

After the park, we went and took a walk along the river.

It was a gorgeous cobblestone street surrounded by historical buildings and the Savannah River on its side.

"So, do your parents know you're out here in Savannah for the day?"

he said as we walked hand in hand along the riverside. "Not really, but they don’t have to know everything.

As long as I'm back tonight before 11, no harm no foul,"

"I see,"

he paused for a while, thinking hard as he said , "Must be hard having me as your boyfriend,"

"What are you talking about?"

"I know what you're doing.

Thank you,"

"lan, seriously, what are you talking about?"

"You drove for three and a half hours to Savannah because you know we can't be seen together,"

there was a note of bitterness in his words.

"I drove for three and a half hours to Savannah because I want to go see Forsyth Park and East River Street with my boyfriend,"

I said as I held his hand tighter in mine.

"You're the best girlfriend ever,"

"I try,"

I blushed crimson red.

"Come here you,"

he said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Best birthday ever or what?"

I looked up at him.

"It's about to be,"

he said as he leaned down and coaxed me into another perfect kiss.

"And now it is,"

he said as he pulled away.

It was a perfect moment.

The sun was setting and the warm yellow light hit his face at just the right angle and I couldn't get over how beautiful he was.

He was smiling at me, a warm genuine smile that got me weak in the heart and knees. "Can I ask you something?"

I said.


"Why don’t you like celebrating birthdays?"

He let out a small sigh before answering, "Because I never had a good enough reason to celebrate.

Until now,"

I couldn't help the smile forming on my face as his fingers went to brush my chin.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

he asked.

"Because I'm so happy.

Why are you smiling like that?"

I replied.

"Turns out, being kidnapped by my girl is the best birthday present I could ever ask for,"

he leaned his forehead on mine and said, "Thank you," His girl.

He called me ‘his girl’.

Those were the best two words ever created in the English dictionary.

My heart was full and overflowing with joy and I couldn't contain it anymore.

I pulled him by his collar and stood on my tippy toes and I kissed him like I never kissed anyone before.

Because I’m his girl.

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