Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 22: Surprise Appearance

Chapter 22: Surprise Appearance


"Ma, I’m going out.Don’t wait up,"I was making my way down the stairs, heading straight for the front door.

But mom was quick.

She ran over and intercepted me, standing right in front of my way.

"Now, when you said you're coming home for Christmas, I thought you were coming home for Christmas.But we barely see you,"

"I promised the guys I'll have a drink with them.I'll be home all day tomorrow, promise,"I put my hands up in defeat.I never win an argument with my mother.

"All right then.You have a great night with your friends,"she paused for a second before continuing, "Don’t get into any trouble!"

"Relax mom, we're not sixteen anymore,"I laughed.

I said I wouldn’t argue with her, didn’t mean I didn’t get into trouble in the good old days.I was a bit of a troublemaker back then.I had trouble following the rules, But then again, I guess I still do.

"Who'd ever guess that at twenty four years old, my son would graduate grad school and become a teacher?"

"Not me, that’s for sure,"Oh, the irony.

I used to give my teachers such a hard time at school.That was if I bothered showing up at all.

And now here I was, your average good old fashioned high school teacher.

" l am so proud of you, lan.Your father would be so proud of you too,"she smiled tenderly.

The atmosphere got a little somber as the mention of my dead father would always do that to her.

"Thanks,"I said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, "

"I'm off,"

"Okay, I'll see you in the morning,"she called out as I stepped out the door.

"See ya," My friends wanted to hit this new club that just opened downtown.

I couldn't care less where we were going or what we were doing, I just wanted to get away.

I thought leaving Georgia would do the trick, but it was like she was following everywhere. I couldn't get her out of my mind no matter how far I went.

"I love you,"

Her words were still ringing in my ears.

I went to bed thinking about her, and I woke up with dreams of her. Ending things with her was the right thing to do, but why did it have to feel so fucking bad? Every time I saw her face around at school, I felt like I was being punched in the gut.

It hurt so bad, I couldn't keep my eyes straight for two seconds.Sometimes I’d hear her voice.

She would talk and laugh with her friends.

I felt like such a creep, listening to her or watching her from the far, but that was all I could do.

And what I should have been doing from the very beginning anyway.It just sucked.Really sucked.

Knowing that there was a girl out there that loves me, and that I love in return, but we could never be together.

At least, not in this lifetime.

"Bro, why you bein’ so quiet, man?"my boy Tommy came over and sat down next to me.

"Yeah, it's depressing, dude," AJ followed after.

Tommy and AJ were old time friends of mine.

We went to high school together, we got into all sorts of trouble together.

But now Tommy was married with three kids and AJ became one of the top real estate brokers in the state.

And as for me, you know what happened. We got a table at this club and AJ invited a whole bunch of people.

Everyone was having a good time, drinking, dancing, and talking about their new year’s resolution.

I tried to stay engaged, but my mind kept wandering back to her.

She’s in Georgia, and she’s happy and safe.

That's all that matters.

"Just leave me alone, man.I just need a drink," I said to the guys as they were waiting for an explanation.

"No way.If you need a drink, we all drink with you.That's the rule,"

Tommy said as he waved the waitress over, "A round of scotch for us please, and go easy on the ice,"

"Can't believe that's still a thing," I laughed at Tommy’s stupid rule.

"Yeah, that rule’s got us in trouble plenty of times," AJ agreed.

"Some things never change, huh?" Ally added.

I didn't even know where she came from, I thought she was somewhere on the dance floor.

But she was here all of a sudden, taking a seat right next to me and her knee was touching my leg.

Ally was an old friend, we all went to high school together.

We fooled around once or twice, but we never dated.

She was now working in PR and engaged, they planned for a March wedding. "Hey, all we had was warm beer when we were sixteen, but we can afford whiskey now.So I'll say that’s an improvement,"

Tommy argued as the waitress came back with our drinks.

"To the good old days,"AJ cheered as he picked up a glass.

"And the great new ones to come,"Ally added as she grabbed hers too.

I picked up mine reluctantly and toasted everyone before downing the drink.I wasn't as excited as everyone here was about the new years, but I agreed it was time to turn a new page.

It had been a brutal couple of weeks and I couldn't wait for this year to just be over.

"So, how’s life in Georgia, man? How’s teaching?" AJ turned to me as he sipped his drink.

"It’s alright,"I shrugged.

"That's right.I hear you're a teacher now.Crazy how the world turned out, huh?"Ally laughed.

"Yeah.Remember we used to prank Mr.Sheehan every day after school? Remember the time we wrapped his car in bubble wrap?"Tommy chimed and we all laughed.

"You guys were trouble, I remember.Crashing cars, vandalizing, oh and didn’t you guys burn down a warehouse once?"Ally asked.

"We burned stuff inside the warehouse.We didn't actually burn the warehouse,"AJ defended.

"Right,"she rolled her eyes, "You didn’t burn it, you just set it on fire,"

"Ha, touché," Tommy relented and gave her a high five.

"It's funny when you look back.We were pretty stupid kids back then,"

AJ shook his head at the thought of all the stupid things we did.

"Stupid and angry,"I muttered in agreement.

"Why were you guys so angry?"she asked.

Tommy and AJ gave me a look.I just sighed.

"I was angry at the world.My dad died when I turned sixteen,"I admitted.

My dad was my best friend.

He died suddenly in a car crash, a drunk driver hit him.It was so out of the blue and senseless.As a kid, I just wanted some answers.

"And at sixteen it just seemed right, you know? Burn down things and trash places just because you're mad at the world,"Tommy added.

He and AJ knew exactly what I was feeling and they were with me every step of the way.

"But it’s whatever now.You grow and you learn,"I said as I raised my glass.

"Hear, hear,"everyone followed after me.

By this time, all our glasses were almost empty.

AJ got up quickly and said, "I'll get us another round,"

"Anything but warm beer,"

Ally replied and he nodded along.

"Shoot, it’s the wife,"

Tommy flinched as he picked up his vibrating phone.

A worried look splashed across his face as he said, "I gotta go take this.Be right back,"

"Still can’t believe Tommy’s married with three kids,"

I said as I watched him slipped through the crowd for the nearest exit.

"I know right.I see him around town sometimes, playing football with his kids.Can you imagine?"Ally replied.

"So weird.In freshman year, he sat down on a stapler and got his ass stapled three times.Now that guy's a dad,"

I shook my head at the memory and Ally laughed away.

"Life's unpredictable that way, I guess,"

"Yeah,"I nodded.

"You ever thought of your life that way?"

"What way?"

"I don't know, settling down, getting married, kids?"

"I haven't, I guess.

What about you?"

"Oh, I've been thinking about that ever since I was a kid.I want to be a mom.Drive my kids to soccer practice and everything,"she paused for a second before continuing, "

"It's funny, but I used to have this massive crush on you back in high school.I used to write my name Allison Hayes and I'd call you baby daddy,"

"Shut up,"I couldn’t help but laugh.

"I'm serious.Ask all my friends, they all know,"

"Yeah...we had a good time back then,"

A smile crept up my lips as I remembered our days together.We lived not too far away from each other.I used to sneak into her room after her parents were asleep and we’d make out all night.

"We did.Especially prom night,"she let out a nostalgic smile.

"Prom night!"I remembered that.

We got so drunk and went skinny dipping at the lake.

I woke up the next morning with a tattoo on my arm, I didn’t remember getting it, but it was my first tattoo.

And the beginning of many more.

After high school, we all parted ways. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Ally went to Boston for college and I went to Georgia.

We hadn't seen each other since then.

But I was happy to know she grew up to be this successful and beautiful woman I knew she'd be.

"So, um, congratulations by the way.I heard you're engaged,"I said to her after a while of silence.

"Thanks,"she smiled brightly as she showed me the ring on her finger, "His name’s Richard.He's a neurosurgeon,"

"Must be a smart guy.He picked you,"

"He is super smart.And super kind to me,"

"So you're happy?"


"Good,"I paused a second before continuing,

"Maybe you'll get to drive your kids to soccer practice sooner than you think,"She smiled at the thought.

She really was looking forward to it.

"How about you? Are you seeing anyone right now?"she asked.


"Oh, come on.A guy like you.Must be a hot commodity down there in Georgia,"

"Yeah, I'm not doing...relationships.So that kind of takes me out of the market,"

"Still?"she gaped at me.

"You're not in high school anymore, don't you think it's about time you drop that stupid rule of yours?"

"Well...there was this girl in Georgia.I like her...I love her even,"

"What happened?"

"Just...life.Things don’t always work out, you know?"

"Sorry about that," she sighed,

"She must be someone special to get you to say the L-word,""I let out a dry laugh.

It was an inside joke.

I remembered after prom, Ally finally told me that she loves me.

I wasn’t drunk yet, but I didn’t know what to say back, so I just said, "Great, thanks,"

"Yeah, she is special,"I nodded bitterly at the thought of Emma.

"But hey, I can introduce you to some of my girlfriends if you want?"she said in a cheerful tone.

"Nah, I’m good,"

"Fine,"she let out a sigh and stood up to her feet.

Lending her hand out to me, she said, "How about a dance? For old times’ sake,"

I thought about it for a while, but then I shook my head lightly and said, "I don’t feel like dancing.But you go ahead,"

"Are you sure?"she eyed me one last time and I gave her a firm nod.

"Suit yourself,"she gave me a pout before turning to her heels, making her way to the dance floor.

She looked good, I must admit.Any other day I would have loved to dance with her.But not today.

Guess this thing’s hitting me harder than I thought. Slumping my body back on the couch, I let my eyes wander aimlessly around the club.

It was dark except for the rays on neon lights flashing in sync with the music.

The energy in the room was pumping, but it made me feel even worse on the inside.

Maybe I just need some fresh air.

Getting up to my feet, I made my way out the door for a little peace of mind.

I thought about bumming a cigarette or something.

But as I took one step outside the club, I looked up and saw the craziest thing.

Emma was standing in front of me.Her two friends were right behind her.

She looked shocked to see me, but she quickly pulled her composure and smiled widely.

"Emma?"I gaped.

"Hi there, stranger," she spoke and I found myself unable to move.

It really was her.

"What are you doing here? How are you here?"

Putting her finger to my lips, she shut me up and playfully said, "Aren't you going to ask me to dance?"


"I just need to talk to you," her face turned serious as she said,

"Can we get out of here?"

"Where to?" "With you? Anywhere,"

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