Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 18: Revenge Fantasy

Chapter 18: Revenge Fantasy


There was a lump in my throat that wouldn't subside no matter how much I tried swallowing.My brain went running a hundred miles an hour and my body was rendered motor-less.What could Zach possibly mean? As if to answer my question, my phone chimed again.

Zach had sent a photo attachment.With shaky hands, I tapped my phone to open the picture.

It was a photo of a black car parked in front of my house.The license plate showed lan’s plate. Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

It was lan’s car in front of my house, just minutes ago.And when I zoomed in, I could make out lan and I kissing each other on the front seat.

I almost dropped my phone.I almost dropped my entire body to the floor.

It took every inch of strength in my body for me to remain standing.

Zach has found about lan and me...and he knows that lan is a teacher at school...

I am so dead.We are so, so very dead...

"Emma, it’s dinner time.We're waiting for you,"mom called out from the dining room.

"I'm coming,"my voice cracked as I responded.

My feet were wobbly as I went to the dinner table and sat across my mom and dad.

They were being their normal, happy saves and I wished I could do the same.

But my mind was somewhere else entirely and mom noticed it.

"Everything okay?"mom asked as she studied my face , "You look pale.Are you sick?"

"I’m okay,"I muttered quickly, "I just had some things on my mind,"

"Care to share?’ Dad asked.

Sure, dad.

So I’m secretly dating my teacher at school and my ex-boyfriend found out, so now I’m screwed.

"No, it's nothing.Just...some stupid boy stuff,"I said instead.

"Well, that topic’s way out of my league,"dad chuckled lightly.

"You can talk to us if you want,"mom said kindly, but I quickly shook my head.

"No.It's nothing to be worried about,"

"We noticed you’ve been very active at school lately.Swim practice, cheerleading, and art studio.We barely see you at home before dinner.But we think that’s a very good thing.So maybe you should focus on that instead,"dad said as he munched on his steak.

"Yeah,"I gulped, "I will,"I was about to bring some food to my mouth when suddenly, my phone chimed again and I felt my heart sunk to my feet.I was afraid it would be more texts from Zach, but a small part of me was thinking that it might be lan.

So I took a peek at my phone from below the table.

Zach: You've been such a bad girl.


"Honey, what's wrong?"mom asked as she noticed the sudden change in my expression.

"I...I just need to make a quick phone call,"I said as I got up quickly.

"But you barely touched your food,"she protested.

"I'll be rela quick, I promise,"

I pleaded, and without giving her a chance to protest some more, I made a dash out of the dining room.

I thought the living room was too close, mom and dad could overhear my conversation, so I decided to head out of the house.

My hands were shaking as I dialed Zach’s number and waited nervously for him to pick up.

He picked up after the second ring.


"Zach, where are you? We need to talk,"

I said quickly, but still somewhat whispering.

"Oh, so now you want to talk?’ his tone was smug, somewhat mocking.

"Please, Zach,"

"You're lucky, I'm right in front of your house,"

That was when I noticed his sedan parked across my house.He blinked the lights several times to signal that he was there.

I took a deep breath, turned off the call, and crossed the street over to his car.Zach was sitting comfortably in the driver seat.

I took a deep breath and steadied myself as I opened the car door, awaiting my doom.

"Why are you here, Zach?"I asked as soon as I got into his passenger seat.

"Il came to see you.But before I can give you a call, I saw you went out and got into his car,"he was being very calm.

Cool, calm, and collected.

On the other hand, was a nervous wreck.

"Listen, about what you saw—""

"Damn,"he cut me off quickly,

"I used to think you're like this, pure, innocent girl.But all of sudden you're seeing a teacher now? That’s messed up, Emma,"

"It’s not like that...we met before he was a teacher,"

"When was this? ‘Cause you and I were dating up until this summer,"

"It was after we broke up,"I said quickly, hoping he wouldn't ask for details.

"When exactly?"he pressed on.

"Right after,"

"Wow, you moved on fast,"he scoffed.

"You can’t blame me for that, Zach.You know what you did,"

"Yeah, but I never loved her.I had actual feelings for you.It's been months and all I did was think about you.I called and texted but you never responded.I even came all the way here, and here you are, you've forgotten all about me,"there was a pained expression in his eyes as he said all that.

I didn't know what to say, so I murmured slowly, "I'm sorry But, why did I have to be sorry? “

"You know what the worst part is? I saw you two kissed.You never even kissed me the way you kissed him.

And you've known him for like, a few months? We dated for a year, Emma,"

Again, I didn’t have a good answer.

I guess I never liked Zach as much as I liked lan, but I didn’t think it was appropriate to say that.

So I said nothing.

"Do you love him?"

I never asked myself that question before because I felt like it was too early to tell.

But now that I was put on the spot, somehow I already knew the answer to that.

"I do,"I said quietly.

"So, that’s why you don't wanna get back together with me? It's because of him?"

"Zach, please,"

I begged, pausing for a moment before saying, "You can’t tell anyone about this.You're gonna get him in trouble and you're gonna get me in trouble.If you care about me at all, please,"

He didn’t answer me right away.I could tell that his mind was racing.He narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.He was seething, like he was angry.And hurt.

"Fine,"he breathed finally,

"Let's say that I will delete this photo.Let's say I won't tell anyone about it.Let's say I'll do that.But what am I getting out of it?"

I narrowed my eyes at him this time, and he just looked at me with this cold expression on his face.

"What do you want?"I asked him.

He didn’t say anything right away.

Instead, he looked me up and down before cocking his head to the side, and a sly smile appeared on his face.

I was getting impatient, so I pressed on, "Tell me what you want, Zach.I'll do anything,"

"Anything?"he licked his lips and bit his bottom lip.

I didn’t have a good feeling about this, but I still said, "Yeah..."

The biggest smile appeared on his face as he said, "Ok.Then I went you,"

"Excuse me?"

"Just one night with you.Then I'll delete this and I'll never tell a soul,"he said as he lifted his phone up, the screen showed the picture he just sentme.

"You mean you want me to...have sex with you?"

I couldn't even believe the words that were coming out of my mouth.

"I think it’s a fair trade,"he stated simply.

How could that be fair? That was the most unfair thing in the world.He was the one that cheated on me.

I was a good girlfriend, I never did anything wrong.

Yes, I did fell in love with a random stranger at a bar, but that was after we broke up.

And the moment I moved on from him, Zach just had to pull me back in.

"Please, Zach.Anything but that,"my voice came out in breaths and I could feel the tears swelling up.

"No, that’s the deal.You spend one night with me and everything will go away.I'll go away, we can pretend like it never Happened,"

"But...what about lan..."

"Your boyfriend doesn’t have to know.No one has to know,"

"But * "I still have principal Finn’s email address, or Mrs.Ash, the guidance counselor.

They wrote me a _ stellar recommendation letter for college.

I can just send this picture to their emails with one click and your boyfriend will be out of a job, or maybe worse?"The idea of spending thanksgiving with lan and his family, oh I could just melt at the thought.

lan was about to pull me in for another kiss, when suddenly something caught his attention.

He stopped midway and asked, "By the way, who was that guy earlier in the parking lot?"

"That was Zach, my ex-boyfriend.He was the guy that cheated on me on my birthday and then I met you...and well, you know the rest,"

"What is he doing here? What did he want with you?"

lan narrowed his eyes and his tone was laced in anger.

"He wants to get back together, but I told him that I wasn't interested,"

His gaze turned black, he looked almost scary.

His fists curled up into balls and his voice dropped an octave lower when he said, "I don't feel good leaving you alone with him in this town,"

lan was being so possessive, I found it rather cute.

"It's just Zach.He’s harmless,"

I said as I ran my fingers along his jaw gently, calming him down.

"I saw the way he looked at you earlier—"

"You're being paranoid,"

I cut him off quickly, "I know Zach, we dated for a year.He wouldn't dare lay a finger on me.Don’t you worry, everything will be fine,"

I said reassuringly, but lan wasn't buying it.I tilted his face down so he was looking at me.

When our eyes met, his dark angry gaze turned warm almost instantly.

Finally, he took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

"You'll be okay for four days without me, right?"he asked.

"Of course.I have my family, I have my friends.We're gonna take it easy.Maybe hit the mall,"

I paused for a moment before saying, "It's gonna be boring without you here,"

"Good, I don’t want you to be having too much fun without me,"that smirk was back on his face again and I smiled right back.

"I’m so gonna miss you, lan Hayes,"

"I'll miss you too,"

He tilted my chin up as his lips went down.

His kiss was so tender and warm, I couldn't help but feel butterflies.

I needed to savor this kiss since I wouldn't be having it for the next couple of days.

So I kissed him back, with every bit of passionate fiber in my bone.

He smelled so divine, I felt like getting high just by his scent alone.

Letting out a soft moan, I let my tongue travel to his lips, grazing seductively on his bottom lip.

"Emma, if you continue kissing me like this, I’m gonna end up kidnapping you and taking you to New Jersey,"he said through the kiss and I couldn't help but laugh.


I said as I pulled away finally, "I need to get back.My mom would be looking for me,"

"It's just four days,"he reminded me.

"I'll see you in four days,"

I smiled and let out a sigh, knowing full well that my time was up.After giving him one final kiss, I got out of the car and raced back to my house.I could still feel the butterflies swimming in my stomach as I ran.I had just seen him ten seconds ago and I missed him already.

Damn, I’m so hopeless! "It’s just four days,"

I reminded myself mentally.

Four days.Just ninety six hours.I can do this.

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