Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 16: Relationship Defined

Chapter 16: Relationship Defined  


We were making out and things were getting hot and heavy.

She was sprawled on my bed, her arms were linked around my neck, and hands were all over her body.

Our tongues were tangled, dancing back and forth with each other as we kissed.

Suddenly, her hands reached for the hem of my shirt and she lifted it up in one swift move.

Her eyes widened as they roamed my body, and I let her be for a while.

Putting both hands on my chest, Emma then pushed me back on the bed and she climbed on top of me.

By the way she was moving, sometimes I forgot that she was only a high school student.

Or that she only just started having sex recently.

I would probably go to hell for this, but this felt too right to be wrong.

I was never one to follow the rules, which was why art was always my thing.

There was no right or wrong in art.

This felt exactly like that.

"Oh, lan,"

Especially when she moaned my name like that.

"Yes, baby girl?"

She was looking at me with pleading eyes.

I knew exactly what she needed, but J just wanted to hear her say it out loud.

"I need you..."

My hands went the hem of her dress, slowly pushing it up her thighs, before pulling it over her head swiftly.

She had the most gorgeous body, her skin was like porcelain.

I swallowed hard as my head leaned to the crook of her neck, finding her sweet spot.

She tilted her head back to give me more access, and her hands reached to the back of my neck, pulling me closer.

I planted long, wet kisses up and down her neck.

I knew I was leaving marks that her friends would question her about later, but I didn’t care.

I wanted my mark on her skin.

I wanted her to think about my touch when I wasn't around.

She was getting restless, her body squirmed and writhed at my touch.

She started grinding her hips, rolling them over me in desperation.

I couldn't help but smile.

"lan,"she pleaded again.

"Patience, baby girl.Good things take time,"I reminded her.

My one hand traveled to her back to find the clasp of her brare one flick, her bra fell open and I pulled it out of her.

I had clear access to her breasts and my mouth watered instantly. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

I was just about to delve my tongue on her delicious nipple, when suddenly we heard a loud knock from the door.

"lan? Are you home?"a female voice called out.

"Shit,"I muttered and our bodies pulled away abruptly.

"Who is that?"she whispered.

"I don't know..."

"lan? It’s me, Erica,"the voice called out again.

Fucking hell.

"Erica? Ms.Diaz?"

Emma gaped at me.

"What is she doing here?"

"I don't know,"

I groaned slowly.

"lan? Your neighbor said you're home.I just came by to give you something.."Erica said again.

"What do we do?"Emma looked at me, panicking.

"I'll get rid of her,"I paused for a second before continuing, "Just hide for a bit,"

- I pulled away from her and Emma jumped from my bed quickly.

She grabbed her dress from the floor before making a dash into my closet and closed the door.

Sighing out loud, I grabbed my shirt from the floor and staggered to the front door.

When I finally opened the door, Erica’s eyes lit up as soon as she saw me.

"Hey," she beamed.

"Erica? How did you find my —"

"I got your address from the school file.I hope you don't mind.I was around the neighborhood and I just wanted to drop by and give you this,"she said as she pulled out a leather agenda from her bag.

It was my agenda book.

That thing helped me keep track of meetings, deadlines, and other things.

"You left in such a hurry earlier, you left it at the teacher's lounge.I thought it might be important,"she said again, batting her eyelashes ever so viciously.

"Thanks, but you could’ve given this to me at school,"I said as I took the book from her.

She held onto it for a little too, refusing to let go, trying to play some kind of game with me.

But I wasn't in the mood.

"I know, but this gives me an excuse to come and find you," she said as she finally let go.

"Look, Erica, now’s not a good time,"I said, and she started noticing the candles and food that were prepared on the table.

She also noticed the coat hanging on the coat rack.

"Oh, you're with someone?" she looked taken aback, clearly disappointed.

"Yeah," I replied, closing the door slightly so she couldn't see too much.

"I see," her voice croaked

"I'm sorry, I’m very embarrassed.I just thought that what we had meant something,"

She was waiting for an explanation.

So I took a deep breath and sighed before saying, "I...I'm kinda with someone,"

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Not exactly.We're still getting to know each other, but I really like her," I made sure that I wasn't saying it too loud.

I didn’t want Emma to hear any of this, "I’m sorry if I've misled you, Erica,"

"Hey, we're both adults.I understand,"she smiled bitterly.I didn’t say anything and I just looked down, waiting for this awkwardness to end.She finally got the hint as she shuffled on her feet and said, "I'll see you around then.Goodbye lan,"


I smiled politely at her and closed the door as soon as I got the chance.

I waited a few more seconds to make sure that Erica was completely gone before I ran for the closet.

I opened the door and Emma was curled up on the floor, clutching her yellow dress in her hand.

"Hey, are you okay?"I said as I bent down to her.

She looked up at me with worried eyes and said, "What did she want?"

"She just wanted to deliver my book.I left it at school,"

"Oh,"she said simply, but her eyes were still full of doubt.

"Emma, what's wrong? Tell me,"

She thought about her words for a while, biting on her lip before she finally sighed and said, "Do you like her? I'd understand if you do..."

"No, I don't like her like that,"

I said quickly, "We went on one date and that was it,"

She looked at me as if she didn’t believe me.

So, I sat down in front of her and cupped her little face with hands.

"I only went out with her so I could forget about you.Because I thought I couldn't have you,"

I said as my thumbs fan circles softly on her cheeks.

"Really?"her small voice croaked.


I said reassuringly, "You're the only one I want.You're the only girl I care about,"

My eyes bored into hers deeply, I was just wishing that she could see right through me and know that I was being honest.

Finally, a small smile curved up her face and she nodded her head slightly.

"Do you wanna leave? I understand if this is too much for you,"I asked cautiously.

"No,"she shook her head lightly.

"Do you wanna talk about it? About where this is going,"

I said again, knowing full well we couldn't avoid the talk any longer.

I knew we had to get this done.

"Okay,"she breathed, pausing for a moment before asking,

"Where do you see this is going?"

"Honestly, I don’t know.I told you I've never done the whole repeuonsnp thing before.I don’t even know where to begin, let alone how to do this...and with you, someone that I'm not supposed to be with,"

Her face turned solemn as she heard my explanation, but I tilted her face up so she would see me again.

"But despite all that, I know I want you, Emma.It feels right when we're together.I really do like you,"

"You do?"


I smiled confidently, "But, how about you? How do you feel about all this?"

Emma pulled away slightly and I felt my heart sinking.

If she said she didn’t wanna do this anymore, it would feel so damn shitty.

"To say that all this has taken me by surprise, that’s the understatement of the century.I never thought I'd get my heart broken on my birthday.Never thought I'd come up to a random stranger at a bar and lose my virginity to him.Never thought I'd see him again, let alone as my teacher at school..."

She started speaking and I was hanging at her every word.

"This is definitely not ideal, but I wouldn't have it any other way.This crazy life has brought us together, and I'm so glad that it did,"she said finally, and my heart felt so full.

"I was heartbroken and I was in a hopeless daze.But you came along and you showed me a whole different side of life.I felt things I never thought I could,"she said again as her hand reached for my face this time.

Her fingers ran across my cheek gently, caressing me.

"I feel the same way.Honestly, at first I thought it was just hormones or whatever, but now I think it’s something else,"

I paused for a moment before continuing, "Because I think you’re something else, Emma Sinclair,"

The biggest smile formed on the lips.

I had never seen her smile like this before and I was proud to know that I was the one to put that smile there.

"I want you.I just want you,"

I admitted, putting our foreheads together as I rested on her.

"Me too,"she sighed softly.

"I know this is a lot to process.And we need to be more careful...But if you’re down for this, I wanna do this with you,"

"What exactly?"

"An actual relationship,"I said firmly,

"I'm.still learning, but—"

She didn't give me a chance to finish.

She pulled me close to her and her lips found mine, gently and urgently at the same time.

She was smiling through her kiss and it made me smile right back.

"So we're doing this? You and me, all the way?"she asked as she pulled away from me slightly, though our noses were still touching each other.

"All the way,"

I nodded with full certainty, letting my nose graze hers up and down.

For the longest time, there was a void in my heart.

I tried filling it with all sorts of things but I never could.

And one day, I met this girl.

She made me feel things and the void was no longer there.

I became so content, even just to hold her in my arms like this inside my closet.

There was nothing else I wanted.

There was still so much that we didn’t know.

There was still so much I needed to learn.

But the only thing that was certain was her.

I didn’t want to let go of her .

And I was willing to do anything ,anything at all for her.

A relationship included.

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