Tarnished Embers: A Dark Stepbrother Fairytale Retelling (Dark Retellings)

Tarnished Embers: Chapter 17

When I wake up, the soft light of predawn casts a golden glow across my room, coating everything in a pale, washed-out light. I shift in my bed, my body aching but also content, and matching grumbles sound either side of me.

“Little sis, it’s too damn early,” Oct complains in a voice rough with sleep. Then he pulls me closer to him, his feverish body pressed against mine, and I remember with a flash of heat that we’re both naked.

I take a deep inhale of him, skirting my lips over the skin of his throat and flicking my tongue out to taste him. He tastes like lazy days spent under the sun, like the salt that lines your lips after being in the sea.

“Is it?” I ask, my voice low and my fingers aching to touch him. I trace them down his skin, the warmth from him burning as he gives a shuddering exhale. Kit presses against my back, his soft lips teasing that place between my neck and shoulder. A small whine leaves my throat as I press my arse back into him, and he growls when I make contact with his hard-on.

“You must be sore,” he comments, his palm tracing down my front, over my breast, and heading towards the apex of my thighs.

“I don’t care,” I reply in a breathy plea, tangling my fingers in Oct’s hair and pulling his face closer to mine.

“I never used to be a morning person,” Oct murmurs against my lips, his hand exploring my body, cupping my breast and his thumb teasing my nipple. “But I’m not hating them as much anymore.”

His lips close the miniscule distance between us, and I sigh, my muscles relaxing as he kisses me. It’s everything I need right now; fun and bright like days spent on the beach, and I tug him closer, needing more of his light.

I’m not ready to face the day yet. I need to hide away a little while longer. The warmth at my back leaves, and I make a sound of protest that Oct swallows.

“Shhh, just getting the lube, baby,” Kit says behind me. Oct keeps kissing me, the sound of the bottle cap loud in the early morning silence.

Slicked fingers play with my folds, and although there’s soreness, I meant what I said. I don’t care, I’ll welcome this pain. It’ll remind me that I’m here and alive.

The fingers disappear a moment later, then Oct is pulling my leg over his hip and thrusting inside me. I gasp at the burn, but his lips refuse to release me. He matches the thrust of his hips with that of his tongue until my pain has become pleasure, and my body welcomes him like he was always meant to be inside me.

“Kit,” I moan when Oct finally allows me to take a breath. I need him too, I need them both.

“I’m here, baby,” he assures me, pressing up against my back. Oct pauses in his movements, allowing Kit to push in alongside him, and the fullness of having them both inside my pussy is almost too much. It’s not as sharp as the night before, my body already used to having two cocks inside me at the same time, craving it. Sweat dots my skin, our legs tangled together as they hold still, giving me time to adjust.

“You’re doing so well, little sis,” Oct praises, his fingers finding my clit and rubbing circles on it. The rush of wetness that he encourages with his touch allows Kit to squeeze in the final few inches, and they pause once more, allowing me to get used to being filled by them.

“I love having you both inside me,” I tell them, my voice strained as I wiggle my hips, begging them to move. “I love feeling you so close.”

Oct claims my lips again as Kit moves, and then they both do, never leaving me empty, their hands worshipping me as they thrust slow and deep.

“I never want to be without you, little sis,” Oct confesses against my lips as Kit kisses and sucks at my neck. Shivers cascade across my skin, leaving me gasping for breath and chasing a release so close that I can almost taste it.

“You belong to us, Ember,” Kit adds, his voice thick with lust. His fingers dig into my hip possessively, sharp pin pricks of pain emanating from each of his fingers, his other hand snaking around and grasping my throat. “You. Are. Ours.” He punctuates each word with a thrust of his hips, sending me spinning closer to an edge that I plan to leap off.

“And you’re fucking mine,” I growl out, a surge of possessiveness hitting me full force. One of my hands grabs Kit’s forearm while the other pulls Oct back to my lips by his hair, and they both growl as my inner walls tighten around them.

“Come for us, show us we own every fucking inch of you,” Kit commands, his grip on my throat tightening, almost cutting off my air supply. It’s enough pain to have me clamping around them both, my body going rigid as my orgasm rips through me, dragging them both with me as they thrust hard and fill me with their pleasure.

“Fuck, little sis,” Oct rasps, and my eyelashes flutter when he presses his forehead to mine. “You’re fucking perfect, you know that?”NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“The perfect sister for your big brothers,” Kit adds, and my pussy walls tighten at his dirty talk, Oct cursing him out as I tighten around them again. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Reluctantly, we untangle ourselves, and I miss them immediately as we leave the bed. My arms wrap around myself as the cool air hits me, but it’s the returning coldness in my heart that I’m trying to warm up.

“I know, baby, but you have to face the world sometime,” Oct says gently, clearly seeing the way my face falls as we stand slightly apart. He pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me, uncaring that I’m covered in sweat and that their cum drips down my inner thighs.

“I know.” I sigh and hug him back, trying to fight the pain behind my eyes. I don’t want to cry anymore, I’ve been crying so much lately. “I just wish it could go back to before, when my father wasn’t…” I gulp, the lump in my throat too large to say the word. I have so many regrets when it comes to my father. I wish I hadn’t let him distance himself so much over the past few years.

“Me too, Pretty Thing.” Kit murmurs, coming around and pressing himself up against me so that I’m once again sandwiched between them both. My body relaxes, my pulse quieting as they hold me, not rushing me to do what I know I have to at some point.

“Let’s do this then,” I huff after several moments, pulling away from both of them. That first step is like walking out into a freezing day and knowing you don’t have enough layers on. Something must show on my face, because they’re instantly back at my side, Kit leading the way as they pull me towards the shower.

Warmth fills my chest at how caring they are, knowing when I need them without me uttering a single word.

After we all shower, they head back to their rooms via the balcony, and I’m tugging on an oversized jumper that I’m wearing with leggings—it’s all about the comfort clothes today—when there’s a light knock at my door.

“Come in,” I call out, a smile pulling my lips upwards when Cas steps into the room, looking just as gorgeous as the first time I saw him, dressed in stonewash jeans and a fitted long-sleeved henley. Your dad was alive then. My eyes suddenly fill, and he’s next to me in a second.

“I would have stayed downstairs if I’d known I was gonna make you cry, Cinders,” he jokes, pulling me in for a hug. I take a gulping breath, wrapping my arms around his waist and breathing him in, his caramel apple scent calming my aching heart a little.

“I’m sorry,” I murmur, hot tears leaving their mark down my cheek as I rest it against his firm pec. The salt of my sadness drips onto my lips, and I fucking loathe it. “It just feels like everyone always leaves me eventually, and I’m destined to always be alone.” The truth, my greatest fear, spills out from me, though I shouldn’t be surprised that it’s Cas I’m confessing it. He just has a way of making me able to tell him anything and everything.

“Firstly, we aren’t going anywhere. We will never leave you, Ember, I swear on my very soul you have us for life.” His grip tightens, like he’s assuring me with his body as well that he will always be here. “And secondly, there’s no need to apologize, baby. Grief can hit you that way. It’s all sharp edges at the moment, cutting and painful, but like a stone you hold every day, it’ll smooth over time; never quite going away, always there, but hurting less.”

I chuckle, leaning my face back so I can look up at him. “Not just a pretty face then, huh?”

His lips tug up into a smile that makes my broken heart ache. It’s so understanding and gentle, like a warm blanket on a cold day that just feels right and so comforting you want to sink into it.

“You think I’m pretty, Little Cinders?” My grin widens, and it feels so nice to smile.

“I think that you’re one of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever met,” I tell him, going on my tiptoes and pressing my lips against his.

His soft exhale falls across my lips, his tongue immediately seeking entry which I gladly give him. His kiss is gentle, yet tells me more than words could ever say. It tells me how worried he’s been, how relieved he is that I’m in his arms, and that he’ll always be here waiting for me.

“Just one and not the most gorgeous?” he teases as he pulls away, one perfect brow raised, his kiss-reddened lips smirking. I love that he’s trying to distract me from my grief, trying to make me smile.

“Well, your brothers make up the other three, and as it’s clear I refuse to choose, you’ll just have to share the title with them.” His grin gets wider at my words.

“I knew you were going to be perfect for us from the first moment I saw your picture,” he tells me, his hand coming up to brush some hair behind my ear.

“And how long ago was that, pray tell?” I ask, giggling when his ears colour. A part of me is annoyed that they knew about me long before I knew about them, about Odette, but I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. They’re all I have left now. My nostrils flare as I take a measured inhale, trying to keep the sadness at bay.

“Hey, what thought made you sad so suddenly?” Cas asks, his forehead creased, and I’m reminded of the time in the car when he told me his story.

“I was just thinking that you guys and Odette are all I have left now.”

“And that made you sad?” I don’t miss the hurt that makes his copper eyes flash, and I grasp his hand, bringing it up to my cheek.

“No, not like that, Cas,” I rush out, begging him with my eyes to understand. “I’d be adrift without you guys.” The frown between his eyes smooths a little as I continue. “It reminded me of what I’ve lost. That I’m now an o–orphan.” Tears blur my vision again as my chin wobbles, but I’m powerless against this grief, so I can’t stop them from falling.

“Fuck, baby. I shouldn’t have—” He presses his lips to my forehead and lets me quietly sob into his chest. “At least you’re in good company.”

“I’m not sure that makes me feel any better,” I reply, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

“Maybe not, but at least you know we understand you on a level that few will, Cinders.” He has a point, and I snuggle into him until my stomach gives an almighty rumble. “Shit, you haven’t eaten in forever, and here I was coming to get you for breakfast and getting distracted.”

“I could eat.” I laugh, and he turns us towards the door. “How did I not starve whilst I was out?”

He winces, rubbing the back of his neck with the hand that isn’t holding me around my waist. “Ah, the doctor set you up on a drip. We’d removed it before the last time you woke up. Prince was determined to bring you back to us.” I frown, having no recollection of a drip, although I’m grateful they did because I’d be in a terrible state if I had no fluids. “The doc also said to take it easy,” he continues, walking us out of the door and towards the stairs. He keeps a firm grip on me, and I’m not complaining because, in all honesty, I do feel a little weak. “Not let you eat too much in one go, that sort of thing. He’s coming back later to check on you, if that’s okay?”

“Sure,” I answer, distracted as I focus on each step. There’s a slight tremor in my limbs, and it pisses me off. Cas must notice it too, because before we’re even a quarter of the way down, he sweeps me into his arms, carrying me bridal style. “Cas! I can walk!”

“Maybe, Cinders,” he replies, walking down the stairs as if I weigh nothing. “But that doesn’t mean I have to let you, and I’m feeling particularly caveman today.”

Chuckling and liking being in his arms too much to protest further, I wrap my arms around his powerful neck before snuggling closer the rest of the way to the dining room, the twins arriving at the top of the staircase and following behind us. I squash down the guilt that tries to tell me I shouldn’t be laughing, shouldn’t be smiling so soon after losing my dad. I know from before with Mum how easily that guilt can settle and turn everything dark and dismal.

“Hey there, Sugar,” Prince drawls as we enter, and I avoid looking at the head of the table, the place where my father always used to sit.

“Hi,” I say back, Cas setting me down in the empty chair between them, but I get back up, climbing into Prince’s lap instead. “You look tired, Prince.” I cup his cheek, the rough stubble that has grown there over the past few days tickling my palm. “Though I like the new look.”

He grins at me, dipping his head until his mouth is next to my ear. “I bet it would feel good between those gorgeous thighs of yours.” My breath hitches, my core heating at his words, even as a pulse of soreness makes me wiggle in his lap. “Those boys made you sore this morning after yesterday, huh?”

He shoots the twins a scowl, and I pull his gaze back to me, kissing him softly on the lips.

“I wanted them to, Prince,” I tell him, and he studies my face, giving me a nod when he can see that I’m telling the truth. My stomach growls again, loud enough for them all the hear, and chuckles ring out across the room.

“Let’s get you something to eat, Sugar.”

After breakfast, which consisted of a delicious ham, cheese, and veggie omelette and some kind of protein shake that Cas had organised, I sit back in Prince’s lap, full and still ignoring the empty chair at the top of the table.

“We don’t have classes today, do we?” I ask, not sure I’d be able to face that yet, and Prince pulls me closer to him. I inhale his scent of rum and leather, loving the way they each smell different but all of them calming me, nonetheless.

“No, Sugar, but…” he trails off, and suddenly my calm evaporates like steam from a kettle.

“But what?” My heart pounds inside my chest, my fingers clenching and unclenching as I wait to hear what he says.

He sighs, his chest moving up and down against me. “Odette returns today, and I’m sure she’ll want to talk about funeral arrangements—”

Before he can finish his sentence, the sound of the front door opening and closing reaches us. Wide-eyed, I clutch at Prince’s arms around me, trying to sink back into him as her heels tap a quick beat on the marble floor, getting louder as she clearly heads towards us.

My heart seems to beat in time with her fast pace, and I don’t realise that I’m panting shallow breaths until Prince whispers, “Breathe, Sugar.” It’s firm enough that my body obeys and helps calm my racing heart a little.

The door to the dining room is thrown open, and I flinch when she stares straight at me, looking…perfect.

I don’t know what I expected; her dressed in black maybe, or perhaps even dark circles under her eyes. Instead, she’s wearing a peach pantsuit, her makeup flawless, hair falling around her shoulders in beautiful waves, and she’s positively fucking glowing.

Part of me feels like I should move off Prince, that even though Odette knows about the relationship I share with the guys, I should maybe hide it from her like before. But I just don’t have the energy to move, to deny the comfort that Prince is giving me right now.

“Oh, Ember, honey,” she says, her face creasing a little, but I distrust the expression, my eyes narrowing as I continue to stare at her. “I’m so sorry.”

There’s not even a stammered word or a hiccup. Nothing to show the sadness of a wife who has just lost her husband.

“Are you not sad?” The words slip past my lips before I can stop them, and I feel Prince stiffen underneath me, but my focus is all on Odette, my stepmother. Ex-stepmother now I suppose.

A flash of annoyance crosses her stunning features, her lips tightening into a flat line before she schools her face into the picture of confusion.

“Why would you say such a thing to me?” she asks, her tone wounded, but my brows draw closer, trying to work out if she’s sincere or not.

“You don’t look sad,” I tell her honestly, and her mouth opens and closes like a fish. I have the sudden urge to laugh and have to bite my lips in order to hold the sound in. Nothing about this is funny, and I worry if I let the laughter fall, it will quickly turn into sobs.

“What are you talking about?” She storms around the table, and my heart beats faster at the rage in her eyes. “I just lost my husband, you vile child, how dare you say I’m not sad. I’m devastated!”

I see the guys flinch at her angry tone, and my pulse rushes in my ears, but I still can’t quite believe what she’s trying to sell. There’s something…fake about it all, like she’s going through the motions because that’s what is expected of her.

“You don’t look devasta—” My head whips to the side before the word has left my mouth, and I blink, my sight wobbling as pain flares in my cheek.

Prince has pulled me closer, angling my body away, and I turn my head back around to see Odette being held by Cas, his eyes full of copper fire as he looks at my cheek.

My tongue darts out and copper fills my mouth, and when I swipe my hand across my lip, a smear of blood decorates my skin.

“You touch her again, Odette, and I will not be held responsible for my actions,” Cas growls out, and she spins in his arms, burying her face into his chest and sobbing loudly. He holds his hands away, then awkwardly embraces her, his jaw clenching, his head held up and away like he’d rather be anywhere else.

My chest burns, and I clench my teeth at them. I fucking loathe seeing her in his arms, arms that belong to me. I don’t care that she’s his stepmother, something inside me roars at the way she curves into him.

“Easy, Sugar,” Prince says, his heart beating so fast that it pulses into my back. “Let’s just all calm down.”

“She. Fucking. Slapped. Me.” I can barely get the words out, my hands clenching grabbing onto his forearms as I pull against his hold, my body trying to get to her to rip her off my man. I struggle to contain the rage I feel towards this woman, my vision washing in shades of red. I know that it’s not fully justified, that perhaps some part of me blames her for my father’s death simply because she was there and I wasn’t.

“I know, Sugar, and she will apologise for that, won’t you, Odette?” Prince’s voice is deadly calm, and it helps to quieten the anger inside me, enough so that I can think clearly again.

She sniffles, twisting to face me, but is still much too close to Cas for my liking. To be fair to him, he lets go of her the moment she turns, but he still looks like he’s ready to haul her back if she tries anything again.

She blinks, and I notice that there’s barely a trace of tears on her cheeks. “I shouldn’t have hit you, Ember. I’m sorry. It’s been very trying since your father disappeared, and then when his body washed up…” Her lip trembles, but I can’t focus on her, my mind conjuring up images of my father, bloated and ravaged by the sea.

“Sugar? Ember, baby,” Prince’s voice sounds so far away, and it’s as if the world rushes back in, bile filling my throat, and Prince is shaking me, my blurry vision full of emeralds. He must have stood up and turned me around at some point, but I don’t remember when.

“Prince.” My voice cracks, and he pulls me to him, wrapping me up in his strength and whispering reassurances in my ear. I focus on inhaling and exhaling, letting his spiced rum scent fill me until my vision stops wavering and the room stops spinning.

“What’s wrong with her?” I hear Odette ask, her tone sounding more disgusted than worried, but I can’t find it in me to care as I focus on Prince’s heartbeat underneath my cheek, trying to get my lungs to follow his and allow oxygen to keep flowing.

“It’s what grief looks like, Odette, or have you forgotten already?” I’ve never heard Kit so scathing before, and there’s a touch on my shoulder, the warmth on my other side telling me that Oct is here too.

“We’ve got you, little sis,” Oct whispers, stroking my hair.

“Just leave, Odette,” I hear Cas say, and then he’s at my back, his palm gliding up and down, all of them grounding me with their soft touches.

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