Tangled Love



My breathing eventually calms down as I curl up on the dirty club floor as small as I can possibly make myself. My hand is holding onto Andy's and I can feel him shaking vigorously, his eyes trained on the floor whilst the men with the guns step over us threateningly.

I give his hand a reassuring squeeze and he smiles grimly at me, his eyes widening as a black foot steps in front of us. I suck a deep breath in as I feel him looming over us, the presence of his gun filling the air.

"Hurry up Boss, we haven't got much time." He speaks quietly, his tone icy and dangerous. I hear the tills open and bottles of alcohol smash to the floor next to the bar causing everyone on their knees to whimper loudly.

"Shut up! Everyone put your hands on your head where we can see them!" Another voice booms out and everyone instantly responds, listening to his command. I place one hand on my head whilst my other holds Andy's. I'm not going to let go of his hand especially when I know how terrified he is.

You never know real terror until the barrel of a gun is staring at you, threatening to take your life away. You don't know how precious your life is until you can feel it slipping away, drop by drop of blood.

I hold onto his hand tighter and watch as two black feet stand directly in front of me. I don't dare raise my head and I will him to walk away, let me have some sort of reassurance.

"Drop his hand and put it on your head!" He screams, leaning down into my ear. I jump out of my skin, his voice booming down my ear. My lungs tighten once more and I grit my teeth in anger, clinging onto Andy's hand like my life depends on it.

His desire for fear reminds me of Jones.

I turn my head, my eyes burning with hatred and meet them with green ones. The dangerous sparkle in his eyes only seems to deepen as he takes in my confidence. He chuckles quietly —

"Got some courage, haven’t you?”

"More than you will ever have, you're a coward for hiding yourself." I spit back at him, my voice coming out hateful and disgusted. He blinks and his face snaps backwards before one hand rises slowly and he wipes away the spit off his black face mask in slow motion. He tuts loudly and shakes his head —

"You really shouldn't have done that," he whispers icily, his tone threatening. My heart starts beating faster at his words but I force myself to hold eye contact with him. The last thing I want is to show him I'm scared.

He stands up back onto his feet slowly and I breathe out the breath I'm holding, letting my lungs finally relax. His hand suddenly shoots out and he grabs me by the scuff of my neck, forcing me to my feet. My hand is ripped away from Andy's and my knees shake in fear causing me to lose my balance if it wasn't for his tight hold. I watch emotionless as his face closes in on mine until he's inches away from me.

"You're a pretty girl, aren't you?" He sneers, his eyes taking me in from head to toe.

"Get off me!" I spit back confidently and his eyes widen in surprise for a split second. I'm so over people who want to hurt me, people who thrive on hurting others. In my eyes, I've come face to face with the devil himself, Jones and I've lived to tell the tale. I'm not scared anymore, I refuse to be.

"Problem over there?" One of them asks him and I watch as green eyes stares me down, the fire in his eyes burning brightly.

"There won't be in a minute." He replies back angrily before dragging me up further and pulling me through the crowd. I wince from the pain he's inflicting on me but allow him to drag me to the front byAll content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

the club doors. As we pass terrified clubbers curled up on the floor, his foot shoots out and kicks them hard.

"Stop that! Stop kicking them!" I yell, shoving him with my hands. He drags me to the front and throws me to the floor, causing me to land hard on my knees. I feel the skin on my legs graze against the floor, the fresh cuts burning from the sudden pain.

"Stand up!" He barks at me and I pause for a second, closing my eyes before standing uneasily on my heels. The scene in front of me is heartbreaking. Dozens of people lay on the floor, their hands shaking above their heads. Four men holding pistols supervise them, walking threateningly forwards and backwards making sure no-one steps out of line. I look up to find the main leader of the gang raiding the till and rushing through to the back doors where the offices are.

Tears prick my eyes as I stand there, my knees bleeding and my clothes crumpled from being dragged.

Whoever these people are, I hate them.

Green eyes walks around me slowly, his eyes leering as he drinks in my body. His pistol is raised high in his hands and he presses it against me tightly as he walks around me in a circle. I breathe in sharply as I feel his gun trace over my bandages, the area where a bullet had pierced not too long ago.


My tone is shaky, displaying my fear. The second the tip of the gun touches my bullet wound, my confidence shatters. Everything I went through with Jones runs through my mind and I could feel the pain invade my heart.

"Ah! Finally. . . " He hisses, pressing his gun into my stomach further. He twists it tightly into my skin and I scream in pain, my knees buckling to the floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the main leader stop what he's doing.

He appears taken aback before he finally snaps out of it, walking towards me and Green eyes. I shake in fear as he comes closer, the aura around him terrifying. I shut my eyes tightly and instead pray silently to whatever God that is listening to me right now.

I didn't died before but there was no chance I'd be twice as lucky.

I open my eyes slowly, tears spilling down my cheeks as the main leader stands in front of me, his presence invading all my senses.

"Get up," he says quietly, his voice firm and full of authority. I do as he asks, my body shaking uncontrollably. I stumble a little on my feet but finally stand up, my head hanging low. I hide behind my hair like a terrified little girl, his body an inch away from mine. I can only see his chest, covered with black clothing to protect his identity.

Moments pass and I notice his chest rising heavily up and down. Is this the moment he kills me?

I shut my eyes and think of everything that brings happiness to my life.

Jake, Ivory, Trish, Tobias, The Big Bang Theory, cheese pizza, Nutella…

"Open your eyes."

I obey his order, opening my eyes slowly and lifting my head. I expect to find myself staring down the barrel of a gun but what I do find myself looking at is something I never expected.

In that second my heart completely stops beating as I look into familiar blue eyes. A pained gasp escapes my mouth as I feel my heart rip away from my body.

All along he was closer to me than I thought.


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