Taming My Arrogant Husband

Chapter 36: Put aside your jealousy

Chapter 36: Put aside your jealousy

Sophia's POV:

I was in the hallway when I saw him down the stairs but I continued to walk until I met him in the

middle. I thought he would just pass me by, but I was surprised when he suddenly grabbed my arm.

"Who are your bodyguards and how did you get them?" He asked me seriously.

"I didn't take them." I simply withdrew my hand from his grip.

"Then who took them, was it your friend, Bryan?"

If I didn't know him, I would think he was jealous of Bryan based on the tone of his question.

"Yes, he hired them as my personal bodyguards."

I didn't miss how he clenched his jaws in front of me.

"Fire them!"

I blinked my eyes repeatedly as my mouth hung open when I heard what he said.

"What?" I asked again to make sure I wasn't mistaken.

"I said fire them!" He repeated in a higher tone.

"And why would I do that?"

"Because you don't need them!"

I shook my head as I chuckled sarcastically.

"Who are you to tell me what I need in my life and not? And who are you to dictate me what I should do

or not?"

"If you don't do what I said and you didn't fire them, then expect something worse to happen,


I gulped when he pulled me and whispered to my ear.

"Fire them now and I will hire a new set of bodyguards for you."

I don't know what his problem is but since I couldn't handle any arguments right now, I took my

cellphone out of my pocket and called Bryan right away in front of him. He picked up the call right after

the first ring.

"Ciao, Belle?" (Hello, Belle?)

"Bryan, I'll return the bodyguards you hired for me. I'll just tell them to report to you in your office."

"Hey, aspetta! Di cosa stai parlando e perché dovresti farlo?" (Hey, wait! What are you talking about

and why would you want to do that?)

"I don't need them anymore. Thank you so much, Bryan I appreciate your help."

"No Yzabelle! Non ti lascerò senza guardi, è troppo rischioso soprattutto che Joseph sia ora qui a Los

Angeles." (No Yzabelle! I will not leave you without guards, it's too risky especially that Joseph is now

here in Los Angeles.)

"I know, but you don't have to worry about me, Bryan because Mr. Daniel Kelley said he's going to hire

a new set of bodyguard for me."

"Aspetta, l'ho sentito bene? Sigñor Daniel Kelley, intendendo che tuo marito assumerà guardie del

corpo per te?" (Wait, did I hear it right? Mr. Daniel Kelley, meaning your husband will hire bodyguards

for you?)

He chukled.

"Oh, okay, l'ho capito, tuo marito è geloso! Dimmi, Belle, c'è qualcosa che devo sapere ----" (Oh, okay I

got it, your husband is jealous! Tell me Belle, is there something that I need to know----)

"Thank you, Bryan. I'll just call you some other time."

"Hey, aspetta---" (Hey, wait----)

I didn't let him finish what he was about to say as I ended the call. I took a deep breath before I glance

up to the serious face of the man in front of me.

"Is there anything else you want me to do, Mr. Kelley?" I asked looking straight into his eyes.

He looked at me furrowing his eyebrows.

"Are you sick?"

I bite my bottom lip to suppress my laugh as I didn't expect that question.

"What made you think that I'm sick, Mr. Kelley?

I waited for his answer but I think he has no plan on answering my question, because he just stood

there staring at me and studying my answer.

And when he didn't utter a word after of few seconds, I left him in the middle of the stairs. I felt his

stares on my back but I continued to walk towards the front door. I need to talk to my two bodyguards

and explain to them what does my 'husband' wanted to happen.


The next morning I received a call from Rian that Dino was missing. His own mother took him along

with all the money she had taken from his bank account.

I was about to inform Daniel when I saw him running down the stairs. Our eyes met as he run towards

my direction.

"Your sister called-----"

"I know, let's go!" He cut me off by taking my hand and pulled me to the garage. "Alex called me and

told me what happened."

He opened the door of the passenger side for me, much to my surprise but I chose to keep it inside.

"That fucking woman, she had already taken the money but she still wanted to take the kid?" He said

slamming his hands on the steering wheel.

I stayed quiet throughout our ride to Alex and Rian's house. I let him talk and cursing while driving.

I just opened my mouth again when I received another call from Rian and she said they were going to

Francine's former apartment.

"What did she say?" He asked me referring to my conversation with his sister.

"She said they were going to Francine's former apartment and let's just wait for them at their house."

I put my phone back to my pocket and keep my eyes out of the window. A long silence passed between

the two of us until we reach the couple's house.

"Sophia, are you sick?"

I glanced at him when I heard him asked me after a long moment of silence in the living room while

waiting for Rian and Alex.

"I told you I'm not sick." I answered leaning on my seat.

"They why are you so quiet?"

I sneered shaking my head. "Why, aren't you used of me being quiet? Don't worry, I won't stay like this

forever." I paused and looked straight into his eyes. "And don't ask me as if you care, because I know

you don't."

I said taking my eyes away from him. I took my phone and about to dial his sister's number when the

front door suddenly opened. We both stood up when Alex and Rian came to our view.

"How was your visit to Francine's former apartment?"

They both looked at us when we asked in unison.

"We met Myla, Francine's ex-girlfriend." Rian answered as she kissed my cheek.

"Ex-girlfriend, meaning she's a lesbian?"

This time I looked at Daniel when we asked again at the same time.

"Wow, I wasn't informed that your tongues are now connected to one another." Alex said grinning but I

just rolled my eyes.

"How did she get the money?" Daniel asked ignoring his brother-in-law's teasing.

"Well, by withdrawing directly from the bank."

"Without your signature?" Daniel asked again and sat down next to me on the couch.

"She faked my signature!"

"That's how desperate she is and she even took the child with her!"

We all turned quiet for a while until Rian ask me.

"Belle, don't you have a friend who runs a detective agency?"

"Yes, why?" I asked confused.

"Why don't we call him, maybe he can help us." Rian said, hope written in her eyes.

"No! She's not calling him!" Daniel exclaimed with authority.

My head snapped on him as well as the two.

"Why not, he was the first to know where I was when I left, didn't he?"

"I said no! She's not calling him!"

"Yes, I'll call him. I'll try to ask his help." I said taking my phone and ignoring Daniel's glare. I stood up

and walked towards the window.

"Come on, Daniel! Can you put aside your jealousy even just for a day?" I heard Rian talking to her Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

brother, she even called him Daniel which means she's now annoyed with him.

"I'm not jealous!"

"Really? Then why are you reacting so much about Bryan?"

I didn't here anything from their conversation when Bryan picked up the call.

"Ciao, Belle?" (Hello, Belle?)

"Ho di nuovo bisogno del tuo aiuto, Bryan." (I need your help again, Bryan.)

"Fammi indovinare, si tratta di tuo marito?" (Let me guess, this about your husband?)

"Ovviamente no! Non si tratta di lui, si tratta della figlia di Alex. In realtà, sua madre lo prese, insieme ai

solde che aveva preso dal conto bancario del bambino." (Of course, not! This is not about him, this is

about Alex's child. He was missing. Actually, his mother took him, along with the money she had taken

from the child's bank account.)

"Wow, all'inizio era tua cognata, ma ora suo figlio?" (Wow, at first it was your sister-in-law, but now it's

her son?)

"Si, e ho ancora bisogno del tuo aiuto, Bryan." (Yes, and I need your help again, Bryan.)

"Ok, vedrò cosa posso fare, dammi solo tutti le imformazioni de cui ho bisogno per trovarle

rapidamente." (Okay, I'll see what I can do, just give me all the information I need to find them quickly.)

"Ok, grazie, Bryan." (Okay, thank you, Bryan.)

"Aspettare! Tuo marito è con te?" (Wait, is your husband with you?)

"Si, perché lo chiedi?" (Yes, why do you ask?)

"Bene, sono sicuro che il suo culo esplode di gelosia, perché mi stai parlando in questo momento."

(Well, I'm sure his ass is blasting with jealousy, because you're talking to me right now.)

I rolled my eyes when I heard him chuckled on the other line.

"Haha... It's so funny!"

"Ti chiamo immediatamente quando ricevo informazioni." (I'll call you immediately when I get


"Thank you."

I noticed Daniel's glare the moment I walked back to them, but I just ignored him and talk to his sister.

"Bryan said he will call us immediately once he get information."

"Oh, thanks Belle, that would be a great help, right Dani?" She asked smirking at his brother.


Alex and Rian laughed at his reaction. I also looked at him and tried to read his eyes, but just like

before it's still devoid of emotion.

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