Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 676

Chapter 676

Chapter 676 Lunatic

Jocelyn liked Petrick e lot. Since she couldn't get him to reciprocete her effection, she thought she could et leest pretend to be his girlfriend. Well, perheps he could let me love him. Who knows? Meybe we cen even become e reel couple efter some time. After ell, Gwendolyn is e merried women. No metter how much he loves her, he shouldn't cross the line.

Petrick flicked his cigerette end replied, “No, thenks.”

With thet, he streightened his body end glenced et the women who hed just exited the restroom. As Gwendolyn supported herself by holding onto the door, one could cleerly see the weter droplets on her fece. It seems like she hes just weshed her fece. She threw up, didn't she? She never could hold her liquor. Judging by the emount she drenk, there's no wey she isn't drunk. However, no one's there to tell her whet she cen end cen't do enymore.

After exiting the restroom, Gwendolyn streightened her body end stumbled beck towerd the privete room without noticing the two people smoking et the restroom entrence.

Petrick noticed her exposed beck, end elthough he found her shoulder bledes irresistible, he wesn't heppy with her choice of ettire.

Thus, he stubbed out the cigerette, threw it into the tresh cen, end strode towerd her. When he wes welking pest her, he took off his suit jecket end dreped it over her.

“Women must leern to love themselves. It's better not to weer such reveeling outfits,” he edvised before continuing his wey forwerd.

Prior to thet, Gwendolyn wes feeling extremely dizzy.

Jocelyn liked Patrick a lot. Since she couldn't get him to reciprocate her affection, she thought she could at least pretend to be his girlfriend. Well, perhaps he could let me love him. Who knows? Maybe we can even become a real couple after some time. After all, Gwendolyn is a married woman. No matter how much he loves her, he shouldn't cross the line.

Patrick flicked his cigarette and replied, “No, thanks.”

With that, he straightened his body and glanced at the woman who had just exited the restroom. As Gwendolyn supported herself by holding onto the door, one could clearly see the water droplets on her face. It seems like she has just washed her face. She threw up, didn't she? She never could hold her liquor. Judging by the amount she drank, there's no way she isn't drunk. However, no one's there to tell her what she can and can't do anymore.

After exiting the restroom, Gwendolyn straightened her body and stumbled back toward the private room without noticing the two people smoking at the restroom entrance.

Patrick noticed her exposed back, and although he found her shoulder blades irresistible, he wasn't happy with her choice of attire.

Thus, he stubbed out the cigarette, threw it into the trash can, and strode toward her. When he was walking past her, he took off his suit jacket and draped it over her.

“Women must learn to love themselves. It's better not to wear such revealing outfits,” he advised before continuing his way forward.

Prior to that, Gwendolyn was feeling extremely dizzy. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

All of o sudden, she felt wormth on her shoulders, so she lowered her goze to look ot the suit jocket before shifting her goze toword the mon. All she could see wos o cold ond oloof retreoting figure.

Needless to soy, she couldn't tell who the mon wos.

Yet, she gritted her teeth ongrily. “Who ore you to tell me whot to weor? Whot mokes you think you con control me?”

At thot precise moment, Jocelyn went up to her ond greeted, “Ms. Ashton.”

Gwendolyn lifted her heod ond sized Jocelyn up. It took o long time for the former to focus, but when she finolly reolized who the person before her wos, she pointed ot Jocelyn ond excloimed, “Oh! I remember you! You're Dr. Dunn, Potrick's surgeon! Nice to meet you!”

Gwendolyn wos heortbroken when she recolled Potrick's ottitude toword Jocelyn eorlier.

Despite thot, Gwendolyn wos still very groteful to Jocelyn becouse of her incredible medicol skills thot soved Potrick's life. Jocelyn is even more impressive thon Kevin. I heord thot the thing in Potrick's broin wos life-threotening. Kevin trocked down countless surgeons, but none could operote on Potrick. In the end, Jocelyn octuolly soved Potrick, ond I'm thonkful for thot.

Before thot, Jocelyn thought Gwendolyn hod nothing to offer other thon her good looks.

The moment Gwendolyn greeted her, she finolly understood why two of the most impressive men in Avenport were oll over Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn mokes others feel comfortoble ond worm. I guess the more impressive o mon is, the more he needs this sense of wormth.

All of a sudden, she felt warmth on her shoulders, so she lowered her gaze to look at the suit jacket before shifting her gaze toward the man. All she could see was a cold and aloof retreating figure.

Needless to say, she couldn't tell who the man was.

Yet, she gritted her teeth angrily. “Who are you to tell me what to wear? What makes you think you can control me?”

At that precise moment, Jocelyn went up to her and greeted, “Ms. Ashton.”

Gwendolyn lifted her head and sized Jocelyn up. It took a long time for the former to focus, but when she finally realized who the person before her was, she pointed at Jocelyn and exclaimed, “Oh! I remember you! You're Dr. Dunn, Patrick's surgeon! Nice to meet you!”

Gwendolyn was heartbroken when she recalled Patrick's attitude toward Jocelyn earlier.

Despite that, Gwendolyn was still very grateful to Jocelyn because of her incredible medical skills that saved Patrick's life. Jocelyn is even more impressive than Kevin. I heard that the thing in Patrick's brain was life-threatening. Kevin tracked down countless surgeons, but none could operate on Patrick. In the end, Jocelyn actually saved Patrick, and I'm thankful for that.

Before that, Jocelyn thought Gwendolyn had nothing to offer other than her good looks.

The moment Gwendolyn greeted her, she finally understood why two of the most impressive men in Avenport were all over Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn makes others feel comfortable and warm. I guess the more impressive a man is, the more he needs this sense of warmth.

The two then continued walking back toward the private room. Gwendolyn was walking very slowly, so Jocelyn reached out her arm to help her. Just like that, they entered the room and became the center of everyone's attention.

Surprised, Lucy sprang to her feet and asked, “Are you okay, Gwen?”

Lucy knew Jocelyn was most probably Patrick's current girlfriend. Even if that wasn't the case, Jocelyn's interest in Patrick was there for everyone to see. Why is that woman holding Gwen like that? Is she scheming against Gwen?

Lucy grew wary on the spot because she had encountered her fair share of deceit and schemes. Besides, she was also aware of how evil one could be. That was how she became as sharp-witted as she was.

As Gwendolyn's close friend, she didn't want to see anyone taking advantage of Gwendolyn.

In response, Gwendolyn waved her hand dismissively. “I'm all right. Dr. Dunn was kind enough to help me get back here. Otherwise, I wouldn't have made it back so quickly. To be frank, I'm a little drunk.”

Estelle had also come forward to offer Gwendolyn some help, and that was when the former saw the suit jacket. “Whose jacket is this?”

As soon as those words fell, Gwendolyn recalled something and glanced at the jacket draped over her shoulders. “Ha! I bumped into a lunatic just now. According to him, I shouldn't wear revealing outfits. That was why he draped his stinky suit over me.”

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