Such a Rude and Noisy Woman

Chapter 429 How Could You Find A Perfect Husband Like Him

Chapter 429 How Could You Find A Perfect Husband Like Him

Marlon watched Rachel walking out of the café, seeming like he wanted to say something, but decided

against it after a second thought. There were so many things he wanted to tell her- things that he would

dig up from the insides of his heart, but alas, timing had never been on his side. Now he understood

why his heart clenches at the sight of her, and why he wouldn't be able to say them to her the rest of

his life. But now, all he could do was say goodbye to her with his eyes, burning the image of her into his


"And here you said she was just a friend?" Eve broke into the silent pain of his thoughts. "You should

see the look on your face. You look like your heart has gone with her," she said, shaking her head. Eve

watched Marlon as he followed Rachel with his gaze with a lost expression, and at once she felt an

anxious, gnawing feeling rise in her.

Marlon scoffed at her, exasperated. In an attempt to cover up his own feelings, he said lazily,"Whatever

you say. I don't give a damn."

Then he turned around, heading to the door.

"Hey, you! Don't just walk away like that! What do you mean? Make your words clear!" Eve shouted

from behind him.

She walked quickly and followed him, annoyed at his brushing off.

Meanwhile, Rachel was sitting inside the car, and she witnessed everything that happened. She leaned

her head back into her seat and heaved a sigh. "Carl, don't mention a word to Hiram. I don't want to

upset him."

"Got it. My lips are sealed," Carl assured her. "But you know, somehow I feel sorry for that Mr. Xi. With

such a jealous fiancée, I could understand why he wouldn't feel like getting married. Even he probably

knows that he'll live a miserable life if he ever marries that woman. What a pity." Carl rambled on, not

without reason.

He sighed deeply and shook his head, starting the car.

As far as he had known and witnessed, if a man really cared about a woman, he would keep her on his

mind every second and would never be tempted by anyone else on her regardless if she was around or


Hiram was an example. Even if Rachel seldom asked where he was or interfered with his social

engagements, it was a mark of her to trust in him. He had shown his loyalty and faithfulness for more

times than one could count.

On the other hand, if a man didn't care about a woman, he would cheat on her, no matter which way

she tried to bind him.

Marlon Xi, didn't love his fiancée. It was evident from the way he kept going out with other girls. It was

inevitable that he and his fiancée would break up sooner or later.

"Carl, please drive me to Tulip Palace. I want to see the kids," Rachel told to Carl when she realized

that they were heading to the Western Mountain Area.

Carl chuckled and replied,"Rachel, Hiram made arrangements for them to be picked up early in the

morning. They're at the castle now."

There was one more person, but Carl kept it to himself. Hiram had also sent a driver for Fannie at XH

Village, and Rachel had no idea. It was surely going to be a pleasant surprise.

A moment later, they arrived at the RaR Castle.

Rachel had a lot of questions in her mind as she was coming up to the castle. Hiram never mentioned

anything to her about picking up the kids. Walking absentmindedly, she reached the door and pushed it

open, only to feel her ear being pulled. She let out a surprised gasp.

It was Fannie. Her voice was nagging as she exclaimed an outbreak of reprimands. "You naughty girl!

When did you come back? Why didn't you tell me? Have you forgotten that you still have a mother?

If Hiram didn't send a driver to take me here, I would have never known that you had come back!

What an idiot you are! I didn't raise you to behave this way! Why did you run away from home? Was

heaven falling down? Was the earth sinking? How could you leave your own family without a word?

How could you act so rashly!

How did it feel being alone outside? Did you forget all the hardships we endured in the past? Tell me!"

Fannie continued to yell at her. Rachel felt as if she would never stop.

Rachel bowed her head and looked at the ground, unable to meet her mother's eyes. Feelings of guilt

draped itself in her gut. She dared not answer. Everything her mother said was right. However, she saw

Hiram from the corner of her eyes. He was sitting on the sofa, a small smile curving his lips. That man

was taking pleasure in her suffering.

In between Fannie's rambling, she heard the giggling of the kids upstairs.

"I'm asking you! Why aren't you saying a word? Where have you been for the past days? I called all the

people I know, our relatives, our neighbors… I almost even called the police! You have no idea how

much I worried!"

Fannie said angrily. She huffed out a deep breath, and as if finally out of words, she let go of Rachel's

ear. She was going mad when Rachel was away.

Now, seeing that she was safe and everything was alright with her, she felt as though a heavy load had

been lifted off her shoulders.

When she received news from her son-in-law, she wasted no time packing her luggage and

immediately came.

Sensing that her mother had relaxed for a bit after letting go of all her questions, Rachel said, taking

her mother's hand,"Mom, please calm down. I'm sorry for making you worry! I just wanted to go out and

breathe some fresh air. It was no big deal. Look at me! I'm standing in front of you safe and sound!" "I

almost forgot how painful an earful from you is," she said lightly, rubbing her aching ear with one hand

while still holding her mother's hand with another. They walked inside with their hands intertwined and

she continued,"I promise you that I won't run away anymore.

If there comes a time in the future when I want to leave, I'll not only inform you, I'll take you and the kids

with me!"

Hiram had been watching the whole mother-daughter scenario unfold. At Rachel's words, he raised his

eyebrows while taking a sip of his tea.

Fannie took Rachel to her room and exclaimed excitedly. "Look! This is my room. It's a suite! It even

has a separate living room. And would you look at the size! It's as large as the apartment of an ordinary

family. Hiram's so thoughtful to prepare such a room for me. He even said that I can come and stay

here any time I want!"

Turning to Rachel, she looked at her disapprovingly,"How could you have found a perfect husband?

You have no idea how many women want your place." She gave Rachel a once-over. "What does he

see in you? It's not as if you're that great," she snorted. "Hey, I'm your daughter, you know!" Rachel

replied, trying to look offended, but failed. She grinned at her mom as she continued. "Yes,

unfortunately, my stupid daughter. Why did you run away from him! I want to tear your head apart and

look at what's in your brain, to see if everything's alright up there!" she said, poking Rachel's forehead

with a finger.

Rachel let out a big laugh of relief. She wrapped her arms around her mother and murmured,"Yeah,

you're right Mom. Of course I know Hiram's a perfect husband, and he's always treating me well.

Honestly, sometimes I think he deserves better, and that's the reason why I have to give him more

consideration." Fannie was quietly comforting her daughter, hearing out her words. Rachel let her mom

gently pat her head and breathed in her scent. Her mom was a very strong woman, and it was at times

like these that she got to see her soft side. Rachel lifted her head and looked at Fannie straight in the

eye. "But you can relax now, Mom. Running away was a mistake. I did it impulsively. I wasn't even

thinking. I won't do it again in the future."

Fannie heaved a sigh and smiled at her, bringing her hands to her daughter's face. "That's right,

sweetie! You are very lucky. You have a family who loves you more than anything in the world. Cherish

them and be grateful. And as for the people who have hurt you, you have to learn how to forgive."

Rachel nodded her head and replied,"Yes, Mom. I understand."

She understood what her mother meant. Fannie was telling her not to resent Gavin, even after all that

he had done. Rachel felt her chest swell with contentment as she thought of all the people who

surrounded her everyday with happiness. It would be best to focus on the good things, and she had

plenty of things to be grateful for.

There was a huge playroom for the kids at the first floor, which was filled with all sorts of toys that one

could ever imagine, from a children's slide to a bounce house, to cars and dolls and robots.

Jonny and Joyce were playing, not knowing what to try next from their never-ending choices.

Nadia, still too young and scared of climbing, was playing on the water bed by herself.

Rachel and Fannie came to the playing room to see the kids. Fannie looked at her grandchildren and a

smile instantly lit up her face. However, her brows furrowed upon seeing Nadia. Shaking her head, she

said,"I feel terrible every time I lay my eyes on this little girl. I can't help but remember her mother. How

can a woman such as her give birth to such an angel?" she sighed and continued,"but I can't forget

what she did to you and Hiram. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

And even after all the things she's done to you, we have to take care of her daughter for her. It's hard to

be a good person."

Rachel looked at the little girl. She was walking back and forth on the water bed in her little socks. She

was wearing the hand-me-downs from Joyce, and she looked different. Her skin was sort of yellowish

in contrast to Joyce's pale skin, maybe because she was growing up in the countryside. Her heart

ached just remembering Nadia's situation.

"Mom, regardless of how many or what mistakes her mother has made before, the girl is innocent. I'm

sure that there is a reason why our ways crossed. I couldn't leave her to his father at that time, and he

would have definitely sold her for money. She does not deserve that future." Rachel said firmly.

Fannie put a hand on her daughter's back. "You did the right thing, Rachel, but raising her here with

your family isn't a permanent solution. You already have two kids to care for. It would be better find a

suitable family to adopt her. It would be best both for your family and her."

Rachel recognized the truth of her mother's words. "Yes, I know. Hiram and I had been talking about it.

He mentioned once that Shirley's sister-in-law would be a good option. She only has one son, and she

wants a girl, but is unable to give birth to because of her physical condition. I'll invite her over some day

and talk things out with her. If she's willing to adopt Nadia, we will let her go," Rachel explained.

The truth of the matter was that she wanted, deep in her heart, to adopt Nadia, but both Hiram and her

mother were right.

She already has Jonny and Joyce, and all three of them were about the same age. She wouldn't be

able to take good care of three children at the same time. Not meeting all their needs would be worse

than letting Nadia go to a good family.

"That sounds like a good idea," Fannie nodded her head. If it worked, it would be good for Nadia.

Soon after, it was time for dinner.

The kids had enjoyed themselves so much in the castle at day, and all of them were exhausted. They

went straight to bed right after dinner.

Rachel took the elevator to the top floor. Hiram sent her a message saying that he was waiting for her


The top floor was divided into two parts. One half was suspended with a plexiglass ceiling, and there

was a 360-degree view of the horizon. It would stay warm even in winter, and one could enjoy sitting

there to watch the snow on the mountains with a glass of wine.

The other half was open to the sky, and it would be a perfect place for the summer when it got warm, to

enjoy the cool breeze and the starry night sky. Fresh air was blowing from the mountains, purifying not

only one's lungs, but also one's heart.

When she got there, she caught her husband sitting on the burly wood couch in the open air. He was

wearing a black shirt, which made his figure melt into the dark night. In one fluid gesture, he raised his

hand and waved to her, the diamond button on his sleeve shining along with the stars.

The wind on the mountain top was strong. Rachel wrapped herself tightly in her coat and walked to him

with a smile.

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