Strings of Fate

Chapter 9

9- Fate and friendships

Bellamy sounds incredibly embarrassed. My eyes are wide. He couldn’t possibly have figured it

out could he?

“Um…” I am unsure how to ask my question but Bellamy catches on fast.

“It is generally accepted that a Shifter should have a mate before taking over as Alpha. Due to my parents‘ sudden passing, I had to take over early. It has caused some… friction… among the other Shifter groups. They don’t respect me as they should because of it. Some demand that I should step down and allow a mated Shifter to replace me, one of the Betas. I have no intention of doing so and most feline Shifters here follow me easily enough. But a mate. would simplify things. If you say you’re here for me, my sister will believe it.” Bellamy pauses before speaking again, his voice halting.

“Do you- oh no, I promised not to ask. Never mind.” I released a deep breath. If Bellamy outright asks me who his soul mate is, or if I am his soul mate, I am really not sure I can lie to him. I really don’t want to have to. That’s why I made one of my conditions that he not ask. I just nod and take his arm as he leads me back towards his office. The silence is

awkward so I decide to break it.

“So, how many feline Shifters are there?” I ask, curious. Bellamy shrugs.

“I’m not entirely sure. There are about three–hundred living in the compound walls, but there are plenty of others who prefer to live alone or in smaller family groups.” This confuses me a


“I thought all the Shifters lived in groups? Aren’t you Alpha over all the felines?” I question. Bellamy shrugs.

“Not everyone. There are too many Shifters for that, and we don’t force people to live here. There are Shifters all around the world after all. I am still Alpha over all the felines though. You are right in saying that. The most dominant Shifter in each group of felines is a Beta who acts as Alpha over that group when I am not available. But ultimately, they all listen to me. At least they are supposed to.” I am fascinated, Shifters don’t usually share a lot about themselves with non–Shifters, so most of this is entirely new to me. I’m surprised that Bellamy is being so open about it all. When we walk past where the group of Shifters had


assonbilitationdioniconsertthat they have all scattered and gonectinthedayys.Ilsith introrailly, iffamilyitt were that easy. have themext couple dayssoffworks.Tiaatissaassuming


that I still have a job.lollype Bellamy was serious wherleesaidwouderto

multe sure–ll dimitt gratiinttrouble.finding job is hard whenyourrem Magicwhitoddesmitifit Bortleine is owned by a humanthuttbacked by Magics, smittissoneofthisconttyplaces intto thutt hiiress humans and Wingies as well as having inthisscustomers llammscolostinmy


thoughts that I barely notice when Bellamy leads smeeintiohis sofffice Hefferrsmesseatar

this time ll take it. He picks up the phone. Ittrings for few seconds.

“Hey Miers. Cum you come downto the office??have someoneclercellhindoyoushouldine

Yes it is almut the Alphaiissue we discussed before: Yess.Thats fine.Okaysseeyoutinmit

Bye. Bellamyhangs up the phone and groanss.

She is goingtoleamightmare about this donneettaskanthaestingabout.!] might not have any siblings (thatliamaware of fattleastuternicansseet that interfering herbornthers lovellife would he hilariousstocanyysisterr.ligiggiteallittleumden mytbreath and

Bellamy shunts me a glare.

“It’s sweet of youtossacrifice your dignityforyourrisseissake comment and his glare softensa little. Affew moments later thredbototheofficeswiggsoppennand Megan strides

alirontly talking as she enters the room.

“Hey Bels!I’m there.” Herrevesstandtomme.

“This is the person you wantedimentcomes??“myythreathfforaamiontent, wondering if she will recognise messher waitresssfromtheentier might.Etbecomespretty clear thatishe doesn’t. I’m okay with that. Ilstondanddoffermizenmywand.

Hi,miRyann Gale. YourceMegamright?? Iltryyttossontlocdimbbutikammioretthanmalittlee excited to meetther Sleetakossmyvliant,utinsstaatioissakingiitssheuses it to pulli neccius She stares atmy.eyess.

Wow, your eyes are scotrippy.lindaletten sierrenzaties.locould love her just for that

one statement:have always sheernisseurcationummy mussualeyes. They freakipeoplecounts much thatthiave developedaliatiftoffawoddinggoyeccontact most ofthecinte Secreteassem Hand.


assembled earlier I can see that they have all scattered and gone about their days. I sigh internally, if only it were that easy. I have the next couple days off work. That is assuming that I still have a job. I really hope Bellamy was serious when he said he would be able to make sure I don’t get in trouble. Finding a job is hard when you’re a Magic who doesn’t fit in. Borderline is owned by a human but backed by Magics, so it is one of the only places in town. that hires humans and Magics as well as having both as customers. I am so lost in my thoughts that I barely notice when Bellamy leads me into his office. He offers me a seat and this time I take it. He picks up the phone. It rings for a few seconds.

“Hey Megs. Can you come down to the office? I have someone here I think you should meet… Yes it is about the Alpha issue we discussed before. Yes. That’s fine. Okay I’ll see you in a few. Bye.” Bellamy hangs up the phone and groans.

“She is going to be a nightmare about this.” I don’t need to ask what he’s talking about. I

might not have any siblings (that I am aware of at least) but even I can see that interfering in her brother’s love life would be hilarious to any sister. I giggle a little under my breath and Bellamy shoots me a glare.

“It’s sweet of you to sacrifice your dignity for your sister’s sake.” I comment and his glare

softens a little. A few moments late

the door to the office swings open and Megan strides in,

already talking as she enters the room.

“Hey Bels! I’m here.” Her eyes land on me.

“This is the person you wanted me to meet?” I hold my breath for a moment, wondering if she will recognise me as her waitress from the other night. It becomes pretty clear that she doesn’t. I’m okay

with that. I stand and offer her my hand.

“Hi, I’m Ryann Gale. You’re Megan right?” I try to sound calm but I am more than a little. excited to meet her. She takes my hand, but instead of shaking it she uses it to pull me closer.

She stares at my eyes.

“Wow, your eyes are so trippy. I kinda love them.” she remarks. I could love her just for that one statement. I have always been insecure about my unusual eyes. They freak people out so much that I have developed a habit of avoiding eye contact most of the time. She releases my



that, for once, I don’t drop my gaze. It occurs to me that I don’t automatically drop my gaze around Bellamy either, but I think that has more to do with stubbornness than comfort. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“So, you’re the one my brother has called in to help with his situation? Are you guys dat

dating or something?” she demands. I go white and stare at her in horror. We might be soul mates. and sure we are destined to end up together. But Bellamy has been a bit of a jerk. The idea of

dating him right now is awful. Bellamy rescues me.

“She isn’t even a Shifter Megan.” he points out. I cringe internally. So he only dates Shifters. then? He is in for a rude awakening when he does learn the truth. Maybe I should just never bring it

1. up. Ever.

“So what? There’s no rule saying you can’t date a human.” she points out. I like her more and

more every moment. I decide now is a good time to interrupt.

“I’m not human actually. I’m a Magic.” I inform her. Her eyes light up with curiosity.

“Oooh really? What kind?” I shrug.

“I don’t really know. I’m an unknown. I know what my power is. I just can’t find anyone else

with the same power.” I explain. Megan grins.

“You’re unique then. I could have guessed that. I don’t know any Magics with hair and eyes like yours.” She points out. I shift uncomfortably. She rolls her eyes at me.

“Now don’t be like that. I didn’t say being unique is a bad thing, now did I? So, tell me about this power of yours. If you aren’t dating my brother then that must be why you’re here?” she prods. I smile at her brightly. I give her a basic explanation of my powers. She seems totally


“So you can see relationships?” I shake my head.

“Not quite, I can see relationships that are fated to happen. People have tons of relationships.

I only see the ones that, fate has deemed important for some reason.” I explain.

“Cool!” She seems very enthusiastic.


“You believe me then?” I ask, cautiously. She nods vigorously.

“You convinced my brother, didn’t you? He’s the most suspicious and distrustful person I know. If he believes you it has to be true.”

“Thanks Megs.” Bellamy interjects drily. At that moment, a red thread began to glow from Megan’s chest. It showed that she had already met her soul mate, her real soul mate that is. How unusual for two people to have met their soul mates but be engaged to someone else. Whoever her fated soul mate is, he must have just come close enough for me to see the thread. Megan notices me staring at her.

“Something you want to share, Ryann?” she asks. I nod.

“I was just looking at your threads. I…” I glance over to Bellamy who nods encouragingly.

“You have a blue thread. Connecting to me.” I blurt out.

“Blue thread? That’s the friends one right?” she cos. I nod silently, incredibly nervous.

“That’s why I volunteered to help Bellamy. I thought I might get a chance to get to know you.” Megan actually looks delighted.

“This is awesome. So we’re friends then?” she asks me. I’m totally shocked by her ace


“Well, the thread just shows that we will be friends. It doesn’t have to be right away. Unless you want to be.” I explain. She nods along happily.

“I would love to be friends. I am definitely curious about your powers and you seem like fun.”

I don’t think I have ever been as excited as I am right now.

“So, you’re going to hang around and see if you can set my brother up mischievously. I laugh.

then?” Megan asks.

“Something like that.” I avoid the question. Bellamy takes advantage of the silence to speak

1. up.

“I obviously can’t spend all day with Ryann so I was hoping you would play tour guide for her.


Show Ryann around a bit and spend some time with her so she can… learn a little bit about life and the people here. We plan to keep her powers a secret for now, so spending time with you will raise fewer questions.” Bellamy explains. What a tactful way of saying I’m here to be nosy and spy on everyone. Megan just nods.

“I suppose that’s why you told me to get Darrien to bring the car around for me? So we could talk without him listening then?” she confirms. Bellamy nods. Megan turns to me.

“You have a phone right? Here give me your number.” We trade phone numbers and she is absolutely appalled at the lack of contacts in my phone. I have work contacts and Maggie. Megan gets a text and glances at her phone.

“Oh, Darrien has the car out front. I have to get to my class, I’ll be late if I wait any longer.” Bellamy gets to his feet.

“We can walk you out. Darrien should meet Ryann anyway.” Megan nods and is already making her way towards the door.


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