Strings of Fate

Chapter 14

14- Trust and truth

It clicks in my head. I guess sometimes all it takes is to phrase something a little differently.

“What you’re saying is that ultimately, the men aren’t in control because we control ourselves, but that we LET them have control in order to calm their protective instincts which in turn makes them less controlling and demanding.” I sum up. Darrien nods.

“Yes, FINALLY, That’s what I was trying to say. Really I think control is the wrong word. What they want is trust. If you show you trust them to keep you safe, they in turn worry about it less.” she smiles at me. I nod my acceptance.

“But why is it just the men?” Megan shrugs. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“It isn’t really. Female Shifters are just as protective, particularly when it comes to children. However we are less prone to fighting and violent behaviour so we tend to focus more on

taking care of people emotionally. Which sort of complements the Shifter men’s issues with control as we feel that we are protecting them emotionally by allowing them to protect us physically.”

“Ooooh, that makes sense actually, I sometimes forget you aren’t quite the same as humans. Then again I suppose technically I’m not either. Although I don’t really know what I am.

Humans get very caught up on men and women being the same, which seems a little odd since biologically they are different. Still, it does feel a little degrading, that the men think. that we need protecting so much.”



not at all, that’s not how it works. By offering you protection they aren’t saying you care for yourself, just that they don’t want you to have to. It’s a show of respect. Think about it, they are promising to value your well–being over their own.” When phrased that way it seems less degrading and more sweet. Now I feel a little bad for being so stubborn with Bellamy last night. He was out of line, but I didn’t really understand the situation either and I certainly wasn’t making things easier for him.

“I can accept that I think.” Megan smiles at me happily, delighted to have managed to

convince me.


14–Trust and truth

“Wonderful. It’s important for you to understand these things since we’re friends now so you’re bound to be around more Shifters than you’re used to. The protecting stuff is also a common way that Shifter men demonstrate that they would be a good mate, by showing how they protect and provide for a family. Besides, you’re meant to help Bellamy find his mate right?” I open my mouth, not really sure what I can say that isn’t a lie but Megan just keeps going.

“Are you really going to find his soul mate for him?” she questions. I cringe internally. I don’t want to lie to her. I phrase my words carefully..

“I can tell who he is fated to be with as long as he is near that person.” Obviously, I don’t mention that I already know who he is fated to be with and that it is me. Megan doesn’t notice my hesitancy.

“That’s great news. I know I make fun of him a lot, but Bels really needs to find his mate sooner rather than later.” She comments.

“Why is that?” I ask. I am even more curious since the matter does concern me.

“Alphas are stronger when they have their mates. Usually they don’t become Alpha so young, so they find their mates before they come to power. Besides that, whoever his mate is, she, will gain a lot of status and power among the Shifters. So all the Betas are driving him crazy, parading their daughters and sisters around in front of him, making excuses for them to stop by, just hoping they will catch his eye. Many of them are rather offended when he sends them away. He needs a mate so that the power struggle will stop and so his place as Alpha can be properly cemented in place.” I consider a moment. A thought occurs to me.

“If it’s so important, why doesn’t Bellamy just pick one of the Beta’s daughters and settle. Or at least try dating one?” I ask. I try to hide how tense I feel asking this question. Megan shrugs.

“It wouldn’t be right or fair when he knows they aren’t right. Shifters actually do have ways to identify their true mates. Although they are quite subtle and aren’t nearly as definite as what you do. They are better for confirming that someone is their mate rather than identifying them and of course not everyone waits for their true mate, often they give up on finding them and marry someone else. But Bellamy won’t do that, he wants to find his fated mate, like our parents did.” She comments with a wistful smile. I stare at her. Part of me is curious and the


rest is terrified. How subtle are these signs? Are they subtle enough that Bellamy won’t figure out I’m supposed to be his mate? I hope they are because I am not ready for him to figure it out just yet.

“What are the signs?” I ask, keeping my voice even.

“Oh well, they’re super subtle, most people don’t even notice unless they’re actively looking for them, and at that point they’ve probably already figured out how they feel. Well, unless they’re ridiculously stubborn.” Megan counts them off on her fingers.

“First, Shifters always find it easy to locate their mates. It doesn’t matter how, it could be by scent, sound, or just a general awareness of where they are. Shifters rarely struggle to figure out where their mates are once they have found them, they crave physical closeness to those they are attached to, so knowing where their mates are is important. It also allows them to protect them better which in turn makes them more comfortable around them. Second, Shifters are naturally more open and forthcoming with their mates. Without thinking they behave generously towards them and they instinctively tell them the truth. That’s not to say they can’t or won’t lie to their mates

just that their first reaction is to tell the truth and to avoid keeping secrets. The truth stuff all ties into the trust thing again. The third and final sign is that Shifter mates are always equal when it comes to dominance. It would never work if one person was more dominant, they would just walk all over their partner. This one is usually the most obvious sign at first since Shifters are usually well aware of their dominance in comparison to those around them. I can tell you right now that whoever Bellamy’s mate is, she won’t be a pushover.” She concludes. I think back on Bellamy’s behaviours. He certainly located me easily enough when he tracked me from my workplace. I can’t say that he isn’t generous towards me. Particularly since he is insisting on paying for my dress. I can’t really judge his truthfulness, though I’ve yet to catch him in a lie or anything. I’m really not sure about this dominance thing though. I sort of feel like he has a tendency to push me around. Then again, it’s not like I just sit and take it either. Being equally dominant would probably explain our tendency to fight. Not that I really understand dominance. How do Shifters measure something like that? Do they have a rating between one and ten? A ranked scale? Rankings seem more likely given their hierarchical society. But if mates have equal dominance that would mean that there are people who rank the same, so a scale doesn’t quite work either. More specific to my situation, can a Shifter even consider a non–Shifter as someone who is more or less dominant than themselves?

I take a deep breath before asking my next question.


14–Trust and truth

“Hey Megan, do Shifters ever have non–Shifter mates?” I question. For a second I’m paranoid that she’s going to figure out why I’m asking, but she takes it in stride. She clearly has just figured my curiosity is part of me trying to do my supposed job to help Bellamy find his mate. At least I hope that’s where her thoughts lead.

“You know I really don’t know. I don’t know any Shifters with non–Shifter mates. But there isn’t any reason why they COULDN’T be mates with a non–Shifter. Realistically, most Shifters. barely interact with any non–Shifters so we wouldn’t know even if they are.” I nod my understanding. By this point we have finished eating. There are a couple scones left which Darrien finishes off for us. Megan hands over Bellamy’s credit card to pay the bill and we begin the short walk over to the mall. Megan links her arm with mine as we walk and Darrien follows close behind us. I don’t think I have ever felt so happy as I am right now walking, arm in arm with my new friend. I do ask why Darrien doesn’t do the arm offering thing while we’re walking. Megan explains that when protecting multiple people, it’s just inconvenient. Plus, Darrien is her official guard, so the offer is not needed as it’s already his responsibility.

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