Sorry Sir I Don’t Want You Back by Little Angelic Devil

Sorry Sir I Don’t Want You Back Chapter 66

Emely spun around fast and gasped, nearly fainting when she saw every word she had sent to Cherise was displayed for all to see. Every indecent and explicit word she has used to describe their so-called lovemaking. Every taunt, threat, gloat, and word to describe how disgusting Cherise was.

The guests were now in an uproar. Most of the ladies were mortified to read such indecent words, and many couldn't believe how the gentle-looking Emely, who was Hudson's so-called first love, would use words unsuitable for upper-society ladies to say. "Emely is so disgusting." "If I were Cherise, I would've slapped her."

"Yes, Cherise was still Hudson's legal wife, but Emely sent those texts."

"What a shameless mistress."

Emely wished she could run away from the ballroom, but she was too afraid, and her feet seemed stuck on the floor.

Hudson turned around to look at the big screen and read every line of texts Emely had sent to Cherise and the air around him plunged to nearly the point of freezing everyone around him.

He couldn't believe what he read. He had never even had sex with Emely. Some sentences are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on NovelDrama.Org. Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the complete chapters for free. That night, he only fell asleep for around ten minutes before he left her, but Emely made it seem like he stayed and had s*x with her the whole night.

And the words she used to describe their 'sessions', the derogatory words she had used to call Cherise

Was this really the Emely he knew? Was this really the Emely her brother had loved all his life, even up to his last dying breath?

Hudson glanced at Emely; his sharp gaze could cut her into pieces, and Emely shuddered.

She kept shaking her head and wanted to open her mouth to defend herself, but what could she say? Everyone had seen it, and there was no way she could defend herself without telling everyone that she had lied.

"Hey, Amery," Tristan called Hudson with a cheeky smile. "You know, I have a friend in Country D who was in the same circle as Emely. Wanna see what she'd done behind your back?"

Tristan tapped his phone, and the texts from Emely disappeared from the big screen, replaced by pictures of Emely with different men - dancing intimately, kissing, being groped in her intimate places, and in all the photos, it could be seen she was a willing participant and enjoying it.

The guests, Dahlia, Polly, and even Finley, who had joined them, gasped.

It was mortifying to see how one woman could be so wild. No lady with dignity and class would do it.

"Oh, my." Even Cherise was shocked to see the pictures.

"SHUT IT DOWN!" Hudson bellowed. He didn't want to see such disgusting pictures.

The hotel staff quickly turned off the big screen and unplugged the electrical cord to ensure it was off for good.

The guests had become quiet because of Hudson's roar, and the ballroom fell into pin-drop silence as if everyone was holding their breath, afraid of angering Hudson even further, until they heard a chuckle.

"Is this the woman you deem worthy to bear your heirs, Amery?" Julian asked lightly. "A woman who slept around and had no shame in being groped by many men while Cherise, who was loyal to you, who had never been touched by any other men before you and during your marriage, is not worthy to bear your child?"

"Shut up, Alster!" Hudson growled as his eyes snapped to Julian.

Julian chuckled again. "Can't take it? You were the one who told Cherise she wasn't worthy to carry your child."

"Are you sure the child in her belly was yours, Amery?" Logan added, taunting Hudson. "How fortunate that she miscarried, so you couldn't do any DNA test, huh?"

"The timing was just so impeccable," Katherine joined in, her seductive smile playing on her lips. "She sent all those disgusting texts the night before, and the next morning, she hurt Cherise AND slipped and fell, which caused her miscarriage. She even blamed Cherise for it."

"Then voila, she got you to marry her even without knowing if the child was yours," Tristan said playfully and grinned. "I think you got played, Amery."

The guests were once again in an uproar over the information they had just heard. This was no doubt, the biggest, most shocking gossip of the century.

Emely, feeling humiliated, finally snapped and turned to lash out at Cherise.

"This is because of you!" she shouted and pointed her finger at Cherise. "You came here to humiliate me, didn't you? You did this to make sure Hudson won't marry me so you can get him back! You are a despicable bitch, Cherise!"

At that moment, Emely had forgotten about her mask- the mask of a gentle and elegant lady. Now, she looked like a deranged woman. Her eyes were wild with craziness, and her body trembled as if she was ready to pounce at and punch Cherise at any moment. "Oh please, you were the one who invited me here and wanted to humiliate me in the first place." Cherise rolled her eyes. "If I wanted your fiance to know those texts, I would've shown it to him much sooner. And for your information, I was the one who divorced him, not the other way round."

Emely was so blinded by rage that she snarled and lunged at Cherise. "Cherise, you bitch!"

Julian moved quickly, pulling Cherise into his embrace, and turned his back in case Emely managed to get to them.

"Keith!" Hudson barked at the same time. He didn't want to touch Emely, but he couldn't let the guards manhandle her either.

Keith, who, just like Finley, had joined them, sighed, quickly strode toward Emely, and locked his arms around her middle, dragging her back easily as she was petite.

"Amery, get a hold of your woman," Julian snapped and threatened Hudson, "If she touched even one strand of Cherise's hair, I'll make sure the Amery Group will be gone within three days."

Emely struggled to break free while still hurling curses at Cherise. She looked like an ugly beast who wanted to kill her prey.

"Enough!" Dahlia stepped in front of Emely and slapped her cheek so hard the force snapped Emely's head sideway, and it cleared her mind.

"I-1-1," Emely stuttered. What had she done? She had shown her true self and crushed the image of a gentle and graceful lady she had built for so long.

"You are such a disgrace," Dahlia spat. "If the Amery Group is going under, I'll make sure you are going down with it too."

Emely swallowed and went limp in Keith's arms. She knew there was no point in fighting or saying anything now. All her efforts had been destroyed by Cherise, Julian, and their friends. Worst of all, she had lost control in front of everyone. "Keith, the villa!" Hudson ordered as he marched toward the lobby, not looking at the guests or anyone else. With his phone in his hand, he texted Miles to get the car ready. "And bring her." "Emely, will you behave now?" Keith asked.

Emely nodded weakly. If Hudson still wanted to bring her to the villa where Cherise used to live, then maybe she could still salvage the situation. She could apologize and make up excuses and reasons.

"Let's go," Keith said; his tone wasn't as gentle as usual.

"Hey, wait for me!" Finley chased after them and managed to slip into Keith's car before they drove away. "Damn, Emely," Finley cussed. "You f****d up big time."

"I can explain," she said in a small voice, her head bowed and her fingers clutching her dress.

"Save your explanations for Hudson," Keith said.

At the ballroom, the guests were in a state of shock and disbelief. They were all talking to each other about what had happened until Dahlia went on stage and told them the engagement was canceled until further notice. Cherise, Julian, Katherine, Logan, and Tristan exchanged glances before Cherise let out a breath and laughed softly. "Well, that was something."

"Went much better than I had imagined," Katherine's lips curved up.

"THAT was better?" Cherise elbowed her best friend playfully, then sighed. "I didn't plan to let anyone know of those texts, though."

"Might as well let Hudson, his family, and everyone know what kind of woman that shameless mistress is." Tristan shrugged.

"Let's go home," Julian said and stirred Cherise toward the lobby where their limo had been waiting.

"Room for one more?" Tristan asked with hope shining in his eyes.

"Sure," Cherise smiled, and Tristan whopped before getting into the limo with them.

"God, that was awesome," Tristan grinned.

"Do you really have a friend that runs in the same circle as Emely in Country D?" Cherise asked him curiously.

"You know me." Tristan winked at her, making Cherise shake her head.

Just as she had expected, he had dug out information about Emely after learning about her divorce from Hudson and Emely's involvement.

"Were you planning to broadcast it today?" Katherine asked.

"Nah, I was going to give them to Cherise for her to use them against Emely," he replied.

Cherise scrunched her nose. "I don't want anything to do with the cheating couple."

"That's why I broadcasted it during the banquet," Tristan grinned. "I know you might not want it, and since you had those awful texts from her, I took the opportunity to let everyone, including Hudson, know what kind of woman he is marrying." "Maybe it won't change anything," Cherise said.

"You mean Hudson will still marry her after knowing what kind of woman she is?" Tristan gaped at her.

"She's his true love." Cherise shrugged. "He asked the hotel staff to switch off the big screen. He's protecting her."

The men in the car exchanged glances, and Julian spoke, "Maybe he's not protecting her. Maybe he's protecting his image. He was, after all, nearly engaged to her."

Cherise raised an eyebrow at her brother. "Are you on his side now?"

Julian smiled gently and pulled her into his embrace. "Of course not. We will always be on your side."

"Didn't seem like it," Cherise grumbled softly and leaned against Julian. "But whatever. He's not my problem anymore."

No one spoke after that until Cherise felt four pairs of eyes looking at her.

She straightened in her seat and asked everyone, "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

Logan stretched out his arm and took Cherise's hand in his. "Are you alright?"

Cherise's eyebrows furrowed. "Why wouldn't I be alright?"

"Cherise," Katherine spoke softly. "You just saw your ex-husband, the man you used to love deeply for three years, nearly getting engaged."

"So?" Cherise asked in confusion.

"So it's natural if you feel sad or hurt," Katherine said.

Cherise smiled widely. She was happy that she was surrounded by people who cared about her.

"I'm fine," she assured them. "I'm really fine. Maybe there was a little hurt there, but I'm mostly fine."Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

"It's too bad Paula couldn't see what happened. She must be mad for missing it," Cherise added, laughing to lighten the mood.

"Oh, don't worry about it," Tristan said with a grin. "I can get the recording from the security cameras in the ballroom. I'm sure they captured everything that had happened tonight." "How are you going to get it?" Katherine asked curiously.

"I'm Tristan Hart," he said smugly. "I have my way." Then he winked at Cherise.

Cherise rolled her eyes at him. Ace would most likely hack into the hotel system to get it.

When Keith, Finley, and Emely reached the villa, they saw Hudson sitting in the living room.

Emely rushed toward Hudson, sitting beside him, and tried to take his hand, but Hudson pulled his hand back.

Emely curbed down her disappointment and placed her hands on her lap. "Hudson, I can explain everything," she said softly and put on her most pitiful look.

What she didn't realize was instead of looking pitiful, she looked like a mad woman, with her gown wrinkled and her hair messy from when she struggled while being shackled by Keith's arms. Hudson rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "Save it for later."

He didn't want to deal with Emely yet. He was still confused and angry about everything, mainly about why she sent Cherise those taunting texts.

"Keith, the doctor," he ordered.

Keith texted someone on his phone, which confused Emely. Keith was a doctor. If Hudson had a headache, why would he ask for another doctor? Did he have an illness that required a specialist? "Hudson, are you alright?" she asked with worry.

"I'm fine," Hudson replied coldly.

"Then why do you need a doc-"

Before she could finish her sentence, she heard footsteps coming their way, and she looked toward the source of the footsteps.

There were two burly bodyguards and another man between them. When she realized who the man was, she felt her blood drained from her body again, and this time, she couldn't help herself from fainting.

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