Sorry Sir I Don’t Want You Back by Little Angelic Devil

Chapter 107

Just as Cherise and Theo stepped into the elevator a few minutes ago, Hudson and Keith arrived at the hotel simultaneously.

Knowing Finley, they didn't wait for him in the lobby; instead, they waited for the elevator to descend and stepped into it, withthe staff pressing the button so they could go straight toward the restaurant. Keith eyed his best friend, who was leaning leisurely against the elevator's glass wall, one hand tucked into his pants pocket.

"You seem happy," he said.

Hudson glanced at Keith and replied casually, "Do I?"

"You do." Keith nodded. "Something good happened between you and Cherise?"

"Why do you assume it was because of her?" Hudson asked.

Keith laughed. "How long have we known each other, Hudson? I know for sure not even landing a huge project could make you look this..." he waved his hand along Hudson's body before finishing, "happy and relaxed." The corners of Hudson's lips lifted into a smile just as the elevator reached the top floor, and they strode toward the entrance of the restaurant.

But then suddenly Hudson stopped in his tracks and the smile vanished from his face.

Keith was alerted when he felt the iciness surrounding Hudson and the deep, low growl his best friend suddenly let out as if he was about ready to murder someone.

He took one look at Hudson and followed his line of sight to see Cherise, whose hand was hooked to a man's arm who was neither Julian, Logan, nor Tristan, being led to a table by a waiter.

Keith saw Hudson move from the corner of his eye and quickly grabbed his arm, stopping his best friend from doing something he might regret later on.

Hudson's head snapped toward Keith with his eyes narrowed dangerously, a warning to let go or Keith would be the one on the receiving end of his wrath, but Keith wasn't the least bit concerned about it.

Keith met his murderous gaze head-on and shook his head. "Not now and not here. Remember, you have changed. You will not confront them in front of so many other patrons, and you will not punch the guy, or Cherise will hate you more." The words 'Cherise will hate you more' seemed to be effective as Keith felt the shift in Hudson's aura - it wasn't murderous anymore - and Keith breathed in relief.

"You could speak to her and ask for an explanation the next time you meet her," Keith advised Hudson, adding, "in a calm manner."

Hudson's head jerked into a nod but his dark eyes never left Cherise and the man she was dining with, watching them closely like an eagle.

"Come on." Keith tugged his arm, still not letting go in case his best friend's control snapped.

A host came to greet them as they reached the reservation desk. "Mr. Amery, your private room is rea-"

"Change it," Hudson growled.

The host blinked. "Pardon, Sir?"

"Move us to this area. I want that table." Hudson pointed to a table slightly hidden between potted plants. It had a view of Cherise's table, but she wouldn't be able to see him.

The host blanched because that table was already reserved for someone else. "But Mr. Amery-"

Hudson's sharp gaze snapped to the host; his narrowing eyes sent chills down the host's spine."

"I said change our seating," Hudson said through gritted teeth, trying not to combust.

Keith rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighed, and apologized to the host. Then, he told him the guests who had reserved the table Hudson wanted could take their private room, and Hudson would still pay for it.

"Consider it as an upgrade for the guests." Keith tried his best to help his best friend while at the same time not making a


"If you are sure..." the host said dubiously, his eyes looking at Hudson hesitantly.

"Yes, we are sure," Keigh replied reassuringly with a smile.

The host finally nodded and led them to the table Hudson had chosen. "Right this way, Sir."

Keith glanced at his best friend and found him already looking at Cherise. At least crisis averted for now, he sighed in his heart.

When they were seated, a waiter approached them with the menus. Looking at Hudson, Keith knew he would have to be the one ordering their drink. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on He smiled at the waiter, chose a bottle of red wine, and told the waiter they were still waiting for another friend before they would order.

The wine arrived at the same time as Finley who just plopped down on one of the available seats, took the wine glass the waiter had just offered them to sample, downing the content in one large gulp, and gesturing for the waiter to fill his glass again. Keith shook his head helplessly, took a swirl from his own glass, and thanked God the wine was fine.

"Steak. Medium-rare," Hudson suddenly said without even looking at the menu, making Keith sigh again and wonder why he kept hanging with one cold man and one simpleton playboy.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Keith and Finley quickly placed their orders and Keith leaned back against his chair, keeping an eye on Hudson, whose eyes seemed to haven't even blinked since he spotted Cherise. Finley was still unaware of Hudson's brewing fury and chatted mindlessly as they waited for their orders to arrive.

"God, you won't believe how audacious that Paula Laurent is," Finley groaned.

Keith glanced at him and took a sip of his wine languidly before asking, "How do you mean?"

"She kept sending me all sorts of insulting messages and memes," Finley whined. "And the worst is she keeps calling me 'Tiny Peen'. I'm anything but tiny!"

Keith nearly choked on his wine. He placed his wine glass on the table, wiped his mouth using a napkin, and asked Finley with a raised brow, "And you let her do that?"

Finley rubbed the back of his neck and his face flushed with embarrassment. "I have to. I'm trying to make amends and become Cherise's friend. It's one of her conditions."

Keith's other brow raised, joining its twin. He'd never thought Finley would go that far to make Cherise forgive him. But on second thought, Finley was simple. He liked Cherise because he thought she was cool and wanted to be friends with her. He also found out Hudson was in love with Cherise and since he was loyal to Hudson, he'd do anything to earn her forgiveness.

"What other conditions did she give you?" Keith asked curiously.

Finley flinched and shuddered as he whispered, "She wants to have a sparring session with me."

Keith chuckled. "I'll pray for your soul after she's done with you."

"No, don't say that," Finley replied in horror and suddenly felt even more nervous about the sparring session. "She won't kill me, right? That would be considered as murder."

"Of course, she won't," Keith assured him calmly, and Finley breathed in relief only to feel horrified again when Keith added, "But she might destroy your vocal cord based on how you humiliated and insulted her before."

Finley gasped, held his neck as if protecting it, and shook his head fervently, "No, Cherise is not that vicious."

At that moment, the waiter arrived with their orders, and Keith stayed silent while looking at Finley's pale face. He let out a chuckle after the waiter left and said, "You are right. Cherise is not a vicious lady. She is a caring one, and you should remember that." Finley nodded repeatedly, and the color returned to his face as he felt relieved once again.

"Oh, I met Miles on the way here, and he told me you are giving up two big projects for Cherise," Finley finally told Hudson.

Keith was surprised. Was that why Hudson looked happy before? Because he gifted her cooperation with other companies? "Is that so, Hudson?" he asked.

Hudson, who had been ignoring his best friends' chattering, nodded in acknowledgment.

"Wow, you are so generous to her," Finley praised him. "I bet she's going to be pleased." Then he looked around and finally realized they were seated in the common area and frowned. "Why are we not in a private room?"

"Hudson wanted a change of scenery," Keith replied calmly and kept eating his dinner as if nothing strange was going on with Hudson.

"Huh," Finley said, and suddenly his eyes widened. "Is that Cherise? She has a new boyfriend already?" he whisper-yelled.

"Ouch!" He glared at Keith, who had just kicked him, and saw Keith signaling him to look at Hudson, whose expression was stormy, and yet it was mixed with hurt and sadness.

Cherise, still oblivious to her ex-husband and his two best friends' presence, was surprisingly having a good time with Theo. He was easy to talk to, and they seemed to share many similar interests.

"Cherise, I've read about your divorce," Theo said when they were eating their desserts. "I'm sorry that you had to go through such a horrific experience."

Cherise felt her heart soften at the gentle sincerity coming from Theo. She smiled and assured him, "It's all in the past. I was stupid to let them do those things to me, but now that I'm back at my rightful place, I won't let anyone bully me anymore." "As you should," Theo said softly. "You are the Alster heiress and should be treated like the princess you are."

"Oh, I am," Cherise laughed. "Julian has been spoiling me like crazy. I'm happy with my life now. Though I could say those three years made me realize trying to make someone fall in love with you sometimes just doesn't work, no matter how hard you try. It will just make a fool out of you."

"It might if the person appreciates your efforts," Theo countered her theory gently. "As people said, love can grow with time."

Cherise pondered about it for a while but then shook her head. "I doubt that. If it takes an appreciation of one's effort to fall in love, then when the person doesn't make all those efforts anymore, the love will be gone with it."

"You sound like you are against courting," Theo laughed.

"Am I?" Cherise chuckled. "It's not that I'm against courting, but I guess it depends on the couple. Maybe if both of them have chemistry the moment they meet, then yeah it will work out. But if one doesn't even have a tiny bit of feelings toward the other, then I think it'll be a waste of time."

"You do make an excellent point." Theo nodded, but he then added, with his signature gentle smile, "But I personally believe efforts will never be a waste, especially if they're made for a princess like you."

Cherise didn't know how to reply to him, and she felt uncomfortable about how forthcoming Theo had been ever since they reconnected, but thankfully, he seemed to sense her awkwardness and changed the subject.

"Are you not going to take revenge on the Amery family for how they have mistreated you?"

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