Sleeping With My Stepbrother

Chapter 24: Twenty Four

Chapter 24: Twenty Four

"I wanna break up Justin" I said

"O-oh" Justin finally mumbled after a couple of seconds, before deciding to take a seat on the swing

next to me, not even caring about the fact that it was damp.

I bit my lip to stop the tears the was about to fall, but apparently my emotions had been bottled up so

much, lip-biting wasn't doing anything anymore.

"Can I...can you at least tell me why?" Justin asked after minutes of silence "Was it something I did? I

mean... the next time we were supposed to see each other was when I had to pick you up because we

were gonna spend the weekend at the lake. Wha....what happened?"


"Is it about the lake trip? Was that moving too fast?" Justin asked again.

It was breaking my heart to see Justin wonder if he did something wrong. He was a nice guy and he

didn't deserve to think that he was the one at fault.

"It's not you, Justin. It's me" Ahh yes. The famous ‘it's not you, it's me" break up line’, "You were... a

really great boyfriend. I don't want you thinking that something was wrong with you, nor that you did

anything to make me break up with you."


"It's just... I like you. A lot." I said " And that's the problem. Because I like you so much, but I'm.. in love

with someone else"

Oof. Bull's eye.

Justin was suddenly nodding, like something had clicked.

"I knew something was going on" he began, and now I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, catching on with what he was talking about.

"A few nights ago, when I found you and Luke drinking at your house's mini bar" Justin said, and I

began worrying.

Not because Justin just learned that I was in love with his best friend.

I was worried because he might think that having relations with my stepbrother was beyond incestuous

and crazy.

But then again, I didn't really care.

"I know what you're thinking" I began

"Oh please. Don't even try to deny it" Justin interrupted "You two have been avoiding each other like

the plaque all summer. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that there's something going on between

you to. And that it has nothing to do with the fact that you two are step siblings as well"

"We're not even related you know" Was the only thing I could say to defend myself "I'm really sorry

Justin. I know tonight wasn't what you were expecting"

"Really wasn't" Justin said sarcastically, but I chose to ignore it simply because I had just broken up

with him and he had the right to be sarcastic right now.

Justin then got and up and began pacing

"Did you sleep with Luke?" Justin asked, and it took me a moment to figure out how I was gonna

answer it.

"Truthfully?" I began "I had met Luke before our parents even got married. He was only supposed to be

a one night stand" I smiled a bit, remembering how Luke and I met.

It wasn't the prettiest story. Hell, if I was Ted Mosby, I'd skip that part or just make up some other story

as to how we met.

"But yes. I did" I continued. Justin sucked in air, and you could see he was mad and disappointed and


It was a really really bad moment.

Thunder roared through the sky.

I realized that I didn't bring any umbrella with me, but at the same time I wasn't gonna bother Justin to

drive me home. Not after I had just broken up with him.

"Thanks for telling me the truth. I appreciate it" Justin said, before another thunder roared through the

sky, making us both look up at the now lightning-filled sky. "Do you want me to drive you back home?"

Justin asked. I can't believe that he still had the audacity to ask that after I broke his heart, making my

heart ache even more.

Even after getting his heart broken and after learning that I was in love with his best friend, Justin was

still being a perfect gentleman.

God, I am officially the worst person on earth right now.

"No. I'm good. I need air" I told him as I wiped the tear off my face and began walking away without

hearing another word from him.

I was away already, and part of me hoped that Justin wasn't that dumb to follow me, but the other part

of me, the asshole part of me, that is, was hoping he would.

I don't know how long I was walking nor did I know where I was going. I just needed some goddamn


At some point, I got to a 711, attempted to buy a pack of cigs, and when that was unsuccessful, I just

bought a large cup of slurpee and sat by the parking lot for god knows how long.

And yes, people passing by looked at the crying girl sitting at the parking lot gulping slurpee while

flipping said people who couldn't mind their own business.

I didn't know how long I was just sitting there. I also didn't know where I was.

I wasn't sure if I was done crying already, but my tears had temporarily stopped and my slurpee was

already gulped down so I left and walked again. C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

And just as I thought things wouldn't get any more cliche, I felt the the first drop of rain on my nose,

then on my cheek, until it all poured down.

You know what's the dumbest part in this situation?

It was the part where I knew it was going to rain, but I didn't bother flagging a cab or riding public

transportation or something,


My egotistic, selfish, idiotic self decided to just walk home. In the dark, without even thinking about the

possible dangers or rain that might happen.

And yet, even though I was soaking wet—and not the sexual kind—my idiotic self still continued to

walk, not even bothering to at least stop by a convenience store or gas station some shit like that to

wait until the rain stops.

As I continued walking, I heard a car honk behind me. Thinking that I was way too in the middle of the

road, I moved closer to the side walk and mindlessly continued walking to where I was hoping would

lead back to my house. Detours was highly entertained right now.

But as soon as I did that, I heard the car stop behind me and the door open before slamming close.

Logically, what I should do in this situation was to start running before something bad actually happens

to me and I get kidnapped and thrown into the back of that car behind me.

But the weird part? I didn't feel danger. In fact, I suddenly felt safe.

"Kylie" Luke shouted behind me, along with the squishy sound his shoes made on the wet road.

Thinking my mind was playing tricks, I turned around. Sure enough, there was Luke. I just didn't feel

like stopping, since after what just happened with Justin, and given what had happened earlier, Luke

was definitely the last person I wanted to see.

Not taking any of my bullshit, the squish sounds of Luke's shoes now sounded like he was moving in a

faster pace, until I felt his hand grab my arm, and I was soon face to face with Luke under an umbrella.

"We're going home" Luke said, definitely furious af, before he began pulling me.

But of course, the stubborn side of me decided to pull my hand off his grip.

"No. Leave me alone" I said before turning around again, only to be pulled by Luke yet again. By now,

even with the umbrella, we were getting wet with the pulling game we were doing. And no, it's not the

sexual kind.

"Are you dumb? You're walking in a dimly-lit street late at night where possible rapists and kidnappers

might see you, and you want me to leave you alone? No. We're going home" Luke said agressively as

he gripped my arm tighter, and after a few attempts of trying to pull my arm off his grip, I just stopped

and followed him to his car.

I sat down on his passenger seat, slightly worried about how his leather seat was now being soaked

because of how wet I am, but mostly I wasn't thinking straight. I was just pure devastated.

The entire 10-minute car ride was silent.

As soon as we stopped in front of our house, nobody dared to move. And the only sound that could be

heard was the hard rain dripping on his car roof.

As soon as I was sure that he wasn't making any move, I decided to open the car.

"What happened?" Luke asked, breaking the silence, stopping me from opening the car door.

I sighed.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said in a low tone

"Justin just texted me saying you walked away from the park after he offered to drive you home but you

declined and he didn't know what else to do because apparently you dumped him. That was three

hours ago, by the way. And I spent those three hours looking for you, instead of doing something more

important stuff like do a final run down of my things before I leave tomorrow. You're lucky our parents

think you just left on your weekend getaway with Justin because if they found out that you were missing

the past hours, police would be looking around town for you right now" Luke said. "So what. Happened"

he added, sternly.

I turned to take a peek at Luke, and even though the only light source was the dimly lit car light, I could

see Luke was hella furious.

Wrinkles were beginning to crease on his forehead from stress. And I don't blame him. He was about to

leave tomorrow for England and here I was, just straight up stressing him out than he needed.

I took a few more seconds looking at him, and it was making my heart ache even more.

"Why do you even care?" Was apparently what rolled out of my mouth. As soon as the last word left my

mouth, Luke's eyes widened in disbelief. "Just go back to that bimbo and ride her for another round or


Luke took a deep breath. Steam was probably coming out of his ears right now.

"You're just.... really dense, you know that?" Luke stated, before letting out sarcastic laughs. "Mu god. I

cannot believe you really just asked me why I care"

I just stared at him, which made him even more frustrated as he ran his fingers over his hair, then over

his face.

"I told you, you’re one of the people I am extremely close with, and you're asking me why I care" said in

a loud tone, as if he was trying to have a loud contest with the rain. Of course. That was all I was gonna

be. One of the people he was extremely close with who knew his backstories.

"Got a way of showing your "care" huh?" I began "Luke, you have been avoiding me the whole summer

even your best friend caught up on your bullshit."


"We literally fall asleep together, and then next thing I know, not only are you avoiding me, but every

time I ask you about it, you shut me down completely" I began "I've been trying to reach out to you and

wanted to hang out with you before you left for god knows how long until we see each other again, and

all you did was avoid me"

"Kyls. You don't understand—"

"Of course I don't" I interrupted "I will never understand why you would suddenly avoid me without you

giving me even the slightest explanation. I will never understand" and with that, the tears I had been

holding back had fallen yet again.

Luke didn't say anything. He just let me cry inside his car. He didn't even make a move to comfort me.

After a while, I wiped the tears off my face and just reached for the door.

But before I could open it, Luke was quick enough to lock the car, completely locking us in.

Luke was definitely fuming as soon as I turned around.

"Open the car, Luke" I demanded in a serious tone.

"Not until you tell me why I had to pick you up in the pouring rain in the dark along the road alone" he


"Justin and I told you. We broke up—"

"No" Luke was the one interrupting now apparently "Why would the dumper be the one to walk alone at

night to sulk. Why did I have to pick you up in the pouring rain in the dark alone?"

We began staring into each other, waiting for the other to talk.

And apparently, that one was going to be me.

I sighed once again and looked down before we both fell in silence again, and the only sounds heard

was the now even louder rain and our breathing.

"I told him I was in love with someone else" I answered. Luke wasn't making any move, and as soon as

I glanced at him, he was looking at me like he was bottling up something, mixed with other emotions I

couldn't point out. And I took that silence to keep talking.

"I didn't tell him who it was, but... I guess he already had an idea" I finished off, then silence.

"Who?" He asked, breaking the silence. I let out a sad laugh.

"Does it really matter?" I answered as the sadness in my voice began to fill the car. Luke grabbed my

arm as he inched closer.

"Tell me." Luke said "Please"

I began searching his eyes. He was begging me to tell him.

And the longer I looked at him, the more my heart ached.

I felt a tear drop on my cheek, and my throat go dry

"Kylie please just tell me" Luke begged as his grip on my arm got tighter, but not the kind that it would

hurt me.

More tears began flowing out of my eyes, and my throat got even more dry, until finally, I had the

energy to say it.

"It has always been you, Luke" I said. But before I could even finish, Luke crashed his lips on mine.

And I have never missed anything so much more than the feeling of his lips on mine. I just had to pull

him closer to me.

I didn't know how long we were kissing in his car, but surpisingly enough, we ended up inside my room,

without mom or Dave catching us by the way, as my wet clothes began flying off my body, as well as


In fact, I'm not even sure if our lips left each other for more than a second. Completely forgetting about

the fact that he had been sleeping with someone else earlier today.

I soon felt my back touch the wall, and a gasp left my mouth as soon as I felt Luke stick his cock inside


He then pulled my leg up and wrapped it around his waist as he began thrusting inside me even more,

with our breathings in sync.

The only time his lips really ever left mine was when he began moving his mouth down to my neck as

he kissed it, adding even more sensation to his thrusting.

Soon, he moved his mouth back to mine again and stopped thrusting, before carrying me and placing

me on top of my bed before he went on top of me.

Unlike our previous sexcapades, Luke's thrust was totally different. It was slow and deep, my body kept

tingling, and his kisses were adding to the sensation. Basically, I was in ecstasy.

He pulled out of the kiss and landed his forehead on mine as he thrusted even more deep and my

fingernails dug onto his back.

He then sat up and took both my hands and placed it over my head, holding it in place before he kissed

me again.

I moaned and moaned before he began picking up the pace, until he pulled out and exploded. He then

got off me and I eventually found myself drifting off to sleep.

And the last thing that I remembered was feeling a kiss planted on my shoulder and an arm wrapped

on my waist.

I have never felt like I was where I was supposed to be than right now.


I began stirring up. Then I began feeling a bit cold.

I slowly began to open my eyes, and that's when I realized that I was already alone in my bed.

I sat up, not knowing what to do. Because basically, I just told Luke last night what I felt, and he just

fucked and ditched me.

I began to feel another tear stain my cheek, then I began getting up and putting on my clothes and

headed downstairs as fast as I can.

"Where's Luke?" I asked mom and Dave, who were shocked to see me

"Kylie. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Justin's lake house?" Mom asked

"Um, plans changed" I answered "So where's Luke?"

"He left hours ago, Kylie" Dave answered.

"Oh" was the only thing I could say before I began going up stairs, completely energy-less.

As soon as I got to my room, I suddenly felt empty and my heart felt like it was being ripped into pieces.

Then I looked to my right, and noticed a folded paper under my phone.

I quickly grabbed it and opened it, only to read the most heartbreaking thing I have ever read.

Hey. If you're reading this, I'm most probably halfway away from home and on my way to England.

To be honest, last night was the best night of my life. I hope you don't think I just slept with you

because you told me you loved me. It's not that.

You asked me last night why I cared so much. As much as it pained me to say, I had to say the truth.

That aside from being one of the closest people to me, you're my step sister—that part being what hurt

the most. Because that was reality, and what we had over the couple of months since we've known

each other was the dream I didn't wanna wake up from. You have no idea, Kylie, how much it hurt me

to see you with Justin. You have no idea how much it was tearing me apart because I couldn't do

anything about it and just let Justin have the one person I can never ever have in this lifetime.

But now that you're not with him anymore, the new thing that hurts, probably for a long time, is the fact

that you told me you loved me. That you dumped Justin because you were in love with me. And it hurts

so fucking much because even though you love me as much as I do you, we couldn't do anything

about it. Even if we wanted to. Even if I wanted to.

I can't believe it would be you of all girls who'd make me do something this fucking cheesy. I cant

believe it would be you, out of the seven billion people in this world, who'd make me fall head over


Maybe in another life, Kyls. I love you. So fucking much. – L

By the end of the letter, I was already sobbing so hard.

The person I loved so much could never be mine.

Not because of some teen drama. No.

It was because I was in love with my step brother.

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