Sinful Love



Ozrain and Maximus hugged each other with a hearty laugh. After years, the wait is finally over. From further exchange of conversation, it came to light that Maximus is not the Delta anymore, he is the beta to Epsilon. He also explained all that has happened since Ozrain left, in brief. Some details that he was saying seemed to bother Ozrain, as a discontent visible in his face.

“You refused to come back unless you have found your child. Does that mean you had found him?" Ozrain knocked out of his deep thought

“It's a she” he swung open one of his arms, pointing towards the first jeep. Maximus walked together with Ozrain to the first jeep as the window of rear seat rolled down. Revealing the beautiful, sweet, fragile girl on the lap of a masculine alpha, hugging his neck, head tilted down. Maximus placed his elbow on the window frame

“Hi there, pumpkin...I'm Maximus, your grandpapa's old friend. What's your name?” he asked, nothing connects between his tone and facial expression to the red wolf in front of them a few minutes ago.

“S-Selena” she said with a little stutter, still looking down, making Maximus frown in confusion. His eyes fanned to Zaden and Zaden pointed his eyes towards Maximus's naked lower abdomen. Maximus gasped in realization

“It's ok...we are werewolves, aren't we? This is normal, right?” Maximus said with the same sweet manner.

“But she is not fully a werewolf yet and still in the process of learning our normality. So, Maximus, sweatpants is much appreciated” Ozrain nudged him with an elbow and they chuckled. It turned out, he rushed over here after being notified the unauthorized entry and shifted midway, so he has no cloth for changing, an issue that all werewolf seems to face, at least in front of Selena.

“She is nothing like you, is't she?” Maximus asked, still not rushing to get his sweatpants

“She is a xerox copy of my daughter, Amethyst. You wouldn't know, you never saw them, right?” Ozrain said and Maximus nodded with a sorrow face. Maximus shifted into his wolf form and lead the way into the Samrat's Kingdom. Ozrain turned to Selena

”It feels like for ever since I stepped into my native land... I feel like walking. Would you mind accompanying me, my angel?” he extends his open palm in front of Selena. His eye filled with a longing, which is weird considering that just a few days ago, he was considered as death sentence from hell for Selena. Her lips curved with a merely there smile as she opened the car door and slipped off Zaden's lap, taking Ozrain's hand with hesitation. She still haven't put her full thrust on him. Zaden, on the other hand, was obviously offended that he looked away to Makeala and Makeala shrugged at him. She had witnessed how irritated he gets when he have to share Selena, even if it is with her grandfather. A sudden thug felt on Zaden's hand. He turned and looked down at his hand, Selena was holding his index finger behind her. He looked up and she was talking to Ozrain. She didn't look back but moved ahead, subconsciously holding on Zaden's finger. Zaden slipped off the jeep and followed her. They have known each other for a very short while, yet she has grown completely dependent on him, thrusting him with her full heart. It made him happy, like topsy turvy happy. A smile accompanied with blush crept up his cheeks. He pulled away his finger and gently held her waist with one hand, leaning down and placed a kiss on her neck. She turned around and gave him a weird, ‘have you gone cuckoo’ look before resuming her conversation with Ozrain.

The wind began blowing heavy, as if a storm is on the horizon, carrying together bunches of dried leaves and magnolia flowers together with them-sweeping pass them. Ozrain doesn't remember, the so called, his native or birth land. When he left, there were rows of wooden houses, lined perfectly. Now they are replaced with smaller brick house, scattered between bushes. The old dirt road is replaced with nice pavements. Handheld fire torch is now replaced with electric powered lights. Only older members are visible outdoor and after careful inspection, they recognized the man walking through the land. The stood up slowly, leaving behind their garden and afternoon teas, approaching Ozrain.

“Oh dear, is that you? King Ozrain?” an old lady managed to grab Ozrains arms with a grin upto her ears.

“Yes, Martha. It is me. This is my daughter Selena and her mate Zaden” he introduced Selena and Zaden to that old lady, Martha and she hugged Selena, caressing her hair.

“Oh lord, finally. He found you!!!” she exclaimed. This repeated all the way till they reached mansion. The news of Ozrain Samrat's return had spread like wild fire within the matter of minutes.

“I should warn you. It might get ugly up there. If it does, I will need you to cover for her.” Ozrain looked at Zaden and he nodded gently

“And you...always remember that you have a precious pearl in your tummy. Don't ever try to barge into the fight. I won't allow you or the baby to get hurt” Selena nodded as well

Soon, they arrived at a short bridge running over a small stream of river. Ozrain's and Zaden's jeep had already arrived there with the occupants waiting patiently for them. Beyond that bridge, stood a statue of mighty King Epsilon, in the middle of a huge fountain. Then the piece of land expands to vast garden on left and right, mansion right behind, in line with the statue. Hundreds of bulky werewolves had already gathered around the mansion, crowding the entry door. There were a total of 15 people on their side, a difference that can't be ignored. Yet, 13 of them is assigned to protect Selena. They did their job well as she cannot see what's happening in front there, with her height being major disadvantage.

Ozrain walked alone towards the mansion. As he got closer, there he was. Epsilon, walking out of the house, healthy as a horse. His hair has more grey in it than what Ozrain used to remember. His skin is still vibrant caramel but a few new scars is visible on his cheeks. Unlike Ozrain and Zaden, he is clean shaved, hair combed back with obvious use of hair gel, a perfume that is way too strong that it pierce through ones nose and a red button up shirt and black trousers. His green eye threw daggers at

Ozrain, who is now standing in front of him with his hands in his pocket, no where near to portraying his actual age.

“Ozrain Samrat...” Epsilon said in a hideous, gravelly voice

“How nice to see you again. Welcome to my kingdom” he added

“My kingdom, Beta Epsilon” Ozrain looked up from his slightly tilted down head, sending shiver of fear to everyone standing there

“That was 200 years ago, Ozrain. You are in my land now, where 5000 plus pack member live under my govern” Epsilon said cocky.

“What is happening? Zaden...” she looked over Zaden's shoulder with worry filled eye

“They are talking. Did you guys have anything planned?” Zaden darted to one of Ozrain's man.

“He is going to fight Epsilon for the alpha position” the man answered.

“WHAT???” the 6 from Zaden's side exclaimed in shock. They new there might be a fight but they didn't expect Ozrain to actually trigger one.

“Is he crazy?” Zaden

“We can't let that happen, its ridiculous” Selena stepped from Zaden's back. Epsilon eye darted right across his statue, landing on Selena. Zaden held tight both of Selena's hand behind her while still arguing with Ozrain's man. Epsilon's wolf vision scanned Selena from top to bottom, mesmerized at her beauty. Proportioned curves to accompany her tiny waist, her plum breast with slight cleavage peeping through, slender and long neck above it. Is she a replica of the sex Goddess, Aphrodite herself? A rare beauty that triggered his desire, even from 200 feets away.

“King Epsilon, I, Ozrain Samrat challenge you for your position as alpha of Samrat Kingdom” Ozrain said calmly

“No need for that” Epsilon said, making his men murmur in disagreement, sending Ozrain confused.

“ You are a Samrat with ability to control mind and I am just a regular alpha wolf. Is it even a fair fight, Ozrain?” Epsilon said with a raised eyebrow.

“But, I am willing to trade...That girl, black hair, silver stripe for this kingdom” an echo of gasped took over and a Maximus leaned down to Epsilon's ear, murmuring something, only to end up being dismissed by Epsilon. A murderous rage filled Ozrain's eye. He doesn't have to look back to know who he is referring to. It was his granddaughter, Selena. But since Epsilon has a point and Selena is Zaden's mate, he thought it would be better for him to fight. He mind-linked Zaden to come. Zaden snapped his head to his direction

“He wants me to come” Zaden said low. With that, 14 of them moved to Ozrain. Selena was next to Zaden. Composed walk as her hips sway slightly to the sides, rosy round lips slightly apart, creased forehead, a pair of eyes to die for, skin powdery soft and smooth like a baby. Vivid to Epsilon's sight as they approach closer and closer to him. He wanted her more than any woman he had before, despite another one waiting for him in the dungeon below. Unconsciously, his blood pumped a tad faster. Zaden came and stood behind Ozrain, ready to defend him. Sensing his presence behind him, Ozrain started talking, not even bother to look at Zaden

“Can you repeat what you said to him?” a muffled chuckle rosed among the crowd and Zaden didn't exactly understand what was happening.

With a cocky look, Epsilon began “I am an ordinary alpha, he is a Samrat. It won't be a fair fight but I'm willing to trade. This kingdom for that girl” he pointed his fingers with a sharp eye at Selena, making her

wide eye and flinched back slightly. Zaden's anger went from 0 to 100 within the next second. He practically pounced to Epsilon and grabbed his collar

“You fucking bastard!!! Go ahead, I dare you to touch her” Zaden was spitting venom from his mouth

“Who the hell are you?” Epsilon asked.

“You are right about that, Epsilon. He is her mate from hell and trust me when I say he will drag you by your collar back there if you dare to touch...” Ozrain stopped and clicked his tongue 3 times, shaking his head slightly with a smile

“Correction, even look at her. He is Alpha Zaden Black from Mountain Manuka” every wolf on Epsilon's pack stiffened. A vibration of fear clearly seen through them, but it confused Selena. Why would members of a huge pack or more to clan be intimidated by he, who is from a hidden pack? Zaden threw a punch directly on Epsilon's face. In a snap, the whole situation became messy. Epsilon's pack and Ozrain's pack wanted to interfere, but was stopped by Ozrain

“He is a regular alpha, I believe it's fair for them to fight for the alpha position” Ozrain is exceptionally calm although Zaden is getting beaten as well. Zaden is now sitting on top of Epsilon, throwing punch after punch when Epsilon's hand caught a broken piece of cement statue. He flung it over Zaden's head, breaking into pieces and effectively weakening his position. Epsilon then held Zaden's neck and used his head to hit his nose. Zaden stood up from him, stumbling a bit as blood trickled down from his nose that he covered with his palm's based and a cut is visible on his cheeks. His vison was getting blurry that he needed to shake his head to clear it, when he saw Epsilon approaching him fast.

Fear took over Selena. She needs this to stop. The alpha order, that's it. She need to give out the alpha order of Samrat. But how? She looked forward and Epsilon swung a broken cement statue to Zaden's back. Her eye widened and a wave of anger came surged her. Normally, anger would fill ones heart but today, she felt anger at her heart and her whole body, every cell is blazing. There it is, the black vortex

opening up but Selena didn't get sucked in, she refused to be sucked in. Instead, another form of entity climbed out of the vortex. It is her wolf coming through, standing with her to fight for Zaden, she can feel her all over her body. Bottom of her tummy felt extremely hard, the wolf had covered her baby with a solid wall of protection. A new found confidence that she can do anything emerged. With that, she closed her eye, repeated to herself



Selena opened her eye, darted sharp at Epsilons hand that was about to throw a punch at Zaden and her inner voice projected from her heart with undeniable power, a superior dominance, sure to shrink anyone at their spot.


A mind link boomed, freezing everyone at their feet, darting their eye to one direction. Selena stood with a fierce eye and a heaving chest, her fist by her side. Her eye swirling like a tornado of black and grey. Epsilon froze at his stance. There was a brief silence before Epsilon let out a chuckle

“You found your child?!?!!!” he exclaimed, unable to believe himself. He looked at Ozrain.

“You actually managed to find her? Wow, I am impressed. No wonder why she is so beautiful in her own way. She is a Samrat” Epsilon said calmly or even slightly happy. Selena walked pass him to Zaden, cupping his face in her palms

“Zaden...Are you ok?” she whispered. Zaden who was holding back his bleeding nose with his thumb, leaning on to a wall, spat out a mouthful of blood to the side

“Ya, I'm fine” he said low. Selena looked at the floor where Zaden's blood just spattered. She then looked back at Zaden

“Really?” she asked back, anxiety hitting her high. Zaden looked at her face, her eye is black. Her wolf is out but doesn't sound anything like her. It can only mean one thing, Selena had controlled her wolf. He let out a chuckle

“Sure I am. You think this wuss can hurt me?” he threw a glare at Epsilon.

“HEY!!!” hey refuted back, walking straight up to Zaden in intention of hurting him

“Who are you calling a wuss? You should look at yourself before that” Epsilon is seeping anger as he stood in front of Zaden with Selena in the middle.

“You used a piece of cement to hit someone with no weapon. What do you call that? We call that wuss” Zaden is bumping against Selena's back

“You piece of shit” Epsilon stretched his hands to grab Zaden but Selena swatted it away

“ENOUGH!!!” Epsilon looked down at her pitch black, fierce eye and he is excited. Images of dominating her, popped up in his head as a smirk crept up his lips

“Epsilon, Alpha Zaden will fight you for this kingdom, do you accept it?” she asked sternly

“Anything for you...”Epsilon said low, triggering nausea in Selena. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Then I propose a fair fight. We have been travelling for the last 10 hours, haven't bathed, haven't slept and haven't eaten anything yet. My pack need their rest before a fair fight “ she said

“Baby, no...” Selena threw a glare at Zaden for refuting and he snapped his head away, pursed lip and pushed his hair back in frustration. Epsilon is looking straight at Selena, not able to move his eye away.

“Fine...I will wait, you are definitely worth the wait. Tomorrow at 6pm, sparing ground of Samrat Kingdom” he announced

“Maximus, I need you to take care of her, anything that she needs or wants to be gratified at any cost, understoodd?” he ordered Maximus, before turning to Selena. His eye scanned her from top to bottom and back to her eye. His eye darkened.

“See you soon...” he said as he walked away

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