Sinful Love



The next morning wasn't any different from previous. Ozrain exited Selena's room, rubbing his forehead in contempt. Draven who was waiting outside sighed out, he understood what might have happened behind the doors. They stared at each other silently for a minute or two. Ozrain is juggling between keeping his daughter alive and claiming her as his daughter. Which one is more important? What if she continues this even after reaching their kingdom? She is already limp due to lack of energy, how long can she sustain herself? He sighed out one more time.

“Send the motorboat to bring your son” he said coldly. Draven ordered his pack to go across the river, he is very well aware that Zaden will be there.

Selena is feeling very week, she could barely keep her eyes open. Her throat feels extremely dry. She was about to black out when she felt a pair of hands slipping between her neck and thighs, lifting her off the floor. A warmth spread through her left torso and later to her neck. The familiar scent hit her hard. Her head dangling as a gentle tap on her cheeks tried to wake her up

“Selena!!!Selena...please, open your eyes” a familiar voice demanded. A new found energy made her open her eyes. To her delight, its Zaden. She smiled and forced herself to hug him, although he had to support her arms. He buried his face in her neck.

“You are stupid. You hear me, stupid!!!” he held her face in his palm and Selena gently smiled at him.

“Water, please” Zaden requested to Ozrain and soon a cup of water was handed to him. He guided the cup to Selena's lip and she drank it slowly.

“Can you please ask her to eat something? “ Ozrain said and soon a bowl of porridge came to them. Zaden slowly feed her little by little.

“Eat” she pointed at his lips

“I just had breakfast. You finish your bowl first” he took another spoon and she refused to open up. Her eyes are much brighter now.

“I had enough...” she said low with a smile. He sighed out. She is and always had been stubborn as a rock. He shove a spoon into his mouth before picking up another for Selena and now, she ate gladly. They managed to finish 2 bowls of porridge just like that, stealing kisses in between.

“You know your pregnant right? Why would you behave like this? There is plenty of ways to fight, not by risking both of you” he whispered to her. No one was in the room now

“You were serious?” Selena frowned.

“Yes, why would I be joking about this” he replied. Selena's eye widened.

“Why didn't you tell me!!!” she exclaimed before swatting his arm and he hissed

“Looks like someone is back on track. So, can I snuggle on your stomach? Need to hear my cute heartbeat” he asked and she nodded excitedly. Zaden placed her on the bed, moved her shirt up before laid his cheeks on her tummy. He snuggled on to her skin, inhaling her wonderful scent while hearing their baby's heartbeat. Yes, it is there, as strong as it was before.

“She is good” Selena looked down

“It can be a he too, you know” she said

“Nope, the heartbeat is like storm and survived a lot. It's definitely a little Selena”

“How can you hear it when it must have been just, like 13 days?”

“12 days” Zaden said making Selena raise both her eyebrow.

“I heard it the next day after we made love for the first time. Wolves hearing is much more sharper than your modern ultrasound scan things” he said as he gave her navel a kiss. Selena slowly sat up, breaking the skin contact. She sat on the bed, facing down at Zaden who is kneeling on the ground

“What will happen now?” Selena became nervous, thinking of the future. Zaden sat next to her, pulling her to his lap, and caressing her arms gently

“I don't know what he has planned...we will see” he said calmly. A knock on the door alarmed them. Ozrain opened the door. As soon as Selena saw him, she retreat to Zaden, pulling him close and hiding her face in his neck. Fear of being separated again from him struck hailstorm in her. Ozrain felt a stab in his heart. Centuries ago, he left Elisa for his mate and today, his daughter refuse to see him for fear of losing her mate. Karma never misses its target. He sighed as he walked into the room, sitting next to Zaden.

“I have been trying to talk to your mate here, since we came but she seems to comprehend nothing but ‘my Zaden’. Now, I have given her ‘her Zaden'.Can she hear me out now?” Ozrain said as gentle as possible. Selena didn't respond but Zaden nodded.

“I read the manuscript. Its natural why you would think I killed Elisa but I didn't. I loved her and will keep loving her till the last drop of my blood. Her parents told me she died from child birth. The letter was heart wrecking to me, too” he paused. Zaden tilted his head down. Selena remained hidden. A mumble came from her

“He has my mother's chain” Zaden looked up at Ozrain. He was wearing a gold chain. Ozrain zoomed to his neck and pulled out the heart hiatus locket.

“This? This I got from a woman named Selena Brook” he let out a huffed chuckle

“Or at least I thought she was Selena Brook, till I met you. I thought she was my daughter. She had this chain with her. It was Elisa's, I gave it to her...” Selena slightly looked up from her hide outContent from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

“I have been receiving tip from all over the world that my daughter or son is found. I have a friend working in DNA department in one of the prestigious lab, a werewolf too. They have branches all over the world. I had always collect blood samples from whoever that I went looking for and sent them to the nearest lab branch. They will do the DNA sequence, send back to my friend, here. He will match is with my blood and Elisa's blood profile retrieved from her belongings that I found in her forest hut. Elisa's sample is very fragile, can't be shipped elsewhere, you see. One day, he called me when I was in Australia. He said a weird woman came with a slab of wood and ordered a DNA profile from that wooden piece. They found a match to Elisa's blood. Then, the same woman came back with a blood sample to be matched with Elisa's DNA and they matched...” Now Selena is completely out of Zaden neck and they both are listening attentively.

“I flew from Australia that night itself and got the weird woman's address. We found her in a café. She had just walked into her car and drove away. We followed her and blocked her car in a secluded hill road. She was terrified at us. I walked to the driver's window and she lowered it. The first thing that caught my eye was her gold hiatus locket”. Ozrain re-lived his encounter.


“Is this yours?” Ozrain asked, pointing at Daisy's neck and she nodded frantically

“Can I see it?” Ozrain asked again and she quickly took it off her neck and passed it to him. She thought they were thieves in coat and suit, and that they would leave once something valuable is given to them. She swallowed her saliva as anxiety peeks. Ozrain gazed on the locket and pushed the middle heart and a key popped out at the bottom. It is the key to Elisa Mitkoi's wooden chest box, where Ozrain and Elisa have kept all the memories of them and their daughter.

“Are you Selena Brook? The one who Elisa's DNA matched to?” Ozrain asked. Daisy just realized what is this all about, they are not just thieves. They look dangerous and Selena is still a young girl who

doesn't know that she is a werewolf. Daisy couldn't figure out either they are from the good side or bad side.

“Finally, our search is over” someone mumbled from behind Ozrain and he nodded silently

“We have been looking for you all over the world “ another one said. They have been looking for Selena? Daisy remained there frozen. What are they planning to do with her ones they find her? She must be worth a lot if the group in front of her has been looking all around the world for her. They were wearing coat and suit, which means they are rich. Could it be that they are here to capture her daughter, Selena and make money out of her? In a freak show? Or some sort of DNA study since the person in front of her has good connection with a DNA lab.

“Where is the chest box?” he asked. How did they know about the chest box? Daisy didn't use it in DNA matching, how could they have known it? The box was right below her seat

“It's in the trunk” Daisy lied. Whatever their purpose is, she cannot give away her precious baby just like that. Ozrain stayed by her, gazing coldly at her while the other have moved to the car trunk. Tiny beads of sweat is now covered her forehead and neck.

“Chief, we can't open it” one said from the back and Ozrain, shifted his eyes temporarily to the car rear and back to Daisy.

“You have to jiggle it a bit, with force” Daisy said and Ozrain moved away from her to try open the stuck trunk by himself. The minute he touched the car trunk, a screeching tire sound erupted and the car zoomed forward. In Daisy's mind, she has to choose between her life and Selena's. She pressed the gas pedal as hard as she could. In front of them were a cliff. Ozrain panicked and the his pack grabbed the car with full force. Their claws extended in order to anchor the car. Daisy pressed the pedal at full force now. Ozrain is also holding the car. It is hard for a machine to fight 5 werewolf's strength. After such a fight, the car started coughing blasts of dark smoke from the rear and it hit Ozrain and his pack

right in their face. They started coughing but held on to the car. In a few second they started suffocating and the grip loosen a bit, zooming the car down cliff. Ozrain ran behind the car

“NO!!!!” he screamed. His brain trying so bad to rewind a few minutes back but what has happened, had happened. Daisy crashed down the cliff, dead on the spot. Ozrain and his pack shift into werewolves and climbed down the cliff. They saw Daisy in the car with a wooden branch struck through her heart. Ozrain let out a screeching howl as he started attacking his own pack out of depression. The pack has gotten used to this, they took his fury in full force until he finally blacked out.

Ozrain slowly opened his eye that was tightly shut closed till now, reliving the most terrifying nightmare of his existence. His eyes are red as a drop of tear edges his lower eyeline, threatening to drop anytime now. Selena is back in Zaden’s neck, muffling her screams with her palms. Tears falling down in streams.

“All these years...I had been searching all around the world, not for a heir to my kingdom, but a bloodline to call as my own family. Your mother might not be a resemblance of Amethyst or a werewolf, but she is still my bloodline, the tiny hope that I was looking for, all these years. My life is an inevitable mess. I have killed enough people in my quest for a family” Ozrain stood up and moved closer to Selena, who had recoiled in Zaden's lap and Zaden has hugged her as tight as possible, a much needed gesture at the moment. Ozrain ran his palm over her head

“I have seen my daughter. My prayers have been answered. That is enough for me. You don't need Samrat, you don't need to be my daughter. You can stay here, as the queen of this small villages, where they will worship you, take care of you and let you be in peace with your own family. You don't need me, my dear angel...” with that Ozrain turned by his heel and walked away from there.

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