Sinful Love



Selena and Zaden went tracking to their territory borders, learning which is under them and which is not. They ended up at top of a mountain which seems to be the highest among all other, with ragged cliffs and heavy wind. Although it sounds serious, the two of them were holding hands and kept talking silly matters, bumping shoulders and stealing kiss which made it more like a romantic getaway. Zaden has turned out to be very protective over Selena, each step is watched and propped, touching each other way more often than is necessary, as he couldn't keep his hands off her. They settled down at grassy cliff, knees bent and Selena resting on his shoulders. Sunshine beaming with gentle heat on them. A cluster of lined up mountains, green as it can get and birds flying over the cliff, calming anyone that is blessed enough to see it.

“You see there?” Zaden pointed out at an array of smaller mountains and Selena nodded.

“Beyond those mountains are the elderlies village, where Xavier is now” he said

“Why it takes so long to get through and come back?” Selena asked © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

“It's a protocol that we have developed over the past years. Our elderlies predicted that the properchy implies to us, and that one day, we would be at war with Samrat Kingdom. At that time, we don't want important or crucial assets of the pack to be conquered that easily. You can call them as the core of our pack. There is at least 5 times more warriors in that village compared to the first and second village. They have their own farm and supplies. The village is surrounded by 15 feet high brick wall with electric barb wire around them. The outside of the wall has silver arrows all over them. Werewolves can only be wounded by silver. Even the mountain arrays are surrounded by a very deep river. It is said that there any many dangerous animals lurking in the waters, like river shark, anaconda and so on. So, to cross over, we have to use a motorboat and it will only cross over under the alpha, me and previous alpha, my father's command. It will take 3 commands in a certain interval. If I miss the interval, meaning I am in danger. So they will get ready to fight and no motor boats will cross over.” Selena listened quite with a light frown.

“What are you thinking about?” Zaden asked as he raised her hand in his hand for a kiss

“How did you manage to do all this under tight entry protocol?” she asked

“Don't ask, its strenuous work, takes a long time.” Zaden sighed out. After a pause, Selena said again

“If I am a werewolf...” Zaden let out a frustrated growl and slumped his back to the ground, and covered his face with his palm. Selena respond to gravity and fell on his stomach

“What?” she asked in panic, looking up from Zaden's stomach

“You are still doubting whether you are a werewolf or not?”

“Oh that, sorry” Selena climbed up and placed a kiss on his neck. She pulled out her amulet from her cleavage.

“This is silver, isn't it? How come it doesn't hurt me?” Selena asked with a serious expression

“Because that is not a silver, it's made out of platinum. Grandpa Kai gave as a present to me, on the day I took over my dad, sort of welcoming gift to the new alpha” Zaden said casually, fiddling with the locket in Selena's hand.

“Wait, this is yours?” Zaden eye widened. He mixed up the information between Selena and her wolf.

“Hmmm... Yes...maybe we should go home now” he tried to stand up.

“NO!!!” Selena exclaimed as she scrambled to sit up and straddled on his abdomen, making Zaden chuckle but Selena wore a serious expression.

“This is yours? How come you never told me this?” she asked. Zaden pinched her lips together with his index and thumb.

“Because I knew you wouldn't wear it and I can't invade your dreams...” he let go and she hissed in pain

“So you were my dream crush? You were the rapist?” she asked and Zaden propped himself up with elbow, glaring at her.

“Now, no harsh words, baby girl. You turned me on badly that day, I got messed up. I'm sorry for that...” he said as he placed a peck on her lips.

She sat on him, glaring sharp and her seized breath formed a deeper notch in her throat. Her wavy hair with large curly locks swept to one side and a few free strand on the other side of her shoulder. Her fanning lashes softening her anger, not forgetting her eye color and its depth, to be desired. Her rosy round lips inviting anyone for a taste and a body that fits perfectly to his embrace. Zaden gently caressed her cheeks.

“You turn me on, every minute since I have laid my eyes on you. You make me week, you made me beg, you made me kneel...” he whispered, followed by a chuckle. Selena bit her lips with a frown.

“You even made me cry...” he pulled her by the nape of her neck, bringer her close to him, touching her forehead with his.

“Those 3 weeks without you was like living hell for me...I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep...and the pain in my heart, unbearable. I hated to see anyone when I missed your sweet face sooo much... What took you so long to come to me?...” Selena gulped

“Its not just the's everything about push me into a raging flame, while you stand in front of me, laughing and clapping your hands at my suffering, yet it didn't hurt because it makes you laugh...You are the remedy to my pain, and if so, I don't want to get myself out of this enslaved me and...hmm...I don't know how to explain...hmm...” he struggled with his words, as his eyes trailed off. Selena cupped his face with both her hands, straightening them to face her

“I love you too...” She then tilted her head to side and kissed his lips, making him gasp as he shut tight his eyes. Every muscle in his body clenched, a sudden dizziness hit him, yet he felt free, at last. It was the most meaningful and deepest kiss they ever had, no lust or urge, softness of feather that sends tingles down your stomach. She bit her lips as she withdrew and Zaden remained tranquilized for a moment before he opened his eyes and saw the smile on her face. He threw his head back and let out a chuckle before facing her again

“Exactly, that's the word I was looking for. I love you...”

They laid there, with Selena on top of Zaden, swinging her legs while Zaden constantly fiddle around her body. The rest of the afternoon flew by with them talking, making each other laugh. At some point, Zaden touched her moon mark with his fingers, sending a jolt through her

“Do you know what Selena means?” he whispered and she shook her head no.

“Moon goddess...and ironically, you don't belief in her. Oh ya...I heard from a little birdy that you prayed to moon goddess when we were wrapped around by Goya. Is that so?” he asked, teasing her

“I might have...” she said with a cocked eyebrow

“By the way, don't tell the pack that you enslaved me, alright?” he said politely to her and she rolled her eye

“I just remembered, I have something to do at home.” She quickly climbed down and walked away

“Selena...don't you even think about it” Zaden ran behind her, they compromised soon.

Selena entered the brick house skipping on her feet while Zaden strode behind her lazily. Selena immediately looked up when she heard a baby's cry from upstairs. Zaden placed his hands on her shoulder as they both wondered what is going on upstairs. The cry came from communal room. Sitka

and Orion were trying to calm down baby Dahlia, Makeala's daughter. As soon as Orion saw Selena, he walked over and handed the baby to her.

“Here, you are a luna right? You should be able to calm down babies naturally” he cracked knuckles on his neck and rolled his arms as soon as Selena grabbed hold of the Dahlia. She was wailing at the top of her voice box. Selena looked behind her with a pleading eye, hoping Zaden could help her. To her disappointment, he shrugged his shoulder, also not knowing what to do. Selena sighed as she tried to rock the child side to side, saying soothing words and walking around the communal room.

“Oh sweety...where is your mommy..huh” she shook a rattle in front of her face

“Why would she trust you with a bunch of wolves?...hush baby hush...” she rocked her some more. Dahlia seemed to have toned down abit.

“Yes...good girl...” Selena said with a deep voice. Zaden, Orion and Sitka had just crashed on couches, observing what Selena would do

“ are just a harmless teeeeny tiny baby in the hand of a cave man, isn't it? He probably stinks, that's why you cried didn't you?...” her sarcasm came out soothingly

“HEY!!!” Orion exclaimed

“Shu...shu... that's it...” the baby laid her cheeks on her chest. At this point, Selena had already walked to the end of the room, facing the bar counter.

“You are my only sunshine,

You make me happy when skies are grey

You never know, dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away...” Selena sang each word much more slower than it should be with a deep and husky than her usual voice. Dahlia had fallen sleep on her chest. When she ran out of words, she hummed the whole song from top just to make sure she is deep in sleep. By the time she finished, a gentle tap on her shoulders and she looked up to see Makeala

“I made her sleep...” Selena said with high raised eyebrow and almost inaudible voice. Makeala held both her shoulders and turned her around. Selena's eye widened. Zaden, Sitka and Orion had fallen asleep in the most awkward position one could have slept.

“No more lullaby in public, ok sweety...” Makeala said nicely as they walked out of there, with Makeala's hands on Selena's shoulder still, leaving the big babies to enjoy their nap time.

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