Sinful Love



It was already dark, and a 2 pair of footsteps where crashing through long grasses, releasing the spark of firefly

“Zaden, wait. Why are we running?” Selena said with panting breath

“I need to talk to you before your wolf comes out” Zaden

“Then talk, don’t run” she pulled her hand which is in Zaden’s hands and halt him. She then grabbed her knees, trying to catch up with her breathing. Zaden thought for a while, frowning at the fragile Selena.

“I’m sorry…for what happen this morning…” he finally came out with his words. Selena stood up slowly.

“It’s fine…no big deal” Selena shrugged her shoulder

“No, it is. Orion was right. We have…I have been pushing you really hard” his voice softened as he walked closer to her and she smiled with a wink at him

“You wanted to ask your wolf something but you swallowed it. What was it?” he asked causing Selena to agitated. After a moment of thinking, she pulled out her locket from the depth of her chest

“I had or have a dream crush…I wanted to ask about him.” She said, pondering on the locket

“But why? He is just a dream, I suppose?” Zaden crossed his arm over chest

“I haven’t had a chance to meet him or precisely dream him, after you left me at my dad’s house. I was first depressed, then I came here and…”

“Wait wait wait!!!” Zaden blinked a few times

“You were depressed after I left or after we left?” he tilted his head down abit to face her, biting his lips in anticipation. Her eyes flickered on the ground filled with grass before she grabbed her skirt and ran away from Zaden, as fast as she can.

“Selena!!!Wait!!!” Zaden shouted before he followed her

“Faster, we are late” her voice came from far. She just realized in the past minute that she actually missed him most, even more then the dream crush. The day at her house, when she was stuck between Orion and Zaden, she was more provoke by Zaden then by Orion. Zaden’s lips, his warm breath and his soft tongue is the one that made her came undone, not Orion’s passionate kiss. They both care for her, probably love her too but she leaned abit more towards Zaden.

“Selena!!! Answer me…” Zaden was able to caught up with her.

“I miss Granpda Kai the most, ok?” Selena said with a playful smile. Zaden bent down as soon as he reached her and lift her up, in his arms

“Hmm…I wonder what that old hag did to you to the point you missed him so much? You ran away from your father and climbed a mountain for what, 8 hours? “ she nodded

“8 hours before you found the brick house…What?” Zaden stopped when he saw Selena’s face turning confused

“I passed through the camping zone, maybe somewhere next to the trap pit and walked another 5 hours before I got to you. How come no one detected me even after I passed the pit? Grandpa Kai said the passage was spelled, not the whole mountain. And even if the whole mountain was spellbound, how come I didn’t get detected when I left the seventh mountain?” Zaden paid attention to every word she just said. There is something on the seventh mountain that made her undetectable by territory patrol pack. He was deep in thought, staring at the lake when a gentle finger ran from his temple to his

jawline. He snapped his head to see Selena in black eye. His heart fluttered but he didn’t let his wolf take control

“What? I can’t have my mate now?” she slide off his hand and asked in the most seductive, husky voice.

“I have some questions and I need to stay focus and… oh god…” she leaned forward and kissed between his chest with her tongue tracing an S right in the mid, successfully shutting down Zaden and bringing out his wolf.

“Go on… ask me…stay focused…” she whispered as she traced her tongue straight up till it hit his throat. She had to tiptoe, making her butt extra firm to touch.

“Remember…I’m not obligated to answer your questions. I’m here to shift and release pent-up energy. You have to ask the right question” Her fingers where fiddling with his shirt buttons, undoing one at a time, till his shirt came off.

“Selena…” he whispered very low with his eyes closed

“Hmm…” she replied as an indication for him to carry on.

“She wanted to know about her dream boy…” Zaden said low and she giggled before moving down, planting kisses all the way till his lower abdomen, kneeling on the ground. She then unbuckled his belt

“What about him that I would be able to tell?” she unzipped him, lowering his pants.

“It’s not like I know who he is” her eye darted back to his eye

“Or whose amulet is that hiding in my cleavage all the time except during sleep, do I?” she took in his erection into her mouth, making him throw his head up, exhaling slowly at the sensation her lips fire through him

“No, you don’t…” Zaden whispered. Selena let go of his full length and started licking him

“Then who knows it all? Tell me…” she took his length back in, looking up at his face. He slides his hand through her hair and caressed her head gently, not pushing nor pulling her away, simply enjoying her every movement

“I do…” he said and she let out a deep moan

“It’s mine… I lost it in the waterfall and she…” he swallowed his saliva “She found it…I made her wear it and entered her dream through it, every day until she got too intimidated and took it off…” again she let go of him

“And whose fault is it, that she got intimidated? You raped her in her dreams?” she pulled him down and kissed him in his lips passionately, till their breath mingled before pushing him to the ground and straddling on top of him.

“I didn’t mean to…I got too enticed by her that day…arghh…” She already made him enter her while she was at top, now moving up and down slowly

“That is wrong Zaden…you shouldn’t rape a woman at any cost…unless” she bend down to nibble his earlobe, whispering dangerous words

“Unless she wants to be rough with you…understand?” he nodded like an obedient boy, biting down his lips, eyes still closed. She is moving too slow, driving him crazy…

“Selena please, baby I need you…” her butt clenched at his words, making her even tighter than before and they moaned. He then grabbed her hip and started smashing up into her. Her body shook uncontrollably. She screamed and moaned his name to the point where their lust was spread across their surroundings, enticing any other animals that could be there. They both came undone and he flipped her to her back before lifting her shirt and laying on her stomach.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“She also wanted to know if she is really Elisa Mitkoi reincarnation or just a long lost bloodline?” Zaden asked, too tired that he could fall asleep anytime now

“Of course she is a rebirth of Elisa Mitkoi. Or else where did she get that beauty from? Why she still can’t feel me within her? It’s Elisa, she is the barrier between us. She is preventing her from fully transforming into werewolf.” Zaden snapped his head up at her

“You said the energy bottled up is the cause she can’t stay awake when shifting?” Zaden confused

“Yes, but I didn’t say whose energy it was. It was Elisa’s energy, trying to suppress me from coming out. At full moon, when I radiate 5 times more, the energy Elisa puts out to suppress me is greater and Selena takes the hit.” She said

“So, basically you two are battling within her” she nodded with a gentle blink although with that black eye, it looked scary as hell could be.

“Elisa’s last breath was on eclipse night, so she doesn’t show up that day. I hope I can connect with Selena and break the chain. But Zaden, you might not like that Selena, the one where both of us are combined…” she giggled. Zaden fall back to her stomach and huffed

“ I can wait to see” he said sarcastically.

“Why now? Why after skipping so many generation?” Zaden asked some more

“Alpha, I think you are asking too much information without properly gratifying me” she said with a growl and Zaden jumped up, grabbing her hands and pinning them to her side before he devours her beauty, a little rougher then preferred

“Be gentle…she is suffering from sore and bite marks every morning…”

“Ya I know but can you be less beautiful to facilitate me into being gentle?” with that he continued his assault to her beauty, sipping every drop of honey she could offer until he is panting for breath. He cuddled back to her stomach only this time, she is naked.

“It wasn’t a skip, Zaden. We tried reincarnating before, but failed as the elements we needed didn’t match exactly” she said with a hint of sorrow in her tone

“What elements?” Zaden

“A father, a mother, a brother, a mate that would love her till the end of world and she, Elisa Mitkoi. She wanted to relive the live she had lost, Zaden…”

“Wait, what happens when the 5 doesn’t match together?” Zaden is terrified with the possible answer

“We die…as a newborn itself” a drop of tear fell from her eye, hitting her ears. Zaden climbed up to her, hugging her into his chest

“Shu…I thought you are different from you human. Turns out you both carry abit of each other in you”

Selena fell asleep on Zaden’s chest. He recalled how Orion burst earlier today, that she isn’t getting enough rest. He had to agree with that. They stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning, wake up again at 5.30 or 6 am, walk back to home and get ready for training session. He wanted to give her a few more hours of rest, so he carried her, all the way back home, with her sleeping in his arms. Thankfully she was dressed. She weighs almost nothing to him and little weight that was felt, remedied by her beauty that Zaden gazed upon the whole walk.

Back at home, he took her to her room and placed her on her bed. She stirred to her comfortable fetal position. Seeing that he recalled how her wolf told him they died as newborns 4 times before finally finding the perfect condition for her rebirth. Elisa Mitkoi had suffered so much to be reborn and relive her live. If only she had done it in another body, out of Samrat’s bloodline, she would have lived a much

more peaceful life. A burden fell on Zaden, it’s not only his mate that is being protected. It’s the thirst of a woman, a basic desire to live happily with her beloved. It is unbelievable that her portrayal of true love is actually the person who killed her as well.

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