Shouldn't Have Kissed You

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

It's almost been a month since Kyle came back to the the country and five days to Maya's birthday. Of

course, she wasn't looking forward to it but her friend was busying herself with the day. Anyway, who

could blame her for that. It wasn't her fault that she didn't celebrate the day.

It was all her father's fault. It was his for making sure he reminded her how worthless she was on that

day. He kept showing how much he hated her and how he wished she was never born to this world.

She was a curse and she did get that. She got it loud and clear from the beloved governor. Maya

walked out of the bathroom pulling her hair in ponytail. She had called in sick and now, she wished she

hadn't done that. Yes, she didn't feel okay but she preferred being with her patients rather than staying

in doors.

She had no one to call. Her husband had important meetings to attend to all day. At least that's what he

told her last night when they're at the garden looking up at the stars.

This between them were getting better ever passing moment. She could now tell him anything and he

could do the same. And through that, they got a chance to become best of friends and she was glad.

Glad that in few months, they would separate as good friends and not as enemies like before. NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

Chris would be happy with Kimberly and she, she would leave her own life without her father's

dictatorship anymore. Wasn't that a win win for both of them? They would be happy with whatever they

choose and they would still be friends.

As for Kyle, she refused to allow Maya give her grievances. She knew very well of her situation but

Kyle being Kyle, she refused to listen to Maya. According to her, Maya had to live up for once in her

life. As if she wasn't leaving at all. So calling her with five days to go, it was out of option.

Maya walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She needed to do something even if it meant

teaching herself how to cook. Just when she was about to pull breast chicken out, the door bell rung.

Maya walked out of the kitchen just when the door bell rung the second time.

"Thank goodness." Who else would be at the door ringing it like a mad man. "I thought you went to say

hey to the devil."

Maya hugged Leonel back. "So that's how you think of me?" She asked pulling away then closing the

door. "For your info, I'm a born again."

Leonel laughed walking towards the living room.

"Says the lady who wanted revenge in less than two months ago."

"Hey, I did ask God to forgive me."

"Yeah, sure and now you want a divorce." Leonel sat on a love seat across from Maya. "And if I do

remember the Bible very well, it's against the divorce."

Maya looked at the man who sat across her. He was right. The Bible did refuse divorce and if one did

divorce their partners, then they had to have committed adultery for a divorce to take place. But then

again, Jesus said we should forgive seventy times seventy.

That had her wondering if she was doing the right thing. According to her brother before he left, no one

in their lineage ever divorced. They all loved their partners to the moon and back. Which meant she

would be the first one to do that.

To disgrace her lineage. This would even prove more to her father's words. That she was useless, a

good for nothing brat who is never grateful for anything...

"Hey, I was just joking." Leonel said leaning closes to take her hands into his. "I heard that you weren't

feeling good. What's wrong."

Now concern was written his face and not the humour that he had before. This had Maya admiring the

way he could change from one mood to another without even trying.

"It's nothing," she tried to pull her hands away from his hold. "I just had crams this morning but I'm okay


"Ooh!" Leonel blushed. "It's that time of the month. That means no sex and I was looking forward to it

since I'm here."

Maya laughed getting up from her seat. She expected anything to come out of Leone's mouth.

"You're crazy."

"About you."

"Like I don't know that." Maya smiled at him. "Don't you've shooting today?"

Leonel got up from his seat too. "I did but I canceled it when I heard about you're condition."

"That chance can go to someone else, you know. It's important you go and do what you do best."

"Nothing is more important than knowing how you're to me, Maya."

He was serious. She knew that since she didn't see the any trance of humor in his face when he said

that. It's like this was the first time she saw this side of Leonel.

"So, what were you doing before I came?"

"I just wanted to try and see if I can cook. You know, lunch."

"Try?" Leonel asked looking towards the kitchen. "As in you don't know how to cook?"

"Yes." Maya answered truthfully. "Haha... Laugh all you want, moron."

Leonel stopped laughing and looked at her. She was smiling back at him.

"You're are moron too because I don't know how to cook too. But we can try, together."

"Sure, and we're using the internet for that matter."

"Maya, that would be no fun." Leonel said as they walked to the kitchen. "Let's do it the way we think it

should be done."

And after a few minutes of debating how fun it would be and not be, Maya gave up. How could she win

against Leonel. The man who called himself the champion of debate.

So they cooked. Breast chicken with fried potatoes as the talked and made allot of jokes about things

and people. Once they're done with their cooking, Maya set the table as Leonel threw all the dirty

dishes in the sink.

"Wow!" Leonel exclaimed when he took a bit of breast chicken. "I never knew we could make great

chefs, cupcake."

So Maya did what Leonel had done but once the food was inside her mouth, she spilt it out. It tasted

horrible and Leonel was laughing at her. Of course, he had done that on purpose.

He also wanted her to feel how horrible of chefs they're. But she didn't get it. The first time she went on

a date with him, he did cook. He cooked for her. Yes, the day he asked her to let all her frustration go

with the nature. The food tasted good. And she enjoyed it.

Was Leonel just pretending in order to make her feel better. To make her feel like she isn't a spoilt brat

as she was? The time she cooked food was when Chris punished her for making him wait till late night

for her. That was the same day she had eaten a well cooked food from Leonel.

Of course, she used internet for that. That's why it didn't taste bad when Chris ate with Kimberly. But

now, their food lacked allot of things like salt. Who the hell forgets to add salt in food? Apparently her

and Leonel.

Maya took a sip of water without looking at Leonel. He was still laughing and she didn't like it one bit. It

was his fault that the food tasted that bad. His fault for not letting them use the internet. His. But they

had fun as he had said. She did laugh. Something that she was getting used to around Leonel.

He knew what to say to her. How to say it and when to say it and for that, she loved him. She never

wanted to loose him for anything. She didn't want to loose him like she lost her brother and she would

forever be grateful to the heavens for sending him her way. And the timing was so perfect.

"I know what you're think." Leonel said once he stopped laughing. "The food was left in the microwave

by my Nanny. All I had to do was to heat it up."

"But before you left me you said you're going to cook."

"Ooh. Sorry about that. But we make good chefs."

"What chefs? We're disaster, Leo."

Leonel just laughed. He pulled his phone and dialed. Maya asked him what he was doing and he

answered that he was going to order pizza for them. Maya got up and began to clean the table. She

threw all the food in the bin and the dishes in the sink along with the others.

She would wash them later.

"As we wait for the pizza to be delivered, how about we choose a movie for the afternoon?"

Maya thought for a while. Before Leonel came, she was bored to death and now, she was having fun.

And if she was honest with herself, she wanted someone to pass time with. Maya pulled Leonel to the

movie room and switched on the TV.

"What are we watching?"

"Do you want movie or a series?"

"Let's watch one movie then we can begin a series."

And she was on the Netflix looking for a good movie to watch.

"Triple Threat." Leonel said when he saw the movie.

"Sorry, I don't want action."

Leonel looked at Maya with a killer joy look then moved his eyes back to the screen.


"I said no action, Leo and also supernatural."

"Then, Isn't Romantic?" It was in humour and he knew she wouldn't refuse it.

Maya smiled at him.

"No, Rebel's movies are all the same." Maya said looking at Leonel who wanted farther explanation.

"It's always about her hitting her head on something hard and her going to fantasize world. Look at I

Feel Pretty. It's no different from this one, so, it's a no for me.

And he didn't say a word to her again. He let her flip down as he looked a the movies. She didn't want

humour neither did she want action or supernatural. And then he saw it. The one movie he could watch

over as many times as he wanted and never get bored at all.

"Have you watched the Hate That You Give?"


"Great, we're watching that one. It's the best."

"Can I see trailer first?"

"No, we're watching that." He looked at his wrist watch. "Pizza should be here in less than..." The door

bell interrupted him. "I will get it."

Maya walked to the kitchen to gate two plates along with forks and knives.

"What are those for?" Leonel asked when they met at the hallway.

Maya looked up at him, "What do you think?"

"Love, we're using hands so get rid of those and you better hurry before I start the movie without you."

And so she did that. Once they're settled on the couch, Leonel played the movie. They ate the pizza

silently as their eyes were glued on the television. They even didn't know when they finished the last

slice or who ate it at that matter.

The movie continued and Maya placed her head on Leone's shoulder. She couldn't help it but relate the

movie with her life. Her father hated her. He gave her nothing but hatred as she grew up and that's

what she became. Someone who was afraid of love. Someone who was even afraid of saying I love

you to people.

The last person she said that to was her brother and he left her. He didn't even say goodbye to her. He

never gave her the chance to prove to him how grateful she was. How she loved him more than she

loved her own life. She had vowed then that she would never say that word again.

Not Kyle heard her say that. Not when she kept on saying that to her remind her that one could love

without hatred inside them. But her dad made it impossible. Impossible to experience her love for

people. That's why she was ready to take her revenge on her husband. Her father. That was the hate

that they had given her. It was really they hate that you give its what makes us kill.

Killing isn't about taking once life. It's also about tell people negative things. You kill their motive to life.

You shutter them with your negative words which isn't good at all.

Give love and you'll receive love. Give hatred and you'll receive hate.

"Are you crying?" Leonel asked when the movie was over.

"How can I help myself, Leo?" She asked pulling her head away from his shoulder. "It has allot of

emotions. Are you blind or something?"

"Women." Leonel said wiping away her tears. "Why do you always cry when you watch movies or Soap


Maya pushed his hands away. "You're not helping, go throw the box away and I'll wash my face."

"No need because I know you'll cry when we watch the series."

"Leo." She got up. "I'll be back."

Maya walked to the bedroom and to the bathroom. She used the toilet and when she was done, she

found out that she had began menstruations. Maya walked to her bag to take out a pad but she had

none left.

How could she be in the house all morning. Experience crams that made her not to go to the hospital

and not think of pads? What was she going to do now? She had to think and faster.

Of course, she couldn't go get them like that. What if she called Kyle and asked her to buy some for

her. She took her phone from the couch which had been her bed for a while know. She had left it there

when she had gone down stairs but it had no missed calls at all.

She dialed Kyle's number but she didn't pick up. She did that three times but nothing. Maya thought of

her other option. Her husband. She just had to call him and explain everything to him. Maybe he would

send someone to bring them to her. Like his PA.

Just when she was about to dial his number, she remembered him saying that he had important

meetings the whole day. So calling him would be of no use since he was busy and she was left with

only one option. And it's the one down stairs.

And she dialed his number.

"What's taking you so long?" Leonel began. "I already chose the series that we're wat..."

"Leocanyougetmepads?" She asked too fast that he didn't hear anything.

"Love, is everything okay?" Leone's worried voice could now be heard over the phone. "Do you need

me to come upstairs?" He wasn't smiling, she could tell that, instead he was worried.

"Yes... umhh... I mean no." Maya breathed in. "Can you get me pads from the Chemist around the

corner please?"

"Sure." He answered calmly this time. "What type?"

"Ummh... Always?" She asked as if she wasn't sure. "I mean Always. Yeah, get me Always."

"Okay." Just when she was about to hung up. "Wait, Maya. Anything else?"

Maya thought for a while then answered no and hung up. Her heart was beating more than the normal

rate. This was the first time she run out of pads in her life. She always had one left before but today,

she had none and she had to sent her male best friend to get them for her. What would be more

embarrassing than that?

Maya walked back to the bathroom and run herself a bath. After few minutes, she walked out with a

towel wrapped around her body. Just then, she heard Leonel knocking on the opposite door.

She opened the door and he turned to look at her. For once in Leone's life, he didn't speak. He just

stared at Maya for what seemed like a minute then he moved his eyes back to hers.

"Umm... I didn't know which was your room so I was.... Umm... Knocking any door."

Leonel was stammering. For once in his life. He was just stammering. That wasn't Leonel to Maya. He

would never do that. Stammer and worst of all, it was cute. For him to stammer. It only proved to her

that after all, he was human since a time she didn't believe he was.


He said once Maya stepped aside to let him in. He would just seat on the couch and she would change

inside the bathroom, of course she was going to lock the door. Never trust any man with your body.

"I also bought you some vitamins."

"Thanks." Maya said moving to take the bag from Leone's hold.

Leonel moved back and raised his hand up. He was taller than Maya. She did look at him but all he did

was to tell her to pick it up from where it was. He was smirking at her because he knew she couldn't

jump up.

And she chose the easy way of getting the bag from him. Maya pushed Leonel back to that he could

fall on the mattress and she would take that advantage and take the bag away. But it didn't go as she

had planned.

When she pushed Leonel back, he lost his balance and stared back which led him to holding her waist

to be still. But it was too late. He fell on his back and Maya fell on top of him. His hand was still around

her waist.

And their eyes locked, his has dark as darkness. They're filled with lust and he was scanning her face.

But apart from lust, Maya saw something else. Love, longing? Was that even possible? She was

reading too much in between the lines.

And his eyes moved to her lips. And if those eyes weren't dark before, then now they're. Dark as the

night fall. Maya didn't know why, but she felt herself leaning in. She was leaning in to taste those puff

lips of his and she couldn't stop herself no matter how hard she tried.

And just when their lips where about to lock...

"What's going on here?" A deep muscular voice asked from behind them.

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