Shouldn't Have Kissed You

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

"Hey, everything okay?" Leonel asked consign written all over his face, "I mean, you're just playing with

your food and you haven't said a word since we came here. All you do is nod your head."

Maya looked at her hand that Leonel had placed his. She was mad like real mad. Mad at herself for

ruining their dinner date. Mad at Chris for making her want to boil. Mad at her father who made all this

come to what it was. And mad at her fate, destiny or whatever it was that made sure that her life will for

ever be miserable.

She had just met Leonel a few weeks ago. She didn't look for him but he did. He went to an extent of

apologize for being a coward when her husband threatened him. He didn't have to come back to her

but he did. Something that no one ever did.

All the people that she loved ones they left, they never returned. Take for example her brother. She

loved him with all her being and he never came back to all. All she has is memories of him. Memories

of their childhood and teenage. At times, she couldn't help but think of how he looked at adulthood.

That is if he was alive.

But when people at the army die at war, their cops are sent back to their loved ones, right? So she still

had to hope that her brother was alive. He had to be, for her love. For her to still have someone out

there who still cared. She had to.

And then there was her best friend, Kyle. She has never returned from her business trips. According to

her, it seemed that her boss had to sent her from continent to another just to make some deal which

were stupid if you asked her.

But here was Leonel. The one who came back to her. The one who has been there for her for the past

two weeks. The one who at least tried to feel her pain. The one who told her to let it all out by crying but

it didn't work. Instead, it got even worse since all the bad memories kept on flashing in front of her

eyes. And that made her crave for one thing.

Yes, she craved for something for one's in her life. All she ever wanted was love. That's all she

dreamed of from her father but he never gave her even a taste of it. As for her husband, she wanted

him to love her just like a friend. That was enough for. She just wanted him to understand her.

But what did he do? He accused her of something that she had no part in. He hurt her for her father's

mistake. For his mistake. It was his fault also. She never begged him to pick her from the funs. She

didn't incite the kiss to begin with. It wasn't her who had her hands in her inner thighs. So yes, it was

his mistake.

His to pay for and not the way he had turned the table on her. And that's why now more than ever she

craved for revenge. She wanted revenge for every humiliation that she has ever undergone. Every pain

that she ever felt in her life. That was what she wanted them to feel. That's what she was going to give

them soon enough.

Her patience had gone with the wind the moment Chris kneeled before her. She thought silent All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

treatment at first was enough but it wasn't. She wanted to see him like that. Begging. Begging for

mercy from her. Begging her to spare whatever it is that he loved so dearly. So when she issued those

threats, they weren't empty. She meant every word and every sentence she said to him.

And to think he wanted to buy her with cheap flowers and dinner, that blew every last straw that was

left in her that is if there was still any left. Because for the past two weeks, rage was all she felt. She

was nub to other feeling that she ever felt.

Then, here she was, at dinner that she looked forward to all the week. This was the only time for the

whole week she got home early and that was even possible because she asked one of her collages to

cover her up for the rest of the hours. She hoped that Leonel will crack one of those egoistic comments

of his and she would laugh her lungs out all the night.

Instead, Chris made it impossible. She didn't know why, but he managed to make her dinner the worse.

All the way to the restaurant she said nothing as Leonel had said and now twenty minutes later after

their food was severed, she hasn't eaten any.

Maya felt her knuckles hurt and that's when she realized that her hands where in fist. She didn't even

know when she pulled her hand away from Leone's hold. She eased her hands and looked at Leonel

who wore a worried face.

"I guess this wasn't a good time for this dinner," he said to her pulling the napkin from the table to his


Maya looked around the restaurant and all she could see was normal people. People who enjoyed their

dinner and the conversation that they were having when she, she ruined everything for Leonel. He so

looked forward to this dinner and she had to do this to him.

"I'm sorry Leonel," Maya apologize looking at him, "can we just go. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Leonel pushed his seat and got up, "I've an idea of where to take you." He said giving her a

mischievous grin.

Maya shook her head smiling back at him, "Please don't take me to a club," she said taking his offered


The grin on his face grew bigger, "Actually, that's not a bad idea but in the state that you're in, I'm afraid

that you might kill people over there thinking they're your husband once you get drunk."

Maya hit his arm playfully as they waited for the valet to bring their ride back home.

"You're so mean," she said in a sad voice.

Leonel opened the door for her and waited till she was settled at the passenger seat before closing it

and walk to the other side. Maya loved that despite the argue she felt, Leonel managed to lighten up

the mood for her.

After thirty minutes of driving, Leonel pulled his car in a parking lot and walked to the other side to open

the door for Maya. She looked around her and it seemed like they're in a warehouse from the look of

the building.

"If you think that you're going to rape me here, then you're in for a surprise."

Leonel placed his hand on the left and faked a pain, "Ouch!! You hurt my ego, Maya," he said moving

away from her, "I don't need to rape you but just give you my sexiest look and you're eating from my


"Really?" She asked hitting him again. "I would love to see you try."

"Not now Maya," he said walking to the door of the building and opening it. "Please be my guest."

Maya gave him a weird look, "are you planning to skin me alive?"

"Again Maya, you hurt my feelings," he said moving towards her, "I'm no serial killer and I won't start

with you. You can be sure of it."

Maya smiled at him and walked inside the building. To her surprise, it was a gym but this one, it had a

ring at the center of it. She wanted to ask why he would know a place like this but she held her tongue


Everything that one needs for gym was there and she knew that Leonel had gym in his house. That's

what every house now has. Chris had his but she was curious as to why Leonel would know a place

like this. It was in ghetto area and someone like Leonel, would hang around people of his class and not

in ghetto.

"Why did you bring me here?"

Leonel looked at her, "I wanted you to let all you rage out. I can see the weight that you're carrying on

you shoulders and it seems like giving it to nature isn't working for you."

"I've no shorts to change into," she said liking the idea. She needed to release out her argue.

"I got you covered," he pointed a door at far end, "just walk in there and you will find some locker

rooms, the first one on your left, it's not locked, open it and you'll find some new shorts along with T-

shirt and a towel."

"Okay, I'm confused here," she looked towards the door that had been pointed to her. "Did you by an

chance plan for this?"

"The truth?"

"Yes please."

"No," he moved towards the ring and sat at the stairs, "I just had a feeling that one day you'll come

here, so I had to have knew clothes for that day. But I didn't know that it would be this soon."

"Right," she said moving towards the locked door, "did you say on my left?"

"Yes, but I can help you get off your clothes if you want me to," he winked at her when she looked him

in a shock.

"Pervert," she laughed as she opened the door.

"You love me that way," he shouted at her before she closed the door behind her.

Two minutes Maya was out with a booty short and a shirt that was even bigger than her. Leonel had

changed also but only in shorts exposing his biceps and six packs to her. She tried hard to look away

but with a Greek god like him standing there, it was so damn hard. She forced herself to look at his

eyes which was the wrong thing to do.

His eyes had become more dark than they usually are. She watched him for a while fighting the

attractive that she felt towards him. As if on her cure, Leonel jumped out of the stairs breaking the spell

that was their between them.

"Like what you see, love?" He asked walking towards her.

"Ooh please, don't let your ego fool you. I've seen better than that."

"Really?" He asked now standing in front of her to intimidate her, "then why are you licking your lips?"

"I'm not and yeah, really," she moved away from him, "and why did you get me booty shorts instead of

real shorts?"

"Because I knew you'd look sexy in them, too bad I can't see you because of this big shirt."

"Thankfully," she said looking at him, "but why so many lockers back there and why the ghetto?"

Leonel took some gloves that were on the ring and gave them to her indicating for her to wear them

which she did.

"I'll tell you on our way back home but now," he looked at her, "you got to let that argue out."

Leonel held punching bag for her, "I want you to imagine this his you're husband, please give him the

biting that he deserves."

Maya smiled loving the idea and all the argue that was long forgotten was now back in her system. She

felt like her blood was boiling up and she began to hit the bag. At first it wasn't as hard as she wanted

to but Leonel fueled her up by asking if that's what she got for him.

Of course, it wasn't all. With her argue in control, Maya let herself fall into the gym. Once she was done

with the punching bag, Leonel had her go ten rounds around the gym which she did without

complaining. Once done, Leonel showed her the bathroom which of course had no hot water cold one.

Maya walked out all dressed up again and ready to leave. To say she felt allot better would be

understatement. But she was thankful to Leonel for what he had done although she knew she will have

a hard time waking up the next day.

Leonel drove her to a pizza inn where they had pizza together and he drove her home. It was almost

midnight but she didn't care. Yes she was married but only on papers so she didn't give a damn at what

time she was going back home.

On their way, Leonel told her that he was brought up in a ghetto life where one had to strive to get what

they wanted. He told her he saw how girls were being raped at a very young age with them being

defenseless. So he bought the warehouse once he got his first salary as a model and employed a

training who would help the girls to protect themselves.

At first, they had two girls but the number increases everyday and according to his research, the

number of raped kids has reduced which is an achievement to him. Maya offered to help with funds but

he declined and his only request for her was that to just let him train her on defense.

That's because rapist know no standard, class or age. As long as their mind a set on rape, they can

rape anything they come across. So Maya agreed to him and also admired him. She didn't even think

that their were so many people who had worse condition than hers. It's good that there are people like

Leonel out there to help.

"Here we're," Leonel said pulling in front of a mansion.

Maya unfasten her seat belt and got out of the car. Leonel followed her and she knew he wanted to be

a gentleman by walking her to the door.

"Thanks for everything, Leonel."

"Anytime Maya. Remember I'm one call or text away if you need me."

"Sure," she smiled, "you better get going now, it's late."

"Why do I've a feeling that you want to get ride of me, Mrs. Rollins?"

"Ooh please," she rolled her eyes at him, "good night."

"Are you forgetting something?" He asked when she turned to unlock the door.

"If you're thinking that I'll kiss you, I'm sorry Mr. but you've to suck it up."

"No, it's not that but I won't mind that, here," he handed her a bar of chocolate. "Night Maya."

"Night, Leonel."

And with that she was inside the mansion. She heard the car engine start and she walked up stairs to

Chris' room. She was tired and she needed to sleep. So she walked to the bathroom without lighting

the lights on and changed into her pjs.

Just when she was about to lay on her cold floor, she heard him speak.

"You can sleep on the couch, Maya."

She didn't know why of late he was using her name but she didn't respond. Instead, she laid on the

cold floor beside she was used to it. Two months were enough for her body to adapt the cold.

What she knew was that she needed revenge. Revenge on her husband and her father. And just like

that, she had her first revenge on her husband. Yes, she was going to work on it and soon, soon he

would be crawling on his knees for mercy that he won't get.

Very soon. And with a smirk on her face, she let sleep consume her for tomorrow was another day.

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