Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 65: Ch.64/ Worth Waiting

Chapter 65: Ch.64/ Worth Waiting

Anupama's POV:-

Mother, a simple word but the meaning behind this simple word is so vast that there is no particular description of it. A mother can endure all the pain and the hardships to bring her child safely into this world. The minute she sees her baby's innocent face for the first time, nothing seems to matter to her anymore.

I have never thought I would get to have a chance to experience being a mother for the second time. But now when I look at the sleeping child on my chest, I can proudly say that this is definitely not a dream. To bring this child into the world whatever pain I have to go through, is nothing in front of the joy I am feeling after seeing him.

Yes, him as in boy. We didn't want to know the gender before because I believe that the pure happiness of getting to know about the gender of the baby is actually after birth. So, both Alessandro and I have decided to wait till I give birth. And I am extremely pleased to say the moment the doctor informed us of the arrival of our son, we can not be happier with our decision to keep the knowledge of the gender a surprise.

After 10 long hours of labor, our son finally has decided to come out of his safe cocoon. However, he is not a bit happy to be here as he is still hiccupping while being asleep, and the way his lips are jutted out in a pout I can feel that the little man is also very angry. So, I rub my finger between his creased eyebrows to soothe him and surprisingly he calms down in an instant.

"Finally, he is not crying anymore." Alessandro says quietly not wanting to disturb our son's sleep.

"Hmm, but I don't know how long he will be able to sleep before everyone burst here to see him." I let out with a chuckle.

"Don't worry, I have already told them that they should come here after a few hours as both of you need some time to rest. So, you also sleep without any worry. I am here to look out for both of you." He replies lovingly before kissing me on the lips.

"Okay, but I want to say sorry for the way I have yelled at you earlier without your fault." I answer feeling guilty when I remember how I have accused him of the reason behind my pain while trying to give birth to our son.

"I know you didn't mean any word you have said earlier so don't feel sorry. I can not even imagine the pain you must have felt so if by scolding me you got relieved from your pain then I will let you do it every time." He replies with a heartwarming smile to let me know that he is not lying.

"Thank you for understanding me so well." I let out before closing my eyes.

"Thank you for bringing our son into this world." I hear him say before sleep takes over me.

When the next time my eyes open after a few hours of sleep, I notice that Mama Melody is now the baby whom we haven't named yet. I look around the room to see that mostly everyone is present here except Jasmine di and Advira. Dadabhai is the first one to notice that I have woken up so he walks near me.

"How are you feeling, Anu?" Dadabhai asks worriedly.

"Absolutely alright." I reply with a small smile trying to ease his tension.

"I was so terrified when Mr. Bianchi informed us that he needed to take you to the hospital in the middle of the night. But now seeing you and my nephew I am feeling relaxed." Dadabhai replies with a sigh.

"You need to be strong dadabhai because Jasmine di is very near to give birth. So, don't panic in situations like this." I let out while give him an assuring smile. I can understand why he is so scared

because it's common for first-time parents.

"He is so little and adorable, dolcezza." Mama Melody comments while coming to stand beside me with a bright smile on her face.

"But what's his name, Anu? Have you decided on any name or you want to wait for the naming ceremony?" Mamoni asks after sitting on the chair beside my bed.

"I haven't decided any name because from the start I want Alessandro to name our baby." I reply looking at a shocked Alessandro who doesn't know about my decision.

"How can I name him, Cara? I have never done it before." Alessandro lets out looking hesitant but I smile at him and hold out my hand for him to take which he does.

"Because I believe that you will pick the perfect name for our son." I answer looking at the father of my babies.

"I think Anupama is correct, Alessandro. I have also asked you to choose Delilah's name but you refused. However, this don't run away without giving your son a name." Bianca jokes making us all laugh while Alessandro glare at her.

"I didn't run away that time, I really had an important meeting to attend." Alessandro says trying to defend himself but I can clearly see that he is lying. However, he takes our son in his arms very carefully before kissing the top of his tiny head very gently. I have always admired the way he reacts around the kids but this is the first time I have seen him with a newborn baby and I am amazed at how well he is holding him.

"I don't know if I am choosing the perfect name for my son or not. But after knowing about his existence and finally having him in my arms, I can not think about another name other than the one I want to name him." Alessandro says while looking at our son with admiration.

"I am sure whatever name you have chosen is going to be the best." Dadabhai lets out after petting Alessandro on the shoulder.

"This little man's name from now on is Ian Bianchi." Alessandro declares with a smile.

"The name is so sweet. But may I know the meaning behind it?" Mamoni asks looking confused as its a foreign name for her.

"Ian means the gift of God. While I don't believe in God, I can not deny that our son is here because of him. Also, after what Anhuphama had gone through in the past our son is the best gift we can ask for." Alessandro answers making me feel blessed to have such a thoughtful husband like him.

"Wow, boss I really didn't know that you can think so deep." Samuel comments but gets a swat behind his head by Olivia.

"Are you implying that Alessandro is dumb?" Olivia asks Samuel with a glare.

"Wh-a-a n-o. How can I say that?" Samuel asks with a horrifying look.

"Then keep your mouth shut." Olivia snaps before marching out of the room.

"Umm sorry about her. I will go and talk to her." Samuel says before walking out of the room leaving us all confused as to what's wrong with these two.

"I think Olivia is pregnant." Liam suddenly says making us turn to look at him.

"Why are saying this?" Uncle Gabriel asks.

"Because one minute she is smiling and the next minute she is cursing." Liam replies nonchalantly.

"Then God bless poor Samuel to handle the tornado name, Olivia." Bianca lets out with a dramatic sigh.

****** Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

It's been two weeks since I have gotten discharged from the hospital and come back home with Ian. I was a little skeptical about Advira's reaction but the moment she saw her baby brother, she has refused to left his side. The dogs are behaving the same as their baby sister because they also don't like to leave little Ian's side. It takes a lot of bribing and talking to take them out for doing their business.

Seeing how gentle and caring Advira is with her baby brother, I am proud to say that I have raised her well. She doesn't show a bit of jealousy towards her baby brother, instead she wants to share all of her toys with him already. The furry babies also bring their toys for their little brother who only stares at them as he is still so small to play. However, I am not going to stop them from showing their love because I know that they will always keep little Ian safe and protected from any harm.

Currently, I am breastfeeding Ian while Advira and the furry babies are playing on the rug. Alessandro has gone to take some business calls as he doesn't want to disturb his babies. When I am done feeding Ian, I put him on my shoulder to burp. After that I put him in the middle of the bed before surrounding him with pillows. I start humming a lullaby to make him asleep and in a few minutes he closes his eyes indicating that he is indeed fallen asleep. He has his own nursery but I refuse to put my son alone in a big room. I am happy that Alessandro has supported me in my decision.

"Advira, mum-mum is going to meet Jasmine mami. Will you please look after your baby brother?" I ask my baby girl.

"Yesh, me look at baby broder. You go see mami." She replies sweetly while kissing me on the cheek. I smile at her and give her a tight hug. Then I look at the dogs who are already standing beside the bed as if guarding the baby. I give all of them kisses on their heads before getting out of the room.

Jasmine di's health is not well for two days and the doctor has asked her to be on complete bed rest. I haven't gotten much time to talk to her with a newborn to be taken care of. So, now that the little man is

sleeping it's a great time to see how Jasmine di is doing.

Upon reaching near her bedroom I open the door but find her sleeping while holding Dadabhai's hand who is sitting beside her. Dadabhai signals me to come inside but I decline not wanting to disturb Jasmine di's sleep. I tell him that I will come later as Jasmine di must sleep as much as she can.

With nothing to do, I decide to go downstairs and see if I can help in the kitchen if Mama Melody or Mamoni will let me. When I arrive there, I notice that they are preparing for dinner.

"What are you doing here, doll? You should be resting in your room." Mamoni says the moment she sees me.

"I have rested enough and also Ian is sleeping so I come here to help you." I reply sheepishly.

"Not gonna happen." Mama Melody says sternly making me pout.

"But why?" I whine because it's not my nature to sit without doing any work.

"Because you're still healing after giving birth, dolcezza." Mama Melody replies while pinching my cheek.

"Okay fine I won't work but I can sit here and talk to you both." I answer before sitting on a chair beside the kitchen island.

"Have you talked to Borda?" Mamoni asks while chopping potatoes.

"Hmm, and he has promised me that he will come here next month to meet his grandbabies. Hopefully, by that time Jasmine di's baby will be here already." I reply happily.

"That will be really great because I am also going back to Kolkata. So, if borda comes here I can go back with him." Mamoni says making me frown.

"But why are you leaving so soon?" I ask feeling sad.

"Doll, Sengupta mansion needs me and also it doesn't feel good to stay at my daughter's house for so long." Mamoni answers gently but I shake my head.

"This is an old talking which I don't believe. If a mother can stay at her son's house as long as she desires then she has the right to stay at her daughter's place as long as she wants. So, stop giving me this stupid excuse." I exclaim in which Mama Melody agrees with me.

"Anupama is correct Mausumi. We are very happy to have you here so don't try to make us feel bad." Mama Melody let out.

"I understand you both but I still need to go back. Because I have never stayed away from the house for so long." Mamoni says with a smile.

We decide not to talk further about this topic because I know it's first time for Mamoni to stay away from the Sengupta mansion for so many days. So, it's bound for her to feel homesick. While both of them cook, I talk to them about random things. Finally, when the dinner gets ready they ask me to call everyone in the dining room except Jasmine di who will get her dinner served in the bedroom.

After telling Uncle Gabriel and Dadabhai to come downstairs, I go to mine and Alessandro's room to tell him about dinner being ready. But the sight that greets me is such a sweet sight that I instantly take a picture of it before sending it to baba. Little Ian is sleeping while holding his papa's hand tightly who is also sleeping.

My baby boy doesn't have much hair on his head but seeing the little hair on his head, I am sure that he is going to have black hair like his father. I look at the other side of the bed where Advira is sleeping beside her papa while the dogs are sitting beside the bed.

"Alessandro, wake up. The dinner is ready." I let out while running my hand through his hair before kissing him on the forehead.

"Sorry, I didn't know when I fall asleep." Alessandro says groggily after waking up from his nap.

"It's okay to sleep because you also don't get much sleep because of our son. Now, let's go before the food get cold." I reply before going to wake up Advira who refuses to wake up. I sigh when I realize that it's futile to wake her up because she is in deep sleep.

"Let her sleep for now. If she wakes up later then you can feed her some light food that will not cause her any harm." Alessandro says after getting up from the bed. I nod my head before I put both kids in the middle of the bed with pillows around them. I stand beside the bed while admiring my two babies who are now snuggling with each other.

"They are so precious, right?" Alessandro asks while wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Hmm, indeed they are." I reply leaning to his touch.

"I have never felt this much happiness before but after you and our daughter come into my life, everything has changed for the better. Now, our son is also here because of you." He lets out while kissing the side of my head making me smile. I turn around in his arms before putting my hands around his neck.

"I really love our son's name." I tell him with a genuine smile.

"I am glad to hear that." He replies tightening his hold on me.

"I love you, Alessandro." I let out while looking at his eyes which are full of love and affection.

"I love you more, amore mio." He says before taking my lips in a passionate kiss.

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