Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 62: Ch.61/ Coming Home

Chapter 62: Ch.61/ Coming Home

Anupama's POV:-

We are on our way towards the airport where the private jet is waiting for us. It's not easy to leave baba and everyone behind because the few days that I have stayed there, I have enjoyed my time with them. For the first time, I haven't felt like a burden to anyone. But at the end of the day, I need to go back to my home where my furry babies are waiting for me.

I look out of the window and try to remember every little thing about my birthplace. Because I really don't know when I will be coming back here. I know that Alessandro will never try to keep me away from my family but still, I want to concentrate on my future. Suddenly, a hand wrap around my shoulder making me look at my husband who is smiling at me softly. I put a small kiss on his lip making his smile bigger.

"I love you." I whisper looking at his eyes.

"I love you too." He replies before planting a kiss on my forehead which instantly brings warmth to my heart knowing how much this man cares for me.

"Do you think Marco has done right by staying with your family?" Alessandro asks after some time.

"I don't know if it's right or wrong. But one thing is for sure that both Riya and Marco need to solve the misunderstanding between them. You know what Mamoni replied when I told her about Marco and Riya?" I let out while looking at Alessandro who shakes his head.

"Mamoni replied that Marco is the perfect match for Riya. Because only he can make her happy and also they both look good together." I reply making him chuckle.

"Let's hope that they will be able to get past their misunderstanding and get married soon." He replies making me hum.

"Cara, you come with Mr. and Mrs. Ganguly. I am going to talk to the captain about something." He says when the car stops on the side of the runway. I nod my head and see that he gets out of the car before making his way towards his private jet.

I come out of the car and unbuckle Advira from the car seat. However, before I can pick her up Dadabhai takes her in his arms making me pout. He only smiles at me and asks me to follow him alone with Jasmine di. When we reach in front of the jet Alessandro turns around but he looks confused when he notices I am glaring at him.

As if he suddenly remembers what he has done to anger me, he throws the burning cigarette to the side before giving me an innocent smile. Dadabhai and Jasmine di laugh seeing the silent exchange between us.

"You are in big trouble, Mr. Bianchi." Jasmine di teases while getting inside the jet.

"I didn't want to smoke. I am just trying t-" Alessandro starts explaining but I hold my hand up to stop him knowing well that he is lying.

"I have asked you to quit smoking and you have promised me that you will quit. But here you are, smoking right in front of me." I scold him.

"I didn't smoke in front of you. I have thrown the cigarette." He argues but shuts up when he notices that the staff of the jet are snickering behind him. I bit my lip to stop grinning but soon we all start laughing except him.

"You guys are laughing at your boss?" He asks irritatingly the staff making their eyes widen in fear.

"Nope, they are laughing at a husband who is getting a scolding from his wife." I retort before taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"That's unfair to me." He grumbles but sits down opposite of me before putting my feet on his lap.

"What are you doing?" I ask while trying to take my feet off his lap but he holds them tightly yet gently.

"Your feet are swollen Tesoro and I have heard it hurts very much. So, I am going to rub your feet and you are going to relax." He instructs me with a stern expression which I can not help but agree with him.


I must have fallen asleep because when I wake up I notice that I am being carried by Alessandro towards his car. He puts me on my feet before opening the car door for me. I look here and there but can not find Advira making me panic.

"Our daughter is with Samuel." Alessandro says when he notices the fear in my eyes. I nod my head before getting inside the car. It's early in the morning so I am feeling very sleepy but I don't want to sleep. Because I want to meet my boys when we reach home. After some minutes of driving the car enters the Bianchi mansion's gate making me feel excited to get out of the car. Alessandro chuckles beside me seeing the excitement in my eyes. The minute the car stop in front of the mansion I get out of the car before hurrying inside the mansion.

However, I don't need to call out to my babies because they come rushing towards me at full speed. I kneel down before hugging them as best as I can. They keep whining as if trying to tell me how much they have missed me.

"I missed you too, my giant babies." I tell them earnings barks from them.

"I think none of you missed me." Alessandro says from behind in which the dogs run towards him before jumping on him making them fall on the floor. I get up from the floor with a smile and walk inside the house to see that Samuel is sitting on the living room with Advira in his lap.

"How are you, Samuel?" I ask while taking the glass of water from the tray that a maid has offered me.

"I am good, Mrs. Bianchi. How about you?" Samuel lets out.

"I am happy to back here." I reply pleasantly.

"Dolcezza, how are you doing?" Mama Melody asks coming into the living room making me get up from my place before hugging her.

"I am perfectly alright. But I have missed you all so much." I reply with a pout.

"I have missed you as well but it's good that finally you got the justice you deserved." Mama Melody replies while pinching my cheeks.

"By the way, where is dadabhai and Jasmine di?" I ask when I don't see them.

"Jasmine is looking very tired so Subho has taken her upstairs to their bedroom." Mama Melody answers making me nod in understanding.

"I think I should go upstairs and get fresh." I let out with a sigh.

"Hmm, that's a good idea. I have made pumpkin cannoli for breakfast and your favorite masala tea." Mama Melody notifies making me lick my lips.

"You are the best, Mama." I tell her before hurrying upstairs to get changed into something comfortable.

"By the way, where is Alessandro?" Mama Melody asks from behind.

"Getting smothered by the furry babies." I yell my reply.


Alessandro's POV:-

When I reach the dining room after taking a shower I notice that Anhuphama is laughing while eating a homemade pumpkin cannoli which is a specialty of Mama.

"So you are enjoying the cookies without sharing with me." I let out before sitting down on my chair.

"That's my favorite cookies so I didn't wait for you to come downstairs." Anhuphama replies with a cheeky smile.

"Sandro, when will Marco going to come back?" Mama asks while putting some cookies on my plate. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

"That I am not sure about, Mama. He is determined to fix everything between him and Miss Ganguly." I reply while taking a sip of my black coffee.

"That boy is going to get a spanking from me when he comes back here. He shouldn't have played with Riya's feelings before." Mama lets out before taking a seat beside Mrs. Ganguly.

"Don't worry Mama Melody. Marco is trying his best to get Riya to forgive him. But that girl is too stubborn to listen to anyone." Mrs. Ganguly says with a sigh.

"What Marco has done with Riya is not something a girl can forget so easily. So, whatever Riya is doing is the most logical thing a girl in her place will do." Anhuphama lets out before feeding our daughter a little piece of omelet.

After that none of us discuss anything related to Marco and Miss Ganguly. I quickly finish my breakfast before heading upstairs to get ready for the day because I can't miss another day of my office. I change into a three-piece suit and take out my briefcase from one of the drawers of the closet. After putting the needed things in the briefcase I get out of the closet before going downstairs to bid goodbye to my family.

"You could have taken rest today and then start going to the company from tomorrow." Anhuphama says when I wrap my arms around her for a hug.

"I would have done that if I don't have important meetings to attend. But you don't worry, I will be home soon." I reply before kissing her on the lips.

"Where is my princess?" I ask when I don't see her anywhere.

"She is playing with her brothers in the playroom." Cara replies making me nod my head. After that, I bid her goodbye and make my way out of the mansion.

Upon reaching the company I directly go to my cabin before asking Bianca to come and give me all the details about the current affairs of the company. She starts explaining that we have received a lot of intriguing deals which will be extremely profitable for the company. The more profitable deals the more work we need to do.

"There are still a few months left for Anupama's delivery date so if we work overtime then you will be able to spend much time with her after the birth of your baby." Bianca says when she notices my hesitant expression.

"I think that will be the best thing to do. Then, let's start working to reach our goal." I reply with a nod.

It's now past 6 pm and I am still not done with my meetings. I know that my family is waiting for me to go back home. But with all the pending works I don't know when I will be able to finish everything. I have asked Bianca to go home because she is already taking care of the company on behalf of me so deserves some quality time with her family.

After two more hours of work, I decide to head home. When I get inside the car I feel my eyes getting heavy because of all the works I am doing the whole day. When the car stops in front of the mansion I

lazily get out while undoing the knot of the necktie. I directly go to my bedroom just wanting to sleep for some hours. But when I reach the room I see that my wife along with our daughter is sleeping in the bed while the dogs are sleeping on the rug-covered floor. I get near them before planting small kisses on their heads. After taking a shower I put on a sweatpant before joining my family in bed for some much-needed sleep.


The next day I wake up very early because I need to go to the company for a meeting. So, I tiptoe around the room while getting ready and leave the room after kissing my wife and daughter on their foreheads. I notice that Mama is already in the kitchen preparing for the breakfast so I let her know that I won't be able to eat breakfast and also tell her to inform Anhuphama that I have left early for the company.

When I reach the company there are not many employees present because it's only 8 am. But the representative of the Japanese company that I am going to sign a deal is determined to go back to their country this afternoon and that's why I have asked Bianca to schedule this meeting so early.

Upon arriving in my cabin I take a seat in my chair before telling Bianca to come inside. When she comes to the cabin she starts to go about the profit that our company will be gaining by signing this deal. Because this will be the first time that I am going to work with a Japanese company which is a very well-known company. I have decided to have the meeting in my cabin because there will be only Bianca, me and Miss Sakurai present in the meeting so there is no need to go to the conference room.

Right as the clock hit 9 am Bianca informs me that the representative of the Japanese company has arrived. I get up from my chair before welcoming the young but established businesswoman with a handshake. After she sits down across from me, we start the meeting. We talk about all the things that are needed to be discussed before we both signing the deal. With all the talking we are doing I don't

even realize that it's already past noon. A sudden knock on the door makes us three look at the source to see that Anhuphama is standing at the entrance with a sheepish look on her face.

"Cara, why are you standing there? Come inside." I let out while getting up from my place to walk towards my pregnant wife. I kiss the top of her head before caressing the baby bump with a smile.

"Mama Melody told me that you didn't have your breakfast and knowing you, I am sure that you didn't even eat a small sandwich after coming here. So, I think that it will be good if I come here and bring you lunch." She explains making me delighted to know that my wife always tries to look out for me.

"That's such a thoughtful thing, Tesoro. But you didn't need to come here because I know you get tired so easily nowadays." I reply while taking the lunch box from her hand.

"I need to do something because I get bored while being occupied in that big house all the time and after a long time I have tried something new to cook. So, I have to take your review about the new dishes." She mumbles with a pout making me want to kiss those pink lips mercilessly. But I refrain myself when I remember that we have two other people around us. So, I put my arms around my wife's waist before guiding her towards my chair. She is reluctant at first to sit on my chair but after getting a look from me, she sits down with a pout.

"So, my sources were correct when they told me that the cold-hearted businessman has an extremely sweet spot for his very beautiful wife." Miss Sakurai comments with a smile making Anhuphama blush.

"Cara, meet our new business partner Miss Sakurai and she is from Japan." I let out while standing behind Anhuphama's chair.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Sakurai." Anhuphama says while shaking hands with the Japanese businesswoman.

"Pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Bianchi. I am glad that I get to meet you in person as I have heard a lot of things about you." Miss Sakurai replies with a gentle smile.

"I hope there is nothing bad that you have heard of me." Anhuphama lets out making all of us chuckle.

"The aura around you is the sign of purity so no I haven't heard anything bad about you and I am sure that even in the future I won't be hearing any bad thing about a big-hearted person like you." Miss Sakurai answers honestly.

"Umm, I have brought lunch and there is much so you all can eat." Anhuphama says making Bianca squeal like a child making me look at her like she has gone mad.

"Don't give me that look, Alessandro. You know well how much I love to eat food made by Anupama so it's common for me to get excited." Bianca reasons out before asking Anhuphama to serve her a big plate. We move towards the couch available in the cabin because then we will have a large space to sit. When Anhuphama opens the lunch box my eyes nearly bulge out of its socket seeing the Spanish dishes in front of me.

"This is the first time I have tried to cook Spanish food so I don't know if I have cooked it correctly or not. There are Albondigas, Patatas braves, Puerto rican chicken pasta and for dessert, I have made Churro." Anhuphama informs while serving the foods on plates.

"Believe me they don't taste like you have made them for the first time. Because they are so delicious and the aroma coming from them is extremely mouthwatering." Miss Sakurai lets out after taking a bite of the food.

"Thank you." Anhuphama replies with a satisfied smile.

"I have missed your cooking so much that I can literally eat all the food here." Bianca says while eating a Churro.

"Hey! Leave something for my wife too. She is eating for two now if you already forget about it." I complain with a scowl but Anhuphama only giggle at my words.

"I have already eaten my lunch before coming here, so you don't need to worry about me." Anhuphama lets out but I shake my head and feed her a spoonful of pasta.

We talk about various things while enjoying the delicious meal prepared by my wife. Before leaving the company Miss Sakurai makes me promise that I along with Anhuphama and our kids will be visiting her country one day.

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