Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 57: Ch.56/ Not Afraid

Chapter 57: Ch.56/ Not Afraid

Anupama's POV:-

I am happy that thakurmaa didn't try to talk to me again because I seriously don't know what I will say next because of how furious I am with her and her lovely daughter. She thinks that everyone has to do what she says. I also used to think she is an elder person and whatever she does is for everyone's well-being. But how stupid I was to believe her. However, now I know that she has never wanted me to be happy because she is a selfish person. Because of her and her two-faced daughter, I have endured a lot in the past but not anymore as I am not the same Anupama I used to be.

All thanks to my husband who has taught me to believe in myself. He has taught me that I am not the dust of anyone's feet. He has taught me not to bow down to anyone besides God and I will never let his teachings be proved wrong. I have just come back here because of my father and once he recovers, I will go back to my home. Yes home, where I live with my husband and our little family.

"Cara, are you okay?" Alessandro asks standing in front of me while looking at me worriedly.

"I am okay. I was just thinking about something." I reply with a smile trying to make him stop worrying about me.

"Then stop thinking because I don't like to see you frowning." He says while kissing me on the forehead.

"Shameless people." Both of our head turns towards Pishimaa who just remarked the words.

"If showing care for my wife is being shameless then I am happy to be a shameless." Alessandro says before I can say anything.

"This is not your country so don't say anything rude to me. I can call the police and make them arrest you." Pishimaa replies with a smirk.

"I think you're forgetting who you are talking to, pishimaa. He is not only my husband but also the biggest investor of the Sengupta Enterprise so if you don't want to go bankrupt then it will be better if you keep quiet." I let out while glaring at her. I am not a person to boast about my husband's wealth but this is the only language she understands well.

"What do you mean he is the biggest investor of our company? What is she talking about, Riya?" Pishimaa asks Riya who shrugs her shoulders in an uncaring manner.

"Yes, Anu is right. Mr. Bianchi has invested a huge sum of money in our company one month ago with boro mama's approval because the company was suffering financially." Riya replies making pishimaa and thakurmaa's mouth hang open in shock.

"Now that you have gotten your answers stop threatening my husband because this time I won't tolerate any insult. Also, don't forget that I am still a citizen of this country and I have the same rights as you. So, think before doing anything against us." I warn her sternly.

Just then the doctor comes walking towards us with a report and starts explaining about baba's condition. After explaining everything he tells us that we should go home because only one person can be here. I want to stay here but Alessandro tells me that our daughter is waiting for me and also I need to rest after the long journey. In the end, it's decided that Dadabhai will be staying here much to thakurmaa and pishimaa's protest.

We leave the hospital and the driver starts driving towards the Sengupta mansion. I put my head on Alessandro's chest and he starts running his long fingers through my hair making me sleepy. Before I know it I fall asleep in his protective arms.

When I wake up I notice that I am in my old room. I try to find Alessandro but can not find him anywhere. I get out of bed and open the suitcase to take out a kurti and leggings to wear. After

changing my clothes I come downstairs and see that Advira is playing with Riya. But upon seeing me, my daughter runs straight to me.

"Mum-mum me mish you." She says while opening her arms wide to show me how much she missed me.

"Aww, my baby. I missed you too." I reply while kissing her cheeks before picking her up in my arms.

"Me play wid mashi. Me no make mesh wen you no here." She says making me nod my head.

"I know baby. You are a good girl so you will not make any mess." I tell her while walking towards the kitchen along with Riya.

"What are you making, Mamoni?" I ask when I notice that Mamoni is cooking something.

"I am making Mishti pulao (sweet pulao)." She replies with a smile.

"What else choto mami?" Riya asks while ticking Advira who starts giggling.

"I have already prepared Pabda macher jhol (catfish curry) and Cholar dal (chickpeas dal)." Mamoni replies before going back to her cooking.

"Anu, Mr. Bianchi will eat these dishes, right?" Riya asks.

"Of course he will. He loves to eat Indian food, especially bengali homemade dishes." I respond with a smile.

"Who can resist your amazing cooking doll? By the way, how are you feeling about this pregnancy you know after what happened in the past?" Mamoni asks making me gulp. Because she still thinks that my baby is dead. The same goes for Riya as I haven't told her anything about her mother being involved in the missing of my daughter.

"I am doing good and I really don't want to remember my past because my present is what important to me." I reply briefly not wanting to go any more details.

"Mausumi, how long will it take for you to serve us dinner?" Thakurmaa yells from the living room.

"Just ten more minutes, Maa." Mamoni answers back loudly.

"So noud." Advira comments with a pout making us laugh.


After a not-so-good dinner, I come back to my bedroom with Alessandro and our daughter. I am not talking about the food because that was really delicious, I am talking about thakurmaa and pishimaa who constantly glared at us as if we have invaded their private space. But neither I nor Alessandro let their glares affect us. We talked with others and enjoyed the dinner as much as we can. I am happy to see that Alessandro is behaving freely with my family members except the mother-daughter duo. The Last time when he first came here before our marriage he was very reluctant to talk to anyone but this time I have noticed the enjoyment in his eyes while talking to Mamoni, Kakai and Riya. He also asked Jasmine di if she has taken her medicines before dinner.

"What's going on in your mind, tesoro?" Alessandro asks after coming out of the washroom.

"That you have changed." I blurt out before biting my lip in embarrassment.

"So you think I have changed, can you tell me what changes you have seen in me?" He asks teasingly while wrapping his arms around my hips.

"When we first came here you didn't talk much but this time you have conversed with everyone freely which I really liked." I reply and wrap my arms around his neck. He smiles at me before bending down

to kiss me. However, a whiny noise stop us. We turn around and notice that our daughter is sitting on the bed with a pout while glaring at us.

"What's wrong, princess?" Alessandro asks going towards our grumpy baby.

"You no see me. Me sweepy but you no kish me nighty night." She complaints making me laugh. Both I and Alessandro get on two sides before asking her to lie down between us. When she does Alessandro starts running his hands through her hair while I start singing her favorite lullaby. Soon she falls asleep while snuggling between us.

"Thank you for making me her father, Cara." Alessandro whispers while looking at our sleeping daughter with adoration.

"Thank you for accepting her as your daughter." I reply feeling my eyes getting teary but I don't let them fall. He pecks me on the lips before we both decide to sleep.


Alessandro's POV:-

It's been three days since we arrived in Kolkata. Thankfully my father-in-law has regained consciousness but still has to stay in the hospital for a few more days. The doctor has informed us that it will take a month or more for him to be fully recovered.

When the doctor told us that we could meet the patient, Anhuphama's grandmother tried to stop us but we didn't even pay any attention to her. Mr. Ganguly was very happy when he saw that we had come to see him. He apologized for his terrible behavior and cried. But being the sweetheart she is, my wife wiped her father's tears and assured her that she is not a bit angry with him. Then he asked for my forgiveness but I also assured him that I have also forgiven him because he has long realized his mistakes.

"Papa me mish broders." My princess says who is playing with a doll.

"I miss them too baby and I am sure they are missing us too, especially their baby sister." I reply with a smile.

"Wen mum-mum come?" She asks pouting a little.

"Soon after she finish talking to your grandpa." I reply.

"Me give kissies to boro dadu." She comments with an eager smile making me kiss her on the top of her head.

"Of course piccolo but you need to wait for some days. Because your grandpa needs to get better to come home." I explain as gently as possible trying to make her understand.

"Otay, me wait." She replies with a nod before going back to playing with her doll.

"Mr. Bianchi, here is your black coffee." Anhuphama's aunt says while putting a hot cup of coffee in front of me.

"Thank you, Mrs. Sengupta." I reply with a smile. But she gives me an offended look

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Everything is wrong." She replies while folding her hands in front of her chest.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." I tell her confusingly.

"You are my Anu's husband that means you are a son-in-law of our family. Then why do you still behave so formally with us?" She inquires.

"When did I behave formally with you?" I ask because I really don't know what's going on with her.

"You just did. You called me Mrs. Sengupta, when your wife calls me Mamoni." She explains but still, I am not understanding her point.

"Chhoto mami you are making him confuse. Mr. Bianchi, she is saying that you don't need to be so formal with us. You can call us by our names or whatever Anu calls us." Miss Ganguly clarifies walking towards us.

"Yes, that's what I was trying to tell you. Please drop the Mr. Mrs. Or Miss because I really get confused." Mrs. Sengupta says making me nod my head.

"I can't guarantee if I will be able to say your names correctly because you know accent problem. But I will ask Anhuphama to teach me like she is doing for some months." I reply with a smile.

"Oho, so our Anu is teaching you. Now tell us what did you learn so far." Mrs. Sengupta asks with a teasing smile before she takes a seat across from me. Miss Ganguly also seats beside her with an excited look.

"Umm, she has taught me to pronounce our daughter's name. Also some Bengali words along with some Hindi words. I have also learned a few Gods and Goddess names from her." I inform them with a proud smile.

"Wow, then I am sure that you will quickly learn to call us by our names soon." Miss Ganguly comments cheerfully. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Hopefully I will." I reply and we start talking about various things. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing so I excuse myself and pull out my phone from my jeans pocket to see that Marco is calling me. I look towards Miss Ganguly before looking back at my phone in hesitation. Finally, I get up from my place and pick up the call after coming out of the living room towards the lawn.

"What do you need?" I ask in hurry.

"I need you to give me Sengupta mansion's address." Marco says making my eyes widen in shock.

"Are you fucking out of your mind? Why will I be giving you the address and what will you be doing with it?" I ask in wonder.

"Because I am currently in the Kolkata airport and I am coming straight to Sengupta mansion." He replies making me want to kill him.

"Who told you to come here?" I ask while looking if anyone seeing me talking to him or not.

"Your wife." He replies smoothly as if we are discussing about weather.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"Bro, why the hell are you asking so many questions? You are seriously giving me a headache. I think I will ask someone else the address." He lets out before cutting the call. I pace back and forth in the lawn before dialing Anhuphama's phone number who is now in the hospital visiting her father.

"Yes, Alessandro." Cara says after picking up the call.

"Did you tell Marco to come here?" I ask.

"I don't remember telling him to come here." She replies.

"Then why did he tell me that you have asked him to come here?" I inquire.

"Oh, now I remember. He came to me the day we went for the doctor checkup and asked me to stop Riya's wedding. But I told him that if he cared so much about her then he should go to Kolkata to stop the wedding." She explains making me stop walking.

"But why are you asking me this?" She asks.

"Because Marco has taken your advice and now he is on the way to Sengupta mansion." I answer in defeat because I can clearly see the turmoil is going to happen after he gets here.

"Oh no, we are doomed." She lets out with a sigh.

"That we are, Cara." I reply running my hands through my hair.

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