Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 49: Ch.48/ Girls's Day Out

Chapter 49: Ch.48/ Girls's Day Out

Anupama's POV:-

"Yes, I am perfectly alright Alessandro. Also, our babies are fine too you don't need to ask me the same question from time to time." I reply over the phone with a smile.

"I know that I am asking the same question but what am I supposed to do if I can't stop thinking about you all?" Alessandro asks and I can clearly hear the frustration in his tone.

"You are coming back tomorrow so you can see from your own eyes that whatever I have said is true. By the way, how is your work going on there?" I ask and throw a squeaky toy towards Fonsie who leaps in the air to catch it with his mouth.

"It seems that we will be able to finalize the deal today after the final meeting with the CEO of the company. I just need to show them that we are capable of building a fine restaurant chain in Bristol too like we have done in other places." He replies.

"That's great and I have faith in your capabilities that you will be able to get the deal. By the way, I am going out with Olivia and Jasmine di to have a girls day out. Both of them are free today so Jasmine di has suggested that I should go out of the mansion to have some fresh air." I inform him casually.

"But you need rest Tesoro-" He starts complaining but I stop him in the mid-sentence.

"Jasmine di is the one who has told me to go out and if she thinks that it won't be causing any problem to our little bean then I don't think you need to worry about my going out, Alessandro." I tell him sternly.

"Okay, fine but you need to take at least ten guards with you for safety measures." He orders making me roll my eyes.

"I am only taking five guards with me and that's final or I will not go." I reply.

"You are so stubborn, Cara." He complains making me giggle.

"By the way, what time is it in there?" I ask upon realizing that there has a eight hours time gap between LA and Bristol. So if it's day time in here then it's must be evening in there.

"It's 6 PM in here and I have my meeting at 7 PM. So, I am going to cut the call because I need to survey the presentation one last time." He replies.

"Okay, then you do your work and I will enjoy with my girl gang. I love you, bye." I tell him.

"I love you too, Cara." He replies and cuts the call making me pout. I wanted to talk more but he needs to do his work so that he can come soon. I hear a bark in front of me making my head snap towards Fonsie who is sitting with head tilted to the side. I open my arms and he climbs on the bench where I am sitting before plopping his head on my lap. I run my hand through his fur and feel like he needs a shower because of the dust coming out of his fur.

"You and your brothers need a nice bath Fonsie. But I know that you guys only like it when your Papa gives you baths so we will wait for him to come back." I tell the giant dog who barks in response.

"Anu, you are not ready yet?" Jasmine di asks coming into the garden with Advira in her arms. Both of them are ready for the outing.

"I was talking to Alessandro so I got late. Don't worry I will be ready in 15 minutes." I reply to her with a smile and stand up from my place before going inside the house to get ready for the day out. I wear a long flowery sundress with a minimum makeup on my face.

I pack a bag of some necessary items for Advira and me before getting out of my bedroom. I knock on Mama Melody's room and hear a come in so I open the door to see that she is also getting ready. She will be going out with Uncle Gabriel to his friend's place and that's why she is not accompanying us for the day out.

"Are you guys ready to leave, dolcezza?" Mama asks coming towards me.

"Yes, we are ready and I can see that you are also ready for your date with Uncle Gabriel." She hits my arm playfully but a light blush coats her cheeks at the mention of her husband's name.

"We are not going on a date silly. Stop making fun of me." She scolds me with a smile making me laugh.

"Okay, I get it but still you are going to spend some alone time with him so it's a bonus for both of you." I reply.

"You will be late so go away from here." She says and starts to shoo me while pointing at the door. I burst into a fit of laughter but get out of her room leaving a tomato-faced Mama Melody behind. I get out of the mansion to see that the dogs are sitting on the porch. I wanted to take them with us but we will be going to a lot of places and it will be a problem to take them everywhere with us. Because not every place will allow dogs so I mentally remind myself to take my furry babies in the amusement park after their Papa will come back. I pet them and kiss them on the heads before getting into the SUV along with Jasmine di and Advira. This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

We pick up Olivia on the way from her home. First, the car stops in front of the shopping mall and all of us get out of the car before getting inside the mall. First, Olivia takes us to a shop name Dolce & Gabbana which I find ridiculous because I don't think anyone of us need anything from there. Also, I have heard that the clothes in here are very expensive.

"You still don't get it Anu. We girls love to shop and when you have your husband or fiance's credit card with you, you have the right to spend as much as you want." Olivia comments while looking at some tops for her. I look at her with confusion but then she shows me a credit card and then Jasmine di does the same.

"Anu, Olivia has Samuel's credit card and I have Subho's as they have told us to buy whatever you want. So, we are going to buy whatever catches our eyes and you are going to do the same with this." By saying this Jasmine di shows me the black card Alessandro has given me to use.

"But how did you find this card? I remember correctly that I have refused to use his money without any reason and has given the card back to him." I let out in frustration but the two only laugh at me.

"I know that Anu and that's why your husband has asked me to take this card from Mama Melody because you won't be using this card by yourself." Jasmine di replies with a smirk.

"I will not talk to him for going behind my back. I have my own earnings and I want to spend that money. But no, he has to do whatever he wants." I mumble to myself but I think others hear me because Olivia puts her hand on my shoulder with a gentle smile.

"Alessandro knows well that you have your own job and he doesn't need to give you money. But you need to understand his point of view too, Anu. He earns money for his family so if you don't spend this money then what is the meaning of him working? He just wants you to use his money to do shopping. It's not like you always come to shopping so I think it's alright to spend his money from time to time. You can save your earnings for the future or you can use them in buying something for Alessandro." Olivia lets out and I realize that she is correct. So, I give her a small smile with a head nod before turning to Jasmine di who is still holding the black card. I take the card from her with a sigh and tells them that today's lunch will be my treat.

I pick out some cute dresses and skirts for Advira while Olivia and Jasmine di pick out clothes for us. We also buy something for Mama Melody and Bianca who doesn't get to come with us. I don't forget about Delilah and Mia so while choosing clothes for Avira, I pick out some pretty dresses for them too. We pay for the clothes and then Olivia drags us to Victoria's Secret much to my horror. I block Advira's eyes with my hands not wanting her to see the skimpy lingerie around the shop.

"You still behaves like a newly married bride who blushes whenever someone talks about intimacy between you and your husband." Jasmine di comments while Olivia giggles at the background.

"You are so gross di. Come on let's get out of here. I don't want Advira to be here." I tell her and go out of the shop without waiting for them to follow me.

"Mum-mum can me get toy?" Avira asks cutely.

"Of course baby. But you can only pick two toys for you." I reply and she nods her head with excitement. I smile at her and we walk to a toy shop where she selects a dollhouse along with a kid puzzle set. I have to say that I am impressed with the things she has chosen for her. I pay for the things before we go into a pet store before I pick out each boy a toy because I don't want them to fight over one another's toy. My phone starts ringing so I look at the caller ID to see that Olivia is calling me.

"Where the hell are you, Anu?" Olivia screams making me wince.

"My ears are absolutely fine Oli so you don't need to scream." I reply with an eye roll.

"I have asked you something so kindly answer me that." She hisses making me frown.

"Advira and I are at the pet store. But why are you sounding so angry?" I ask while paying for the dog toys.

"Alessandro has instructed me not to leave you alone because someone can harm you. So, I get scared when neither I nor Jasmine didn't find you. I am sorry for screaming at you. You wait in front of the pet store, we will be there in a minute." She replies and cuts the call. I sigh and hold Advira's hand before standing out of the shop to wait for Olivia and Jasmine di.

After four or five minutes later they both reach near us while panting heavily. I give them the water bottle from my bag which they drink very fast.

"Did you guys run here?" I ask curiously.

"You are so genius." Jasmine di comments sarcastically making me pout.

"Now, let's go to the food cart. I am starving after three hours of shopping and I am sure our princess is also hungry. Right, Advira?" Olivia asks Advira who nods her head repeatedly.

"If I remember correctly you have told me to shop and also I am a pregnant person so it doesn't make sense why you are so hungry." I reply while folding my hands in front of my chest.

"Advira, your mum-mum is making fun of me. Aren't you going to say something to her?" Olivia asks Advira who give me her famous glare which only makes her look more adorable.

"No make fun mum-mum. Me hungly too so me go eat wid auntie Oli." Advira tells me and stretches her arms towards Olivia who picks her with a satisfying smile. I shake my head at their antics before telling them to go to the nearest food cart and walk after them with Jasmine di. Upon arriving at the nearest food cart, we order Stir-fried thai veg noodles, Chicken perry perry, Sweet potato egg wrap before taking a seat in the available table. I don't realize that I am so hungry till the hot and yummy looking dishes serve to us. I instantly dig in my plate of food and savor the taste of spicy egg wraps which are the best.

"Now look who is eating the food like a pig." Jasmine di remarks with a teasing smile. She is feeding Advira veg noodles because we don't want her to get messy while eating by herself.

"I don't know why but this baby makes me so hungry that sometimes I think I will burst by the amount of food I consume." I reply after swallowing the bite.

"Mum-mum you piggy." Advira says with a giggle making us laugh.

"No, I am not piggy." I fake pout at her which only makes her giggle more.

"What are we doing after this?" Olivia asks while wiping her hands with a tissue.

"Why don't we go to watch a movie?" Jasmine di suggests which I think a good idea.

"That will be great. Let me pay and then we will go." I reply and drink some water. After paying for the food we walk towards the elevator to get to the floor where the theater is situated. When we reach the fifth floor the elevator stop so we get out but I need to use the washroom so I ask them to get the ticket for the movie they want to watch.

"But ma'am one of us need to accompany you because boss has given strict order not to leave you alone." One of the guards says who come with us.

"You want to enter a ladies washroom?" I ask with a raised eyebrow making others laugh loudly.

"No, no. I didn't mean to get inside with you. What I mean is that I will wait outside. Please ma'am let me do my job or the boss will kill me if anything happens to you." He pleads making me sigh.

"I think he is correct Anu. We will be waiting for you so go quickly before we miss the movie." Jasmine di says with an assuring smile. I nod my head and walk towards the restroom followed by the guard. I get inside the restroom and close the door behind me. I quickly do my business and wash my hands. Suddenly, the lights turn off which makes me startled. However, before I can call out to the guard someone put a cloth over my nose. I try to get out of the person's grip but then I start to feel lightheaded and soon everything becomes a blur around me.


Alessandro's POV:-

"Mr. Bianchi I am very glad to tell you that I want to sign the deal with your company." Says Mr. Anderson while shaking my hand with a smile.

"It will be great to work with you, Sir." I reply to the old man.

"I am sorry that I took so long to sign the deal. Actually, it's my dream project so I wanted to look at every little detail before signing the deal. I have heard a lot of good things about your company and the outcome of the deals. Still, there was a slight hesitation from my side. But after meeting with you, I am sure that I am making the right decision by joining hands with you." Mr. Anderson comments making me smile gently at him.

"I am sure that our companies will be doing more works together. Also, I really liked it here so I will be bringing my wife and our daughter in here the next time I come here." I reply and think about my tesoro's excited face when I will tell her that the deal is finally sealed.

"Aah, your wife and daughter. I have seen their pictures and I must say that they both are very beautiful. My wife will be happy to have them in our house." Mr. Anderson says making me look at him with a small smile.

"My wife and our daughter are the most valuable persons in my life. They are the reason why I have started to believe in the concept of family so you can say that I am a very lucky person to have them in my life." I let out. Just then the waiter serve us red wine which I have ordered before.

"Let's make a cheers for our deal." Mr. Anderson says raising his glass of wine and I clink my wine glass with his before taking a sip of wine.

After eating some amazing foods for dinner Bianca and I bid goodbye to Mr. Anderson and his team. I get inside my car along with Bianca who is talking to Delilah and Samuel starts driving the car towards the hotel we are staying. Suddenly, my head starts to spin a little so I jerk my head, and the spinning stops. Bianca gives me a worried look but I shake my head to let her know that I am alright. I take out my phone from the blazer and dial Anhuphama's number but after constant ringing, she doesn't pick up the call making me bothered for her.

"Alessandro are you okay? You are sweating so badly." Bianca comments before wiping my forehead with a handkerchief.

"An-hupha-ma isn't pick-ing up my call." I reply while breathing heavily. Fuck! What's happening with me?

"Boss, why are you behaving like this? Bianca, I think we should go to the hospital." I hear Samuel tells Bianca but I am not worried about myself. I am worried about my wife who is not answering my phone call which is very unusual for her.

"Alessandro, don't close your eyes please. Sandrooooo!" That's all I hear before darkness consumes me completely.

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