Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 46: Ch.45/ Unbelievable Twist

Chapter 46: Ch.45/ Unbelievable Twist

Anupama's POV:-

"You need to eat more, dolcezza. You are not eating for only yourself, you are also eating for your baby so stop pouting like Advira and eat the sandwich." Mama Melody scolds me and shove the plate of sandwich towards me. I glare at her but still take a bite from the sandwich. She smiles in victory before going out of the room leaving me alone.

Alessandro has forbidden me to do any work, from household work to office work because he believes I need some bed rest to get better. I have tried to convince him numerous times that I can at least chop some vegetables or play with the kids but he has directly rejected my offer. So, now I am stuck in our bedroom for five days straight which is making me crazy. It's not like I can not go out of the room or walk around the house but I can not even lift a flower because the next second one of the guards will come towards me and starts to ask me non-stop questions about my health and condition. I don't even want to imagine what he will do when I will be at the peak of my pregnancy.

I finish the sandwich and drink the orange juice before getting up from the bed to go see what my babies are doing. I get out of the room and I open Advira's playroom and just like I have thought all seven of the kids are playing in there. Upon seeing me Zeus and Scout runs to me so I get on my knees to hug my furry babies. I run my hands through their fur and realized that they need some trimming. Advira also runs to me and tried to get between the two giant dogs but when she can not, she starts to hit both of them making me angry.

"Stop it Advira. Why are you hitting your brothers? This is a bad habit you have been showing. Just wait till I tell your Papa after he comes home." I tell her sternly because she is being behaved like a brat for some days and if we let it slide then she will think that she can do whatever she wants.

"Me wan huggy too but you no hug me. You no lub me more." She yells while throwing a rubber toy at me. However, before the toy can hit me Tank jump in front of me making the toy hit him.

"PRINCESS!" A voice booms from behind making me turn around swiftly to see that Alessandro is standing there with an angry expression on his face. He walks towards us before bending down to see if Tank is okay or not. Then he kneels in front of our daughter who has her hands cross in front of her chest to show us she is angry too.

"Why did you throw your toy at Mum-mum baby?" Alessandro asks in a calm tone although I can still feel the anger in him.

"Me no baby more. You bwing nother baby so me no baby." Advira replies while her eyes fill with tears making me understand that she is feeling that we don't love her anymore because of the arrival of another baby.

"Who told you this princess? We are not bringing anyone who can replace you." Alessandro says and wipes the fallen tears of our daughter.

"Me don wan baby. Me only baby Papa. No bwing nother baby plwease." Advira pleads looking so innocent that I want to pinch her cheeks.

"Don't you want to have a sibling who can play with you like Mia does with Delilah?" Alessandro asks which gets Advira's attention and she makes a thinking face as if she is thinking about the matter very seriously.

"Me have puppiesh so me no wan baby." Advira says after some time.

"But the your puppiesh can not talk to you so if you get a little brother or little sister then he or she can talk to you like we do with you. You can also teach the baby how to play with your puppiesg and the toys." Alessandro says and that does the trick because Advira starts to nod her head.

"Me can play hide seek with baby. Me can play sing, right Papa?" Advira asks hopefully making me and Alessandro smile at her.

"Of course you can baby. You can even teach him or her how to bake cookies like your Nonna has done with you." I add while crouching down to her level.

"Yeeaaaa me wan baby now. Give baby now. Me play now with baby." Advira says while giving me her hand making me giggle at her antics.

"Not so soon Advira. The baby is still very small to play with you or your brothers. So, when the baby will grow up he or she will definitely play with you." I tell her in the hope that she won't ask any further questions.

"Hmmm, fine. Baby rests so me play with puppiesh." She replies before going to play with Boomer but Alessandro stops her in midway.

"Princess come here." Alessandro says strictly making me look at him worriedly. But he gives me an assuring look so I know that whatever he is going to do it for our baby's well-being.

"Yesh." Advira says not looking at her Papa.

"You have done a very bad thing today which is throwing your toy at mum-mum. Also, you have hit Scout and Zeus so I am going to give you a punishment." Alessandro announces making Advira pouts at him.

"Me say sworry." Avira says trying to convince her Papa but this time I want her to understand that every time she can not get away without a punishment.

"No baby, you can not just harm anyone and then say sorry. You need to learn to be patient and respectful towards others. So, as your punishment, I am going to lock this room for two days and also you are not allowed to have any candy for the next two days. Now say sorry to Zeus and Scout because you have hurt them very much." Alessandro says sternly and Advira nods her head like the good girl she is. She walks towards Zeus and Scout before kissing them on the spots where she has hit

them before. After that she goes near Tank and gives him a hug making me melt at the display of affection.

After that Alessandro picks Advira in his arms and leaves the room while smiling at me. I then go and play with the boys who are very careful around me because they don't want to harm me like their Papa has instructed them. I shake my head at the ridiculous demand but smile nonetheless when King lays his head on my lap. I run my hand through his fur and kiss the top of his head.


When I come downstairs I notice the tense atmosphere by looking at Alessandro's worry-filled face. I go near him before putting my hand on his shoulder and asking him what happened. He tries to smile at me but I can see through his smile that he is hiding something from me.

"What are you hiding, Alessandro?" I ask while sitting down beside him on the couch.

"I am not hiding anything Cara. Actually, I have decided to search for your and Romil's baby which you told me was a dead baby. But I can not just search for someone out of my country without any help. So, I asked for Mrs. Ganguly's help because she is a well-known doctor in Kolkata. But she told me that she will tell everything in front of you because finally the time has come to reveal the reality. I really don't understand what she is implying but still, I want to know what's going on in her mind." He replies with a frown.

"I have been also seeing a change in her behavior for some days but I have thought that she must be tensed about her work." I reply feeling anxious. Just then the front door open making both of our heads turn towards the entrance. However, my eyes widen seeing Kakai standing there with Jasmine di. I stand up from my place and run to my uncle's arms is now standing a few steps away from me. I throw my arms around his neck and hug him tightly not believing that he is really here.

"What a pleasant surprise Kakai." I exclaim with delight after pulling away from the hug.

"I just want to see how you are doing. Also, after hearing that my doll is going to bring a little one soon I can not keep myself calm. So, I pack my bags and come here to meet you." He replies with a smile.

"That's so great. Come on and sit here." I tell him and motion for him to sit down on the couch.

"How are you doing Mr. Sengupta?" Alessandro asks Kakai.

"I am good Mr. Bianchi. How are you?" Kakai replies.

"I am extremely well and I hope you know what's the reason behind it." Alessandro answers with a pleased smile making me blush.

"Kakai why don't you go upstairs and freshen up. I will tell the maids to make something for you to eat." I tell him.

"I will take Chhoto Mama(younger paternal uncle) upstairs." Jasmine di saya and takes Kakai from there.

"Did you have any idea that Kakai is coming?" I ask Alessandro who shakes his head in denial.

"I didn't have any clue about your uncle's arrival. But I think it's alright because you can now spend some time with him. By the way, I am going to be in my office so if you need something then come instantly." He replies and kisses me on the forehead before going to his office.


We all have our dinner while talking to each other. But Jasmine di seems to be in a deep thought which makes me worried for her. I think I need to talk to her in private because I don't like to see her in distress.

"Mr. Bianchi if you don't mind then I would like to tell you and Anupama something. So, can you both come into the living room?" Kakai asks after some time.

"Is there something wrong Mr. Sengupta?" Alessandro asks.

"I want to make everything right and that's why I ask you to hear me out." Kakai replies with a pleading tone making me confuse.

"I think we should go to the living room and talk there." Jasmine di says and abruptly stands up before getting out of the dining room. We don't say much after that but follow her to the living room and notice that she is pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Jasmine, why are you looking so scared?" Dadabhai asks making Jasmine di stops in her movement.

"I am scared because I don't anyone of you to hate me Subho." Jasmine di replies.

"Why will we hate you di? It's impossible to hate a loving person like you." I tell her with an assuring tone but she shakes her head.

"After knowing what I have done you will definitely hate me." She says with a broken voice.

"Is it related to Anhuphama's first child, Mrs. Ganguly?" Suddenly Alessandro asks making me look at him like he has grown two heads.

"Are you out of your mind, Alessandro? How can di know something about my baby when she was not even in the town at that time?" I ask with a scowl.

"Mr. Bianchi is right." Jasmine di says making me more confused.

"Doll you wanted to know why I have come here so suddenly, right?" Kakai asks while I nod my head in response.

"I have come here to tell you what happened to your and Romil's child." Kakai reply looking directly at my eyes.

"What do you know about the baby, Mr. Sengupta?" Alessandro asks with impatience.

"The baby is not dead and is living her best life." Kakai says making me feel like someone has slapped me in the face.

"Her?" I ask in a whisper.

"Yes, you have given birth to a baby girl nearly three years ago." Kakai replies making me smile through tears but then I remember that he says that she is living her best life.

"But where is she now Kakai? Please tell me where is my daughter. I want to see her, I want to hold her." I plead while folding my hands in front of him.

"You see her every day Anu and she loves you very much." Jasmine di says making me more confused. She gives me a sad smile and ask me to wait for two minutes. A hand land on my shoulder making me turn around to see that Alessandro is looking at me worriedly. Suddenly, we hear footsteps so we turn to look at the staircase and notice that Jasmine di has a sleepy Advira in her arms. Finally when she comes in front of us, she looks at me with happiness before handling me Advira whom I take without hesitation.

"Here is your daughter Anu." Jasmine di says but I give her a confusing look.

"Yes, I know that she is my daughter. But I want to know where my biological daughter is." I tell her.

"Advira is your biological daughter." Jasmine di replies.

"What the hell are you talking about Mrs. Ganguly? You have told me that my princess is your friend's child then how come you are now saying that she is Anhuphama and Romil's daughter?" Alessandro asks while I nod my head because this is the same thing she has told me too.

"I will tell you everything." Kakai says getting up from the couch.

"Anu didn't give birth to a dead baby that day but yes, the baby was not in a good condition. So, the doctor had to keep the baby in an incubator. I and my wife were very happy as well as Subho. But other than that no one seemed to care about the good news. The next day while I was going to Maa's room, I heard her talk to Kamini. I didn't want to eavesdrop but then I heard that they were talking about Anu's baby and how they were going to throw the baby at a garbage because they didn't want to raise it. They had already bought the doctor and convinced him to tell Anu that she had become infertile because of some blockage.I got panicked and decided to take help from Jasmine because she was the only one who could help me at that time. So, without wasting time I called her and described everything I had heard. She was not in the town as she was attending an important medical conference. But despite everything, she left from there and came back. She talked to the head nurse and told her everything from start. To our luck, the head nurse understood our problem and assured us that she would help us. On the other hand, I kept thinking about what I was going to tell Anu but at the same time, I needed to save the baby no matter what. Finally, two days later the head nurse called Jasmine and informed her that Kamini had picked up the baby from the hospital and going somewhere. Jasmine was already at the hospital on her duty so it was easier for her to follow Kamini. When Kamini threw the baby in the garbage and left from there, Jasmine picked up the baby and came to me. I didn't know what I was going to do so we decided to keep the baby at Jasmine's house." Kakai describes making me clutch Advira close to my chest. I look at her sleeping form and curse myself for not recognizing my own blood. I kiss all over her face while trying not to cry harder because I don't want to wake her up. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I instantly know who it is because of the safe feeling I am getting from it.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

"She is truly your daughter, she is your blood." Alessandro says with a lot of emotion in his voice.

"She is Alessandro and this time I am not going to lose her ever." I reply while looking down at my sleeping baby.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before Jasmine? I could have helped you both and we didn't need to believe the lie that Anu's baby is no longer alive." Dadabhai accuses with disbelief clear in his tone.

"Because I had forbidden her. She wanted to tell you everything from the start but I told her not to do it. Because I knew that you would do something out of anger and at that moment we needed to think with a calm mind." Kakai replies instead of Jasmine di who is looking down. I give Advira to Alessandro before going to Jasmine di and hug her making her break down in tears. As much as I want to be angry with her for hiding such big truth from me, I can't forget the fact that she is the one for whom my daughter is still alive. Not only that, she is the one who has brought Advira to me and let me raise her.

"I have tried to tell you the truth so many times but I always got scared that Didon or Maa will snatch Advira from you if they learn about her. That's why I lied that she is my friend's daughter because I can not see you mourn over your dead baby who is perfectly alright. Please forgive me Anu, whatever I have done is for the safety of Advira. I know I have done a very big crime by lying to you but I didn't have another option at that time." Jasmine di pleads but I shake my head and pull away from the hug. I wipe her tears while making her look at me.

"You didn't do anything wrong by hiding the truth Di. Yes, I am a little hurt but I can understand your point of view. So, no I can not be angry with the person who has saved my daughter from the garbage. You and Kakai are the reason why my daughter is breathing right now, or God only knows what could have happened to her that night." I tell her before going to Kakai who is also shedding tears.

"Remember Kakai two days before my marriage with Alessandro, you told me that you couldn't be my knight in shining armor because you couldn't stop Thakurmaa from snatching Advira from me. But you

know what I think now, I think that no one can be the best knight in shining armor than a father for his daughter and you are that father for me. I may not be your own daughter but that didn't stop you from doing the things my father should have done. I will be forever grateful to you for saving my daughter, Kakai." I say making both of us cry in each other arms.

"I think all of us should go to our rooms because it's pretty late already." Alessandro suggests trying to break the emotional situation.

"You are right Mr. Bianchi. I have a flight to catch tomorrow morning so I think it will be better if I take some rest." Kakai replies making me look at him worriedly.

"But you just come today then why are you living tomorrow, Kakai? Aren't you going to stay for some days?" I ask.

"I just come here to tell you everything because I knew that Jasmine wouldn't be able to handle everything alone. Also, I have to attend a painting exhibition in Pune so I need to go back." Kakai replies with a small smile.

"Okay then I won't ask you to stay more but you have to promise me one thing that you will be coming here again with Mamoni. It's been so long since I have seen her, so promise me that you will come soon." I tell him and he promises to come back soon. After everyone leaves from there, Alessandro and I also go to our room with Advira. Both of us want her to sleep with us tonight because of the overwhelming feeling we are experiencing right now. Alessandro lies Advira on the middle of the bed and both of us get beside her. I run my fingertips on her chubby cheeks making her scrunch her nose in distress. But then Alessandro starts to run his hands through mine and Advira's hair making me sleepy. Before I know it sleep has engulfed me completely.

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