Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 44: Ch.43/ Miracle Is Possible

Chapter 44: Ch.43/ Miracle Is Possible

Alessandro's POV:-

I thank Mrs. Ganguly who only nod in response before telling me that I can go inside. So, without wasting any more time I get inside the room with a big smile on my face. However, my smile turn into worry when I notice that Anhuphama is standing in front of the window looking lost and most importantly scared. I have thought that she will be thrilled after learning about the good news but her tears stained face is saying another thing. Who am I kidding? She must be scared because this is her first pregnancy so like other women she is also worried that she won't be able to take good care of our unborn child. But she doesn't need to worry about anything because I will be there with her at every step and we will learn everything together.

With that thought in mind, I get near her and wrap my arms around her stomach want to feel the life that is growing inside her. She trembles at first, but then get relax when she realizes that it is me. She puts her palms on top of my hands which is now completely resting on her stomach. I inhale her naturally sweet scent before bending down a little to nuzzle the side of her neck. But suddenly I hear the sound of sniffles making me look at her to see that she is silently crying which gets me in a protective mode. I turn her around to face me but she only looks at the floor while nonstop tears fall from her eyes making my heart clench at the sight.

"What's wrong Cara? Why are you crying?" I ask her as gently as I can. But she only shakes her head while wiping the tears with her sleeves.

"Come on sweetheart tell me what's bothering you so that I can help you. You know right that you shouldn't cry like this in your condition, don't you?" I ask her in which she nods her head in response.

"Then, you should stop crying or our little baby will cry too because I am sure that he or she doesn't want to have a crying mommy." I tell her and wipe her tears with the pads of my thumb. Then I pick her in my arms bridal style and walk towards the bed before sitting down with her on my lap.

"Now, tell me why were you crying?" I ask her while looking down at her.

"I was just overwhelmed after knowing about the pregnancy." She mumbles while playing with the button of my shirt.

"There is nothing to be overwhelmed about sweetheart. Also, I know that you will be the best mother for our upcoming baby because I have been seeing the way you raise our daughter. So, don't worry about anything else instead think about the happy future we are going to have." I explain to her. She looks kind of uneasy but despite it, she gives me a small smile in return.

"I am sorry for scaring you, Alessandro. I was just making spaghetti and then suddenly I started feeling dizzy. Before I knew what's happening, I started to see black dots in front of my eyes." She replies with a scared voice.

"It's okay Cara. Yes, you did scare me at first but after learning about your pregnancy I can not tell you how happy you have made me today. So, thank you for blessing me with such an incredible gift. I am promising you that I will be there with you in every little step and we are going to cherish everything together." I tell her with a bright smile on my face. This time she also has a big smile on her face indicating that she is also very happy with the news.

"Are you really happy Alessandro?" She asks making me look at her confusingly.

"Of course I am happy. I am feeling like yelling at the top of my lungs so that every single person can hear that we are going to have a little princess or prince soon. Although I already have a beautiful princess but I don't mind to have another princess because then I will be the proud father of two gorgeous daughters." I reply while pecking her on the lips.

"I am happy too, Alessandro. So happy that I am scared that I will lose everything because whenever I got happiness in the past, something would snatched it away from me. I don't want to lose anything this time. I want to be with you and our babies. Please promise me that you will never leave me, you will

protect me." She says with a scared voice making me want to go back in the past and make everything better for her. But I know that I can not do that so I am going to make her present and future so delightful that she will forgive every bad thing of her past.

"I am promising you Cara that I will not leave your side ever and no one will be able to snatch anything from you anymore. I love you and I love our baby too." I tell her lovingly.

"I love you too." She replies back. I lean down and kiss her gently to let her know how much I love her.


Anupama's POV:-

There is always something that happens without our knowledge and when finally we get to know about that we don't know how to deal with it. For the past three years, I have been living while thinking that I am infertile and no one will love me because of my condition. But then suddenly I get to know that I am pregnant which was impossible for me in the past. Then how is it possible now after so many years? I can still remember the words the doctor told me three years ago.

"Sorry to inform you but you won't be able to conceive in the future because of the blockage in your fallopian tubes. We have tried our best to cure it but alas we can not help you in this matter."

That's why I have asked Jasmine di numerous times if what she is saying is true or she is playing with me after she told me about my pregnancy. But she assured me that I am indeed pregnant which took me by surprise. The day when I was going to reveal everything to Alessandro, the same day I got to know that there is a little life growing inside me. I did not know if I should laugh or cry because of the emotions I was feeling at that moment. However, after talking to Alessandro I realized that whatever had happened is for the best. Now I don't need to worry about Alessandro finding out about my infertility. Because I am going to birth a child which is the epitome of our love.

Currently, Alessandro and I are waiting outside Jasmine di's cabin for my check-up. Although she has told us that I am completely fine, she still wants to see how my baby is doing. Alessandro is tapping his shoes on the floor for some minutes out of nervousness. I want to laugh seeing the panic in his eyes but I am not going to laugh when I can understand his feelings. It's been three days since we have gotten the news of my pregnancy and my overprotective husband is not letting me do anything at all. I just don't know what he is going to do when I will be starting to show.

"Mr. & Mrs. Bianchi, you can go now." A nurse says to us with a smile. We thank her and get inside the cabin to see that Jasmine di is looking through some papers. Upon seeing us she puts the papers down with a smile and asks us to take a sit in the available chairs.

She asks me some questions about my health and everything. Then she asks me to lay down on the examination table while she gets everything ready for the ultrasound. Alessandro helps me lie down on the bed holding my hand in his own. After setting us everything Jasmine di asks me to raise my tops a little so she can apply the cooling gel. I do as she asks and she applies the gel carefully. Then she runs the handheld on my lower stomach while looking at the screen attached to the ultrasound machine.

"Can you both see the White blob on the screen?" Jasmine di asks. Both I and Alessandro nod our heads in response.

"That's your little baby girl or baby boy." Jasmine di replies excitedly. I look at the screen and then towards Alessandro whose face is showing so many emotions but the most highlighted one is admiration.

"Is our baby completely alright Mrs. Ganguly?" Alessandro asks after a few seconds.

"Yes, the baby is growing very well but I want Anupama to be more careful because the first three months of the pregnancy will be the most difficult time. So, I am going to prescribe a few exercises for to be in a good health." Jasmine di replies after wiping the gel from my stomach. I again take a seat

opposite her and she explains every little thing very nicely. After that, she hands me the printout of the ultrasound with a smile and we bid her goodbye.

"When are we going to tell everyone the good news? Especially our daughter and the boys?" Alessandro asks while driving the car.

"How about tomorrow? We can invite them for dinner and then announce the news." I reply after some time.

"Hmm, that will be a great idea but still how are we going to announce the news to them?" He asks while taking a turn. I think for some time before an amazing idea comes to my mind. I look at him with a big smile and start to tell him everything. Soon, we reach the mansion but he tells me to wait a little. I notice that he gets out of the car first and then open the side of my door while giving me his hand. I giggle but nonetheless hold his hand and get out of the car.

We walk towards the entrance of the mansion and hear someone talking which is confusing because besides the maids and the kids no one should be here. But to our surprise, we find Mama Melody talking to Advira who is grinning from ear to ear.

"When did you come here, Mama Melody?" I ask while going in front of her. She looks up at me with a smile before standing up to hug me. Then she looks behind me and motion for Alessandro to join the hug which he does instantly.

"I just got here half an hour before but then the maids informed me that you guys went somewhere. So, I thought that I should wait for you both." She replies after all of us sit down on the couch of the living room.

"But Mama I thought you are not going to come back before the next week from your honeymoon." Alessandro wonders aloud.

"Gabriel has to come back early because Marco is not looking after the company well so we decided to cut our honeymoon short and come back. Also, I was missing you all very much so that I directly come here from the airport." She replies and that's when I notice that how tired she is looking.

"We can talk later but for now, you need to have take some rest." I tell her in which she nods her head.

"Okay then I am going to take a nap and then we will talk." She replies while getting away from there. I feel a tap on my shoulder making me turn around to look at Alessandro who signal me to look at Advira who has a sad look on her face.

"What happened, baby? Why are you looking so sad?" I ask Advira shakes her head. I get up from my place and take her in my arms while kissing her chubby cheeks lovingly. She puts her head on my shoulder and I rub her back soothingly.

"Why does my princess look so sad, haa? Tell Papa my baby." Alessandro tells her while hugging us from behind.

"You go no take me wid you. Me cry no one pick me. Me scwared." She replies with a sniffle making me feel bad because after Mama Melody's wedding, there is no one to look after her because all of us go to our works.

"Awww my piccolo. I am so sorry baby that you have to stay alone for some time but don't worry there will be someone soon who will stay with you forever." Alessandro says while taking our daughter in his arms.

"Me no know." Advira replies with a confused look.

"You don't have to understand anything but right now we are going to your room and play as much as you want." Alessandro says making Advira claps her hands in glee. I shake my head at the display of love between the father-daughter duo and tell them that I am going to change my clothes.


The next day

Everyone is coming for the dinner however they are extremely confused what's the reason behind the sudden get-together. Mama Melody is also asking non-stop what's going on but neither Alessandro nor I have told her anything.

Currently, I am getting Advira ready while the dogs are sniffing around me. I don't know why they are doing this but this is not the first time, because they are doing this for some days. They keep sniffing my stomach and cuddle closer to it whenever they can get a chance. I think they understand that someone is growing inside me and that has only made them more protective over me.

"Ma'am the guests have arrived." Says one of the maids while bowing a little. Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

"I am coming." I reply with a small smile and she gets away from there. I then look at my cutie pie who gives me a toothy smile before taking her hand in my own and we walk out of the room. I notice that Alessandro is coming on our way and Advira sees him, she yells out for him. He picks her up in his arms and kisses me on the forehead. Then we get downstairs while the dogs follow behind us.

"Wow, Anupama you are glowing." Bianca comments while hugging me. I blush hearing her words knowing well what's the reason behind my glow. I only smile at her and look at everyone who is talking with each other.

"So, when is the wedding Samuel?" Uncle Gabriel asks making Samuel choke. Olivia quickly pets his back while we all laugh loudly seeing the usually scary man looking scared out of his mind.

"I didn't know that you are so terrified of Olivia that you are delaying the wedding." Alessandro suddenly blurts out making Olivia's eyes snaps towards Samuel whose eyes become wide as saucers.

"So you don't want to marry me. Then why did you propose to me?" Olivia yells while hitting Samuel behind his head.

"When have I said this Oli? They are scheming against me, don't you understand this?" Samuel says with an accusing tone.

"Then we are going to get married soon, right?" Olivia asks with a pout.

"Of course babe. We are going to get married very soon so now stop hitting me." Samuel replies in a calm tone making Olivia nods her head like an obedient child.

"I think we should start the dinner or the food will get cold." Mama Melody suggests in which we all nod our heads.

Soon everyone sits down at the dining table while the maids serve the food. I am feeling nervous not knowing how everyone will react to the news and I think Alessandro must have realized my tension because he gives me an assuring smile. I smile back at him and notice that everyone has finished their dinner. The maids bring a box of cupcakes and put the box in the middle of the dining table. Everyone looks at the box with a confusing look before Bianca opens the box and her mouth agape which I am sure seeing the surprise inside the box.

"What is it, Bianca?" Mama Melody asks looking lost. Alessandro stands up from his place and opens the box fully for everyone to see.

Everyone except Jasmine di and Dadabhai has a shocking look on their face before everyone starts talking at the same time.

"STOP!" I scream at the top of my lungs making them shut up.

"Now, say at one time what you're saying," I tell them. However, I get engulfed in a bear hug from Mama Melody who I can feel is crying because of the shaking.

"I am so happy dolcezza. You don't know how much happiness you have given this mother of yours. Thank you for everything dear." She says after pulling away from the hug.

"I am blessed to make all of you happy Mama. This is the least I can do after the respect, love and support I have gotten from all of you. If you guys didn't help me then I would not be able to become what I have become today." I reply while wiping her tears.

After that one by one everyone come and congratulate me for the pregnancy. Bianca gives me some tips as to what to do in the initial stages of pregnancy which I am very thankful for. Soon after that, everyone bid us goodbye. I try to help the maid to clean everything but they refuse and tell me to rest. I get into my room but to my surprise Alessandro is not there yet. So, I dial his number and he picks up the call after several rings.

"Where are you, Alessandro?" I ask him over the phone.

"I am somewhere in the mansion." He replies with a trembling voice.

"Hey, why are you sound like you are crying?" I ask him worriedly.

"I am not crying Tesoro, just feeling a little upset." He replies.

"Upset? Why are you upset? Aren't you happy with the pregnancy?" I ask getting scared because I don't want him to change his mind.

"No Cara and you should know how happy I am. I am just upset that my best friend is not here who used to be my brother. I am just feeling a little lonely." He replies which confused me at first because

Marco has come to the dinner. But then I realize that he must be talking about his other friend who is no more.

"Where are you now? I want to come to you." I tell him.

"Come to the library because I want you to meet my best friend." He replies.

"But I thought he is dead." I tell him confusingly.

"First come here and you will know everything." He says and I reply that I will be there soon.

I change out of the clothes that I was wearing during dinner and put on some comfy pajamas. I leave the room and start walking towards the library but the more closer I get the more nervous I get for some reason. Why am I feeling that something bad will happen soon that will destroy every little happiness? Please Durga Maa help me to keep everything good.

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