Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 4: Ch.3/ Sister Or Foe

Chapter 4: Ch.3/ Sister Or Foe

Before Mahalaya

There is a huge argument going on between the two Ganguly siblings. They are not agreeing with each other on a new business venture that Riya Ganguly, the COO of the Sengupta Enterprises is interested in. Her brother Subhodeep Sengupta, the CEO of the company is completely against the idea to do a partnership with the Los Angeles-based company Bianchi Enterprises.

But Riya is a persistent woman who would never back out before her victory. She finds the partnership with that company reasonably profitable. Moreover, who may know what's the real agenda behind her eagerness to sign the deal? She knows well that this deal can bring huge exposure for their business.

"I think Riya is correct as we need more powerful business associates to grow our company. I have read all the details about this company and I am impressed with the way Mr. Bianchi has been leading it from the beginning. We are already doing business with other foreign companies so I don't see any reason to not be doing business with Bianchi Enterprises." Indrajit Sengupta, the chairman of the company puts forward his opinion on the situation.

Subhodeep is not shocked after hearing Indrajit agreeing with his sister. Because Indrajit never denies any wish of Riya. So he just nods his head in defeat. On the other hand, Riya is smirking while looking at her brother because again she has owned another argument without much effort.

Soon after the meeting ended, everyone returns to their respective works. Subhodeep too goes to his cabin. But he doesn't get to relax as Riya suddenly arrives there. He doesn't have any energy to fight with her because he knows if he says anything she will start her fake crying in front of their Boro Mama.

"What do you want now?" Subhodeep asks looking uninterested to talk with his younger sister.

"What? Can I not just come here to ask about your day my dear Dadabhai?" Riya replies while looking at him with an innocent look. But Subhodeep knows well Riya is not a bit of innocent.

"Look you wanted to do business with that company and we will be doing it. So please don't bother me right now. Go to your cabin and prepare for the meeting with the company." Subhodeep tells her with a tired voice.

"Oh come on big brother, don't be so cruel with me. You know right I only want what's best for our company and you will see how much profit we will be able to make while doing business with that company." Riya replies dreamily. Subhodeep looks towards her because she must have some hidden motive to be so involved with the deal. She has never been so adamant to do any deal before.

"Why are you so interested in that company Riya? What will you get if we get to secure the deal?" Subhodeep asks Riya suspiciously.

"It's very simple what I will get. I will get your position of CEO because when boro mama will see that I have managed to get the biggest deal for our company, he will definitely hand over the position of CEO to me." Riya says cheerfully while clapping her hands.

Subhodeep pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration because of what his sister is saying. But before he can reply the door of his cabin open with a loud thud. A smile breaks out on his face seeing the person who has entered his cabin without knocking.

"How many times do I need to tell you that it is not good to daydream my dear sister-in-law?"Jasmine asks Riya while walking inside and taking a seat.

"I am not daydreaming and also I am not talking to you so don't bother me," Riya replies rudely. Jasmine smiles brightly at Riya and stands up while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Actually, yes you are daydreaming that you can get my Subho's place in this company. You and I both know it well why do you want his position. You only want to show everyone that you are better than Anupama. But let me remind you that you are not even comparable to the dust of her feet." Jasmine replies with a sweet smile.

Riya is fuming after hearing Jasmine's words. Because whatever she has said is true. She looks at her brother to see that he is also chuckling at her face. She glares at them and marches out of there.

When Riya is out of there Subhodeep goes towards his lady love come fiancee and takes her in his arms. They have been in a relationship for seven years and last year had gotten engaged to each other with both of their family's consent.

Jasmine Arora is a Punjabi girl who is very bubbly. She is madly in love with Subhodeep Ganguly and wants to spend her whole life with him. Apart from this, she is a well-known gynecologist in the city of Kolkata and beliefs to enjoy life to the fullest. She always tells one thing that everyone has got only one life and they need to live it happily. She also belongs to a very rich family but unlike Riya, she doesn't have any ego or like to show off. Although she is not Bengali yet the Sengupta have accepted her wholeheartedly, especially Kamini Ganguly who will be her mother-in-law after marriage.

Actually, Kamini is more interested in Jasmine's money and fame because having a rich daughter-in- law will bring more money to her family. However, Jasmine is not very fond of her or Riya. If she likes anyone in the Sengupta family apart from Subhodeep is Anupama. She also likes Mihir and his wife but Anupama has a special place in her heart. She doesn't have any sister of her own so Anupama has filed that place in her life.

"So how is my tigress doing?" Subhodeep asks Jasmine while caressing her cheeks lovingly.

"I was good while coming here but now my mood is completely sour and only my Anu can lift it. Before you ask anything, no you can't change my mood with your lovey-dovey talk. It's been two weeks since I have met my sweet sister so I can't wait anymore." Jasmine rambles without stopping. Subhodeep puts his hand on her mouth to shut her up. He tells her that they will go to Sengupta mansion but she needs to wait for half an hour because he has some works to complete. So that's what she does.

Meanwhile, in the Sengupta household maids are working and cooks are busy preparing lunch for the family members. Anupama also helping in the kitchen. She is a very nice cook who loves to make different dishes for her family. She may be a Bengali but she knows all about the other Indian foods and also some foreign foods too. Yet, her Pishimaa and Thakurmaa never forget to taunt her about her cooking skills saying that she doesn't even know how to use spices and ingredients well.

She has prepared a lot of famous traditional Bengali foods because her Jasmine didi would be here for lunch and she knows how much Jasmine loves to eat traditional Bengali food. She has prepared Hilsa fish pulao, Fried moong dal, eggplant fry, Bengali chicken kosha, Boal fish curry, and Chingri malai curry. She doesn't prepare any sweet dishes as Jasmine hates sweets.

She is putting the foods on the bowls when she hears a cry of pain. She immediately hands over the food to the other cooks and goes to see what happens. But she is not prepared for the scene that is waiting for her. Kamini is holding a toddler not more than two years old in the ear and violently shaking the little one. Anupama rushes there and snatches the baby away from Kamini's cruel hand. She takes

the weeping child in her arms and rubs her hands on the child's back soothingly. Soon the baby stops crying and looks at Anupama with red-rimmed eyes and tear-stain chubby cheeks.

"Mum-mum." the baby murmurs while holding Anupama's cheeks with both hands. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Yes, baby. Mum-mum is here. Why did you get out of your playroom? Are you hungry?" Anupama asks gently while caressing the baby's hair.

"No, find mum-mum. Bery hungly." The toddler replies cutely with a pout. Anupama smiles seeing the adorable way her baby girl was behaving. But the smile on her face doesn't last long.

"How many times do I need to tell you that you can not let this child call you mum-mum? You are not even married yet, you are raising a child as if she is your blood. No one will marry you knowing an orphan thinks you as her mother." Kamini remarks very harshly. Anupama feels pain in her heart hearing Kamini's brutal words.

"You can say whatever you want to me but please don't say anything about my Advira. She is just a baby who doesn't know what's right or wrong." Anupama pleads.

"Oh, now you will tell me what to say or not. Don't you dare to talk back to me? You and this demon child are both nuisances for this family. You have already harmed the prestigious honor of this family. You are-" Kamini stops mid-sentence when she hears footsteps coming towards them. Soon Jasmine and Subhodeep come into the view.

Seeing Jasmine, Kamini's expression immediately changes from an angry woman to a gentle mother- in-law. However, Jasmine moves straight towards Anupama and hugs her tightly. After that, she takes little Advira in her arms and starts to shower her face in kisses. Advira starts to giggle happily while trying to get out of Jasmine's hands. She stretches her arms out towards her Subho uncle indicating that she wants to be carried. Jasmine pouts but hand over the toddler to Subho. The sound of throat- clearing reminds Jasmine that she needs to greet her soon-to-be mother-in-law. She turns towards Kamini and touches her feet in greetings. In return, Kamini hugs her with delight.

"I am sorry Auntie, I was so excited to meet Anu and Vira that I forgot that you are also here." Jasmine says with a fake apologetic look.

"It's okay dear. I know how much you love them but I am happy that your parents have taught you so well manner, unlike some people who don't even know how to talk with their elders." Kamina replies while glaring at Anupama.

Anupama drops her head in shame knowing she has again hurt her Pishimaa's sentiments. As if sensing the tense situation between Kamini and Anupama, Jasmine tells them that she is tired and wants to relax before lunch. Subhodeep gets the hint of what Jasmine is trying to do. So he tells Anupama to take Jasmine upstairs to relax for some time. When they go to Anupama's room Jasmine lays down in Anupama's bed with a dramatic sigh. Anupama giggles seeing Jasmine's action. She let Advira crawls on the floor to play. Her room is not very huge like others but she likes to keep her room neat & clean.

After some talking with each other, they both go downstairs to have lunch. Jasmine is amazed to see such varieties of dishes and by seeing them see knows that everything is prepared by her Anu. She greets everyone before sitting down. Nayantara Devi tells Anupama to serve Jasmine first. When Anupama goes to serve her, Jasmine holds Anupama's wrist and tells Anupama to sit with her and have lunch. Kamini is furious but she can't say anything against Jasmine so she smiles fakely and tells Anupama to sit down. Everyone is shocked including Anupama because she is not allowed to sit with the family at the dining table. Jasmine looks at Mihir and they both wink at each other as if they have won a very big war.

At that very moment, Riya enters the house and is nearly dumbfounded seeing Jasmine there sitting with her family and having lunch. Everyone is happy and pampering Jasmine, even Kamini is doing the same. She gets more irritated seeing Anupama on the dining table, unlike other days where she would eat with other servants.

After seeing everything Riya becomes angrier and without greeting anyone she rushes to her room. Upon arriving in her room, she locks herself and starts to throw things here and there. She starts to murmur to herself that how that Anupama can sit with everyone and how come her mother or Didon has accepted such a thing despite knowing that she is a curse to this family. She knows that these types of things can only happen because of that Jasmine and if she doesn't stop that Punjabi girl then soon things may get out of her hands. However, for doing that she needs to convince her mother Kamini.


Alessandro is working in his office and getting ready for the upcoming meeting with his Indian clients who have recently contacted him for a deal. The CEO and the COO of that company are coming to have a talk with him regarding the deal and if everything goes as planned then today itself they will sign the deal.

After a while, Bianca informs him that the client has already arrived. He tells her to assist them in the conference room. He soon reaches the conference room and shakes hands with his clients. Bianca introduces everyone and soon the meeting starts. Alessandro likes all the ideas Subhodeep has presented. But he doesn't like the way the COO, Riya is ogling him from the start. He may be a womanizer but he never likes whenever women throw themselves at him.

"Everything is looking incredibly well in my point of view. You have described every little thing very detailed-wise. It would be my pleasure to do business with your company Mr. Ganguly." Alessandro says while looking at Subhodeep who smiles in return.

"Pleasure is all mine, Mr. Bianchi. I can see why people like to call you the prince of the business world as you are very observant of everything. I will like it better if you come to our country to have a look at our company. It will give you some time to think about the deal." Subhodeep replies.

Alessandro thinks about the idea and comes to the conclusion that it will be a great idea. Although he has already gotten all the information about the company, still he needs to know them better for any future investments.

"Yes, Mr. Bianchi you should come to our country. The most famous festival of Kolkata is going to be held in a few days. You can come with us and enjoy the festival." Riya pipes between. Alessandro is not a bit interested in any festival but surely it will not be that bad to visit a beautiful country like India.

"Okay, I will be heading with you to India. I think it's better if I see your company from myself and also I have heard that the chairman of your company is like to meet me in person. So if you don't have any problem I would like to take my private jet to fly there. If you want you both can accompany me." Alessandro offers. Before Subhodeep can reject the offer saying that they have already booked their return tickets, Riya takes Alessandro's offer. Subhodeep is not a bit happy with Riya's demeanor

because she is behaving like a greedy person. But he doesn't want to offend Alessandro so he also accepts the offer.

"Okay then see you tomorrow morning. My PA will give you all the details that you need to know. Thanks for coming here." Alessandro replies professionally and stands out of his seat. Subhodeep and Riya also stand up from their seats, they both shake hands with Alessandro and went out of there. When they both left Alessandro tells Bianca to clear the conference room as he goes to his cabin.

Earlier he told Samuel to get every little detail about the Sengupta family. He has got to know a lot of interesting facts about them. But what has his attention is the elder daughter of the family, Anupama Sengupta. Although she is the only daughter of the chairman of the company, yet there is not a lot of information that Samuel has able to get his hands on. As if she doesn't exist in the family. That's what got his attention because neither Subhodeep nor Riya is Indrajit's children so how come they got to be the heir of the company instead of Anupama. Also, no photograph of her can reveal her looks. Alessandro doesn't know why but he wants to meet this mysterious woman so badly. It is also a reason why he had agreed to go to India on such short notice.

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