Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 38: Ch.37/ Haunting Past

Chapter 38: Ch.37/ Haunting Past

Anupama's POV:-

Only two days have left for Christmas so we are trying to get everything ready on time. Although Kolkata is known to celebrate the festival of Christmas very lavishly but I have never celebrated it before. So this is my first time celebrating this festival and my excitement level is the same as Advira who is running around the house with her brothers on her toe.

I have already bought gifts for everyone so I don't have to think about it. However, currently I am in hurry because of the early Christmas party we have arranged in our house. Mama Melody has already made Roasted Chicken, Mac & Cheese and Cranberry Pumpkin Cake for dinner while I have made Mughlai Biryani, Malai Prawan, Fish Fry, Garlic Naan and Aloo Paneer Tikka. But I still have to make Apple Pie which is requested by Olivia.

Finally after two hours of hardship, the Apple Pie is ready. I cover all the dishes and leave the kitchen to get ready for the cozy little party with our friends and family. Upon arriving at my bedroom I hurriedly get ready in some warm clothes. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing so I take it off from the charger and see that Baba is calling me.

"How are you feeling now Anupama?" Baba asks after I receive the call.

"I am good Baba. How are you and others doing?" I ask.

"We are good dear. Actually, I have something to tell you and that's why I have called you at this time." He replies making me realize that in India it must be very early in the morning right now.

"What's the matter, Baba? Is everything alright there?" I ask him worriedly.

"Everything is alright here, but I am quite worried about you Anupama." He replies with hesitation.

"But why are you worried about me Baba? I know dadabhai told you about the accident at the party but I am perfectly alright." I inform him. It still feels untrue to me that my father is trying to mend the broken relationship between us. However, I know he is not faking anything because I can feel the genuine concern in his voice.

"I am not talking about the accident at the party Anupama. I am talking about what happened three years ago. Don't you think it's time for you to reveal everything to Alessandro?" I nearly drop the phone after hearing Baba's words because I am not expecting him to bring out my past so suddenly. Still, I compose myself and decide to tell him about my fear.

"But Thakurmaa and Pishimaa has forbidden me to reveal the truth to anyone Baba. They have told me that if I said anything to anyone then I will be bringing bad luck to our family." I reply while trying to hold my tears from falling.

"Stop thinking about others Anupama and their orders. I know I have never been an ideal father to you and for that, I am always going to have a huge sense of guilt in me. But now when I am trying to make everything better between us, I don't want you to do the wrong by not telling your husband about your past. I don't think it will be a good idea to keep anything hidden from him." He explains but I don't think I am ready to expose anything yet.

"But Baba Alessandro will leave me after knowing everything and I don't want that to happen." I reply while wiping the traitorous tears that have managed to slip out of my eyes.

"Alessandro will not leave you. I have seen the bond you both share and I am fully sure that Alessandro will die before he leaves your side. That's why I am telling you to tell him everything before he gets to know from anywhere else." He says sternly.

"I know he will leave me because no husband will want a wife who is barren, who can not afford to provide him a child of his own." I answer and break down in tears. I throw the phone on the bed before

sliding beside the bedside and pull my knees up to my chest trying to forget about the horrible things of my past. I can hear Baba's frantic voice from the cellphone but I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want anyone to see me so vulnerable.

A terrifying incident of the past has taken my ability to birth a child and the thought of telling this to Alessandro is enough to make me feel like the failure my grandmother and aunt call me. I have been trying hard to forget everything and be happy with my life. But no, it seems like nothing can be good with me. After so much hardship I have finally found my peace in Alessandro and no matter what, I can not let anything take him away from me. But what will happen when he comes to know the truth? I know we have Advira in our life but eventually, he will want to have his own child. Then how will I give him his biological child?

I have seen how badly Thakurmaa and Pishimaa treat Mamoni just because she is unable to get pregnant, however Kakai never let her feels unlovable for a moment. But what's the guarantee that Alessandro will do the same for me? I know it's ridiculous to think like this because that man can do anything for me. But still, the fear of losing him is so strong in my heart that I am not able to think straight.

I hear a pitter-patter sound coming inside the room so I wipe my tears as best I can before King comes trotting inside the room. He stops directly in front of me and I smile at him. However, he doesn't believe my fake smile and plop down on my lap before licking my cheek. I bit my lip to control my tears and hug him tightly to my chest.

"I am scared King. I don't want to lose anyone of you, especially your Papa." I mumble while the big furry baby looks at me sadly as if he knows what I am saying.

"But don't worry, mum will solve the problem soon and then we will live happily." I tell him and get an excited bark from him making me giggle.

I kiss him on the top of his head and go inside the washroom to wash my face to get rid of the stains of tears. After cleaning my face I get out of the room with King walking beside me. When we come into the living room I notice that Bianca is already sitting there with Liam and their adorable daughters. Samuel, Olivia, Marco, Uncle Gabriel are also present there while Riya is serving them hot chocolates.

"Auntie!" Delilah yells out my name before she comes running in my direction. I pick her in my arms while spinning her arms around while she laughs her heart out.

"She has been jumping around the house after learning that we are going to come here today. You have done a great magic on her I am telling you." Liam says after I sit down with Delilah on my lap.

"I haven't done anything Liam. Our Delilah is just so cute so anyone will fall in love with her." I reply with a smile. Just then Alessandro arrives there with Advira and Mia hanging around his neck like two monkeys. He sits down beside me before dropping the two monkeys on the rug in front of the couch. Both of them give him a pouty look but he gives two chocolate bars making their eyes lit up.

"Alessandro, why did you give them chocolates before dinner? Now, they are not going to eat their dinner anymore." Bianca complaints and I nod my head in agreement.

"You guys worry so much about little things. The chocolate bars are not even big so don't worry about them not eating dinner." Alessandro replies while dropping his around my shoulder.

"Okay fine. But if both of them don't eat their dinner nicely then you are going to be the one to take care of them, got it?" I ask while giving him a pointed look. He pecks my lip making me blush as I still feel shy around others while being intimate with him.

"Awww just look at them, Liam. They remind me of us when we were a newly married couple." Bianca sequels while repeatedly hitting Liam in his arms who is trying to get away from his wife's assault.

"If you don't love me like that after marriage then stop thinking about marrying me." Olivia threatens Samuel who gulps in fear.

"That's why I don't want to get married." Marco lets out and I can see Riya's face shows an expression of hurt. However, before I can say anything I hear frantic footsteps coming downstairs.

"Yes, I will be there in 5 minutes." Our head snaps towards Jasmine di who is frantically walking down the stairs while Dadabhai is also accompanying her.

"Where are you both going?" I ask after going in front of them.

"There is an emergency in the hospital so I have to leave right now and your dadabhai doesn't want me to drive alone so he is going to drive me to the hospital." Jasmine di explains.

"Yes, Anu don't worry. I will come back soon after dropping her in the hospital. Bye." Dadabhai tells me with an assuring smile.

"Okay, please take care of you both." I reply with a tight-lipped smile and watch them leave the mansion. I wanted to have a nice dinner with my close ones but I think it's not possible anymore.

"No need to be upset, Cara. Mrs. Ganguly would have stayed here if there was no emergency in the hospital. She will be home soon but for now, let's enjoy the rest." Alessandro says while coming to stand beside me. I understand what he is trying to say so I nod my head and give him a genuine smile.


Everyone is enjoying the dinner prepared by Mama Melody and me. Bianca even asks me to pack some for her to take home which I excitedly agreed. Also, true to his words Alessandro is able to feed them a good quantity of dinner. We talk, laugh and joke with each other during the dinner. It's amazing to think how everyone trying to relax after the hectic schedule they have to carry on throughout the

year. Suddenly, Uncle Gabriel clicks his water glass with a spoon and that's gain all of our attention. He gives us a bright smile and asks Mama Melody to come sit with him because they have something important to announce.

"I want to thank Alessandro and Anupama for hosting such a great Christmas dinner for us. I also want to thank Melody for the love and kindness she has showered upon me and Marco. She has come into my life as a surprise because I wasn't looking for love but she has shown me that there is no boundary in loving someone. We have been engaged for some years but never thought about getting married. However, I think it is the correct time to finally settled down because I don't want to live alone anymore. Although I have Marco with me in the house but it sometimes gets lonely so I want to ask for Alessandro's permission as Melody considers you as her own son." Uncle Gabriel explains while looking lovingly towards Mama Melody. I feel Alessandro going stiff so I grab his hand under the table before giving him a light squeeze. I smile at the cute couple whose faces are glowing in happiness.

"Wow Uncle, that's so great. I am so going to enjoying your wedding." Bianca says while smiling brightly.

"What do you say, Alessandro? Finally, I am going to have Mama to all myself." Marco comments with a teasing smile. But I think Alessandro doesn't like his teasing because he storms away from there while we try to stop him. I excuse myself before running behind Alessandro whom I find in the back patio.

I stand behind him and put my hand on his shoulder making him turn towards me. However, when he turns around I notice that his eyes are full of pain and longing. I open my arms and he hugs me tightly to his chest. I rub his back trying to make him feel better.

"Why does she need to go?" He mumbles.

"Because she deserves to be happy like everyone else." I reply.

"But she is happy here with us." He retorts stubbornly.

"I know she is happy with us but don't you think it's really time for her to be with Uncle Gabriel? They love each other so much and I think it will be better if they get married as soon as possible." I tell him gently.

"I will tell Uncle Gabriel to live with us then no one will be going away from here." He replies and pulls away from the hug with a victorious smile. But when he notices my blank expression his smile fades away.

"I know you want Melody to live here with us forever, even I also want the same. But we can't be so selfish to keep her from her happiness and her happiness is Uncle Gabriel. However, you should accept that you also think of her as your mother Alessandro. If you really want to give her any gift, tell her how you feel." I tell him while kissing his cheek and leave him there to cool down.

When I come back in the dining room I see that Mama Malody is crying while Uncle Gabriel and Marco are trying to console her. Upon seeing me she stands up from her chair and comes towards me with a worried look.

"Where is my boy Anupama? Why didn't you bring him back with you?" Mama Melody asks panic written all over her face. I smile at her and wipe her tears before asking her to sit down. Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.

"He is just a little upset that you are going to be married and will leave us. But don't worry he will be alright in no time." I inform her.

"I am sorry Anupama for my behavior. I didn't know that he will get so angry at my joke." Marco says coming towards us.

"It's alright Marco. Just like I have said he is not in the right mood currently, we need to give him some alone time to think properly." I reply with a smile.

"Are you sure that he is alright Anupama? He is not angry with me, is he?" Uncle Gabriel asks looking nervous.

"No way Uncle that he is angry with you. You all know him more than me so you must know that he doesn't know how to show his emotions adequately. So, don't stress yourself over anything. I am telling you, he is very happy about your wedding and I am sure he is going to do his best in arranging everything for the big day of your life." I answer trying to ease the tension.

"I don't want my boy to feel upset about anything Anupama. I was so worried about him and that's why I didn't want to get married. But now he has you to take care of him so I don't need to worry about him anymore. He was so lonely before that I used to tell Gabriel that we should break the engagement because I wasn't going to leave my boy alone. But when I saw you for the first time I know that you are the only person whom I can handover my boy without any fear of him being lonely. Please never leave my boy's side Anupama, because then he will break down completely." Mama Melody says while I have tears glistening in my eyes. I wrap my arms around her while she kisses the side of my head.

"I will never leave him, Mama. I am promising you that." I reply feeling her smile against my head.

For the rest of the dinner, Alessandro doesn't come back which makes Mama Melody more upset. But I try to cheer her up by teasing her about the wedding. When the time comes for everyone to leave I hand them packed food and Christmas cookies. Olivia and Samuel are leaving for their Christmas vacation tomorrow morning so I wish them a happy journey. But I wish the best of luck to Samuel in secret because he will be asking Olivia to marry him during their vacation.

When I get inside the bedroom the lights are already turned off but I can still see Alessandro's sleeping face in the moonlight coming from the balcony. I heave a sigh before going inside the bathroom to change into my nightclothes. Soon, after coming out of the bathroom I crawl into the bed and lay down beside him. I try to move but suddenly a strong hands grab my waist before pulling me to a hard chest.

I entwine my fingers with him and close my eyes. I feel him nuzzle my neck before he puts a kiss behind my ear making me shiver.

"Thank you for letting me have some alone time. I really didn't know what I needed at that moment but I think now I understand what I need to do." He whispers.

"I know that whatever you have planned to do is going to be amazing. Just remember that I will be always there for you." I response.

"I love you, Cara." He says while snuggling closer to me.

"I love you too." I reply while kissing his hand. I just wish that you will not leave me after learning everything about my past.

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