Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 29: Ch.28/ Everything Has Changed

Chapter 29: Ch.28/ Everything Has Changed

Anupama's POV:-

Riya is still not speaking to any of us but the good thing is she has healed physical and also smiling more. She is also spending most of her times with Advira who has started to call her 'mashi'. Mr. Bianchi was a little hesitant to let our daughter being alone with Riya but now he is okay to let them play with each other.

I am trying my best to keep her happy although I know that if she doesn't talk then she won't be able to break away from the horrendous memories that have overpowered her mind and soul. On the other hand, today Pishimaa is coming here with Kakai to meet Riya. I haven't told her anything about them coming here because I know it will only cause her more anxiety.

The police have been trying to locate the criminal but always coming back with an empty hand. So Mr. Bianchi with the help of Marco is looking out for some of Riya's friends who are not responding to any of our calls or messages. We have got to know that there are two guys named John and Eliza who takes illegal drugs in the group. We are suspecting them to be the culprit however they are nowhere to be found.

"Anu, Mr. Bianchi is looking for you." Jasmine di says coming to my study room which used to be my old bedroom. My amazing husband thinks that I should have a separate room for study so I can concentrate better.

"Why? I thought he is talking to Samuel." I reply while closing my laptop.

"That I don't know about but he is in his office waiting for you. " Jasmine di answers back. She has her doctor's uniform on so I assume that she is going to the hospital. She has started to work just a week ago in the same hospital as Liam.

"When will you be back di?" I ask her while standing up from the bed.

"I will be back before that witch gets here because I am not going to leave you alone with her. Although I doubt that your husband dearest will let anyone look down on you." She pokes my side making me giggle lightly.

"Shut it di. Go or you will be late for your work." I tell her while nudging her out of the room. She laughs before going away from there.

I sigh before go out of the room while making my way to Mr. Bianchi's office. I knock on the door and in response told to come inside. When I get inside a scowl forms on my lips seeing that Mr. Bianchi is smoking. I have got to know that he was once a heavy smoker but now he only smokes when he feels extremely stressed.

"What were you doing Cara?" He asks while looking at me however when he sees the scowl on my face, he puts the cigarette in the ashtray.

"Smoking is not healthy yet you don't stop doing it. Why can't you listen to me?" This man needs to know that I am not going to let him do whatever he wants. I don't care what he had done in his past but now he needs to think about us. So, if needed I will keep him on his toes but definitely stop his ridiculous habits.

"I don't smoke every day and you know it well. I am just stressing over some deal and also with the fact that Miss Ganguly is still not responding about what happened to her." He replies after I sit across from him on the couch.

"I can understand your concern but for that, you can not find satisfaction in smoking this hazardous stick. Please stop doing it." I tell making him give me a playful huff. He takes off his reading glasses and hands me a file.

"I want you to read this file and give me an opinion if I should keep this deal going on or not. Actually, when I signed the deal the owner was different but recently the company is sold to someone else and I

don't have any desire to work with that person." He explains although I am still confused as why I am the one to do this work.

"But isn't this concern your finance team or something like that? Also, I don't think I will be able to get the correct opinion on this deal because I have no clue about it." I reply while looking through the file.

"You have already started your study so you will be able to learn something from this file. I know that your brother was giving you business tips but after what happened with Miss Ganguly he has been keeping himself busy with work. So you can take this file as some business tip or an experience that will help you in the future." He answers back making me understand his point. It's a great way to know more about business circumstances because if I want to be financially stable in the future. I thank him for the opportunity before I go out of there as I need to give Advira a bathe.

Upon arriving at her room I notice that Riya is laying down on the rug letting Advira put fake makeup on her with a brush. This is such a delightful sight so I click a picture on my phone before clearing my throat to gain their attention. In an instant, Riya gets up from the floor while taking Advira in her arms. My eyes widen seeing the frightened look in her eyes making me slap my forehead. How can I forget that a little abrupt sound trigger her memories? So I smile before taking cautious steps towards her.

"I am sorry for scaring you Riya. Actually, I come here to bathe Advira but when I saw the cute sight of both of you playing I couldn't resist myself from taking your picture. Please forgive your silly sister." I tell her while looking at her with a sad pout. She doesn't say anything but smile at me letting me know that she has forgiven me.

"That's a relief but now we need to take this little missy to the washroom. Can you please take her there and fill the tub with water while I get some clothes for her to wear afterwards?" I ask her in which she nods her head before getting inside the washroom with Advira in her arms. I go to the closest and retrieve the necessary things for my baby.

When I get near the washroom I noticed that Advira is already in the bathtub while Riya is messaging shampoo on her hair. I stop myself from going inside and let Riya bathe her niece. This girl has changed so much that I am sure who has seen her before will not be able to believe if they don't see her from their own eyes. She is the same girl who once tried to snatch my daughter from me but now look, the same child is providing so much love for her. But I don't want to dwell in the past because for me what matters most is that my sister is behaving like she used to do when we were very little. Although I want to ask her why did she tormented me so much but not now. Currently, she needs my love and care to get better and that's all she will be getting from me.

"Me done mum-mum." Advira announces who is being carried by Riya. I smile seeing the cute towel she is wrapped around before taking her in my arms. I put her down on the bed that has been installed after she refused to sleep on a crib. However, she gives me a slight pouting look when I try to take away her hairbrush.

"You can play later baby but first we need to put some pretty clothes on you along with the lotion. Look Mashi and mum-mum are already dressed. Don't you want to look pretty like us?" I ask my baby in which she makes a thinking face before nodding her head rapidly.

"Make me pwetty. Untle Malco come so me be good." She says when I put on her shoes.

"Yes, baby. Your Uncle Marco is going to be here soon to take you to the park. But for now, you will spend some time with your Papa because mum-mum has some work to do with Mashi." I tell her.

"Oh me go see papa. Me lub papa." Every time she says that she loves her papa it warms my heart. She was a mommy's girl before but I think we all know who is her favorite now.

"Yes, I know you love your papa and papa also loves you very much. Now be a good girl and carefully go to your papa." I have already called a maid so she picks Advira in her arms before getting away from there.

I turn around to face Riya who is looking at the floor. I really feel bad for her but what can we do when she has shut down her emotions from everyone. Jasmine di and I have tried a lot to know what happened that day but she doesn't even utter a word to us.

"Riya I need to tell you something." I tell making her give me a curious look.

"Pishimaa and Kakai are coming here to meet you. They will be here in a few hours." After hearing me she starts breathing heavily so I hug her and soon she starts to calm down.

"Don't worry about anything Riya. We all are here to support you and also if you don't want to meet them then I am sure that they will understand." I say this while thinking if Pishimaa will be listening or not because I don't think I can handle her if she demands to meet Riya.


Alessandro's POV:-

"What the fuck do you mean that you guys still don't know where those guys are? I don't care what you have to do but I want results in three days, only seventy-two hours. If by then I don't get any positive response then you are all dead." I throw my phone into the wall making it shattered. These guys are useless if they can't even get information about two persons. I have promised my cara that I will find the person who is responsible for her sister's condition and I need to do it as soon as possible.

This is not the only thing that is going through my mind right now. The deal with Wilson's company is still hanging because I haven't come to any decision whether I should keep the deal or break the deal. That's why I have decided to take Anhuphama's help without her knowledge. Yes, the file I have given her is the papers of that deal. I think she is the reasonable person to give me an honest response about what to do.

"Papa me come." My princess says from the doorway of my office making me coo at the sweet gesture of her. I get up from my seat and reach near her. I pick her up before sitting on the couch and give a lot of kisses on her cheeks making her giggle.

"You don't need to ask permission to come here, princess. Now tell me where are you going while dressing up so cutely?" I ask her. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

"Untle Malco take me pawk. Mum-mum make me pwetty." She replies while playing with my collar. Just then Marco comes into the room holding a box of chocolate along with a wolf plush toy. Upon seeing her beloved uncle my princess gets off my lap before running towards him. He picks her up and give a kiss on her forehead.

"You know right that Anhuphama will not be happy seeing the chocolates?" I ask the idiot who shrugs his shoulder making me groan in annoyance.

"Advira likes chocolate and being her favorite uncle it's my duty to fulfill her wishes. That's all I know and about your wife, it's your responsibility to protect us from her wrath." He replies with a stupid smirk.

"Everything aside, how is Riya? Did she say anything about that day?" He asks making me shake my head.

"She is still very traumatized so we are not pressuring her into telling us anything. However, I am worried about something else." I answer back.

"What's got you so worried bro?" He asks.

"Sebastian and his wife. They are planning something big and they have already taken the first step by buying Wilson's company. I am thinking about what can be their next step." I tell him.

"That crazy woman is dangerous Alessandro, I am telling you. She had created havoc in your life in the past and if she is back again then I am sure that her motives are more destructive this time." I look at my princess who is playing with the wolf plushy before looking at Marco.

"I was a boy with no power, no motivation, especially no family at that time but now everything has changed. I may be stress over her coming back however I am not going to let her get past me to harm anyone dear to me. If she thinks that she is the only one who is an expert in playing dirty games then she needs to meet the dirtiest man who will detonate her before she can react. She doesn't know the new me Marco and I am promising that she will be seeing the beast in me soon." They have made the first move and I will let them make more moves because my one move will be their destruction.


Anhuphama's uncle along with her aunt has arrived a few hours back and believe me, I am already feeling frustrated with the old lady. She is constantly bitching about everything as if she is some queen. Thankfully Marco has taken my princess to Bianca's house and they will be staying over there. Because I will not be able to control myself if the old lady says anything to my daughter.

Mr. & Mrs. Ganguly has become her first prey and I can feel that both of them are trying hard not to say anything improper to her. On the other hand, her daughter is not ready to meet her. Miss Ganguly is so scared that she is hiding in her room and has decided that she will not meet her mother.

Currently, I am talking to Samuel about increasing the number of security around the mansion because I don't want to take any chance with my family's protection. He is sure that whoever tried to harm Miss Ganguly can come here too. Although I don't agree with him but as the head of my guarding team, he knows better than me.

"Boss, do you think that Mrs. Bianchi has done good letting her aunt come here?" Samuel asks making me look at him.

"She is Miss Ganguly's mother and we can not tell a mother to not meet her daughter after the trauma she has to suffer." I reply while petting Boomer and Tank who just arrived.

"But both of us has seen the way she behaves with ma'am and Advira. I don't know what she is planning to do after coming here." He has a point but I don't think she has the guts to do anything wrong in this house and if by any means she does something improper then she will be taken care of too.

One by one the other three dogs also come out of the house except King who I am sure is roaming around Anhuphama. They stand in front of me and bark indicating that they also want to be pet and who I am to neglect my boys. While petting the dogs I think about King and how he was the one who used to intimidate Anhuphama the most but now that boy only wants to be around her. I was very worried about my wife not liking my boys but then slowly and slowly she has started to accept them. Now, they spend most of their time with her however that doesn't make me jealous. Instead, it makes me feel blessed that I have gotten such a caring person as my wife.

My chain of thoughts break down hearing a horrifying scream making me run straight to the mansion. The dogs along with Samuel and some other guards are also following behind me. Upon arriving in the kitchen where the sound comes from, I halt in my place seeing a terrified Miss Ganguly who is clutching Anhuphama as if her life is depending on her.

My eyes go to Anhuphama's aunt who is looking shocked and somewhat hateful. I get confused but soon my confusion vanish when I notice the nail marks on her hands. She must have tried to touch Miss Ganguly who hates being touched nowadays. Only Anhuphama and our daughter can touch her without scaring her.

The old lady tries to walk towards my wife and Miss Ganguly's direction but before she can reach them, King stands in front of her growling and barking loudly making me smirk. Good boy, no one messes with his mum and think about get away with it.

"You are the reason for what happened to my daughter and now you are letting this monster harm me." The old lady accuses in a frightened voice. I clench my fists in anger but decide not to interfere because I want my wife to answer her.

"What are you talking about Kamini? Anupama didn't do anything to Riya so stop blaming her." Surprisingly Mr. Sengupta aka my father-in-law says coming there. However, the old lady only huffs before turning to face her brother.

"You will never see any fault in your daughter Borda but look at my daughter, did you ever see her so scared? She is not even let me touch and I am her mother who has given birth to her." I can feel the anger radiating from Samuel along the other guards because they respects and treat Anhuphama like a queen.

"Boss, why aren't you saying anything? She is falsely accusing ma'am, if you want we can throw her out of the property in a second." Samuel says in a low voice making all the guards nod their heads but I tell them to keep quiet. I also want to throw her out of the house for talking shit about my wife. However, I want Anhuphama to stand for her own. She knows well that she doesn't have any hand in Miss Ganguly's condition so she needs to face her aunt by herself.

"Nothing you are saying is making any sense Mom. Why should Anu harm Riya haa? She is not the type of person to harm anyone and please for god sake stop saying bad things about that innocent girl." Mr. Ganguly tells his mother but the old lady is not listing to anyone.

"I will not keep quiet and let her do anything she wants. I am telling you Subho, this innocent face is just a facade for everyone but the reality is completely different. I know she is the reason behind everything. She has done black magic to destroy everyone's lives. First, in Kolkata and now in LA. She is a witch who can not see my daughter happy and to do that, she has been snatching everything that should be my daughter's." I never raise my hand on any lady but this old lady is testing my patience. I

look at Anhuphama who has a look of....shame? What the fuck! No, no, no Cara don't believe your aunt. She is lying, I need to do something or she will start to retreat to the shell of insecurity again.

"Stop saying vile things about Anupama. She is not like you who don't know how to behave with others. You are saying that she has done something to harm your daughter but can't you see that your daughter is the one who is depending on her?" Melody asks but that only makes the old lady angrier.

"You just shut up and who are you to tell me what is right and what is wrong? You are just a maid of this house so don't forget your place. Mr. Bianchi must have taken pity in you or why he will let an old, miserable woman like you to stay in this mansion? I can bet that you are also the same as Anupama. You are also using black magic to stay in this lavish place or-"

"ENOUGH!" We all look at Anhuphama who cuts off her aunt's rant in the middle. She release Miss Ganguly and walk towards her aunt who looks fully shocked.

"How dare you insult my Mama Melody? She is not a maid in this house, she is everyone's Mama who is taking care of us since the beginning. Just because I didn't say anything when you were bad- mouthing me it doesn't mean that I will keep quiet hearing you insulting my mother-in-law. I don't care if my husband accepts it or not but I know deep down he thinks of her as his mother." Anhuphama's reply not only surprise her aunt but also me because she is not wrong that I see Melody as a mother figure. But my ego never let me call her Mama like everyone does.

"You are raising your voice against me? Don't forget who I am Anupama." The old lady says while trying to slap my wife who doesn't back down. She grabs her aunt's hand before she can do anything.

"Don't you dare Pishimaa. I am not the same scared girl who used to cower away by seeing your eyes. Everything is not the same anymore and I can assure you that I will not let anything be the way it used to be because my husband and my new family believe in me. They teach me to stand for myself against the odd. I will not let their beliefs down just because I respect you. Also, don't forget where you

are standing. This is not Sengupta mansion, this is Bianchi mansion and this is my home. If any outsider thinks that they can come here and say whatever they want then they are highly mistaken. Because it will only take a moment for me to kick them out of here. Now, if you are done with your nonsense talking then I suggest you take some rest." Anhuphama answers back making my heart swell with pride for my daring wife. So, I do the thing I wanted to do for so long. I clap my hands loudly making all eyes turn to me but I don't stop. I walk towards my wife still clapping at her bravery before I stand beside her.

"I am proud of you Cara." I have so much to say but I refrain myself from saying anything more because I know that I don't need to say more than the line I have just uttered. She gives me a small smile in return before going to Miss Ganguly who is shaking behind the counter. Both of them retrieve upstairs leaving us alone.

"I hope you will enjoy your staying here but remember one thing very clearly that this is the last time I am letting you go with just a warning. Because the next time you say shit about my wife or anyone close to me then you won't be liking the consequences." I warn the old lady who looks ready to be faint before going to my room with King following behind me. I get inside the room and take off my clothes before throwing them in the laundry basket in the bathroom. I take a quick shower and exist in the bathroom only a towel wrapped around my waist. I go to the closest to pick out some clothes to wear but stop in the midway when I hear a gasp from behind. I quickly turn around to see that Anhuphama is staring at me with wide eyes. I decide to tease her so I start to walk towards her making her back away from there. However, before she can get out of the closest I get a hold of her hand and pull her in my arms. She starts squirming to get out of my hold but I don't think so that I want her to go away from me.

"Stop moving Cara or I know many ways to make you stop. Do you want to know them or do you want me to show them to you?" I ask in her ear making her shiver. I like the effect I have on her and I am going to use it whenever I want.

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