Salute To The General

Chapter 2643

Chapter 2643

 Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Having learned that the President's condition had deteriorated to such a degree that an emergency trip to the hospital became necessary, Nathan grew anxious.

After a hasty farewell to his teacher, he rushed to the hospital, which was already heavily surrounded by the royal guard when he arrived. As the Chief Military Governor, he was granted unimpeded access.

Nathan found the doors to the operation theater swarming with people upon being directed there.

In addition to the First Lady, Paisley, and close family members of the President, members of the Cab with Erwin in the lead, and the commander- in-chief of the Brimmopolis garrison, Will, and his men crowded the corridor with anxious faces to discuss the situation in hushed voices.

Paisley's face was streaked with tears. At Nathan's arrival, she fought down her grief and led her family to their feet. "The Chief Military Governor is here!" she announced.

"I came as soon as I learned that the President's condition had taken a turn for the worst," Nathan said solemnly.

"How is he, Mrs. Woods?"

"He was in good spirits this morning," Paisley reported. "His condition only deteriorated sharply after he got his jab. We don't know if he'll..." She choked up, unable to complete her sentence.

A group of Cab members and ministers flocked to comfort Paisley with ostentatious displays of sympathy.

Nathan, however, frowned at the impeccable timing of Garrett's misfortune.

The President has been on the new regiment developed by Cross Group for days without a hitch. Why did his condition worsen today?

Suddenly, a shifty voice sounded from the middle of the crowd. "The President's condition took a turn for the worst immediately after he was administered a dose of Cross Group's experimental drug. Could there be a problem with their product?"

Nathan bristled. A glint flashing across his eyes, he looked around the audience to locate the owner of the voice. "Whoever that was," he called coldly, "be a man and stand up if you have something to say. Why hide in the crowd to make accusatory remarks?"

As the Chief Military Governor of the military in command of the nation's sizable infantry, coupled with his experience on the battlefield, his cold anger seemed to have solidified the air around them. Not a single person dared make a sound.

The mysterious speaker did not identify themselves in the ensuing silence.

Erwin was the one to break the silence. "Calm yourself, Chief Cross," he advised. “We are all similarly concerned about the President's health. I'm sure whoever it was meant no harm in their hasty words."

"Words that have been uttered cannot be taken back," Nathan rumbled. "A man has to be responsible for the words they say."

"Of course, Chief Cross," Erwin agreed. "Since the question has been raised, I would be neglecting my duties if I failed to follow this line of investigation. May I express my opinion on the matter, Chief Cross?"

Nathan glanced at Erwin and felt his anger flare up at the sudden realization that Erwin and his cronies were trying to use Garett's illness for an agenda of their own.

However, his rage only seemed to clear his head. By the time he decided how to approach Erwin's trap, he had already regained his composure. "Speak your mind, Mr. Holmes," he said with an indifferent glance at Erwin.

Erwin nodded before turning to address Paisley and everybody at the scene. "As the President was being rushed to the operating theater," he began slowly, "I quickly learned about the situation through Seamus, the head of the Royal Medical Department. The drugs administered to the President of late were all

provided by Penny's company, who happened to be the wife of the Chief Military Governor. Cross Group has provided the medication. Is that correct?"

Nathan nodded after several moments of silence. "Indeed."

"According to my investigations," Erwin continued, "Cross Group's kidney cancer treatment drug is not only unapproved by the Food

Drug Administration but is ande


practically unknown to the public. In other words, Cross Group has been treating the President with an unapproved product still undergoing development. Is that a fact?"

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Nathan's eyes flashed. "What are you implying, Mr. Holmes? The Royal Medical Department asserted that the President had little hope of being cured. Despite being well aware that the new drug is under research, the President still agreed to be put on it. Are you trying to pin the responsibility for the deterioration of his condition on Cross Group?" Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

“That's not what I mean,” Erwin said at once. “Like everybody here, I just wish to ascertain whether the deterioration of the President's condition had been caused by the failure of his immune system or the medicine provided by Cross Group. If it was caused by his illness neither the Royal Medical Department nor Cross Group is responsible. If the treatment is discovered to have botched the President's chances of recovery instead of aiding it, I think the person who provided the medicine should take responsibility." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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