Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Sage Miller

Writers and traveler are mesmerized alike by knowing of their destination. Unlike them I know not of my

destination yet I'm mesmerized by lust.

Lust for one woman only.I'm far too gone. I can't stop anymore. She's my portion of hell. Hell built for

me. I'm drawn to her mesmerizing beauty like a moth drawn to a flame. I'm at her mercy.

I thrusted into her like my life depends on it. The feeling of euphoria overwhelming my every being.

I took her from behind and her breathless moans tells me she's enjoying this as much as I am.

"You like that huh?" I groaned as I felt myself getting nearer and nearer to the edge.

"Sage." She moans my name and that almost made me cum. "I'm gonna cum."

She said that in between moans. I thrusted harder and faster chasing my own high. Her walls clenched

around my dick.

"So fucking tight." I groaned digging my fingers int her hips. I'm quit sure it'll leave marks but when

have I ever fucked her and don't leave marks.

"Arrrrh." She screamed louder than she has been and her legs went rigid. If I wasn't holding her up she

would've fell.

I fucked her throughout her orgasm. I push harder and deeper. My high getting near.

I finally released my juices inside her. I didn't even need to think of the consequences because she

takes the pill and we've went testing. So we were both clean.

I groaned giving her one last hard thrust before my own high hit me.I stood there enjoying the ecstatic

feeling of fucking.

I gently pull out and pushed her inside the car and she immediately collapsed on the back seat.

I chuckled and pulled my pants up bottoning them.

Stopping at an abandon road outside of town has never reward anyone like it did me. This was our best

quick session yet.

I let Alora pulled herself together and wore her panties before hopping on the back seat myself.

"That was amazing." Alora heaved a big sigh sinking in the seat. I hummed in response and closed my


The truth is I was drained and I could use a nap right about now.

"Hey Sage." I heard Alora calling me. I didn't bother opening my eyes.

"Yes." I replied.

"This is still sex right?" She asked and immediately my eyes snapped open. I turned my head and she

was already looking at me.

I don't know why she was asking that question. Is she falling in love with me? I had to asks myself.

Realising I've been staring at her for quite a while and I still have yet to answer her question. I cleared

my throat.

"Yeah, why?" I couldn't help but ask. A part of me was getting my hopes up thinking that maybe she

was falling in love with me and another part of me was dreading that.

Was I really ready to love her. Sure I liked her a lot but was I ready to change my ways for her. Could I

put her before my sister or would she forever be in her shadow.

But I knew the answer to all those questions. I'm not ready to put another woman before Eve and most

of all, loving a woman that isn't my sister is out of the question.

I looked into her eyes as I waited for her answer.

"Making sure we are still on the same page." She shrugged and I dare to say she looked relieved about

what I said.

I didn't know how that made me feel. Disappointed yet relieved. That's how I would explain it.

"No jealous right?" She asked again. I arched a brow at her and nod. "We can see other people. This is

still not exclusive right?"

I didn't know how to answer that.

"So where is this going exactly?" I asked getting agitated. "Do you wanna see other people?"

"That is beside the point." She evaded the question. She was a good lair but I've always been the

better one.

"Do you wanna stop fucking?" I blurted out. I couldn't hide the irritation in my voice and I was sure she

caught on.

"No, no. I didn't say that." Her eyes widen. "I don't want that."

I let go of the breath I didn't even realise I was holding. I wasn't sure if I was ready to let go of her. To

stop fucking her. To be denied the pleasure of her mouth and lips.

Lucky for me, I didn't have to find out.

We stayed quiet for a little while not saying a word to each other.

"Are you mad at me?" Alora was the first to break the silence. I didn't turn to look at her. I continue to

look at the car ceiling.

I was sort of annoyed at her. I don't know what was getting at with that question. It seemed to be more

than she told me. It just seemed like she wanted to end thing. I don't know how I feel about ending


"Nah, I'm not angry." I brushed her off but she seemed not to notice because she then leaned on my


"Good. I wouldn't want my fuck buddy to be mad at me." I could hear the pout in her tone but

something didn't sit well with me.

I could feel it in my gut, the sick feeling of something bad coming but I shrugged it off as my phone

alerted me of a text message.

I grabbed it and saw Sebastian's name. He texted me.

I looked at Alora and gently shrugged her off my shoulder.

"Duty calls Smurf. I gotta go." I told her. She smiled in understanding and got out of the car then slid in

the passenger's seat.

I did the same and started the car. I dropped her off where she parked her car. She leaned in and

dropped a lazy kiss on me then walked away without a word, shaking her ass.

That got me hard immediately. I laughed shaking my head.

She makes it so easy to change my mood. I drove off with a lazy smile playing on my lips.

I parked a few blocks from the hideout and walked the rest of the distance.

I arrived at the hideout and greeted a few guys I was familiar with who were smoking pot. They were

only a couple of years older than me.

"Sup kid." One of them said.

"Sup." I replied equally confident.

I looked for Sebastian and saw him lazily sitting on a sofa. I walked to him and dropped next to him.

"Sup dude." I greeted him and he groaned in response. I raise a brow at him.

"You can't just walk on here with that 'just got fucked face' man." He groaned again.

"Hey! I don't have a just got fucked face." I exclaimed and laughed at him. I didn't have it in me to pull

up a straight face.

"You don't say." He sarcastically said. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

He was just jealous I got it more than him even if he was a year older than me.

We hung out for a bit with a few other guys from the gang.

"So what are your plans for the summer?" Sebastian asked once we made it to my house after we sold

our stash for the day.

"Man. I don't know. I didn't really think about it." I replied truthfully.

Honestly I don't have anything big planned but I know this summer will not be like other summers I've

had before.

I can almost smell it in the air. It's different. Since I was 11 years old. My summer has always been the

same. Play keep away with Eve and Clara.

But this year it's different. Clara isn't here to fuck up our lives, Eve is living at her mother's and I'm here.

That reminded me that I should call her later tonight. I haven't seen her in a couple of days. I should

check up on her.

"Well man. I'll be parting all summer." Sebastian said.

"Aren't you visiting your grandma on Georgia this year?" My voice raised a little in shock.

Every summer since I've known this dude, he visit his grandma in Georgia. I'm surprised... hell I'm

shocked that he's not going this year.

"Narh man. I'll probably go to see her for a weekend or so. She admitted herself in a home." He

explained. "She's too old to take care of herself and you know my mother, she can't take care of herself

much less someone else."

"Ah sorry man." I awkwardly said. Sebastian and I never spoke about anything deep.

There has always been an unspoken rule between us: no serious talk.

We both have too screwed up lives we would rather avoid than talk about.

"No problem man." He said equality as awkwardly.

He never knew his father because his mother didn't even know who fathered him. He doesn't get along

with his mother because his mother is a junkie.

He moved out last year. I think around the time he started rolling with the gang.

Sebastian lives alone in an apartment on the other side of town. The bad neighborhood if some may

say. It's a beat up building but he makes the most of it. It's all he could get being underage.

I tried to get him to move in but he's stubborn as hell. He won't have it. He stays at my house a lot and

honestly I don't mind. The house is a lot more scarier with just me alone.

"So which party are we hitting tonight?" I said excitedly. Summer has officially started and I want to start

it with a bang. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

"I thought you'd never ask." He said getting in my car. I followed behind.

He drove is to the beach and when i scanned the scenery my mind just approved.

It's a beach party with girls in bikinis everywhere and I'm one horny barstard.

"Now this is what I call a Summer welcoming party." I heard Sebastian mutter next to me.

I had to agree. This is one fucking party. I could just see myself bouncing one of this girls on my dick

later tonight.

I reached to my dash board and grabbed a few condoms. Without looking I threw a few at Sebastian

and stuffed the others in my pocket. Safety first right?

I just have a feeling I'm so gonna fuck some pussies tonight. And not holding back.

Alora said it herself. We're not exclusive. I can fuck whoever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want,

however I want.

Is she fucking someone too? I couldn't help but let that thought in and it almost ruined something great

before it even started.

I shook my head when I saw a girl walking by. Doesn't matter what Alora does. She's not my girlfriend

and I'll get what I want.

I grunted pushing Sebastian.

"Look at that one." He tugged me. "Those tits."

"Oh that one." I pointed at the bar. There was a girl leaning over. You could see her ass very nice.

"Fuck." He grunted. No one can blame us. We're hormonal teens.

My eyes roamed over everyone, taking in the scene. I felt all the blood rush to my dick.

"9 o'clock dude." I heard Sebastian whisper-yelled.

I quickly snapped my eyes to my left and sure, there she was making her way to me.

And there she was, my other hell, the one I didn't enjoy. Kate fucking Anderson. She doesn't know

when to quit.

It doesn't matter how many time I reject her, tomorrow she comes back like she remembers nothing.

She smiled seductively once she reached me.

"You're finally here." She placed her hand on my arm flirtatiously

I heard Sebastian snort next to me. I almost snorted too. She just tries way too much.

"Connor is looking for you guys." She sweetly said. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah. Where is he?" I curly asked.

"By the bonfire." Sebastian took it as his chance to slip away.

I did a one take of her outfit for the first time since she stood in front of me.

I immediately approved of the bikini. It was hella sexy. It cupped her pussy the right way.

She noticed my approval and nodded curly in appreciation.

I'll always give her that at least, she dress to impress every single time. She never disappoints.

"See you around." I wink and blew a sloppy kiss to her before walking away to join Sebastian and


I heard a squeal behind me and knew it was from her. I smirked.

I'll be blind and stupid as fuck if I don't fuck that pussy tonight. Even though I'm gonna regret that come


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