Rules Of Our Own (Rule Breaker Series Book 3)

Rules Of Our Own: Epilogue


I BEND AT MY KNEES, and crouch down to get my fingers under a cardboard box marked  LIVING ROOM in black Sharpie. Sweat dampens the hair that escaped my ponytail and lies damp against my neck.

The moving van is nearly empty, and my arms shake from the weight as I haul the box to my chest. I swallow hard, looking down the narrow ramp and brace myself to cross it.

Ahead of me is our new home. We’d looked for several months, and nothing felt right until this came on the market two doors down from Lucas.

I knew the second I saw it that it’s perfect for us. The straight lines and wood accents reminded me so much of Napa the air caught in my lungs and memories of sweat coated skin filled my thoughts when we pulled up to tour the place and River put in an offer that same day so large there was no way the owner could turn it down.

I wobble, leaning a little too far to the right, the steel ramp rocks beneath me, and I lose my balance. My stomach jumps into my throat, but strong arms grip my hips, lifting me, and the box easily in the air, placing me softly on the ground.

Alex smiles down at me. “Easy there, Kitten.” He grabs the box from my tired grip and tucks it under his arm like it weighs nothing. “You’re special cargo.”

My heart is still racing from my near fall, but the way he’s looking at me quickly has my heart skipping for a completely different reason. The air around us grows thick, and the magnetic force between us has me lifting on my toes, lips brushing his—

“Knock it off you two.” Lucas calls, walking up the death ramp, and rolls his eyes at us. “At least wait until you’ve got your own room.”

I can feel my cheeks heat, but Alex just gives him a cocky smile.

“Mia, take a break with us.” Piper says, Sidney following close behind her. They sit on the oversized wood swing. The large mattress makes it more of a bed than a bench. A thrill shoots through me–at what we could use it for–that I immediately stomp down.

I glance up at Alex, who leans in and kisses my temple. “We’ve got this, go sit down. We need you well rested for the plans River and I have tonight.”

Heat floods my core, and he gives me a smile full of promises, knowing exactly what he’s doing to me.

It’s fine, I can play right back. “I don’t know. I’m feeling pretty tired, might call it an early night.”

He trails his fingers along my jaw to where my pulse pounds in my neck and his eyes darken. “Good luck with that, Kitten.”

“Hey, you two. Knock it off.” Sidney echoes Lucas, holding two large glasses filled with golden liquid.

I roll my eyes at her and say to Alex. “We have to behave, or River will make us pay for it later.”

Alex groans deep in his throat, his fingers wrap around my hips and tug me to him, crashing his mouth to mine. He kisses me like he owns me, like it’s the only thing he needs and doesn’t stop until my lungs burn in my chest.

He pulls back, smirking. “That’s half the fun.”

Spanking my ass, he directs me toward the girls who are now cat calling us.

I cross the manicured lawn, walk up the four wooden steps and take the beer Sidney’s holding out for me, before collapsing on the swing beside her. I run my hand over the plush cushion, noting there’s at least another foot to my right before the armrest.

“It’s freaking hot out here.” I take a long drink and hum at the back of my throat as the sharp taste cools me down.

“That’s one thing to call it.” Piper chuckles, and Sidney joins her.

“How did you two get out of working?” I ask, and drag the cool glass, wet with condensation over my cheek, relishing in the feeling. I’m not sure what made me hotter, that kiss or the fact that it’s a million degrees out here.

Sidney kicks off the ground, causing the swing to rock and leans back into the pillows. “Same way you did. Need your girl nice and rested for the night.”

I snort. “You are way too open about that.”

“Oh, please. Like you didn’t just suck your boyfriend’s face.” Piper chimes in.

I’m about to answer her when a shirtless River steps out of the house. He’s less than ten feet away, and I can see every detail of his sweat coated chest, the valleys and hills of his abs glistening in the sun.

My mouth waters as I take him in. He’s wearing a pair of Alex’s black ball shorts low on his hips, revealing the corded v of muscles that disappear into the waistband, and a stylish pair of running shoes.

A clanging noise from near the truck draws my attention, where I find Alex looking at River with the same lust filled gaze I am. He’d fallen back into the side of the truck, chest rising and falling rapidly.

River quirks an eyebrow and gives Alex a knowing smile. He’s been smiling more often, and it never fails to enrapture me.

Alex snaps out of his daze, and he returns River’s look as he sets down the box, and rips his own shirt off his back, with one hand revealing his sculpted chest.

River makes a pained sound beside me, swaying a bit on his feet. Holy shit, if we don’t hurry this up, these two are going to put on a show for everyone.

“Is it just me or did it just get one-hundred times hotter out here?” Sidney asks, eyes bouncing between River and Alex.

“You better be talking about me, Trouble.” Jax comes up behind us, leaning forward as Sidney tilts her head back, and places a kiss to her forehead.

She gives him a sheepish grin. “Of course.” her gaze roams over him. “Remind me why you’re wearing a shirt?”

He laughs and pulls his own off, and Sidney immediately bites her lip.

I look between the guys and the girls and know there’s no way we’re getting anymore done today.

I stand, and walk to River, doing my best not to drool all over him. “Everything okay in there?”

His eyes are black pools when they meet mine. “Just finished setting up the bedroom.”

Alex starts walking toward us. “It’s late. We have the truck until tomorrow. We should start then.”

This was met by knowing laughs, but Alex strolled straight for River and I, not paying anyone else any attention.

My cheeks heat, and I smile at Sidney. Jax and her are staying with Lucas and Piper for the weekend.

If I was embarrassed by how my guys are acting, it’s gone the second I see the way Lucas and Piper are looking at each other.

I hope they’re on different floors because it’s about to get loud at their place.

“See you guys tomorrow,” River says, entwining our fingers as he pulls me into the house.

My eyes widen as I walk through the arched entry doors. To the right, a winding staircase curves gracefully leading to the second floor where our bedroom is. While an intricate chandelier made up of lanterns hangs low over the threshold.

The tile, hard under my feet, is made from black slate that’s been polished until it shines.

The living room is designed with River’s dark, brooding color palette in mind, but the wonderfully comfy furniture blends seamlessly with Alex’s masculine style.

I’d spent weeks working with an interior designer to make sure we perfectly tailored all aspects of this home. A hum tingles in my chest knowing I achieved the perfect concoction of our personalities. Everything from the warm wood accents and crisp white countertops felt like a piece of all three of us.


I watch Mia light up as she looks around our new place. She gets this way every time she walks in, and a ball of warmth fills my chest.

A lot of amazing things have happened over the past year.

I landed the captaincy.

My parents came to my Captaincy celebration dinner after Mia showed up to their place and berated them for how they treat me. She put up with none of their bullshit and had them nodding their heads and repeating apologies.

Hell, we won the Stanley cup.

But none of it compares to the feeling of moving in with the two of them. It’s like the final pieces are clicking into place and there’s no doubt in my mind, they’re mine forever.

Mia managed to make this place a perfect blend of all three of us, and from the second I walked through the doors, it felt like home.

I lean in close, placing a kiss to her temple, before dropping lower, running my lips down the shell of her ear, catching her earlobe between my teeth. She gasps, fingers digging into my thigh, and I spin her to face me.

I don’t waste time, closing the inches between us. I haul her chest against mine, and eat the sweet moans she makes as I let my hands travel up her hips, gripping her perfect ass. She’s panting when I kiss down her neck, licking off the salty taste of sweat.

The door clicks closed behind us and River steps into my back, causing my muscles to stiffen.

There’s no telling what he has planned for the two of us. He never fails to keep it interesting, and I let him take the lead.

He places kisses between my shoulder blades, shifting upward, and grazes his teeth over my shoulder. A shiver runs through me, and I grip Mia’s ass harder, earning a soft moan. River’s fingers graze my sides, goose bumps erupting in their wake, and wraps his hands around my front until his fingers dip barely an inch under the waistband of my shorts.

Mia leans back, making room for him, and watches with heated eyes as River runs his finger teasingly over my skin until I’m rocking my ass against his hard length.

“Your cock’s aching for me isn’t it, Baby?” River’s deep voice vibrates through my back and my dick jerks painfully.

I nod my head, and suck in a breath, making more room for his hand. A low growl rumbles in my throat when he doesn’t lower it further.Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

“Tell me how hard you are.” he demands.

I inhale sharply “So fucking hard.”

“Good boy.” He reaches down, grasps my cock, stroking it, before running his fingers over the tip and dragging the pre-cum gathered there down over my shaft.

I groan. “Fuck-please-I can’t-I need.”

River bites my neck, then soothes it with his tongue.

“On your knees.” For a second, I think he’s talking to me, but Mia’s the one to drop to the ground in front of me.

She’s making quick work of my shorts, pushing them around my ankles and makes a pained sound when she’s level with my weeping cock. She looks up at us with round eyes, her pupils taking over everything but a sliver of green. Fuck she’s pretty like this.

River strokes my cock in unhurried motions and guides it to rest on her mouth. He paints her lips with my pre-cum, and my balls tighten at the sight of her, ready for whatever he asks.

River directs her. “Open, tongue out.”

She opens wide, doing what he said, and River tugs my cock by the base until the head’s resting against her tongue.

He squeezes my cock once more before letting go and growling into my ear. “Fuck her mouth.”

Mia and I both groan and my hips rock forward automatically. Her moans vibrate around me, and I dig my fingers into her hair, as I push deeper with each thrust. She gags, and I back off but she follows me shoving me deeper. “Fuck, Mia.

My knees start to shake as I pound into her greedy mouth, and just before I fall forward, River bands an arm around my chest, holding me up, then grips my throat, restricting my airway.

My head buzzes, the world closing in on me as Mia sucks me harder, taking me deeper until her throat closes around my tip. The breath deprivation mixed with her warm mouth around my cock has me busting down her throat right here in the entryway.

River’s still holding me up when Mia licks my cum from her lips and stands in front of me. “That’s one room.”

Jesus Christ. 

River steps around me, shoving his tongue into her mouth, tasting me on her. He groans low in his throat before tossing her over his shoulder and taking the stairs two at a time.

Her giggles are cut off when he smacks her ass, the crack echoing through the room, replaced by her moan.

I follow after them, smirking at Mia from a few steps below, and she grins back. We are definitely down for whatever River has in mind.

We walk into our room, the curtains are drawn closed, and only a hint of light streams through the corners. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust and when they do, River pushes Mia into my arms.

“Strip her down and put her ass up on the edge of the bed.”

Goddamn that visual alone has my cock hardening again.


Fuck. I want to make this good for them, but I can already feel my control slipping. Watching Mia take Alex’s cock as he thrust deep in a punishing rhythm had my dick aching for my own release.

I clench my quads, fighting my own desire as I watch Alex strip her down and place her where I instructed.

I have to take this slow, so it’s good for her. Stepping beside a naked Alex, we both stare at her glistening pink pussy. He’s gently stroking his rapidly harding cock and his tongue wets his lips. He looks fucking ravenous, and the feeling is mutual.

She’s soft and soaking for us, but she’s not ready for what I have planned.

I kneel at the end of the bed, my height lining me up with her pussy, and spread her cheeks wide as I lick up her slit. I groan as the taste of her floods my mouth and bury my tongue into her core.

She cries and rocks against me, like the good fucking girl that she is.

I lift my mouth and push a finger into her before she can complain. Quickly followed by another. I take my time, coating my fingers in her wetness, then pull back and add a third. She tightens around me, resisting as I stretch her wider.

“Breathe, Love. I need you to relax.”

She slumps down onto her forearms, taking several breaths and her pussy loosens, letting me pump all three fingers inside her. I scissor them, pressing against her g-spot until she’s rocking back against me.

I press a fourth finger slowly into her, and she gasps in a sharp inhale, body working to accommodate the invasion.

Alex is the one to praise her. “Fuck, Kitten. Your pussy is so pretty, stretched like that.”

A soft whimper escapes her mouth, but she doesn’t tense as I work my fingers in and out. She’s so wet it’s dripping down my palm, and I use it to ease my way deeper.

She’s panting, mouth wide open, as incoherent noises escape her lips.

Alex is stroking himself harder, dick inches away from my face, and I grab it with my free hand, taking it deep into my mouth and humming around him. He bucks, groaning, fingers instantly in my hair as I work them both in tandem.

I pop his cock from my mouth, needing him hard for what’s coming next.

“Rub her clit.” I command Alex through clenched teeth, and he immediately has her rolling her hips in circles, my fingers stretching her impossibly wide.

She clenches around me, body squeezing as her release crashes over her, and she cries out loud before collapsing to the bed. Her body’s trembling when I flip her onto her back, slip my hands under her arms and lift her to the head of the bed.

I look back at Alex’s darkened gaze, he’s stroking his cock again and it’s dripping from the tip.

“Get under her and shove that cock in her pussy.”

He smirks at me. “Yes, Sir.”

His words have my control fraying and my head going dizzy. There’s nothing quite like having this big powerful man at my mercy.

Alex climbs over her with a soft smile, and she lets out a surprised giggle when he rolls them until she’s on top, chest to chest.

“Like that, Kitten?”

Her response is turned into a whimper when he  slowly guides her down onto his cock. He pumps into her in slow, even movements and arches a brow in question to me. What’s next?

I strip out of my shorts, and shoes, and catch Alex staring at my cock. He wants this as badly as I do. I crawl onto the bed beside them, but further back so I can reach where they’re connected and carefully guide a finger against Alex’s cock into her pussy. The prep work I’d done helps ease the process.

She tenses for a second, then loosens, allowing me to add another, stretching her a little more.

Alex’s breaths come out in loud pants, as he struggles to restrain himself from pounding into her. I pull my fingers out, gently cup his balls, giving him a quick tug that has him stuttering, then kiss my way up her spine.

I adjust on the bed, so I can take her mouth, running my tongue along hers in the same tempo as Alex’s cock rocks into her cunt. She sucks on it, and my eyes roll back in my head.

A smirk curves her lips.

I push her damp hair off her face and brush it behind her ear.

“Mia, I want to fuck your pussy at the same time as Alex.”

Her eyes flash wide. I stroke her face, cupping her jaw and run my thumb along her lips.

“I’ll take care of you. Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” Her voice is breathy as she squirms on top of Alex.

I meet his hungry gaze, and he’s flushed with anticipation. This was a whole new way of fucking. I lean down and kiss him, biting his lower lip, then move to position myself between his knees.

Sliding my palms over her calves and up her smooth thighs, I spread her further, opening her for me. I grab lube from the nightstand, and pour a puddle into my palm, gripping my length as I watch Alex’s cock disappear into her.

The world spins, I breathe hard, and take several seconds before moving forward. I need to keep a grip on myself to make this good for them.

I kneel and wrap my body over Mia’s back, bracing myself with one hand and line my cock against Alex’s, pushing forward until I reach the resistance of her entrance.

“Mia, I need you to breathe, Love. Tell me if it hurts and I’ll stop.”

I can’t see her face, but she nods, making a muffled sound of ascent.

My cock notches against them before pushing deeper, her opening pressing down on my tip as I breach the tight band and all three of us groan.

I work my way in carefully, trapped between Alex’s throbbing cock, and Mia’s tight walls. The air is filled with our breaths, as we fuck each other as one.

I sink in fully and marvel at how she’s stretched wide for us, taking us both. “Look at you, Love, taking our cocks so well.”

She clenches around me and I rest against her back, watching the two of them as we take a moment to adjust.

Alex cups Mia’s face, and curls up to kiss her in long languid movements. I lean down and place tender kisses between her shoulder blades and run the fingers of my free hand down her side in soothing motions.

It doesn’t take long for her to start to rock into us, pushing me impossibly deeper.

I lean back, so I’m perpendicular to them and steady myself with a hand on her hip. I rock forward, incrementally increasing my speed until my breath catches in my throat.

The feel of my dick smashed against Alex, the way his eyes are clenched closed, and his mouth has drooped open has me facing the ceiling, eyes rolling back in my head as the pleasure intensifies until it’s sparking under my skin.

I do a few test strokes before rocking into her harder. I push back and watch where I sink into her. “Perfect pussy, so pretty wrapped around our cocks.”

Alex isn’t thrusting, instead letting my dick drive him closer to his orgasm.

With the first fluttering of Mia’s tight pussy around me, my grip on my control snaps and I rut against them, my hips smacking loudly against her ass. She moans, and drops her head to Alex’s chest, and I shift to the side to watch her bite into his pec.

Alex grunts and rocks his hips uncontrollably like an invisible force is making him. She gasps when I press a thumb against her back hole and circle it, careful not to push in. Our girl is already stuffed full with us. Her core clenches around our cocks, drawing growls from our throats, pulsing over and over as she cries out her release.

Alex quickly follows, his cum hot on my dick, and my thrusts turn jagged, hips jerking as I release inside of her.

I collapse on top of them. Bracing myself not to put too much weight but needing to feel her against my skin. My head feels a million miles away, but the two of them ground me.

Alex and I slowly pull out, and I groan at the site of our cum dripping from her. I lean forward, running my tongue over her entrance and she nearly jumps.

I chuckle and kiss the side of her ass before standing from the bed, gently guiding one arm under her knees and the other behind her back, lifting her to my chest.

Alex and I take our time with her in the shower, using extra care washing her. Our girl’s going to be sore for days, but I know exactly what to do to make her feel better.

Alex gets out of the shower first, and we follow a few minutes later. He’s changed the bed with fresh sheets, and there’s a large welcoming blanket.

We tuck her between us, wrapping her and each other in a tangle of limbs. I kiss her temple and whisper “I love you.”

Then look up at a smiling Alex and say it again.

He kisses me, long and slow, telling me his love against my lips.

This is my home, my loves, my family.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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