Rules Of Our Own (Rule Breaker Series Book 3)

Rules Of Our Own: Chapter 10

SOFT SNORES ESCAPE Mia with each of her breaths, and her face is buried in her pillow, a small damp spot of drool underneath it. She’s fucking beautiful.

I brush a strand of her hair behind her ear, smirking at the way she turns into the touch. I’d missed my little hellcat more than I’d ever admit. She stirs, her green eyes slitting open, and a warm smile pulls the corner of her lips. She looks so genuinely happy to see me that my heart aches the second she wakes fully and pulls away.

I clench my teeth and focus on the lamp beside the bed like I give a single shit about it at all. “Morning.”

“What time is it?” She groans and throws her arm over her face, like an adorable vampire allergic to the light. Her hangover must be kicking in pretty hard. The sun’s barely lightened the sky, but River opened the curtains that line the entire wall of our room before heading out.

“Early. Here, take these.” I hold out two ibuprofen and a large glass of water. She sits up dutifully, taking the meds and gulping down water. I fight to keep my attention on her face, knowing damn well she’s wearing her sexy little sleep dress. That thing is going to kill me.

“Why?” She closes her eyes for a second before they narrow on me. A thrill tingles down my spine. She’s so fucking sexy riled up.

Determined to crawl a little further under her skin, I say, “Why what, Kitten?”

“Why did you wake me up before sunrise?” she hisses, proving her nickname.

I bite my smile, but I’m unable to contain it. “We’ve got a surprise for you.”

That has her perking up. “What kind of surprise?”

“Nuh-uh. You’re just going to have to see for yourself.” I take the glass from her and do my best to tamp down my reaction when her fingers brush mine. This girl has no idea how much she fucking owns me. “Dress warm.”

Her brows pull together, no doubt wondering why in hell she would have to dress warm in a place that’s over a hundred degrees, but Napa’s chilly in the morning. Especially where we’re going.

She goes to speak, but I cut in. “You know, you used to trust me. It’ll be fun.”

Her gaze softens, and she takes a deep breath, her hand rubbing at her chest. “I still trust you. Just give me a few minutes.”

I ignore the way her words make my heart stutter and clear my throat. “I’ll be outside. Don’t take too long. We don’t want to miss it,” I say over my shoulder as I leave.

River’s already waiting outside when I walk out. “She up?”

I take the to-go cup he hands me and breathe in the welcoming scent of coffee. “Yeah. Hopefully the pain meds kick in before we get there.”NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“She’ll be fine. She was fairly sober by the time we passed out.” River’s dark eyes meet mine, and I swallow hard at the memories of last night. I adjust my sweats. I’m not attracted to men, but I can’t deny I felt something last night. And if I’m being completely honest, it wasn’t the first time. There’s something about River that has my blood heating and my curiosity piquing. He’s the closest friend I have, but I’ve never felt like we are brothers. Somehow, it’s always been more than that. Deeper.

The door opens behind us, drawing our attention, and Mia walks out. My gaze travels up from her Adidas sneakers, over her leggings that hug her thighs, and lands on a thin white T-shirt. Yeah, that’s not going to cut it. “I thought I asked you to dress warm.”

She rolls her eyes. “Well, I didn’t exactly pack my parka.”

“Good morning, Mia.” River nods, his gaze hot on her, and she takes in a shuddering breath. Fuck, he’s got an effect on her. I’m looking forward to how that plays out.

She clears her throat. “Morning.”

I hand River my coffee and pull my black hoodie over my head. I smile when it clears my face and I notice her staring at my abs exposed by my hiked-up shirt. A slow, cocky grin forms on my mouth. “There you go staring at me again.”

“What. No—” A pretty pink flush floods her cheeks, and her eyes snap to mine. I laugh and tug the hoodie over her head before helping her pull her arms through.

“It’s okay. I like it.” I say, and lean over and kiss her forehead like I used to. She stiffens, but I just continue on like I didn’t just overstep. River heads back into the room while I roll up her right sleeve until it’s above her wrist and proceed to do the same on the other. She’s frozen in place, brows pinched as she watches me. It’s the way her eyes darken that gives me the confidence to continue.

I step back, and my mouth waters at the sight of my hoodie engulfing her.

Mia’s gaze darts between me and River exiting the room, door closing quietly behind him. “So, you going to tell me where we’re going?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” River’s voice is low and gravelly from sleep, and I smirk when her breath catches. After last night, I can practically feel the energy. There are so many things left unfinished between us. He tosses me another hoodie and I pull it over my head.

Entwining my fingers through Mia’s I gesture to the parking lot. “Come on, the car’s waiting.”

She only freezes for a second before curiosity gets the best of her, and she follows me toward the front of the resort. River’s trailing behind us, and I fucking love knowing my hoodie covers her perfect round ass.

There’s a black Mercedes sedan already waiting for us, and I wave at our driver. “Andre, sorry to get you up so early today. Hope Mrs. Samson wasn’t too put out.”

Andre laughs and shakes his head. “This wouldn’t be the first early morning bal—”

“I’ll stop you right there.” I gesture my head toward Mia. “We’re keeping it a surprise.”

Andre’s eyes widen, and he smiles at her. “Lucky you.”

“No hints?” Mia smirks at him.

“This will be worth the wait,” Andre replies with no idea how right he is.

I open the door for her with a little bow. “After you.”

She huffs out a laugh. “You’re lucky I’m still half-asleep so I can’t come up with anything to tease you with.”

She gets in, and I grab the roof of the car, ducking down and leaning in close. “I can fucking assure you, you tease me just fine.”

I walk around the car, ignoring her gasp, and get in on the other side. The seats are large and lined with a supple camel leather. She looks at me with round eyes. “I’m not a tease.”

I raise a brow. “You’re a little bit of a tease. It’s cute.”

River lowers himself into the back, pushing Mia toward the middle.

She scooches over but looks at him incredulously. “Aren’t you going to get into the front?”

“No.” There’s that gravelly voice again. Goose bumps spread up Mia’s neck when River’s side presses against hers. We’re definitely too big to all fit back here, and her entire left side presses against mine. She’s still, mouth open, frozen. He reaches over her, pulls her seat belt, and clicks it in.

“Safety first.” His mouth is so close to hers even I swallow.

Fuck. This is either going to be the best trip of my entire life, or my balls are going to fall off with how turned on I am.

Mia holds her coffee with both hands, tucking her elbows in while taking a hesitant sip. Once she determines it’s not scalding, she tips it up. My gaze lingers on the way her throat moves with each swallow.

River huffs, and my eyes meet his. He just shakes his head, the tiniest hint of a smile curving his lips.

Playboy all-star NHL player or simp who gets turned on by his soon-to-be girl drinking a coffee?

Mia keeps her gaze straight ahead through the window, no doubt trying to look unaffected sitting between us. But by the way the heat from her thigh is burning into mine, I call total and utter bullshit.

Normally, I’d be respectful and never press this hard hitting on a girl. Actually, I normally give zero shits and just let them chase me. But Mia gets into her own head. She’s amazing, caring, and selfless. She’s a good fucking person, which is more than most people can say. But those qualities make her her own worst enemy.

I know why she left us, and it had nothing to do with not wanting us. After River punched me, she pulled away. Coming between us is just something she’d never do. She’d rather be miserable than ruin River’s and my friendship. Unfortunately, she didn’t calculate that we’d be fucking miserable too.

I’ll admit, River and I were out for ourselves back then. There wasn’t even a hint of what we want now. She left because we tried to make her choose. That is never happening again. She deserves everything she wants without having to choose, and I’m going to show her just how good it can be.

River wraps his hand around her knee, and his thumb and fingers span from one inside edge to the other. The car stops, but she’s not paying attention. All of her focus is on where he touches her, and she sucks in a breath when he tightens his grip.

I lean in close, taking advantage of her distraction, and whisper in her ear. “He’s distracting isn’t he, Kitten.”

Goosebumps explode down her neck, and her gaze snaps to mine, mouth slightly open. I could kiss her right here. Dig my hands into her hair and capture that perfect little mouth of hers. River would hold her in place for me as I worked down her body. From the way she’s looking at me, I’m pretty sure she’s thinking the same damn thing. I smirk and get out of the car, and her disappointed sound follows me out. Driving her crazy’s half the fun.

River gets out and helps her with an extended hand. She’s glaring at me the entire time, but then her eyes widen, and she sucks in a little gasp as she takes in the sight behind me.

There’s a crowd of people standing in a large open field, all looking at the same thing. A large tarp-like fabric is laid out on the ground in a rainbow of colors, attached with strings to at least ten different large wicker baskets.

“We’re going hot-air ballooning?” She looks between River and me with an almost innocent excitement.

I tug her into my side, unable to resist touching her. She doesn’t pull away, instead leaning a little closer. “Surprise, Kitten.”

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