Rinkmates: A steamy Hockey Romance (The Mates series Book 1)

Rinkmates: Chapter 20

The living room is bursting with people.

I’m still dressed in my rehearsal clothes from earlier and since I didn’t want to show up alone, I asked Priya and Aiden if they’d like to join me. A little party never killed anybody, right?Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Holy cow, this apartment is amazing,” Aiden says, and I nod away.

“It is. The owner is not.” I’ve come to trust Aiden with my heart, so I told him about our fake dating, and he found it hilarious. I spot many unfamiliar faces mixed with Riley’s teammates. There are women fawning over the players, hanging on their every word, and I roll my eyes.

I notice heads turning our way. I hear a younger teammate say, “God, she’s beautiful!” before Jayce promptly elbows him in the ribs.

Heat rises to my cheeks at the attention.

Where is he?

I scan the room for Riley, and when I notice Ethan out on the balcony, I assume he’s with him but no, he’s nowhere to be seen. Then, Derek catches my eye, nodding in greeting as he smoothly introduces himself to Priya, whose face flushes a charming shade of pink at the sight of him. What is it about Priya that attracts the most questionable men in town?

Another teammate approaches Aiden and he’s quickly handed a beer and pulled into a conversation. Since I’m basically standing there like the third wheel, watching my friends talking without being looked at once, I weave through the crowd, smiling and greeting people as I go, but the weird thing is, no one seems interested in talking to me.

They grin politely before turning back to their own conversations. I try it again and steer to Jayce and Colton. They stand in the kitchen behind the brewing chili, talking away while drinking beer. Something’s up.

“Hi,” says Jayce. Colton only nods my way until both revert to talking about whatever they talked about before. I sneer. What is this?

Fine. If they won’t talk to me, I’ll just have to find someone who will.

I spot the rookie standing alone and make a beeline for him. “Hey, can I ask you something?”

His green eyes widen and he quickly checks on his other teammates. Then I notice it. He’s looking for permission to talk to me! He shifts, his face turning red like a tomato, and to top it off, he has the audacity to turn around and leave! But I won’t let him get away like this. Oh no. I grab him by the collar, holding him back.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”

He sighs and his shoulders slump. Turning around, he says, “Hi, er. What’s up?”

I cringe. What’s up? “Why isn’t anyone talking to me? Did I do something wrong?”

He shifts uncomfortably. “No, no, it’s just…um, actually, I can’t tell you.”

My eyebrows shoot to my hairline. “What? Why?”

He sighs again, driving a hand through his hair. “I—you know—I need to. Phew, is it getting hot in here? I think the balcony sounds great—”

“You stay here,” I say, my hand latching on his arm. “What is up?”

“I can’t tell you.”


“He’d kill me.”

He. Huh. It could only be a certain black-haired hunk then. “Thank you so much.”

“Oh please, no,” is all that I hear as I make my way through the apartment.

Since he—the ass of all asses—is not out on the balcony, or in the bathroom, because I knocked on it like a lunatic, I head straight for his room.

But once I touch his door handle, I stop.

Wait. What if I find him with another girl in there?

No, he wouldn’t. Not at a party where everyone could see them.

But then, why does it bother me?

He’s not mine, not really. Our contract forbids him from flaunting anyone else in public, but it’s not about the contract—it’s the idea of him being with someone else that twists my gut. Damn it, I need to shake these thoughts. He’s not mine to worry about. There’s no room for a real boyfriend in my life anyway, especially since he’d never wants to be a part of my life once he knows everything about me.

With a deep sigh, I push the door open and relief washes over me when I find him alone, pacing the room.

“Hey,” I say, trying to sound casual.

His gaze flicks over my dress, and something tightens in his jaw. “Hey. How was your rehearsal?”

“Excellent. Care to explain why your friends are giving me the cold shoulder?”

Riley stops pacing, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “Because I asked them to.”

“You told them to act like total assholes?”

He strides toward me, stopping just a few feet away. “I didn’t want them to get the wrong idea.”

“What idea would that be, exactly?”

“That you’re available. Because you’re not. You’re mine.”

His possessive tone makes my heart skip a beat, and I can’t deny a tiny thrill at his words. Mine. I’m a feminist through and through, but this little word wakes up something primal in me and I don’t like it. “I don’t belong to anyone, Ri. You can’t just—”

“I know. I’m sorry.” Riley steps even closer, his whiskey-colored eyes pleading.

I swallow. His eyes tell me he’s had a few beers. “Sorry for what?” I shoot back. “For treating me like an object?”

Riley’s gaze flickers, before his voice drops low. “For putting you in an awkward spot with my friends. I didn’t mean to complicate things.”

“That’s all you’ve been doing since day one, Ri.”

He sighs, running a hand through his jet-black hair in frustration, and his biceps bulge as he does it. He’s wearing a T-shirt, and all of his tattoos are on full display. Damn it. He looks so hot. I swallow again. “I just wanted them to understand that you’re off limits. That this”—he gestured vaguely between us—“isn’t a joke for me, and the guys can be idiots, so I wanted to keep you safe.”

“I think they’ll figure out we’re together without you marking me like a dog on the grass.”

He took a step back, leaning against his closet. He’s still way too close for my liking.

“Because we made a deal, Liora. And this is exactly how I’d act if you were my girlfriend. I’m well aware of my friends and their tendency to become idiots around beautiful women. So I make sure I protect what’s mine. Even if it’s all pretend.”

He said I’m beautiful. Yes, that’s all I heard. “So…your solution is to isolate me? What kind of fun would being your girlfriend even be?”

“I never claimed to be a fun boyfriend. I’m a walking red flag, baby. It’s clear I’m not boyfriend material at all.” He steps toward me. “I’m jealous.” Another step forward. “I’m possessive.” Another step. “And I couldn’t care less what others think, except when Coach calls about my career.” He stops right in front of me, and I don’t care he’s in my space. “I’m trying to keep us on track. That’s all.”

“Right,” I say. “Because we have too much to lose.”

He nods, his expression pained. “Exactly.”

Riley doesn’t respond, and the silence stretches between us, heavy with a ton of unspoken words. I want to believe him—to believe that this was all just part of the act—but something tells me there is more to his actions than meets the eye, but if he’s not ready to go there—I’m not either.

He lets out a heavy sigh, as if grappling with words he wants to say but chooses not to. Instead, he casually folds his tattooed arms behind his head, stretching. His white shirt clings to his ridiculously sculpted chest muscles. My eyes involuntarily lower, tracing the faint line of hair disappearing beneath his waistband.

A strange flicker of heat shoots through me, traveling from my chest to the spot between my legs. My body tenses, my fingertips tingle with a sudden urge that catches me off guard. Oh come on. So what if the guy has a physique worth noticing? It doesn’t mean I want to throw myself at him like some overeager fan. Suddenly, I remember what he looked like naked in the bathroom, and it’s overwhelming. I want to throw myself at him. No honestly, I want to climb that man.

Clearing my throat, I say, “What are you doing in here anyway? All by yourself.”

“I’m just on edge about next week’s game against Houston,” he finally says.

“Are you afraid to meet Houston again?”

He nods and I lift my hand to touch him—just in comfort, of course—but I don’t and let my hand fall to my side again. He tracks my action and there’s a look of understanding in his eyes.

“Where is your game?” I ask, remembering that his coach said he’d act differently if I was around. I don’t want to read too much into it, but I also want to be there for him. Somehow.

“Boston. You coming?” There’s something like hope flickering in his eyes.

“If I can bring Priya?”


“I’ll be there,” I say.

The tension drains from Riley’s broad shoulders. “Thank you, Lia. That means more than you know.” He glances back toward the party still in full swing. “We should probably head back out there.”

“But we need to act accordingly,” I say, and I’m kinda nervous and happy that I can kiss and touch him out there. It’s a foolish thought though.

“We’ll manage.”

I nod, turning to leave, but Riley catches my wrist. “Wait. You might want to change into something a little more…appropriate first.”

“Well then, I guess you’d better unzip me,” I say, suddenly feeling bold.

I turn around and offer him my back.

Riley’s fingers trail along my spine to the top of my zipper. I shiver, mind racing ahead as he slowly lowers it.

How far will he take this?

And, more importantly…how far will I let him?

He touches the lower part of my back and I close my eyes. Too far.

I remember what’s waiting for me at home. The trailer. Mom. My life.

It’s not this bubbly life Riley knows. I don’t fit with someone like him. It’s not going to work, whatever scenarios I play in my head.

“T-Thank you,” I mutter and practically run into my room to get changed.

I’m really relieved to have my room back.

They replaced all the carpet, and it looks so fresh and clean now. The bathroom is still a construction site, but at least I have a room where I can walk around and lock myself in again.

I stand in front of my mirror and eye the slinky black cocktail dress I chose. It’s an old one. I wore it to a party I went to during training camp. It was the most expensive dress I’ve ever bought and I still love it. It’s short and A-lined but narrow on the top. It hugs my curves in all the right places. I’m about to choose my underwear, when there’s a knock at the door and I hear Priya’s voice.

“Can I come in?”

“Sure,” I say, and Priya rushes in with two blue cocktails in her hand.

“Priya, we can’t drink.”

“It’s just one, okay?” she tells me, and I know she already had one.

“Fine,” I say and reluctantly clink it against hers. “But after this one, we stop.”

“Okay. But girl. What’s with the chemistry between you guys!”

I shake my head. “There’s no chemistry. Guys like Riley…they have girls throwing themselves at them constantly. He’d never go for someone like me. Besides, with my past, a relationship is the last thing I need right now.”

Instead of answering, I drink a big gulp of the cocktail and notice it’s way too strong. I wince. “Woah. Who made this?”

“Der,” she says, and I arch an eyebrow.

“It’s ‘Der’ now?”

“What.” She shrugs. “He’s nice.”

“He’s not. Priya, why do you always fall for the wrong guys?”

“I don’t fall.” She averts her gaze in a way that tells me she has to tell me something.

“What happened?”

She widens her eyes. “Why do you think something happened?”

“During rehearsal you’ve been looking at me strange, and now too.”

She sighs and wobbles on her feet. “Fine. Mason kissed me.”

I let out a shriek and stifle it with my free hand. “Shit. Priya. When did this happen?”

“Yesterday after practice,” Priya replies, her voice tinged with regret, and I hope it is only because she didn’t tell me ASAP. “I didn’t mean for it to happen. It just…did.”

I reach out to grasp her hand in reassurance. “You deserve someone who respects you. Mason is nothing but trouble. I bet you’re not the only one he’s fooling around with.”

She nods. “I know…”

We both take another gulp and my head already feels dizzy. Well. It’s a strong one and I don’t really drink. Shit. “Be careful, okay?”

She nods. “I try.”

“I just don’t want anyone breaking your heart.”

“He can be so sweet though, and all the time we spend together. It’s just easy to mix it all up. Isn’t it intense between you and Aiden?”

Well, it’s not like he’s interested in me, or women at all, but it’s not my place to tell, so I just say, “No, we’re not each other’s type.”

“Because you’re falling for your roommate.” She grins and wiggles her eyebrows again. She really likes to do this.

“No way. Guys like Riley…they have girls throwing themselves at them constantly. Besides, a relationship is the last thing I need right now.”

Priya’s expression softens, understanding in her eyes. “I know it’s complicated, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work. Just give it a chance.”

I sigh. “I can’t.”

Priya hugs me. “It will be fine. Just do what your heart wants. Everyone will understand.”

What my heart wants? I finish the cocktail and I regret it already. Because right now, my heart tells me I should forego underwear entirely and flirt the shit out of Riley. It tells me to kiss him. It tells me to pull him into my bed.

“Let’s join the party again,” I say, but before we leave, I let my hair loose, and since it’s been in a bun all night, it waves down in big curls now. I even put on my red lipstick.

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