Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 37


"Oh sweetie, you two didn't have to come all the way here for that," Mom laughs. "Max and Darryl seem to have it under control." "Mom, I disappeared with Phoebe, Janice, and Charlotte. We were confronted by some masked dude asking for a book," I explain. Mom laughs, "What book?"

"It's some old spell book or something that belonged to a wizard that Magnus's great grandfather killed or something," I tell her.

"Oh, well, I guess I should just be glad you are here," Mom touches my arm. "How are my grand babies treating you?"

"I assume they are okay. I haven't felt any kicks yet," I smile at her and look at Elena. I touch Arlo's little toes, " He is getting so big, Elena."

"He is going to be big and strong like his Daddy," Elena proclaims. "Aren't you Arlo?"

"Have you and Magnus decided on names for the twins?" Mom asks.

"Oh, we have discussed names," I respond. "We haven't made any decisions yet."

"Well, Elena and I were on our way to go shopping. Want to come with?" Mom asks.

I shake my head, "I was helping with the book and stuff. But we can hang out later, maybe?"

"Of course," Mom smiles. "I'm happy having both of my girls near me." She looks at Elena, "Come on, Elena."

She starts to walk away, and everything goes dark around us. They freeze and look around. "Mom?" I step towards them, and we huddle together. It appears we are in the same forest I got lost in earlier.

"Where are we?" Elena asks while holding Arlo tightly, who begins to whimper.

"Hello?!" I yell out. "If you are here, show yourself," I demand.

"Naomi, what are you doing?" Mom whispers at me.

Cold laughter echoes all around us as the figure cloaked in black appears in front of us. Only red eyes can be seen as the temperature around us drops. I feel pain and look down in horror as my belly grows large in seconds. I wrap my arms around myself and


"Give me the book, or your babies will be mine," The figure demands. "Bring it to the old treehouse, and I will stop everything happening to your pack. You have half an hour, or your mates and father will die," He hisses and disappears.

I blink, and we are back in Ghost River. My stomach is back to its previous size. I feel a faint kick deep within myself. Tears well up as I stand for a moment. "I felt a kick."

"Oh dear, are they alright?" Mom asks and places her hand over mine.

"I think so," I respond. "We better go get the book."

"How do we know that guy is telling the truth?" Elena asks.

"We don't," I respond and start towards the packhouse.

"Naomi, where are you going?" Mom shouts.

"To get that damn book, Mom," I shout back. She and Elena follow me into the packhouse. Ruby starts pacing in my head, 'What's wrong?'

'I don't know where they are,' she states.

"I can't sense Chance," Elena whines.

"I can't sense your father, either," Mom sighs.

We move towards Max's office. It is quiet, and I knock. There is no answer. "Max? Anyone?" I shout.

"Naomi?" Max says from behind us. A bruised Charlotte is standing just behind him.

"Yeah, where is everyone?" I ask him and glance at Charlotte, who is hiding her face.

"What happened to you?" Elena asks Charlotte.

"A misunderstanding," Max replies. "Everyone went looking for you three," He states.

"What do you mean, everyone?" I ask.

"Well, Magnus, Allen, and Chance," Max explains. His eyes glaze over. "Son of a bitch. I can't mind link anyone." "Where did they go?" I I ask.

Max shrugs, "I don't know, Naomi. I was trying to fix things with Charlotte."

I look at Charlotte, who has tears in her eyes. "What happened?"

"We'll explain later," Max states.

"We need to get the book," I tell the young alpha.

"Why?" Max nearly growls.

"That guy or whatever took us to his realm and demanded that we take the book to the old treehouse," I explain to Max.

"No," He shakes his head.

"Max!" I yell. "He threatened to take my babies and kill our mates and father," I argue. "We have half an hour."

Max presses his lips together. "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I nearly scream.

Mom puts her hand on my arm, "Calm down, Naomi."

"No!" I say and feel light-headed. The room spins, and the next thing I know, I am in Max's arms. He carries me into the office and lays me on the couch. I try getting up, but Max holds me down. "Hold still," He tells me. "I am calling a doctor."

"No, Max! We have to take the book to the treehouse, or Magnus and the others will die," I yell out, and everything goes black.

"Naomi!" I hear my mother shout before I pass out.

I open my eyes, and one of the doctors is hovering over me. I am still lying on the couch and try getting up.

"Hold still," the doctor holds me down.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"Two hours," He states.

"NO!" I scream. "MAGNUS!" I scream and struggle to sit up. "Where is Magnus?" I ask and pass out again.

And alone, I walk through the mysterious realm of the masked figure. The trees are twisted like knots as their yellowish leaves fall to the ground. I slip on the muddied ground as I trudge wherever I am being drawn. To access the complete chapters for free, visit Jo b ni b,com. I see the Old Treehouse I remember playing in as a pup. Then I see Magnus with my father, Bryant, and Chance standing there waiting.

"Magnus!" I shout, but he doesn't seem to hear me. The dead land turns back to the one I am familiar with. I am back in Ghost River. I try to run towards them, but my feet feel like they weigh a ton. "Magnus!" I shout in vein as the masked figure hovers over the treehouse.

The cold laughter wraps around my arms, making me shiver as I watch him point a hand at my family. "Half an hour is up," He hisses, and Magnus and the others fall to the ground.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

"NO!" I cry out, and the figure cackles and disappears. I try to run to my family's bodies, but everything goes black, and I am again walking in the dying forest of the other realm.

The figure stands before me, "You were supposed to bring me the book. But because I am feeling merciful, I will give you another chance," His cold voice seems to wrap around my throat as he speaks. "Where are my mate and father?" I shout.

He thrusts out his hand and coughs as he chokes me, "I make the demands here," He hisses. "Your father, mate, and the others will be fine as long as you follow my instructions."

I nod, and he loosens the grip on my throat.

"When you wake up, you must get my book from the safe and travel to the Red Fern Grove in the Veiled City," He instructs. "You may bring others with you, but no weapons, and you must suppress your wolves."

I gulp as he speaks. "And where is this-" I choke as he growls at me.

"Patience, girl," he hisses and releases me. "The book will guide you there. Just open it up, and the map shall appear. You have only a week to bring the book to the destination, and I will release your mate and the others there." He tells me and disappears, leaving me hovering in the darkness.

"Naomi," I hear my mother's voice echo in the darkness, and I open my eyes. She is standing over me with a worried look on her face. "Oh, goddess, Naomi," She sobs and hugs me.

I am lying on a bed in what I assume is the pack hospital. I try to move, but my mother holds me down. "I have to get the book," I whisper.

"Oh gods, not the book again," she pulls back from me. She disappears from my view and then reappears. "I called the doctor." She sniffles

"I have to get the book and take it to the Veiled City," I tell her.

"What?" Mom huffs. "Honey, your father and Magnus are missing along with Chance and Bryant."

"I know," I respond. "I know how to get them back."

Footsteps enter the room, and the doctor enters my vision. "Oh, good, you are awake." He breathes.

"Are my pups alright?" I ask.

He nods, "Yeah, they are fine. There was nothing medically wrong with you."

"So, I can leave?" I ask and try to get up, but the doctor holds me down. "I have to get to the Veiled City," I protest.

"The Veiled City?" Cedric, the wizard, suddenly appears in front of me. He looks a little more cleaned up and is wearing all black this time. "Who told you to go to the Veiled City?"

"The man," I respond. "The one who wants the book. He told me to take it to the Red Fern Grove in the Veiled City. I have a week to get there. Otherwise, he is going to kill my mate," I explain. The wizard bites his cheek, "Sweetheart, The Veiled City is in another realm. Only people like me can get there."

"Then take me there," I growl. "I have to get my mate back."

Cedric sighs heavily, "Taking that book back to the Abraxas family is a suicide mission. Bram Abraxas is trying to raise his dead family line and take control of all of us. We can't let that happen." "Then what are we supposed to do?" I say as tears fill my eyes. "I need Magnus back."

"And I want my Allen back," Mom adds. "Is your father with Magnus?" She asks.

"I think so," I reply. "I think Bryant and Chance are with them too."

"Look, we have to come up with a plan," Cedric interjects. "You can't just go waltzing into the Veiled City. Let me talk to some of my people, and I'll get back to you. In the meantime, stay here." He motions with his hands. "But-"

"Stay here," Cedric repeats and disappears.

I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes. I feel kicks in my belly and place my hands on my stomach. "I wish Magnus were here to feel this," I say as tears fall down my cheeks.

"Oh, sweetie," My mom sighs, "We'll find them."

"Okay, I am going to keep you here one more night," the doctor adds. I had forgotten that he was in the room.

I shake my head, "No, I have to get the book to the Veiled City."

"Sweetie, you need to wait for the weird wizard guy to come back and help you," Mom tells me.

"Rest, Ms. Monroe. Your pups need you to stay calm," The doctor pats my arm. He looks at my mom, "I'll be back later."

"Okay, thank you Phillip," Mom smiles at him before he walks out.

I lay against the pillow and feel my pups kick. I eventually fell asleep again. I wake up hours later, the room is dark, and I am alone.

'Get up now and get the book, A cold voice hisses in my head.

Like I am on auto pilot, I rise from the bed and put on some clothes left sitting on the dresser before creeping down the hall. No one is around as I leave the pack hospital and find my way to Max's office. I open the door and walk towards the safe. I am about to put in the code when the light turns on.

"What the f**k, Naomi?" Phoebe startles me.

I freeze and look at her. "I have to take the book to the Veiled City," I tell her.

She huffs, "Fine, but I am coming with you."

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