Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 35

"Son of a bitch," I snarl as I crumple up the note that Magnus had left. I can't believe he deceived me and left. I throw back the covers and nearly jump out of bed. Ruby whimpers in my head. 'Why are you whimpering?' 'No one is dying there, Ruby, I argue with her. 'It's our right to be there too. My family lives in Ghost River too. 'Right,' She snarls. 'He shouldn't have just left like that.'

'We are going to Ghost River anyways,' I declare to my wolf and rush into the bathroom. After my morning vomit, I take a quick shower and throw on a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. I pack a small bag and grab some food to eat on the way to Ghost River. I then head down to the garage to sign out a car.

"Naomi!" Moira's voice echoes down the hall, and I stop. She walks towards me with her son Emery trotting along in front of her.

I wave at her and try to continue towards the garage.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" The Queen asks.

I stop and turn to her, "Home," I breathe out, trying to hold back my anger.

"You are home," She laughs.

"I mean Ghost River," I state.

"Right, Kerry told me about it last night," She nods.

"Magnus left this morning without me, but I am going whether he wants me to go or not," I nearly growl.

Moira tilts her head, "He left without you?" she snorts. "Men," She shakes her head.

"He thinks I'll be in danger, but no one has died yet. It's just strange happenings, and I want to find out what is happening there. I think he forgets that my family lives there too," I explain.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"I know, hun," Moira pats my arm. "He just wants you and your pups to be safe."

I fold my arms and try not to glare at the Queen, "I don't believe it's anything like what happened with the vampires."

"I believe you," Moira pats my arm.

"Daddy!" Emery shouts, and I see King Kerry walking towards us.

The King looks regal wearing his fine suit, but he still manages to crack a smile when his son runs toward him. "What's up, Ems?" He picks up his pup and smiles at Moira and me. "Mommy is taking me out to the playground," Emery tells his father.

Kerry stops a few feet from us, "Is she now?" He leans over to kiss his mate and then looks at me. "Good morning, Naomi."

I bow my head to him, "Good morning."

"Where are you headed?" Kerry asks and sets Emery down.

"Ghost River," I reply. "My idiot of a mate decided to leave without me. But that's not going to stop me from going."

Kerry presses his lips together. "He is just trying to protect you and the pups, Naomi. He almost lost you once."

I narrow my eyes at him, "Of course, you are on his side," I look at Moira for help.

"Look, I know you want to go and find out what is happening too, but maybe you should just stay here where it's safe," Kerry tries to explain, but his mate gives him a dirty look. "Kerry, Magnus shouldn't have deceived her," She folds her arms.

"You knew he left without me?" I look at Kerry, and he nods.

"I understand why," Kerry tries to touch Moira's arm, but she pulls away from him, and he sighs. "I almost lost Moira, and it would have killed me. Magnus nearly lost you and your pups, Naomi. You have to see it from his perspective." I let out a small sigh, "I understand. But I'm still going, or will you try to stop me?"

Kerry looks between Moira and me, "No, but you should reconsider going. If they need help, I won't hesitate to send troops."

"I'm going," I say to him with determination. "Thank you," I smile at Moira.

"Good luck. I hope you get whatever is happening there resolved. I know Cedric is there helping," Moira laughs. "He is a wizard and my half-brother."

"You have a wizard half-brother?" I chuckle.

"We have different mothers," Moira shrugs. "His mom was a witch or still is. I don't know if she is still alive or not. Cedric doesn't talk about her."

"Mommy!" Emery protests, "I'm bored."

"Okay, Emery," She clasps his hand. "Anyways, I'll see you when you get back." She touches my arm and narrows her eyes at Kerry before walking away with her pup.

I smirk at the King. "Have a good day, Kerry."

He shakes his head, "Be safe, Naomi. Magnus loves you so much."

"I will be safe," I nod and walk away from him. I get down to the garage and manage to check out a sedan. As I pull out of the garage, I see Phoebe walking beside Brutus. She waves at me as I stop beside them. "Where are you going?" She asks with a smile.

"Ghost River," I tell her. "Weird stuff is going on, and I want to check it out."

"Right, my parents told me about it," she nods.

"Anyways, I was supposed to go with your idiot of a brother, but he decided to leave without me, so-"

"He what?!" Phoebe nearly yells. She looks at Brutus, "We are going to Ghost River."

"Babe, I don't think that-"

"We are going to Ghost River!" Phoebe yells at her mate, who flinches. "Why would Magnus leave without you?"

"He thinks I'll be in danger," I roll my eyes.

"No one has died yet," Phoebe huffs. She opens the passenger door and slides into the car, "I am coming with you."

"Phoebe," Brutus holds the door, "Magnus has the right to protect his mate and pups just like I do."

"You don't own me, Brutus," She growls, and he lets go of the door. "That is my home too."

Brutus sighs, "Please be careful," He leans down and kisses her. "I love you and don't want anything to happen to you or our daughter."

"I'll be fine, Brutus," Phoebe kisses him back.

"I wish I could go, but I have a lot of work to do," He sighs and touches Phoebe's shoulder.

"Do you need to pack anything?" I ask her, and she shakes her head.

"I still have stuff in my old room," Phoebe waves her hand. "Let's go."

I drive away, leaving a frowning bear-wolf hybrid watching us.

Phoebe looks back, "We will be okay."

It takes a few hours to get to Ghost River; by that time, I am no longer as angry as I was earlier. We get to the packhouse, and I park the car. Phoebe's parents are standing outside with Max and Charlotte. "You too?" Max nearly yells, and Phoebe pauses.

"What is up to your a*s, Max?" Phoebe walks over to hug her mother.

"You guys didn't have to come," Janice tells Phoebe.

"I wanted to know what was going on here," I respond to Janice.

"And she wants to kick Magnus's a*s," Phoebe laughs.

Darryl sighs, "He just wanted-

"Yeah, yeah," I interrupt my father-in-law. "He wants me to be safe," I roll my eyes. I look at Max, who looks angry, "Why are you mad, Max?"

"Oh, the pack has been talking," Charlotte interjects. "Everything going on has made some people question his abilities," She explains, and Max growls.

"I am the Alpha, Charlotte," He states angrily.

"I know, Max, dear," Charlotte sighs.

"I don't need my brother and sister here to undermind me," He argues.

I narrow my eyes at him. This amount of anger is unusual for Max. He has always been level-headed and chill. "Are you feeling alright, Max?" I ask him.

"I'm feeling fine, Naomi," He snarls.

"Why are you so angry? Magnus just wants to help," I tell him.

"I don't need his fucking help," Max yells and storms off.

We all stand there momentarily stunned. I look at Janice and Darryl. "He's acting strange," I state.

"Oh, you noticed," Janice huffs and looks at her mate. "Darryl doesn't believe me. But my Max is not acting like himself."

"I have noticed it," Charlotte adds.

"Yeah, it took me three seconds," I glance at Phoebe. "Some weird shit is definitely happening here."

Phoebe nods.

We notice that Darryl has disappeared. "Where did Darryl go?" I ask.

"Dad?" Phoebe calls.

"Let's go inside," Janice says, and we walk towards the door of the packhouse and find ourselves suddenly transported somewhere else.

We are in a forest that is not Ghost River. The trees all have strange pink flowers, along with dangerous-looking spikes. The grass at our feet is brown and dead looking. "Where the fuck are we?" Phoebe yells. "Calm down, Phoebe," Janice looks around while Charlotte clings to me.

I try to mind link Magnus, but I can't even feel Ruby. "I can't feel my wolf," I say with fear.

"I can't feel Kiara," Phoebe declares.

I look at Janice and Charlotte, and they both shake their heads. "What is happening?" Charlotte says. She digs into her pocket and pulls out her phone. "I have no bars."

"What do we do?" I ask.

A burst of loud, deep laughter is heard from behind us, and we all turn to a thin person in all black. They are wearing a mask over their face, and all we can see is their eyes. "You are in my realm," They cackle. "Bring me the book, and I will end the madness," they screech and disappears, and we find ourselves back in front of the packhouse.

"Naomi!" Magnus yells, and I see him running towards us with his father and a few others. "Where were you?" He runs over and wraps his arms around me.

I melt into his embrace, forgetting that he left without me this morning. "I don't know."

"Kairos was in a panic when he couldn't feel Ruby," He inhales my scent.

'Ruby?' I call to my wolf.

'I'm here, she responds.

'Where were you?' I ask her.

'I was trapped along with the other wolves,' She replies.

"Oh, thank the goddess," I put my hand on my chest. Magnus kisses my lips. "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry," He responds.

Someone clears their throat, and I notice a strange man looking like a hobo standing a few feet away. "I'm glad you found your mate, Gamma, but we have work to do, remember?"

"Right," Magnus pulls away from me. "We found out why strange shit is happening here," He glances at the strange man.

"Let me guess, we have to give the book back," I state, and Magnus's eyes widen.

"How do you know about the book?" Magnus asks.

"We," I gesture to Janice, Phoebe, and Charlotte, "All found ourselves in some strange place, and a person in all black told us to bring them the book."

"Really?" Magnus asks, and we all nod. "Mom?"

"She's right, Magnus," Janice confirms.

"What book?" Phoebe asks.

"The one in the vault," Darryl states.

"So, let's give it to whoever wants it," Janice shrugs.

"It's not that easy, Jan," Darryl responds. "Our ancestors put it there in the first place."

"Why?" Janice asks.

"Perhaps, the Archive keeper can tell us," Magnus smiles at me.

I sigh, "Let's go to the Archive then."

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