
Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Back to basics

Xaviers pov

"I never loved were just a pawn in my game of revenge...

I hate the blood flowing through you veins!!

I hate you!!!"

He words keep invading my thoughts

I toss around in my bed unable to go to sleep

This is the same bed which we shared

The same bed on which her cherry blossom and peach fregrance used to linger

The same full moon view from the glass window we used to see cuddled together.

Even after so many years

Even after sharing this bed with many other girls

Even after replacing her fragrance with stink of alcohol

She still remains

She remains in my mind and I can't remove her from there.

I got up from my bed and made my way towards the medical room.

I need my answers

She has made me a shell of a person I was before

She has broken me into pieces non fixable

She has made a fool of me

A fool of the Alpha king

I need to know why she did it.

As I entered I saw her thin body covered in gauzes

A machine was beeping near her every second

And numerous tubes were connected to her .

Her chest was rising and falling slowly

I grabbed a seat and sat next to her .

I felt relieved on seeing her chest rising and following..

When for a second it took a few seconds longer for her chest to rise a unknown fear entered my mind

but it was gone as she took another breath.

I realised how my heart stopped for a second when her breath came few seconds late.

It was clear

I was afraid to loose her.

Ezra's pov

I am tired

Tired of trying to move forward

Tired of living a life of a orphan ,of a Betrayer,of a murderer,a rogue and now a prisoner.

Can't all this mental and physical suffering end

Can't I just die?

But what would mom and dad say?

They wouldn't want this

They would want me to have a happy life with a loving mate and beautiful children.

They would have wanted me to live

I opened my eyes

It was dark but the monitors placed near me were showing some light

My heartbeat was visible on them and I remembered that I was still alive.

Why was I alive ?

How did I got here?

My gaze shifted to the figure that sat next to me

Even in the dark I could feel his eyes staring straight at me.

We continued to stare

No words were exchanged but his presence only was enough for me.

Enough for keeping me sane

Enough for assuring myself that he still cared.

Silence was broken when he asked me the question I was running from throughout my life

"Why did you betray me Ezra?"

His voice was broken

Desperation lingering in his words and saddness filled his eyes.

How could I answer him

Just how could I tell him that my betrayal was backed by my revenge

He was never a part of my game but was the one who got played in the end.

How can I tell him that I am Ezra

The Ezra

Daughter of Aleka and Aaron Allistaire

The same girl he saved that night

The same girl who had the thunder mark

I can't reveal my identity

He can't know the secret my mother asked me to hide from everyone.

"Answer me damittt!"

His cold and venomous raor brought me out of my thoughts

I looked to see his peace long gone

He was standing inches away from me

His face murderous and aura deadly

Being the king of werewolves any wolf would have crawled down on his feet in front of his power and


And I also admit that I was scared of him fir the first time in my life

I never saw him like this before.

Just now I realised how much of a beast he is now

How true were the rumours that flowed around.

He placed his hands on my both sides of my bed trapping me inbetween

I closed my eyes not willing to see this mosterous side of him.

His strong addicting cologne surrounded me and I stopped my breath to not get allured by it.

My breath left my mouth when I felt his lips on my neck.

His touch was sending a heating sensation at my sensitive spot and I felt my legs move to adjust these

heat waves entering my body.

" Tell me Ezra or else no one can stop me from doing what I plan to.."

No ..he can't

He can't mark me

No noooo this can't happen

Marking means non revokable binding of souls

It means start of heat on next full means consumerating our bodies after next 2 weeks

And it also means my complete dependence on him.

It simply means being his mate in all respects or getting killed by rejection.

No I won't let him hold my life in hid palms and control it.

I tried to push him back with the little strength I had but all in vain

The veins on his fore arms and biceps at his shoulders were flexing and his upper body was caging me

making me fear his dominance over me.

"Xa..v. Pl..ease ...don't do ..this..."

He chuckled making me doubt his sanity

"No Ezra I should have done this long time back...I should have made you submit earler only instead of

waiting for you to be ready...I was a fool to care for you.....when you didn't..."

"No ...Xav ..please...don't do marking me you will me dependent on you....I will die

....if you ever leave'

"My soul died the day you betrayed me...I think you also deserve to know how it feels like?"

"...Xav I love love for you was always true please ...please don't do this..!!"

As tears escaped my eyes and landed on the pillow I felt him stop near the marking spot

"Love disgusts me and so do your words...."

With this I felt his canines sink into my neck tenders NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

The pain was unbearable and loud screams escaped my lips

His left hand muffled my screams while his right hand held my neck in a position to get better access.

Streams of tears soaked the pillow

My legs thrashed trying to bear the pain but no matter what I did the pain remained.

His canines retraced leaving a huge royal mark on my neck

As his hand left my lips sobs breaked through .

The pain subsided but the realisation of what he did broke me from inside.

"You should know who controls your life from now on........"

He traced his figers along my teardrops

"Save these for later....this is just the beginning of my revenge my dear mate Ezra"

With this he was gone leaving me as a sobbing mess on the hospital bed with scarred body and broken


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