Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Resisting the Alpha Triplets Chapter 2 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 2 The Announcement

Mallory’s POV

Neither Clay nor Cary let go of me until we reached the front of the room where the Alpha and Luna waited for us. Colt was already standing beside his father, hands clasped in front of him and a less than pleased scowl on his face.

“There is our guest of honor!” Luna Erika announced, beaming at me. “Apparently my boys were monopolizing her.”

I peeked out of the corner of my eye to see her “boys” reaction to that only to see them both smirking to themselves. Jerks!

“But now that she’s here,” Luna continued, “My husband and I have a special announcement we’d like to make!”

Everyone waited with baited breath for their pack leaders’ big reveal. Only the ranked members and their families and some of the pack council were here but I still couldn’t help but fidget with all those eyes on me, probably wondering why an omega warranted so much fanfare. I tried to block everyone out and just focus on my mother, who’s smile was so wide, you would think it was her birthday.

“As most of you know, Maeve and Mallory are like family to us.” Alpha Carl’s gruff voice rang out through the room. “Mallory is like the daughter we never had, which is why we feel so privileged to celebrate her birthday with her every year. But this year, we decided to go all out. Not just because it happens to be her sweet sixteen, which is a special event in itself, but also because it may be the last birthday we get to celebrate with her for a while.”

What? That revelation sent my mind into a tailspin. Why wouldn’t we be together for my birthday next year? Apparently, everyone else was wondering the same thing as curious murmurs rippled through the room. Even my mother looked confused, a little line forming between her eyebrows.

“Okay, okay!” Alpha put his hands up, quieting the crowd. “We won’t keep you or the birthday girl in suspense much longer. But since the gift to Mallory we are about to announce was my lovely Luna’s idea, which I happen to agree is brilliant, I will turn it over to her to do the honors.”

“Thank you, my love!” Luna said, taking the microphone from him then turning to me. “The reason we might not be together on your birthday next year, my sweet girl, is that our gift to you, if you accept it, may take you away from us for a time. Alpha and I would like to send you to the King’s Wolf Academy. We want to sponsor you for the Luna Preparation Program!”

Cheers erupted and applause rang out through the room along with a few murmurs of dissent, but all I could hear were her words reverberating in my head over and over again. I couldn’t have heard her right. That was an elite program, for daughters of ranked wolves. And the cost was astronomical. Why would they spend that kind of money on me when I was unlikely to ever be a Luna?

I was so lost in my own thoughts, I completely tuned out the crowd. Until a ferocious growl rose above all the noise.

“What the fuck?!” Colton roared.

Raucous cheering turned to dead silence in a heartbeat. My eyes searched for Colton only to shrink back when I found him. He was furious, fists clenched and chest heaving as he struggled to restrain his wolf. I followed his line of sight to his parents, who wore identical looks of shock and disappointment.

“Please help yourself to some cake.” Alpha announced. “We will rejoin you shortly.”

With a nod of his head, Alpha motioned for his sons to follow him. I found myself being gently led along with them by Luna Erika, the patter of my mother’s footsteps following behind us. Soon, we were all crowded in the Alpha’s office, tension hanging thick in the air.

“What the hell was that?” Alpha Carl growled, glaring at his oldest child. “How dare you embarrass your mother and I with an outburst like that! Not to mention poor Mallory. We don’t treat our pack members that way. And until you can learn to treat every member of your pack with respect, you sure as hell don’t deserve to lead them!”

“I apologize, father.” Colton replied, hanging his head in shame.My guess was his remorse was more due to the threat of losing the Alphaship than anyone else’s feelings, least of all mine.

“I’m certainly not the only one in this room you owe an apology to.” Alpha barked.

“I’m sorry I embarrassed you, mother. It won’t happen again.” He told her, then turned to me. “I apologize to you as well, Mallory and to you Maeve, for being disrespectful to your daughter.”

Mom and I both nodded in acceptance, not wanting to cause their family any more drama.

“Now, can we calmly discuss the reason you lost your shit over something that doesn’t concern you?” Luna Erika challenged, nearly making me choke on my spit.

I’d never heard her talk that way before. She was always the picture perfect Luna, never veering from proper etiquette. But now, she stood with her arms crossed over her chest, tapping her foot impatiently and fire dancing in her eyes.

“I just-, it just caught me off guard.” He admitted. “I just don’t understand why you would invest so much of the pack’s resources in her when it’s highly unlikely she’ll need Luna training. It’s not like she’ll end up mated to an Alpha. If you want to sponsor someone, why not Darcy? She has Alpha blood in her lineage.”

I couldn’t help but shrink in on myself at the bitterness in his tone. The message was clear. He would never want me as his Luna so he couldn’t comprehend why anyone else would either. I wasn’t sure why it hurt so much to hear him say it though. He and his brother’s were arrogant assholes. It’s not like I wanted any of them anyway.

“First of all, as far as I’m aware I am still the Alpha of this pack so how I choose to use pack resources is solely my decision. However, this gift is from your mother and I, not the pack, and it is our money we are investing in Mallory’s future. And since your mother and I worked hard to earn that money, I believe how we spend it is no concern of yours.” Alpha Carl chided.

“And while Darcy seems to be a lovely girl, it is for her family to decide if she should attend the Academy or not. No offense, dear.” Luna added, smiling at Darcy who was trying, unsuccessfully, to hide behind Colton.

“Of course not Luna.” Darcy returned with a weak smile.

“But she’s just an omega.” Clay said it like it was a bad word, clearly sharing his brother’s opinion of me.

Alpha growled at him and started to reprimand him but I cut him off.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“No, he’s right.” I stated, putting on a brave face. “Omegas don’t get Alpha mates. It was a lovely gesture but I couldn’t let you spend your hard earned money on me for something so unlikely to ever be worth the investment.”

“Mallory, listen to me. You are a smart, brave, kind, compassionate and beautiful young woman. All things a Luna should be. And despite my sons’ shameful attitude, you are worthy of an Alpha mate.” Luna Erika reproved me for my self-criticism. “But even if you were to mate with an omega, there is a strength in you that deserves to be explored. Regardless of rank, you will hold an important place in your pack one day. It would be negligent on our part if we didn’t do all we could to help you prepare for that day. Besides, who are we to forecast the Moon Goddess’ plans?”

“How long would she be gone?” My mother had been stunned into silence by the announcement so it surprised everyone when she finally found her voice.

“The program starts in two weeks and lasts just under two years. There are no breaks so she wouldn’t be able to come home during that time. You could visit but the program is rigorous. She probably wouldn’t have much time outside of her studies.” Alpha explained.

“Two years!” Cary exclaimed out of nowhere, but a stern look from his father shut him up.

My mother looked down, deep in thought for a moment. I was certain she wouldn’t want me to leave her alone for so long. But when she finally looked up again, locking eyes with the Alpha, she only said two words.

“She’ll go!

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