Rejected Mate's Redemption (Freda and James)

Mates 87

Mates 87

Chapter 87 FREDA WHITLOCK ‘When the hell did Lyra start jogging?”. She wasn’t even a morning person but here she was covered in sweat as she panted softly in front of me. I watched her as she walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and drank deeply. I crossed my arms as I narrowed my eyes on her. “So when did you start jogging Lyra? I don’t recall you ever waking up this. early to go for a run”. “Well, a new day for a new hobby right?” She stated and I raised my eyebrow. “Oh come on Freda, because I’ve decided I like jogging, shouldn’t make you go all interrogative on me”. “I told you I just felt like it okay?. I’m tired, I’d like to wash up”. She said as she avoided my scrutinizing gaze and walked out of the kitchen. I sighed in frustration. ‘What happened to Lyra. Where the hell was my best friend and who was the person that had replaced my sweet, funny Lyra and gave me a snobby, withdrawn Lyra in return’. ‘Oh goddess help me, for my strength was failing’. I walked to the kitchen counter and rested my weight on it as I took deep breaths. My wolf, Gia tried to console me but I would hear nothing of it. I wanted my best friend Lyra and I hated that she was pushing me away. I released another shaky breath and decided to make breakfast, pushing every thought of Lyra away from my mind. She usually helped out with breakfast but I guess I was on my own today. I quickly whipped up a quick breakfast of sandwiches, pancakes and oatmeal. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand as I examined the work I had done and I smiled in satisfaction. Just then Elle and Gina walked into the kitchen. “Hmmm, I knew I smelt something great”,Gina gushed out excitedly as she quickly swiped a pancake into her mouth while Elle jabbed her in the ribs. “It’s bad manners to take food in that manner”. Elle stated as she glared disapprovingly at her. “But it’s soo good, Freda. I wish I could eat the food you make everyday”. She stated with a mouth full of pancakes and I laughed.

“It’s okay Elle, let her have the pancake, I made a lot anyway”. Elle nodded, she and Gina helped carry the food to the dining. table while I cleaned the kitchen. Soon we were all seated at the table but I noticed Lyra wasn’t present at the table. “Where’s Lyra? Cisco didn’t you call her for breakfast?” I asked as I glanced at him. “I did mummy but she said she wasn’t hungry. That she would heat up her breakfast later”. Cisco said softly as tears welled up in his eyes, I must have overwhelmed him with the tone I used. “It’s okay honey, mummy was only worried”. I stated as I picked him up from his chair and placed him on my lap. “Why don’t you let mummy feed you huh?” I asked as I tickled him softly and he Ε screamed out in delight. I took that as a yes and began to feed him. “I just hope your friend feels better soon”. Elle whispered softly and I nodded. “I hope so too”. We finished breakfast soon and I headed to the kitchen to heat up Lyra’s food and drop it in her room. I was still thinking about how I was going to approach Lyra again concerning her strange behavior when Cole walked in. “Thank you Freda for breakfast. It was amazing as always” he stated and I smiled. “You’re welcome”. I went back to placing Lyra’s food on a tray as I prepared to carry it to her room when he began to speak again. “I was hoping you could take us on a tour around?” He asked and my spine stiffened. ‘A tour?’ Most werewolves here were uneasy around humans. But if I said no, Cole and the others might get suspicious especially after what Kaiden did to them last time. But I wasn’t scared of Kaiden and these were my friends. They deserved to at least have a tour around. I just hoped we didn’t run into any trouble along the way. “Of course, just let me drop this for Lyra and we can all go in an hour”. I stated with a light smile on my face and Cole smiled. “Okay then, I’ll tell the others, they will be so happy” he stated with a wide grin and I nodded and he left. I grabbed the tray and headed for Lyra’s room. I didn’t bother knocking and just walked in. I saw her

curled on the bed and I sighed and sat down beside her and dropped the tray on the bed. “Eat breakfast, we’re taking Cole and the others on a tour, we leave in an hour and Lyra don’t make up another excuse that you’re not going because you are going to come with us whether you like it or not. Do you understand?” I asked in a stern voice and she nodded. I exhaled a breath of relief that she didn’t argue and I got up. I gave her on last glance and walked out shutting the door gently behind me. I I had just walked few paced away when Cisco rushed to me and hugged my leg. “Mummy I heard we are going out for a picnic” he yelled excitedly as he looked up at me and I smiled. “Yes, honey, now let’s get you ready” I stated and we went to his room to change his clothes. Soon, Cisco was ready and I had packed the leftover sandwiches and some other snacks into a basket with the help of Elle and Gina who wouldn’t stop talking excitedly about the picnic and the tour we were about to have. I was just about to go find Lyra again when she walked in with the tray of food in her hand. I glanced at the tray and exhaled a breath relief when I saw it was empty. “Okay” let’s go everyone” I stated and we all filed out of the house. We decided to walk as the forest wasn’t so far from the house. I decided to take them to the woods that wasn’t really used by the werewolves around. We arrived at a small clearing in the woods that had a spring nearby and dropped the basket of food down as we set out the blanket on the grass. “Wow” Elle and Gina gushed out. This place is amazing, I wonder why this hasn’t become a popular touris. center. It looks quite deserted”. Gina stated as she looked around. “Yeah, people don’t really come out here that much. It’s more of like a secret spot for me”. I lied. I hoped they didn’t get suspicious and ask more questions. Luckily they didn’t and soon enough, our little picnic started. Elle and Gina made jokes and we laughed. They even played in the spring with Cisco and took a lot of pictures. I laughed along with them and tried to get Lyra to join in the fun but she declined and

watched us from afar. Soon, we decided to call it a day and we packed up the picnic. Just as we were finishing up Kaiden stepped into the clearing and glared at us. What the hell was this man’s problem?. My wolf howled in delight at the sight of my mate but I shut her down. “This is a restricted area. Why did you bring these people here?”, he asked as he glared accusingly at my friends. “It seems the arrest earlier wasn’t enough for you guys he growled as he approached them. Why do you keep following Freda around?” He asked as he glanced at Cole. “What the hell is wrong with you Kaiden? These are my friends, so back off”. I growled as I took a menacing step towards him. “Intimidate my friends one more time and you’ll regret it. Trust me” I stated as I stared him down and his eyes widened.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

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