Rejected Mate's Redemption (Freda and James)

Mates 59

Mates 59

Chapter 59 FREIDA WHITLOCK Night had come but despite Lyra’s attempt to get me back home, I wouldn’t leave. How could I leave my son’s side when he was in this condition? Despite the loud ranting from Lyra after Kaiden left, Cisco never for once stirred and it worried me greatly. What would I do if anything happened to my baby? Oh, dess! My train of thought was in turmoil and I could stop shedding tears as I stayed by his side the whole night. I don’t think I slept a wink. I couldn’t even try. While by his side, I would stare at Harper. She too was still in an unconscious state and hadn’t woken up. Her condition looked fatal and I couldn’t help but wonder how Safiya must be feeling. “Please don’t tell me you’re worried about that girl. I strongly believe she’s the cause of this. She’s Safiya’s daughter after all” Lyra’s harsh words had brought me out of reverie and I sighed, turning to cast her a glance of disapproval. I understand Safiya trying to blame my son for this was to spite me to prove that Kaiden was hers but I didn’t expect this from Lyra. She knew too well that Harper would never have the thought of pushing Francisco off the stairs. She was a child for crying out loud. “Lyra, I don’t think that makes any sense. Stop blaming her because you don’t like Safiya. The kids are innocent” My words Chapter 59 1200 Vouchers were intended to chide her but did they? She didn’t look fazed by them one bit. She scoffed, “We can’t just let anything slide” “True. But we can’t blame kids for our actions, can we?” I asked with a sigh, “It’s not her fault that her mother is a pain” “I feel bad for her. She had to have that vile woman as her mother, of all people” Lyra spat with disdain and I stared at her with a pained look. I couldn’t believe she would say such a thing. “Lyra!” I cautioned. No matter how bad Safiya had become, I would never accept the fact that it wasContent provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

her fault. Yes, she go overboard but it had never been her fault and she seemed to be a good person to her daughter. The worry in her eyes for Harper was palpable while she was here. Lyra clicked her tongue and walked out looking annoyed and I sighed. She needed that time alone. I rested my head on Cisco’s bed and whiled away time staring at him. The next morning, after her failed attempts to persuade me to go back home for a change of clothes, Lyra decided to go fetch. the necessities for me. Fransisco was still not awake and even though I tried hard to be strong, I was losing a huge part of my mind. Tears were dropping from my eyes every second after Lyra left and had made me promise her not to cry. I just couldn’t help it. I wanted my son to open his eyes already and speak to me. Was that too much to ask? The door to the ward opened and I lifted my head to see a distressed Safiya walk in with a bowl in hand. I quickly wiped my Chapter 59 tears with the back of my palms. could feel her glaring at me. I heaved. What did she have in mind to say now? To my surprise, she said nothing. Instead, she went to Harper’s side and gazed at her frail daughter with quivering lips. She seemed to be trying hard not to break down before me. After placing kisses all over Harper’s face while whispering things as she did, she sat on the stool beside her bed and with a towel from the bowl gently wiped Harper’s bare skin. She suddenly looked up and our eyes met. I held my breath not because I was scared of her but at the amount of hatred in her eyes as she glared at me at my son. What was going on in her head? looked away first because I thought I saw Cisco stir. He did. My heart swelled with joy when I saw his eyes flutter. Oh my goodness, my son was awake! I felt like squealing and I might have done so because Safiya’s gaze was boring holes into my soul as she fumed. I didn’t mind her reaction knowing how much of a bitter person she had become lately. “Cisco” I gasped, “Sweetheart” I sat on the bed, feeling his forehead with the back of my palm, “G***d, you’re awake!” My voice was shaky, filled with emotions as I leaned down to engulf him in a hug.

“M.. mom” He called weakly and I broke the hug staring at him. with intent to study his wounds like I was seeing them for the first time. Oh, goddess! The tears I was trying hard to contain came spilling out in torrents. I thought something bad would happen to you” I cried, “Don’t ever scare mommy like that ever, okay?” I scolded, palming my face as I cried. Chapter 59 288 Wouchers “Mom, stop crying. I’m fine now” The nerve of this boy speaking to me like he was all grown up. What did he know? He had no idea that I would have lost my mind if he hadn’t come to. I sniffled wiping my tears as I helped him sit up like he requested. I knew his back was hurting from lying down for a day and a half. He looked exhausted and his stomach kept grumbling showing he was hungry. The sound made me chuckle, after all the distress I had been through the whole night, he woke up with a stomach that needed food. Oh, my boy! “Are you hungry?” I asked the obvious and he nodded. I lat ed, “Aunt Lyra will soon be here with breakfast, okay?” He nodded, “Mom, where’s -” Safiya cut him off, her voice shrill and accusing, “Hey little boy, why did you push my daughter, how can you be so cruel, huh?” Her eyes were blazing with fury that would scare anyone. Just like me, Cisco looked puzzled. He shifted uneasily on the bed and my hold on his hand tightened a bit to calm him down. He didn’t have to get agitated by her words. Seems like she was deranged. “Safiya watch what you say and stop accusing my son for your daughter’s condition!” I warned, staring back at her with the same intensity and she hissed Her gaze was still pointed at Cisco, “If you don’t tell me the truth right now, I’ll have your mother arrested, don’t test my patience” She stared at him trying to intimidate him and before I could utter a word to diffuse her accusations, Cisco burst into tears. Chapter 59

288 Vouchers. My heart s**d a beat and I returned my attention to him. D**n you Safiya. “Cisco, don’t cry” I held him close in my arms trying to soothe him but his cries grew louder every second.

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