Rejected Mate's Redemption (Freda and James)

Mates 51

Mates 51

Chapter 51 KAIDEN STIRLING I was still occupied with my thoughts when I drove past a lady standing on the streets. I drive for five more seconds before something clicked in my brain. I applied abrupt force to the brake that almost caused my chest to harshly drive itself against my steering wheel. Thank the goddess for seatbelts. I immediately put the car in reverse. Safiya… I wanted to be sure I had not lost my mind for second. I reached the figure of the lady that was dejectedly walking by the side of the road and I did not even have to see the face of the person to know it was Safiya. She was barely dressed in a thin gown and her skin was pale, like she was sick. The last time I had seen her was about an hour ago. I had left her in bed to take Harper to school. What on earth was she doing out here… Looking like this? Oh f**g hell, I was going to lose my mind. I immediately jumped out of the car without shutting the engine off. “Safiya,” I called and ran after her as she kept taking slow steps. She completely ignored me and I grasped her arm, wrapping my hand around her arm. “What are you doing? What’s wrong?” I asked with great concern. Not only for her and the fact that she was acting crazy out of nowhere, but also the fact that she was doing things that Chapter 51 1208 Vouchers could kill her and even the baby. What… She managed to break free of my grip because it was not tight and then continued to walk. If I let her continue with this, she was going to get a very bad cold and she was barely dressed. Rogues could get hold of her and do anything to her. The protective alpha instinct in me was automatically activated.

“Safiya! Can you stop and tell me what this is?” I pleaded with her and grasped her arm again in a firm but gentle grip. “Where are you going?” I asked, concerned that she was actually losing her mind. J Her eyes finally focused on me. She blinked before she tried stepping away again. “I have to go,” she said, offeri no explanation for why she looked the way she did and why she was acting the ways he was. I bit my lip to hold back a stream of curses. I rounded her and stood in front of her. I grasped both of her shoulders in my hands and then held her in place. “Where are you going? Why do you have to go there and why are you dressed like this?” I asked slowly, hoping that in all of the madness she would understand my question and answer me. She looked like she was contemplating telling me and then like a perfect actress, she somehow removed the haze in her eyes that made me fear that she had lost her mind. “This…” She said, holding up a book that I had not noticed at all in my panic. 13.05 Chapter 51 1288 Vouchers “What’s that?” I asked,, taking a step back as she flipped through the pages of the book. She looked up at me again. “It’s Harper’s. She left it at home and know she needs it at school,” she said and I tried to hide the incredulous look on my face. What? What?? She was going to drive me nuts. let out a laugh of both relief and annoyance. “You could have called me, Safiya,” I said the words gently. The last thing I wanted to do was talk to her gently after making me worry that she was going nuts but I refrained from yelling. “You were driving, picking my call could have put you and Harper in danger,” she said and I let out a sigh. I almost told her that Francisco was also in the car but I refrained fron, Joing that. That would have been incredibly s**d.

“And even if I had called and you could have safely picked it, I doubt you would have wanted to talk to me. You wouldn’t have picked the call,” she said like she was completely sure of that. Her words made me feel bad because I knew I was not treating her right. She knew that and that was the reason she had punished herself by walking all the way to this place. “Come on,” I said, taking her hand. She looked at where our hands were connected and for a second, I thought she was going to pull her hand from mine. She didn’t. She only relaxed and then shook her head. “I have to give it to her,” she said and I bit my lip as my frustration grew. “You can’t go there now, safiya. It’s already late. If you insist on giving it to her, I have to drop you off at home and take it to her,” I said and she seemed to concede. She nodded and exhaustion filled her eyes. It seemed she had been keeping it bay. She was putting so much strain on herself. and the baby for what reason? I was not even sure. I led her to the car and opened the door for her, security the seatbelt. I walked round the car and entered at my side, shutting the door. I locked both sides, making sure that she would not be able to jump out of the car in case she changed her mind about agreeing to go back to the pack house with me. As soon as we got to the pack house and I unlocked the door, ked and I she started to speak. “Do you care about me?” She dreaded the answer I had to that question. “Of course I care about you, Safiya,” I responded as I pushed the door shut. “Do you love me?” She asked and I froze before looking at her. She suddenly had ager, pain and tears in her eyes. “What are you getting at?” I asked with a sigh and she frowned. “Answer the question, Kaiden!” She yelled and the eyes of people around us moved to us. “Safiya, whatever this is, you need to stop it,” I said through gritted teeth. As though she had not heard what I said, she yelled more. “You’re a cheater! You don’t care about me or our daughter or our coming baby!” She screamed at the top of her lungs and tears flowed down her cheeks. 13:05

Chapter 51 1288 Vouchern My wolf forgot for a moment that she was still our wife. My hand rose up to hit her as my wolf took control but I was able to stop myself in time. “F**k,” I muttered under my breath as I saw her shrink away from me, expecting to be struck. I looked around subtly and eyes were on us. F**k, f**k! “Come on,” I said, taking her hand and leading her into the house.From NôvelDrama.Org.

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