Rejected By My Mate

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Sabrina's POV

With the help of Lucia, our journey has been easy. But we still couldn't track Alex's whereabouts. I

decided to seek help from my wizard friend that didn't join the alliance. There are only a few wizards

who rebelled and joined the alliance. I'm glad Clinton and Allia weren't like them. I told them everything

that happened when I'm gone. They couldn't believe what we've been through just to reach Tibbertan

Mountain. But I didn't tell them about the Moonlight Kingdom. It's not my place to tell, maybe someday,

but I have to ask permission first to Auntie Leia and Uncle Alexander.

Clinton was reading a book, while I was pacing back and forth. Allia was talking to Layla while Lucia

had a poker face because of Luke's constant questions about the buried stone in Lucia's forehead and

the mark on her face.

"Luke, stop bugging Lucia, okay?" Allia said and Luke pouted then shrunk into the chair.

"Great! I found something to help Alex control her body back." Clinton mumbled suddenly.

"What is it, Clinton?" I asked eagerly, then sat in front of him. I keep fidgeting in my seat because we

only have 4 days before the war and our enemies are already marching towards Tibbertan Mountain.

We have to hurry and convince Alex's beast to help us in the war.

"Her mate." Clinton said.

"What?! How? That jerk betrayed Alex!" Layla said furiously while clenching her fist tightly.

"How could he help?" Lucia asked.

Clinton sighs and says, "His wolf can talk to Alex's wolf and other spirits including Alex. And their bond

can help connect each other and could give Alex and her spirits enough strength for them to fight off

the beast."

"Then, we must make Azrael come with us." Lucia said.

"We can't! I hate him!" Layla said with distaste.

"We have no choice, Layla. He is our only chance to bring Alex back." I said.

She didn't reply, but her mood changed. I know that Layla hates Azrael so much because both of them

share the same interest, which is Alex. Yup, I know that Layla is in love with Alex. Poor Layla.

Suddenly, I felt the air changes in the entire room and it felt too hot.

"It's hot!" everyone mumbled while beads of perspiration formed on our forehead. Something's wrong. I

can feel a presence. A very familiar presence.

"You're looking for me?" I was stunned when someone spoke. Everybody gasped, and we turned our

heads in the direction of the voice.

And there, Alex's beast was leaning on the wall near the door. I froze when my gaze fixated on her

dark, hollow eyes.

"Alex!" Luke exclaimed in joy and next thing I knew, he ran towards Alex and hugged her legs. The

beast just looked at the boy blankly, but I'm surprised to see her lips pursed into a thin line.

"Hey there, Luke." she said and we couldn't help but let out a gasp. She pats Luke's head and ruffles

his hair, which makes Luke giggle.

"Luke! Come here!" Allia said while her hands were shaking. The beast looked at Allia while smirking.

But the beast never let go of Luke. "I'm taking him." the beast said, and we all gasped.

"No! Give me back my son!" Allia said on the verge of crying.

"Alex, please let go of Luke." Clinton said nervously. We all shot up in our chair while looking at Alex's

beast. She laughed loudly and her voice echoed throughout the room and next thing we knew, Alex's

beast disappeared together with Luke.

"No! My baby!" Allia cried loudly and Clinton tried to comfort her, but the latter is also crying. I stumbled

back to my chair in shock. It was so sudden and I didn't even have a chance to talk to the beast.

I grabbed my hair in frustration and facepalmed. Why would Alex's beast take Luke? I don't


"Alli, what was Luke's power?" I asked while my heart was pounding.

Allia shook her head and said, "Luke's power hasn't come out yet."

I nodded. "I think the beast needs something from Luke's power."

"I don't know what to do if something happened to my son." Clinton said while clenching his fist tightly. I

sigh deeply. The beast is planning something. We must act now.

"We have no time. Come on, let's save Luke before we're too late." Lucia mumbled and shot up in her


We all nodded, but Allia was still crying. I shot up in my chair and walked over to Allia. "Alli, I'm sure

she won't hurt Luke. We will find them and get Luke back. I promise." I said and hugged her. She

sobbed and nodded slowly.

I'm so confused why Alex's beast took Luke. What's her plan and what is it to do with Luke?

"Let's go. We couldn't waste time now." Lucia said, and we fixed ourselves.

Lucia cast a spell, and a portal opened. We didn't waste any time and got inside the portal.

The portal took us in the first mountain going to Tibbertan Mountain, and right from where we are, we

can see a sea of warriors marching through the snow. They are way too many. I think there were

thousands of them. Now, I'm getting anxious for the upcoming war. There's a fifty-fifty chance of

survival, and I don't know if we could make it alive.

Lucia cursed under her breath and mumbled, "This is not good. We are outnumbered. There were too

many of them." her voice was shaky.

"Let's pray. God, please help us in this war." Clinton uttered nervously while closing his eyes. He is just

a wizard. A wizard that didn't experience a war. They shouldn't come with us. This is my fault.

I close my eyes and pray. The moment I flickered my eyes opened, I couldn't help but gasp because

there's another battalion following the first batch. The second battalion are all werewolves, and Azrael

is one of them. And from the other direction, there's also another battalion of Vampires. I easily notice

the Vampire because of their thick clothes and a big cloak that cover all of their bodies. They are afraid

to get burned under the sunlight. Alex is lucky because her body is immune to the sunlight, which is

strange because she is also a vampire. I sigh in relief when I don't see him. I fought the urge to smile.

The last thing I want is when Vorges and I fought in the war because I don't think I can kill him. He is Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

still my mate, after all, even if I hated his kind.

The problem is, how can we get to Azrael if Lucian and his warriors were surrounding him? This is as

hard as I thought. We must find a way to get Azrael's attention. It's better when all of them reach this

mountain for us to capture Azrael. The forest was dark and I believe they won't notice us because of

their huge numbers. It will take them a few hours before reaching this mountain, and we have to make

a plan.

We all climbed up in the tall huge trees and sat at the branches. After we were all settled, I told them

about my plan on how to get to Azrael. My plan should work or else we're doomed. I am a Queen and

all my plans always work. I hope this time I won't fail, but anyway I'm confident that my plan will work.

Alex, wait for us… I promised you can control your body back. I said in my mind.


Queen Leia's POV

Tears were streaming down my face as I relive my memories from 18 years ago before our life got

complicated. Everything is Alexander and I's fault. Because of us, our people have no choice but to

fight in the war to save their lives and everyone. If I could just bring back the time, I would. But our

destiny had already decided. Whatever happens, happens, and I will accept the consequences.

I looked up when the door busted open and my husband came in. He frowned while scanning my face.

I quickly wipe my tears away. He let out a deep sigh and kissed me on my lips, then wiped some of my

excess tears and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Everything will be alright soon, my Queen." he said, and I smiled. "Come, Cybelle had arrived." I was


"What?! She shouldn't have returned. What will happen now?" I said anxiously. This is not happening!

Alexander sighed and looked at me.

"Leia, I think it's time to tell her. It's been too long. She has the rights to know who she really is." I

frowned. I don't know if I'm ready to tell her about the past. What if she will hate us? I can't afford that.

Cybelle has been living in the human world because she wanted to meet humans, but I think when she

learns about the war, she immediately returns home. Now, we have a problem because I don't want

Cybelle to get hurt in the war.

When we reach the throne room, Cybelle is looking at the painting on the walls. She turned around to

face us and smile widely.

"Mama! Papa! I've missed you!!!" she said, then ran towards us and engulfed us in a tight embrace. I

smile and caress her hair.

"I missed you too, darling." I said and kissed her forehead. Alexander did the same.

"Wait, I have to say something." she said with a creased forehead.

"What is it?" I asked because she seems scared.

"On my way here, I saw a lot of beasts in the fifth mountain. Good thing I used the shortcut going to

Tibbertan Mountain." she said.

"It only means one thing. Those beasts are waiting for the others, and our enemies are on their way."

Alexander said and called the knights. He immediately ordered the knights to call the head of the

knights to prepare all the warriors.

"A war is really happening soon." Cybelle mumbled. "I wanted to help in the war, Mama, Papa."

"No! You can't! You will stay here, Cybelle. It was so dangerous. Please stay here with Angelo, I can't

afford to see you get hurt and I'm afraid to lose you. I don't want to lose you." I said with a begging

voice. Cybelle sighs heavily and looks at us intently.

"Please, Mama, let me help. I trained so hard all these years. I don't want my fighting skills to go to


Alexander and I looked at each other, never uttered a word. Silence enveloped us until I spoke

nervously. "Cybelle, we have something to say to you."

She looked at us quizzically and nodded hesitantly. We both sat at the sofa facing each other.

"Cybelle, it's time for you to know who you really are."

"What? Who I really am? What do you mean?" she asked with a creased forehead in confusion.

I tense and swallow my saliva. It took us minutes to utter the word. The word that broke my heart.

"Cybelle, we are not your real parents." Alexander and I uttered in unison.

She just looked at us without blinking. Then after how many minutes, she laughed hilariously, "You're

kidding me, right? How is it possible that I am not your daughter?" she said, but tears rolled down in

her cheeks. I held her hand tightly, and a tear flowed down my face.

"We're sorry for keeping it from you for too long. We are just scared of your reaction. We're afraid you'd

hate us for keeping a secret about who you are. Please forgive us." I said while sniffling.

"Why now?" she sobbed and shook her head. "No, you are my parents. You are lying!" she shouted

while trying to get out from my grip, but I held her hand tightly and squeezed it.

I sighed deeply, "Cybelle, we are so sorry." I said and cried.

She shook her head no while her tears rolling down her face endlessly, "I don't want any parents but

you. I don't care if we are not blood related. All those years, you were taking good care of me and I'm

so grateful for it." she said and hugged me tightly.

"What about your real parents? Don't you want to meet them?" I whispered, but she just shook her


"It's better for me not to know or meet them. You being my loving parents are enough. I have the best

life with you and I will never replace both of you because you are the best parents in the world I could

ever have." she said with finality in her voice.

"Cybelle, we will respect your decision, but we think your real parents must know that you are alive."

Alexander tried to convince her.

"What do you mean?" she asked with eyebrows furrowed together.

"We're sorry for lying, but your real father believes that we killed you and your real mother. We haven't

got a chance to tell him you are alive but…" Alexander said, then trailed off.


"We're sorry for losing your real mother." I said. She gasped and sobbed harder. She hugged me tightly

while still crying. I just let her cry on my shoulder while stroking her back to help her ease the pain

she's feeling. I know it's hard for her to accept the truth about herself that we kept hidden for a long


"Then, who is my real father?" she asked while wiping her tears away.

Alexander and I looked at each other and nodded. "His name is Lucian." I said.


Azrael's POV

I stopped walking and looked at the entire river that was filled with snow. Memories keep flashing back

in my head and I couldn't help but smile. It was the best memory of my life. My memories are too vivid,

and it's like Alex is by my side. I miss our short conversations together.

Where I am standing, I remember how Alex fought the water snake dragon. She was so cool back

then. My lips tugged upwards at the memory.

I heard a snort beside me, and Liza was glaring daggers at me. I ignore her and continue walking.

Lucian is grinning from ear to ear while gripping tightly at his sword like it was so precious to him. He's

really a weirdo. King Stephen seemed lost. A look of hesitation is visible on his face. I wonder what

he's thinking right now.

'King Stephen, are you alright?' I mind linked him.

'Alpha Azrael?'

'Yes, something was bothering you?' I asked.

'Honestly, yes. You know that my mate is Layla, right?'

My forehead creased. 'Yes, what about it?'

'I did something that hurt her so much, and I regretted it. To make up with my mistakes, I have a plan.'

'What plan?' I asked.

He told me everything about his plan and I agreed to it. I told Matthew and all my pack warriors except

Lucian and Liza, about the plan using a mind link. Some were confused, but they agreed since it was

an order from the King.

I'm a bit nervous about our plan because all our lives were at stake. But this is a sacrifice we have to

make. I have to be brave for Alex. She's everything that I have and I will do everything to win her again,

even if it takes for the rest of my life. Even if it means chasing her. But I have to survive in this war first.

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